Сборная Мозамбика по футболу представляет Мозамбик в международных турнирах по футболу и контролируется Мозамбикской федерацией футбола.
Сборная страны однажды смогла пробиться в финальную часть чемпионата мира по футболу 1966 года. В 1986, 1996, 1998 и 2010 годах сборная Мозамбика смогла пробиться в финальный турнир Кубка африканских наций, где не проходила дальше группового турнира.История Мозамбика тесно связана с бывшей метрополией — Португалией. Один из величайших португальских футболистов Эйсебио является уроженцем Мозамбика. Также в Мозамбике родились известный тренер Карлуш Кейруш и футболист сборной Португалии Абел Шавьер. По состоянию на 11 апреля 2012 года, команда занимает 116 место в рейтинге ФИФА.
![]() | 1 Коса (в) • 2 Файфи • 3 Зе Аугушту • 4 Адину • 5 Ингуана • 6 Тригу • 7 Жожо • 8 Туалибудани • 9 Нана • 10 Конди • 11 Малуана • 12 Руй Эвора (в) • 13 Маво • 14 Барруш • 15 Мариу Артур • 16 С. Макаму • 17 Ж. Макаму • 18 Тику-Тику • 19 Дариу • 20 Вину • 21 Шисану • 22 Диаш (в) • тренер: Арналду Салваду |
![]() | 1 Бину (в) • 2 Ажи • 3 Жениту • 4 Симан Жуниор • 5 Паиту • 6 Ману • 7 Домингиш • 8 Фуму • 9 Тику-Тику • 10 Дариу • 11 Элдир • 12 Капангу (в) • 13 Фануэл • 14 Даниту • 15 Виски • 16 Миру • 17 Зе Луиш • 18 Хан • 19 Зайнадини Жуниур • 20 Жозимар • 21 Кампира • 22 Лама (в) • 23 Мешер • тренер: Март Ной |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 15 апреля 2016; проверки требуют 8 правок.Сборная Мозамбика по футболу представляет Мозамбик на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Управляющая организация — Мозамбикская федерация футбола. В 1986, 1996, 1998 и 2010 годах сборная Мозамбика смогла пробиться в финальный турнир Кубка африканских наций, где не проходила дальше группового турнира.
История Мозамбика тесно связана с бывшей метрополией — Португалией. Один из величайших португальских футболистов Эйсебио является уроженцем Мозамбика. Также в Мозамбике родились известный тренер Карлуш Кейруш и футболист сборной Португалии Абел Шавьер.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Мозамбика по футболу представляет Мозамбик в международных турнирах по футболу и контролируется Мозамбикской федерацией футбола. В 1986, 1996, 1998 и 2010 годах сборная Мозамбика смогла пробиться в финальный турнир Кубка африканских наций, где не проходила дальше группового турнира.
История Мозамбика тесно связана с бывшей метрополией — Португалией. Один из величайших португальских футболистов Эйсебио является уроженцем Мозамбика. Также в Мозамбике родились известный тренер Карлуш Кейруш и футболист сборной Португалии Абел Шавьер. По состоянию на 11 апреля 2012 года, команда занимает 116 место в рейтинге ФИФА.
История Мозамбика тесно связана с бывшей метрополией — Португалией. Один из величайших португальских футболистов Эйсебио является уроженцем Мозамбика. Также в Мозамбике родились известный тренер Карлуш Кейруш и футболист сборной Португалии Абел Шавьер. По состоянию на 11 апреля 2012 года, команда занимает 116 место в рейтинге ФИФА.
