Сборная Намибии по футболу | |
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Храбрые воины | |
КАФ | |
Федерация Футбола Намибии | |
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Стадион Независимости | |
99 ▼ (-1) (22 декабря 2016)[1] | |
NAM | |
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Сборная Намибии по футболу | |
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Храбрые воины | |
КАФ | |
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Стадион Независимости | |
99 ▼ (-1) (22 декабря 2016)[1] | |
NAM | |
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2 (впервые 1998) | |
Групповой этап, 1998, 2008 |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 15 апреля 2016; проверки требуют 9 правок.Сборная Намибии по футболу | |
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Храбрые воины | |
КАФ | |
Федерация Футбола Намибии | |
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Стадион Независимости | |
99 ▼ (-1) (22 декабря 2016)[1] | |
NAM | |
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2 (впервые 1998) | |
Групповой этап, 1998, 2008 |
Сбо́рная Нами́бии по футбо́лу представляет Намибию на международных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах по футболу. Выступает под эгидой ФИФА с 1990 года, с момента образования контролирующей организации сборной — Федерации футбола Намибии. Является середняком КАФ, впервые приняла участие в отборочных играх к Кубку мира в 1990 году, до настоящего момента в финальную стадию турнира не отбиралась. Дважды принимала участие в финальном турнире Кубка Африканских наций (1998 и 2008 годы), оба раза из группы не выходила.
2015 - победитель турнира
В 1997 и 1999 годах доходила до финала.
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Прозвища | Храбрые воины |
Конфедерация | КАФ |
Федерация | Федерация Футбола Намибии |
Гл. тренер | ![]() |
Дом. стадион | Стадион Независимости |
Первая игра![]() ![]() | |
Самая крупная победа![]() ![]() | |
Самое крупное поражение![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Кубок африканских наций | |
Участие | 2 (Впервые 1998) |
Достижения | Групповой этап, 1998, 2008 |
Сбо́рная Нами́бии по футбо́лу — представляет Намибию на международных турнирах и матчах по футболу.
Выступает под эгидой ФИФА с 1990 года, с момента образования контролирующей организации сборной — Федерации футбола Намибии. Является середняком КАФ, впервые приняла участие в отборочных играх к Кубку мира в 1990 году, до настоящего момента в финальную стадию турнира не отбиралась. Дважды принимала участие в финальном турнире Кубка Африканских наций (1998 и 2008 годы), оба раза из группы не выходила.В 1997 и 1999 годах доходила до финала.
Состав сборной на Кубке африканских наций 2008 года.
тренер: Ари Сханс
![]() | 1 Каналело (в) • 2 Харасеб • 3 Ньямбари • 4 Ананиас • 5 Тьихеро • 6 Горасеб • 7 де Гаувея • 8 Ури Кхоб • 9 ван Вейк • 10 Маннетти • 11 Аухумеб • 12 Аусеб • 13 Утони • 14 Гоагосеб • 15 Хиндьяу • 16 Андьямба (в) • 17 Наусеб • 18 Шивуте • 19 Гарисеб • 20 Ангула • 21 Брувер (в) • 22 Йоссоп • тренер: Растон Моган |
![]() | 1 Мбаха (в) • 2 Байсако • 3 Торомба • 4 Нгариземо • 5 Гарисеб • 6 Эйприл • 7 Бенджамин • 8 Риссер (к) • 9 Свартбой • 10 Шатимуэне • 11 Платьис • 12 Катупосе • 13 Пинар • 14 Бренделл • 15 Бестер • 16 Шинингаямве (в) • 17 Джейкобс • 18 Накута • 19 Каимби • 20 Джейкоб • 21 Камбонде • 22 Нгатджизеко • 23 Тджихонге (в) • тренер: Ари Шанс |
В 1997 и 1999 годах доходила до финала.
