Сборная Кувейта только в 1982 году смогла пробиться в финальную стадию ЧМ 1982, где сыграла в ничью со сборной Чехословакии, но проиграла сборным Англии и Франции.
Команда запомнилась больше не игрой, а скандалом во время матча с Францией. При счете 1:3 французы забили очередной гол. Футболисты сборной Кувейта при этом остановились, поскольку посчитали, что услышали свисток арбитра. Первоначально рефери засчитал гол, потому что он и не думал останавливать игру. Однако кувейтцы в знак протеста против этого решения отказались продолжить матч вообще. Игра была возобновлена только после вмешательства шейха Фахада Аль Ахмеда и после того, как судья отменил забитый гол.
На Кубке Азии по футболу сборная добилась больших успехов, в 1976 году Кувейт смог дойти до финала, а в 1980 году команде удалось выиграть турнир.
Самую крупную победу сборная Кувейта одержала над сборной Бутана в 2000 году, матч закончился со счетом 20:0. На тот момент это была самая крупная победа в международном матче. В этом же году сборная Кувейта приняла участие в Сиднейской Олимпиаде.
Наиболее крупным успехом на Олимпийских играх остается выход в 1/4 финала на Московской Олимпиаде.
В отборочном турнире к чемпионату мира 2010 года кувейтцы играли в одной группе со сборными Ирана, Сирии и ОАЭ.
В 2010 году сборная выиграла Чемпионат западной Азии по футболу, обыграв в финале сборную Ирана со счетом 2:1. Это первое подобное достижение сборной Кувейта.
В том же году сборная Кувейта выиграла свой 10-й Кубок наций Персидского залива, победив в дополнительное время сборную Саудовской Аравии со счетом 1:0.
2010 | Первое место | 5 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 5 |
Всего | 1 Титул | 5 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 5 |
Обладатель Кубка Азии: (1)
Финалист Кубка Азии: (1)
Обладатель Кубка наций Персидского залива: (10)
Финалист Кубка наций Персидского залива: (1)
Победитель Игр Западной Азии: (1)
1 аль-Тарабильси (в) • 2 Н. Мубарак • 3 М. Мубарак • 4 аль-Кабенди • 5 В. Мубарак • 6 аль-Хути • 7 Марзук • 8 Абдулла аль-Булуши • 9 Султан • 10 аль-Хаддад • 11 Хамад • 12 ас-Сувайид • 13 Хассан • 14 аш-Шеммари • 15 аш-Хашаш • 16 Ад-Дахиль • 20 аль-Хальди (в) • тренер: Карлос Алберто Паррейра |
1 аль-Тарабильси (в) • 2 Н. Мубарак • 3 М. Мубарак • 4 аль-Кабенди • 5 В. Мубарак • 6 аль-Хути • 7 Камель • 8 Абдулла аль-Булуши • 9 Султан • 10 аль-Анбери • 11 аль-Ганим • 12 ас-Сувайид • 13 Марзук • 14 Маюф • 15 аш-Хашаш • 16 Ад-Дахиль • 17 аш-Шеммари • 18 Карам • 19 Алиян • 20 Абдулазиз аль-Булуши • 21 Марджам (в) • 22 Бахман (в) • тренер: Карлос Алберто Паррейра |
1 аль-Маджиди (в) • 2 Абдулла • 3 Хаджи • 4 аль-Анзи • 5 аль-Каледи • 6 аль-Дафари • 7 Марзук • 8 аль-Ходари • 9 аль-Хадия • 10 Мохамед • 11 Вабран • 12 аль-Ахмад • 13 аль-Дахи • 14 Бен Хаджи • 15 аль-Иса • 16 аль-Ланкави • 17 Т. аль-Энази • 18 С. аль-Хальди • 19 аль-Фадли (в) • 20 аль-Хуваиди • тренер: Вальмир Луруз |
1 Канкуне (в) • 2 аль-Омран • 3 Мубарак • 4 Наджем • 5 Хусан • 6 Хумайдан • 7 аль-Анези • 8 аль-Отман • 9 Абдулла • 10 Саид • 11 Вабран • 12 аль-Тайяр • 13 Салман • 14 аль-Мутаири • 15 аль-Бураики • 16 Зайед • 17 аль-Кандари • 18 аль-Хальди (в) • тренер: Радойко Аврамович |
1 Х. аль-Рашиди (в) • 2 аль-Тахер • 3 Авад • 4 Фадель • 5 Аджаб • 6 аль-Фазель • 7 аль-Энези • 8 аш-Шейх • 9 Максид • 10 Халаф • 11 аль-Эбрахим • 12 аш-Шамари • 13 Неда • 14 аль-Амер • 15 Джума • 16 аль-Энези • 17 Аль-Мутава • 18 аль-Атики • 19 А. аль-Рашиди • 20 Нассер • 21 аль-Машан • 22 аль-Хальди (в) (к) • 23 Юссеф (в) • тренер: Горан Туфегджич |
1 аль-Рашиди (в) • 2 аль-Фазель • 3 Авад • 4 Фадель • 5 аль-Хаджри • 6 аль-Катани • 7 аль-Фадель • 8 аш-Шейх • 9 аль-Бураики • 10 аль-Мишаан • 11 аль-Ансари • 12 аль-Энези • 13 Неда • 14 аль-Амер • 15 Аленези • 16 Заид • 17 Аль-Мутава • 18 эль-Эбрахим • 19 аль-Шаммари • 20 Нассер • 21 Максид • 22 аль-Хальди (в) (к) • 23 Юссеф (в) • тренер: Набиль Маалуль |