1 Коса (в) • 2 Файфи • 3 Зе Аугушту • 4 Адину • 5 Ингуана • 6 Тригу • 7 Жожо • 8 Туалибудани • 9 Нана • 10 Конди • 11 Малуана • 12 Руй Эвора (в) • 13 Маво • 14 Барруш • 15 Мариу Артур • 16 С. Макаму • 17 Ж. Макаму • 18 Тику-Тику • 19 Дариу • 20 Вину • 21 Шисану • 22 Диаш (в) • тренер: Арналду Салваду |
1 Бину (в) • 2 Ажи • 3 Жениту • 4 Симау • 5 Паиту • 6 Ману • 7 Домингиш • 8 Фуму • 9 Тику-Тику • 10 Дариу • 11 Элдир • 12 Капангу (в) • 13 Фануэл • 14 Даниту • 15 Виски • 16 Миру • 17 Зе Луиш • 18 Хан • 19 Зайнадини Жуниур • 20 Жозимар • 21 Кампира • 22 Лама (в) • 23 Мешер • тренер: Март Ной |
Бондаренко (1993—1995) • Касадор (1996) • Салвадо (1996—1998) • Эурофлим да Граса (1999) • Салвадо (1999—2000) • Матине (2000—2002) • Семеду (2003—2006) • Ной (2007—2011) • Энгелс (2011—2013) • Шиссану (2013—н.в.) |
Алжир · Ангола · Бенин · Ботсвана · Буркина-Фасо · Бурунди · Габон · Гамбия · Гана · Гвинея · Гвинея-Бисау · Джибути · ДР Конго · Египет · Замбия · Занзибар* · Зимбабве · Кабо-Верде · Камерун · Кения · Коморы · Конго · Кот-д’Ивуар · Лесото · Либерия · Ливия · Маврикий · Мавритания · Мадагаскар · Малави · Мали · Марокко · Мозамбик · Намибия · Нигер · Нигерия · Реюньон* · Руанда · Сан-Томе и Принсипи · Свазиленд · Сейшельские Острова · Сенегал · Сомали · Судан · Сьерра-Леоне · Танзания · Того · Тунис · Уганда · ЦАР · Чад · Экваториальная Гвинея · Эритрея · Эфиопия · ЮАР · Южный Судан |
Сборная Мозамбика по футболу Информация Видео
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1. Африканская конфедерация футбола – The Confederation of African Football is the administrative and controlling body for African association football. CAF represents the football associations of Africa, runs continental, national, and club competitions. CAF is the biggest of six continental confederations of FIFA, CAF has been given 5 slots out of the 32 available since the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France, this increased to 6 in 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, to include the hosts. The number of places returned to 5 for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and its first headquarters was situated in Khartoum, Sudan for some months until a fire outbreak in the offices of the Sudanese Football Association when the organization moved near Cairo. Youssef Mohammad was the first General Secretary and Abdel Aziz Abdallah Salem the president, the administrative center since 2002 is located in 6th of October City, near Cairo. It was initially made up of 4 national associations, currently there are 56 associations,55 full members since the inclusion of Zanzibar in March 2017 and Réunion Island as associate. The current CAF President is Ahmad Ahmad, suketu Patel is the 1st Vice-President, Almamy Kabele Camara is the 2nd Vice-President while Essam El Dine Ahmed is the Acting Secretary General. Hayatou announced that he would seek another term as president for the 16 March 2017 election. On March 16,2017, Ahmad Ahmad from Madagascar was elected president, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total started with the Africa Cup of Nations that was held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. Reunion holds associate membership of CAF, Zanzibar held associate membership from 1980 to 2017 when it became a full member - albeit without voting rights for CAF presidency elections, the main competition for mens national teams is the Africa Cup of Nations, started in 1957. In 2009, CAF will be organising another competition for national teams. CAF also runs national competitions at Under-20 and Under-17 levels, a third competition, the CAF Cup, started in 1992 and was absorbed into the CAF Confederation Cup in 2004. The CAF Super Cup, which pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the CAF Confederation Cup, the Afro-Asian Club Championship was jointly organised with AFC between the winners of the CAF Champions League and the winners of the AFC Champions League. The last Afro-Asian Club Championship took place in 1998, * jointly organised with AFC Legend For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament are shown. Teams are sorted by number of appearances, Legend Legend The following clubs are the top 10 clubs in CAF competitions
2. Мозамбикская федерация футбола – The Mozambican Football Federation is the governing body of football in Mozambique. It was founded in 1976, affiliated to FIFA in 1980 and it organizes the national football league Moçambola and the national team. Federação Moçambicana de Futebol official site
3. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
4. Сборная Танзании по футболу – The Tanzania national football team represents Tanzania in association football and is controlled by the Tanzania Football Federation, the governing body for football in Tanzania. Tanzanias home ground is Benjamin Mkapa National Stadium in Dar-es-Salaam and their coach is Mart Nooij from the Netherlands. Tanzania has never qualified for the World Cup finals, before uniting with Zanzibar, the team played as the Tanganyika national football team. The island of Zanzibar, part of Tanzania, is also a member of CAF and has played matches with other nations. Recently Tanzania has invested money in the team in hope of improvement. Tanzania has beaten Burkina Faso twice in the African Nations cup qualifiers, the most recent result was a 3–1 win against Morocco in World Cup Qualifying in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzania was defeated by Algeria 7–0 in the 2018 world cup qualifiers, cap and goals updated as 1 June 2014