1 Каналело (в) • 2 Харасеб • 3 Ньямбари • 4 Ананиас • 5 Тьихеро • 6 Горасеб • 7 де Гаувея • 8 Ури Кхоб • 9 ван Вейк • 10 Маннетти • 11 Аухумеб • 12 Аусеб • 13 Утони • 14 Гоагосеб • 15 Хиндьяу • 16 Андьямба (в) • 17 Наусеб • 18 Шивуте • 19 Гарисеб • 20 Ангула • 21 Брувер (в) • 22 Йоссоп • тренер: Растон Моган |
1 Мбаха (в) • 2 Байсако • 3 Торомба • 4 Нгариземо • 5 Гарисеб • 6 Эйприл • 7 Бенджамин • 8 Риссер (к) • 9 Свартбой • 10 Шатимуэне • 11 Платьис • 12 Катупосе • 13 Пинар • 14 Бренделл • 15 Бестер • 16 Шинингаямве (в) • 17 Джейкобс • 18 Накута • 19 Каимби • 20 Джейкоб • 21 Камбонде • 22 Нгатджизеко • 23 Тджихонге (в) • тренер: Ари Сханс |
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Сборная Намибии по футболу | |
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Храбрые воины | |
КАФ | |
Федерация Футбола Намибии | |
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Стадион Независимости | |
99 ▼ (-1) (22 декабря 2016)[1] | |
NAM | |
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2 (впервые 1998) | |
Групповой этап, 1998, 2008 |
1. Африканская конфедерация футбола – The Confederation of African Football is the administrative and controlling body for African association football. CAF represents the football associations of Africa, runs continental, national, and club competitions. CAF is the biggest of six continental confederations of FIFA, CAF has been given 5 slots out of the 32 available since the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France, this increased to 6 in 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, to include the hosts. The number of places returned to 5 for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and its first headquarters was situated in Khartoum, Sudan for some months until a fire outbreak in the offices of the Sudanese Football Association when the organization moved near Cairo. Youssef Mohammad was the first General Secretary and Abdel Aziz Abdallah Salem the president, the administrative center since 2002 is located in 6th of October City, near Cairo. It was initially made up of 4 national associations, currently there are 56 associations,55 full members since the inclusion of Zanzibar in March 2017 and Réunion Island as associate. The current CAF President is Ahmad Ahmad, suketu Patel is the 1st Vice-President, Almamy Kabele Camara is the 2nd Vice-President while Essam El Dine Ahmed is the Acting Secretary General. Hayatou announced that he would seek another term as president for the 16 March 2017 election. On March 16,2017, Ahmad Ahmad from Madagascar was elected president, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total started with the Africa Cup of Nations that was held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. Reunion holds associate membership of CAF, Zanzibar held associate membership from 1980 to 2017 when it became a full member - albeit without voting rights for CAF presidency elections, the main competition for mens national teams is the Africa Cup of Nations, started in 1957. In 2009, CAF will be organising another competition for national teams. CAF also runs national competitions at Under-20 and Under-17 levels, a third competition, the CAF Cup, started in 1992 and was absorbed into the CAF Confederation Cup in 2004. The CAF Super Cup, which pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the CAF Confederation Cup, the Afro-Asian Club Championship was jointly organised with AFC between the winners of the CAF Champions League and the winners of the AFC Champions League. The last Afro-Asian Club Championship took place in 1998, * jointly organised with AFC Legend For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament are shown. Teams are sorted by number of appearances, Legend Legend The following clubs are the top 10 clubs in CAF competitions
2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
3. Сборная Маврикия по футболу – The Mauritius national football team, nicknamed Club M and Les Dodos, is the national team of Mauritius. They are overseen by the Mauritius Football Association and are members of FIFA, the Confederation of African Football, the head coach is Joe Tshupula. Their most significant achievements are qualification for the 1974 African Cup of Nations and they have also been a finalist in this competition in 1990 and 2011. Mauritius played its first competitive game in 1947 against Réunion. For the next 20 years, they would only play Réunion and Madagascar in friendlies and the Indian Ocean Games Triangulaire, Mauritius won the competition 10 times over that time period, were runners-up twice, and came in third once. While they have never qualified for the World Cup finals, they have qualified once for the Africa Cup of Nations, however, they were eliminated in the group stages. Mauritius did manage to win the resurrected Indian Ocean Games in 1985 and this is regarded as the point at which Mauritian football, both on the domestic and international stage, started on a downward slope. Throughout the new millennium, the teams performances progressively declined. From a high of 116 in the FIFA World Rankings in 2000, the best result since the 1974 CAN Championships has been reaching the quarterfinals of the 2004 COSAFA Cup, beating South Africa 2–0 in January 2004. Mauritius eventually lost out 3–1 to the tournaments favourites Zambia, Mauritius has also cycled through many head coaches, especially since the new millennium, but none have had true success. Mauritius did win its second IOG championship in the 2003 edition, held in Mauritius, besides that, Mauritius has lost a majority of its matches. In the past decade, they have suffered a 7–0 defeat, their biggest margin of losing, however, there have been signs of improvement recently. On top of this, players are paid for when they practice and these measures were taken in hopes of Mauritius becoming more competitive in international competitions. In August 2011 Club M competed in the 2011 IOIG football tournament, although they lost out on penalties to hosts Seychelles in the final, this tournament proved to show that Mauritian football is indeed on the rise. Mauritius had relied on local clothing manufacturers to provide their uniforms before switching to Adidas in 2009, for home matches, Mauritius has white uniforms with red trim, while for road matches, the colors are switched. Emblazoned on the front is the MFA badge on the left, on May 30,2011, the official fan club of Club M, Kop Moris, was launched. The objective of this club is to build up excitement for Mauritius games, fill up the stands as much as possible and this fan club is officially sanctioned by the MFA. Mauritius plays the majority of their games at Stade George V. Games at Stade Anjalay are reserved for higher profile matches, win Draw Loss Match Date,24 Mar 2017,28 Mar 2017. Opponent, ComorosCompetition,2019 AFCON qual
4. Виндхук – Windhoek is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia. It is located in central Namibia in the Khomas Highland plateau area, at around 1,700 metres above sea level, the population of Windhoek in 2011 was 325,858, growing continually due to an influx from all over Namibia. The town developed at the site of a permanent spring known to the pastoral communities. It developed rapidly after Jonker Afrikaner, Captain of the Orlam, settled here in 1840, in the decades following, multiple wars and armed hostilities resulted in the neglect and destruction of the new settlement. Windhoek was founded a second time in 1890 by Imperial German Army Major Curt von François, Windhoek is the social, economic, political, and cultural centre of the country. Nearly every Namibian national enterprise, governmental body, educational and cultural institution is headquartered here, the city of Windhoek is traditionally known by two names, ǀAiǁGams, and Otjomuise. Both traditional indigenous names refer to the hot springs near todays city centre, theories vary on how the place got its modern name of Windhoek. Most believe it is derived from the Afrikaans word wind-hoek, another theory suggests that Captain Jonker Afrikaner named Windhoek after the Winterhoek Mountains at Tulbagh in South Africa, where his ancestors had lived. The first known mention of the name Windhoek was in a letter from Jonker Afrikaner to Joseph Tindall, in 1840 Jonker Afrikaner established an Orlam settlement at Windhoek. He and his followers stayed near one of the hot springs. He built a church that held 500 people, it was also used as a school. Two Rhenish missionaries, Carl Hugo Hahn and Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt, two years later they were driven out by two Methodist Wesleyans, Richard Haddy and Joseph Tindall. Gardens were laid out and for a while Windhoek prospered, wars between the Nama and Herero peoples eventually destroyed the settlement. After a long absence, Hahn visited Windhoek again in 1873 and was dismayed to see that nothing remained of the towns former prosperity, in June 1885, a Swiss botanist found only jackals and starving guinea fowl amongst neglected fruit trees. In 1878, Britain annexed Walvis Bay and incorporated it into the Cape of Good Hope colony in 1884, a request by merchants from Lüderitzbucht resulted in the declaration of a German protectorate over what was called German South West Africa in 1884. The borders of the German colony were determined in 1890 and Germany sent a protective corps, von François stationed his garrison at Windhoek, which was strategically situated as a buffer between the Nama and Herero peoples. The twelve strong springs provided water for the cultivation of produce, colonial Windhoek was founded on 18 October 1890, when von François fixed the foundation stone of the fort, which is now known as the Alte Feste. After 1907, development accelerated as indigenous people migrated from the countryside to the town to seek work