5. Мозамбик – It is separated from Madagascar by the Mozambique Channel to the east. The capital and largest city is Maputo, between the 1st and 5th centuries AD, Bantu-speaking peoples migrated from farther north and west. Swahili commercial ports existed along the coasts until the arrival of Europeans, the area was explored by Vasco da Gama in 1498 and colonised by Portugal from 1505. The country was an important place where Somali merchants enslaved the local population, after over four centuries of Portuguese rule, Mozambique gained independence in 1975, becoming the Peoples Republic of Mozambique shortly thereafter. After only two years of independence, the country descended into an intense and protracted civil war lasting from 1977 to 1992, in 1994, Mozambique held its first multiparty elections and has remained a relatively stable presidential republic. However, since 2013, following more than 20 years of peace, Mozambique is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped countries in the world. Mozambique is endowed with rich and extensive natural resources, the countrys economy is based largely on agriculture, but industry is growing, mainly food and beverages, chemical manufacturing, and aluminium and petroleum production. The countrys tourism sector is also growing, South Africa is Mozambiques main trading partner and source of foreign direct investment. Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, and Spain are also among the countrys most important economic partners, since 2001, Mozambiques annual average GDP growth has been among the worlds highest. However, the ranks among the lowest in GDP per capita, human development, measures of inequality. The only official language of Mozambique is Portuguese, which is mostly as a second language by about half of the population. Common native languages include Makhuwa, Sena, and Swahili, the countrys population of around 24 million is composed overwhelmingly of Bantu people. The largest religion in Mozambique is Christianity, with significant minorities following Islam, the island-town was the capital of the Portuguese colony until 1898, when it was moved south to Lourenço Marques. Between the 1st and 5th centuries AD, waves of Bantu-speaking people migrated from the west and north through the Zambezi River valley and then gradually into the plateau and they established agricultural communities or societies based on herding cattle. They brought with them the technology for smelting and smithing iron, from the late first millennium AD, vast Indian Ocean trade networks extended as far south into Mozambique as the ancient port town of Chibuene. Connections are evident at sites including Manyikeni for 11–14th century ties with the inland Great Zimbabwe kingdoms, from about 1500, Portuguese trading posts and forts displaced the Arabic commercial and military hegemony, becoming regular ports of call on the new European sea route to the east. The voyage of Vasco da Gama around the Cape of Good Hope in 1498 marked the Portuguese entry into trade, politics, the Portuguese attempted to legitimise and consolidate their trade and settlement positions through the creation of prazos tied to Portuguese settlement and administration. Historically within Mozambique there was slavery, Human beings were bought and sold by African tribal chiefs, Arab Muslim traders and Portuguese and other European traders as well
6. Сборная Зимбабве по футболу – The Zimbabwe national football team is the national team of Zimbabwe and is controlled by the Zimbabwe Football Association, formally known as the Football Association of Rhodesia. The team were known as the Southern Rhodesia national football team from 1939–1964 when they represented Southern Rhodesia and they became Zimbabwe in 1980 following the change in the countrys status from Zimbabwe Rhodesia. They have never qualified for the World Cup finals, and did not qualify for their first Africa Cup of Nations until 2004, Southern Rhodesia played their first official match against the England Amateur national football team as part of their tour of South Africa and Rhodesia. Southern Rhodesia lost their first two matches against England 4–0 and 6–1 respectively, in 1965, following Southern Rhodesias Unilateral Declaration of Independence as Rhodesia, FIFA requested that the Football Association of Rhodesia reform to be a multi-racial organisation. Prior to this only white Rhodesians were selected for the football team. In 1969, Rhodesia took part in the Confederation of African Football 1970 FIFA World Cup qualification tournament and this was their first attempt to qualify for the FIFA World Cup. Contrary to the team being viewed as the team of white Rhodesians. They were drawn against the Australia national football team, both legs were held in Lourenco Marques, Portuguese Mozambique as the Rhodesian team were unable to get Australian visas. Rhodesia drew the first leg 1–1 but lost the second leg 3–1 thus eliminating Rhodesia from qualification, in 1980, following the countrys reconstitution as Zimbabwe, they played their first FIFA World Cup qualifying match for 11 years against the Cameroon national football team. However they lost 2–1 on aggregate after a 1–0 win in the first leg in Salisbury, however, they lost their final qualifying match to Cameroon. In 2004, Zimbabwe qualified for their first Africa Cup of Nations, in 2015, the Zimbabwe national football team were banned from participating in 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying due to an unpaid debt to former coach, José Claudinei. Caps and goals updated as of 23 January 2017 after match against Tunisia, the following players have been called up for Zimbabwe in the last 12 months. Notes INJ Player withdrew from the due to an injury. RET Player has retired from international football, DEC Player has refused to join the team after the call-up. SUS Suspended from the national team, Zimbabwe Football Association official website Zimbabwe Football