5. Намибия – Namibia, officially the Republic of Namibia, is a country in southern Africa whose western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It shares land borders with Zambia and Angola to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south, although it does not border Zimbabwe, a part of less than 200 metres of the Zambezi River separates the two countries. Namibia gained independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990, following the Namibian War of Independence. Its capital and largest city is Windhoek, and it is a state of the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community, the African Union. The dry lands of Namibia were inhabited since early times by the San, Damara, since about the 14th century, immigrating Bantu peoples arrived as part of the Bantu expansion. Since then the Bantu groups in total, known as the Ovambo people, have dominated the population of the country, in the late 19th century during European colonization, the German Empire established rule over most of the territory as a protectorate in 1884. It began to develop infrastructure and farming, and maintained this German colony until 1915, after the end of World War I, in 1920 the League of Nations mandated the country to the United Kingdom, under administration by South Africa. It imposed its laws, including racial classifications and rules, from 1948, with the National Party elected to power, South Africa applied apartheid also to what was known as South West Africa. In 1878 the Cape of Good Hope had annexed the port of Walvis Bay and the offshore Penguin Islands, following continued guerrilla warfare, South Africa installed an interim administration in Namibia in 1985. Namibia obtained full independence from South Africa in 1990, but Walvis Bay and the Penguin Islands remained under South African control until 1994. Namibia has a population of 2.1 million people and a stable multi-party parliamentary democracy, Agriculture, herding, tourism and the mining industry – including mining for gem diamonds, uranium, gold, silver, and base metals – form the basis of its economy. The large, arid Namib Desert has resulted in Namibia being overall one of the least densely populated countries in the world, Namibia enjoys high political, economic and social stability. The name of the country is derived from the Namib Desert, before its independence in 1990, the area was known first as German South-West Africa, then as South-West Africa, reflecting the colonial occupation by the Germans and the South Africans. The dry lands of Namibia were inhabited since early times by San, Damara, from about the 14th century, immigrating Bantu peoples arrived during the Bantu expansion from central Africa. From the late 18th century onwards, Oorlam people from Cape Colony crossed the Orange River and their encounters with the nomadic Nama tribes were largely peaceful. The missionaries accompanying the Oorlam were well received by them, the right to use waterholes, on their way further northwards, however, the Oorlam encountered clans of the Herero at Windhoek, Gobabis, and Okahandja, who resisted their encroachment. The Nama-Herero War broke out in 1880, with hostilities ebbing only after the German Empire deployed troops to the places and cemented the status quo among the Nama, Oorlam. The first Europeans to disembark and explore the region were the Portuguese navigators Diogo Cão in 1485 and Bartolomeu Dias in 1486, like most of interior Sub-Saharan Africa, Namibia was not extensively explored by Europeans until the 19th century
6. Сборная Бенина по футболу – The Benin national football team, nicknamed Les Écureuils, is the national football team of Benin and is controlled by the Fédération Béninoise de Football. They were known as the Dahomey national football team until 1975 and they have never qualified for the World Cup, but have reached three recent African Nations Cups –2004,2008, and 2010. On May 9,2016, Benin was suspended from FIFA, the following players have been called up for Benin squad within the past 12 months. Notes DEC Player declined the call-up to the squadINJ Player withdrew from the due to an injury
7. Сборная Египта по футболу – The team plays its home games at Borg El Arab Stadium in Alexandria, and their current head coach is Héctor Cúper. Egypt has also been as high as ninth in the FIFA World Rankings, despite their continental record, Egypt has so far made only two appearances in the World Cup, failing to win a game on both occasions. The Egypt national team was the first African and Middle Eastern team to qualify for the World Cup, the first Egyptian national football team was constituted in 1920 to compete in the Summer Olympics in Belgium. The opening match of their campaign was a loss against the Italians, Egypt qualified to the FIFA world cup twice in 1934 and 1990. Egypt was the first African country to qualify to the World Cup and lost to the Hungary 4–2 in their first and they only scored one goal in the 1990 World Cup scored by Magdy AbdelGhany to give the Egyptians their first point of the tournament. Egypt first participated in the first Africa Cup of Nations tournament in 1957, in their first game, which was a semi-final, they faced Sudan, winning 2–1 with goals from Raafat Attia and