7. Хараре – Harare is the capital and most populous city of Zimbabwe. Situated in the north-east of the country in the heart of historic Mashonaland, administratively, Harare is a metropolitan province, which also incorporates Chitungwiza town and Epworth. It is situated at an elevation of 1,483 metres above sea level, company administrators demarcated the city and ran it until Southern Rhodesia achieved responsible government in 1923. Salisbury was thereafter the seat of the Southern Rhodesian government and and it retained the name Salisbury until 1982, when it was renamed Harare on the second anniversary of Zimbabwean independence. Harare is Zimbabwes leading financial, commercial, and communications centre, and a centre for tobacco, maize, cotton. Manufactured goods include textiles, steel and chemicals, and gold is mined in the area, the University of Zimbabwe, the countrys oldest university, is situated in Mount Pleasant, about 6 km north of the city centre. Harare is home to the countrys main Test cricket ground, Harare Sports Club, the Pioneer Column, a military volunteer force of settlers organised by Cecil Rhodes, founded the city on 12 September 1890 as a fort. They originally named the city Fort Salisbury after The 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, then British Prime Minister, the Salisbury Polo Club was formed in 1896. It was declared to be a municipality in 1897 and it became a city in 1935. The area at the time of founding of the city was poorly drained, the first area to be fully drained was near the head of the stream and was named Causeway as a result. Salisbury was the capital of the self-governing British colony of Southern Rhodesia from 1923, ian Smiths Rhodesian Front government declared Rhodesia independent from the United Kingdom on 11 November 1965, and proclaimed the Republic of Rhodesia in 1970. Subsequently, the became the short-lived state of Zimbabwe Rhodesia. The capital city retained the name Salisbury until 1982, prior to independence, Harare was the name of the black residential area now known as Mbare. In May 2006 the Zimbabwean newspaper the Financial Gazette, described the city in an editorial as a sunshine city-turned-sewage farm, in 2009, Harare was voted to be the toughest city to live in according to the Economist Intelligence Units livability poll. The situation was unchanged in 2011, according to the poll, which is based on stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education. In May 2005 the Zimbabwean government demolished shanties and backyard cottages in Harare, the government claimed it was necessitated by a rise of criminality and disease. This was followed by Operation Garikayi/Hlalani Kuhle a year later which consisted of building housing of poor quality. In late March 2010, Harares Joina City Tower was finally opened after 14 years of on-off construction, initially, uptake of space in the tower was low, with office occupancy at only 3% in October 2011
8. Зимбабве – Zimbabwe, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked country located in southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west and southwest, Zambia to the northwest, although it does not border Namibia, less than 200 metres of the Zambezi River separates it from that country. The capital and largest city is Harare, a country of roughly 13 million people, Zimbabwe has 16 official languages, with English, Shona, and Ndebele the most commonly used. Since the 11th century, present-day Zimbabwe has been the site of several organised states and kingdoms as well as a route for migration. The British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes first demarcated the present territory during the 1890s, in 1965, the conservative white minority government unilaterally declared independence as Rhodesia. Zimbabwe then rejoined the Commonwealth of Nations—which it withdrew from in 2003 and it is a member of the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community, the African Union, and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. Robert Mugabe became Prime Minister of Zimbabwe in 1980, when his ZANU-PF party won the following the end of white minority rule. Under Mugabes authoritarian regime, the security apparatus has dominated the country. Mugabe has maintained the revolutionary socialist rhetoric from the Cold War era, the name Zimbabwe stems from a Shona term for Great Zimbabwe, an ancient ruined city in the countrys south-east whose remains are now a protected site. Two different theories address the origin of the word, many sources hold that Zimbabwe derives from dzimba-dza-mabwe, translated from the Karanga dialect of Shona as large houses of stone. The Karanga-speaking Shona people live around Great Zimbabwe in the province of Masvingo. Zimbabwe was formerly known as Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, and Zimbabwe Rhodesia, a further alternative, put forward by nationalists in Matabeleland, had been Matopos, referring to the Matopos Hills to the south of Bulawayo. In a 2001 interview, black nationalist Edson Zvobgo recalled that Mawema mentioned the name during a rally, and it caught hold. The black nationalist factions subsequently used the name the during the Second Chimurenga campaigns against the Rhodesian government during the Rhodesian Bush War of 1964-1979, major factions in this camp included the Zimbabwe African National Union, and the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union. Proto-Shona-speaking societies first emerged in the middle Limpopo valley in the 9th century before moving on to the Zimbabwean highlands, the Zimbabwean plateau eventually became the centre of subsequent Shona states, beginning around the 10th century. Around the early 10th century, trade developed with Arab merchants on the Indian Ocean coast, the main archaeological site uses a unique dry stone architecture. The Kingdom of Mapungubwe was the first in a series of sophisticated trade states developed in Zimbabwe by the time of the first European explorers from Portugal and they traded in gold, ivory, and copper for cloth and glass. From about 1300 until 1600, Mapungubwe was eclipsed by the Kingdom of Zimbabwe and this Shona state further refined and expanded upon Mapungubwes stone architecture, which survives to this day at the ruins of the kingdoms capital of Great Zimbabwe
9. Кубок африканских наций – The Africa Cup of Nations, officially CAN, also referred to as African Cup of Nations, or AFCON, is the main international association football competition in Africa. It is sanctioned by the Confederation of African Football, and was first held in 1957, since 1968, it has been held every two years. The title holders at the time of a FIFA Confederations Cup qualify for that competition, in 1957 there were only three participating nations, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. South Africa was originally scheduled to compete, but were disqualified due to the policies of the government then in power. Since then, the tournament has grown greatly, making it necessary to hold a qualifying tournament, the current trophy was first awarded in 2002 and with Egypt winning it indefinitely after winning their unprecedented third consecutive title in 2010. As of 2013, the tournament was switched to being held in odd-numbered years so as not to clash with the FIFA World Cup, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total will start with the Africa Cup of Nations to be held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. The origin of the African Nations Cup dates from June 1956, There were immediate plans for a continental tournament to be held and, in February 1957, the first African Cup of Nations was held in Khartoum, Sudan. There was no qualification for this tournament, the field being made up of the four founding nations of CAF, hence, only two matches were played, with Egypt being crowned as the first continental champion after defeating hosts Sudan in the semi-final and Ethiopia in the final. Two years later Egypt hosted the second ANC in Cairo with the participation of the three teams. Host and defending champions Egypt again won, after defeating Sudan, the field grew to include nine teams for the third ANC in 1962 in Addis Ababa, and for the first time there was a qualification round to determine which four teams would play for the title. Host Ethiopia and reigning champion Egypt received automatic berths, and were joined in the four by Nigeria and Tunisia. Egypt made its third final appearance, but it was Ethiopia that emerged as victors, after first beating Tunisia. In 1963, Ghana made its first appearance as it hosted the event and they repeated that as they became champions two years later in Tunisia—equalling Egypt as two-time winners—with a squad that included only two returning members from the 1963 team. In 1965, the CAF introduced a rule that limit the number of players in each team to two. The 1968 competitions final tournament format expanded to eight of the 22 teams entered in the preliminary rounds. The Democratic Republic of Congo won its first title, beating Ghana in the final, starting with the 1968 tournament, the competition has been regularly held every two years in even numbered years. Côte dIvoire forward Laurent Pokou led the 1968 and 1970 tournaments in scoring, with six and eight goals respectively, and his total of 14 goals remained the all-time record until 2008
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 15 апреля 2016; проверки требуют 5 правок.Сборная Мозамбика по футболу представляет Мозамбик на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Управляющая организация — Мозамбикская федерация футбола. В 1986, 1996, 1998 и 2010 годах сборная Мозамбика смогла пробиться в финальный турнир Кубка африканских наций, где не проходила дальше группового турнира.
История Мозамбика тесно связана с бывшей метрополией — Португалией. Один из величайших португальских футболистов Эйсебио является уроженцем Мозамбика. Также в Мозамбике родились известный тренер Карлуш Кейруш и футболист сборной Португалии Абел Шавьер.
Сборная Мозамбика по футболу представляет Мозамбик на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Управляющая организация — Мозамбикская федерация футбола. В 1986, 1996, 1998 и 2010 годах сборная Мозамбика смогла пробиться в финальный турнир Кубка африканских наций, где не проходила дальше группового турнира.
История Мозамбика тесно связана с бывшей метрополией — Португалией. Один из величайших португальских футболистов Эйсебио является уроженцем Мозамбика. Также в Мозамбике родились известный тренер Карлуш Кейруш и футболист сборной Португалии Абел Шавьер.