Ad-Diba, enabling Egypt to play in their first final. In the final, they faced Ethiopia, in which Egypt won 4–0, with goals being scored by Ad-Diba. The top scorer of tournament was Ad-Diba from Egypt with five goals. In their second participation in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1959, there were only three teams in that tournament, being Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt itself. Egypt again was undefeated in tournament, like in the previous tournament in 1957. Their fourth appearance came in 1963 in Ghana, Egypt was placed in Group B with Sudan and Nigeria, winning Nigeria with a score of 6–3, but drawing 2–2 against Sudan. Despite being undefeated in the stage, they were ranked second, behind Sudan by goal difference. Egypt, as runners-up in Group B, participated in the 3rd place match, playing against Ethiopia, for the 1965 Africa Cup of Nations, Egypt did qualify for the tournament, but they withdrew because of their diplomatic relationship with Tunisia, who were hosts of the tournament. Again, Egypt withdrew from the 1968 Africa Cup of Nations, in the 1970 Africa Cup of Nations, hosted again in Sudan, Egypt were in Group B along with Ghana, Guinea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, known as Congo-Kinshasa back then. In their opening match, Egypt defeated Guinea by a score of 4–1, in which Ali Abo Greisha scored twice, Hassan El-Shazly scored once, and Taha Basry also scored once during that game. Egypts next game was against Ghana, which ended as a 1–1 draw, with Ibrahim Sunday scoring for Ghana, in their third game in this tournament, they faced Congo-Kinshasa, in which Egypt won 1–0 by a goal from Abo Greisha. Egypt ended being in first place, thus advancing to the next round, however, in the third place match, they won Ivory Coast by a score of 3–1, making Egypt become third place again in this tournament. For the 1972 Africa Cup of Nations, Egypt failed to qualify for the first time in this tournament after being eliminated by Morocco by a score of 5–3
8. Каир – Cairo is the capital and largest city of Egypt. Cairo has long been a center of the political and cultural life. Cairo has the oldest and largest film and music industries in the Arab world, as well as the worlds second-oldest institution of higher learning, Al-Azhar University. Many international media, businesses, and organizations have regional headquarters in the city, with a population of 6.76 million spread over 453 square kilometers, Cairo is by far the largest city in Egypt. An additional 9.5 million inhabitants live in proximity to the city. Cairo, like many other mega-cities, suffers from high levels of pollution, Cairos metro, one of only two in Africa, ranks among the fifteen busiest in the world, with over 1 billion annual passenger rides. The economy of Cairo was ranked first in the Middle East in 2005, Egyptians often refer to Cairo as Maṣr, the Egyptian Arabic name for Egypt itself, emphasizing the citys importance for the country. In Coptic the city is known as Kahire, meaning Place of the Sun, possibly referring to the ancient city of Heliopolis, the location of the ancient city is the suburb of Ain Shams. The ancient Egyptian name for the area is thought to be Khere-Ohe, The Place of Combat, sometimes the city is informally referred to as Kayro. The area around present-day Cairo, especially Memphis, had long been a point of Ancient Egypt due to its strategic location just upstream from the Nile Delta. However, the origins of the city are generally traced back to a series of settlements in the first millennium. Around the turn of the 4th century, as Memphis was continuing to decline in importance and this fortress, known as Babylon, remained the nucleus of the Roman, and, later, the Byzantine, city and is the oldest structure in the city today. It is also situated at the nucleus of the Coptic Orthodox community, many of Cairos oldest Coptic churches, including the Hanging Church, are located along the fortress walls in a section of the city known as Coptic Cairo. Following the Muslim conquest in 640 AD the conqueror Amr ibn As settled to the north of the Babylon in an area became known as al-Fustat. Originally a tented camp Fustat became a permanent settlement and the first capital of Islamic Egypt, in 750, following the overthrow of the Ummayad caliphate by the Abbasids, the new rulers created their own settlement to the northeast of Fustat which became their capital. This was known as al-Askar as it was laid out like a military camp, a rebellion in 869 by Ahmad ibn Tulun led to the abandonment of Al Askar and the building of another settlement, which became the seat of government. This was al-Qattai, to the north of Fustat and closer to the river, Al Qattai was centred around a palace and ceremonial mosque, now known as the Mosque of ibn Tulun. In 905 the Abbasids re-asserted control of the country and their returned to Fustat
9. Египет – Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia by a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt is a Mediterranean country bordered by the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Gulf of Aqaba to the east, the Red Sea to the east and south, Sudan to the south, and Libya to the west. Across the Gulf of Aqaba lies Jordan, and across from the Sinai Peninsula lies Saudi Arabia, although Jordan and it is the worlds only contiguous Afrasian nation. Egypt has among the longest histories of any country, emerging as one of the worlds first nation states in the tenth millennium BC. Considered a cradle of civilisation, Ancient Egypt experienced some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanisation, organised religion and central government. One of the earliest centres of Christianity, Egypt was Islamised in the century and remains a predominantly Muslim country. With over 92 million inhabitants, Egypt is the most populous country in North Africa and the Arab world, the third-most populous in Africa, and the fifteenth-most populous in the world. The great majority of its people live near the banks of the Nile River, an area of about 40,000 square kilometres, the large regions of the Sahara desert, which constitute most of Egypts territory, are sparsely inhabited. About half of Egypts residents live in areas, with most spread across the densely populated centres of greater Cairo, Alexandria. Modern Egypt is considered to be a regional and middle power, with significant cultural, political, and military influence in North Africa, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Egypts economy is one of the largest and most diversified in the Middle East, Egypt is a member of the United Nations, Non-Aligned Movement, Arab League, African Union, and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Miṣr is the Classical Quranic Arabic and modern name of Egypt. The name is of Semitic origin, directly cognate with other Semitic words for Egypt such as the Hebrew מִצְרַיִם, the oldest attestation of this name for Egypt is the Akkadian
10. Кубок африканских наций – The Africa Cup of Nations, officially CAN, also referred to as African Cup of Nations, or AFCON, is the main international association football competition in Africa. It is sanctioned by the Confederation of African Football, and was first held in 1957, since 1968, it has been held every two years. The title holders at the time of a FIFA Confederations Cup qualify for that competition, in 1957 there were only three participating nations, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. South Africa was originally scheduled to compete, but were disqualified due to the policies of the government then in power. Since then, the tournament has grown greatly, making it necessary to hold a qualifying tournament, the current trophy was first awarded in 2002 and with Egypt winning it indefinitely after winning their unprecedented third consecutive title in 2010. As of 2013, the tournament was switched to being held in odd-numbered years so as not to clash with the FIFA World Cup, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total will start with the Africa Cup of Nations to be held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. The origin of the African Nations Cup dates from June 1956, There were immediate plans for a continental tournament to be held and, in February 1957, the first African Cup of Nations was held in Khartoum, Sudan. There was no qualification for this tournament, the field being made up of the four founding nations of CAF, hence, only two matches were played, with Egypt being crowned as the first continental champion after defeating hosts Sudan in the semi-final and Ethiopia in the final. Two years later Egypt hosted the second ANC in Cairo with the participation of the three teams. Host and defending champions Egypt again won, after defeating Sudan, the field grew to include nine teams for the third ANC in 1962 in Addis Ababa, and for the first time there was a qualification round to determine which four teams would play for the title. Host Ethiopia and reigning champion Egypt received automatic berths, and were joined in the four by Nigeria and Tunisia. Egypt made its third final appearance, but it was Ethiopia that emerged as victors, after first beating Tunisia. In 1963, Ghana made its first appearance as it hosted the event and they repeated that as they became champions two years later in Tunisia—equalling Egypt as two-time winners—with a squad that included only two returning members from the 1963 team. In 1965, the CAF introduced a rule that limit the number of players in each team to two. The 1968 competitions final tournament format expanded to eight of the 22 teams entered in the preliminary rounds. The Democratic Republic of Congo won its first title, beating Ghana in the final, starting with the 1968 tournament, the competition has been regularly held every two years in even numbered years. Côte dIvoire forward Laurent Pokou led the 1968 and 1970 tournaments in scoring, with six and eight goals respectively, and his total of 14 goals remained the all-time record until 2008