Осман (1955) • Таха (1957) • Маевский (1958) • Брочич (1962) • аль-Вахш (1964) • Тадич (1966—69) • ат-Туки (1970) • Брочич (1971—73) • Нассер (и. о.) (1973) • Брочич (1973—75) • Загалло (1976—78) • Закария (и. о.) (1978) • Паррейра (1978—83) • Антонио Лопес (1983—85) • Эллисон (1985—86) • Закария (и. о.) (1986) • Мезеи (1986—87) • Виейра (1987—88) • Армстронг (1988—89) • Перейра (1989) • Отасилио (1989—90) • Сколари (1990) • Карим (и. о.) (1990) • Лорус (1990—92) • Кампос (1992—93) • Родригес (1993) • Максид (1993) • Лобановский (1994—96) • Мачала (1996—99) • Угрин (1999—2001) • Фогтс (2001—02) • Аврамович (2002—03) • Карпежиани (2003—04) • Ибрагим (2004) • Павкович (2005) • Ибрагим (и. о.) (2005) • Стойкицэ (2005—06) • Закария (2006—07) • Гачанин (2007—08) • Ибрагим (и. о.) (2008—09) • Туфегджич (2009—13) • Виейра (2013—14) • Маалул (2014—н. в.) |
Сборная Кувейта по футболу Информация Видео
Сборная Кувейта по футболу Просмотр темы.Сборная Кувейта по футболу что, Сборная Кувейта по футболу кто, Сборная Кувейта по футболу объяснение
There are excerpts from wikipedia on this article and video
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 24 декабря 2014; проверки требуют 33 правки.Сборная Кувейта по футболу — национальная команда, представляющая Кувейт на международных соревнованиях по футболу. Сборная контролируется . Наивысшим достижением сборной является победа в Кубке Азии 1980. По состоянию на 24 ноября 2016 года сборная занимает 172-е место в рейтинге ФИФА[1].
Сборная Кувейта только в 1982 году смогла пробиться в финальную стадию ЧМ 1982, где сыграла в ничью со сборной Чехословакии, но проиграла сборным Англии и Франции.
Команда запомнилась больше не игрой, а скандалом во время матча с Францией. При счете 1:3 французы забили очередной гол. Футболисты сборной Кувейта при этом остановились, поскольку посчитали, что услышали свисток арбитра. Первоначально рефери засчитал гол, потому что он и не думал останавливать игру. Однако кувейтцы в знак протеста против этого решения отказались продолжить матч вообще. Игра была возобновлена только после вмешательства шейха Фахада Аль Ахмеда и после того, как судья отменил забитый гол.
На Кубке Азии по футболу сборная добилась больших успехов, в 1976 году Кувейт смог дойти до финала, а в 1980 году команде удалось выиграть турнир.
Самую крупную победу сборная Кувейта одержала над сборной Бутана в 2000 году, матч закончился со счетом 20:0. На тот момент это была самая крупная победа в международном матче. В этом же году сборная Кувейта приняла участие в Сиднейской Олимпиаде.
Наиболее крупным успехом на Олимпийских играх остается выход в 1/4 финала на Московской Олимпиаде.
В отборочном турнире к чемпионату мира 2010 года кувейтцы играли в одной группе со сборными Ирана, Сирии и ОАЭ.
В 2010 году сборная выиграла , обыграв в финале сборную Ирана со счетом 2:1. Это первое подобное достижение сборной Кувейта.
В том же году сборная Кувейта выиграла свой 10-й Кубок наций Персидского залива, победив в дополнительное время сборную Саудовской Аравии со счетом 1:0.
![]() | Первое место | 5 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 5 |
Всего | 1 Титул | 5 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 5 |
Обладатель Кубка Азии: (1)
Финалист Кубка Азии: (1)
Обладатель Кубка наций Персидского залива: (10)
Финалист Кубка наций Персидского залива: (1)
Победитель : (1)
![]() | |
Синие (Al-Azraq) | |
АФК | |
Футбольная ассоциация Кувейта | |
![]() | |
Наваф Аль Халиди | |
Бадер Аль-Мутава (158 игр) | |
Башар Абдулла (75 голов) | |
Джабер аль-Ахмед | |
173 ▼ (-5) (6 июля 2017) | |
KUW | |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Чемпионы 1980 </td></tr> </table>
Сборная Кувейта по футболу — национальная команда, представляющая Кувейт на международных соревнованиях по футболу. Сборная контролируется Футбольной ассоциацией Кувейта. Наивысшим достижением сборной является победа в Кубке Азии 1980. По состоянию на 12 февраля 2015 года, сборная занимает 128-е место в рейтинге ФИФА[1], а в континентальном — 16-е.
Сборная Кувейта только в 1982 году смогла пробиться в финальную стадию ЧМ 1982, где сыграла в ничью со сборной Чехословакии, но проиграла сборным Англии и Франции.
Команда запомнилась больше не игрой, а скандалом во время матча с Францией. При счете 1:3 французы забили очередной гол. Футболисты сборной Кувейта при этом остановились, поскольку посчитали, что услышали свисток арбитра. Первоначально рефери засчитал гол, потому что он и не думал останавливать игру. Однако кувейтцы в знак протеста против этого решения отказались продолжить матч вообще. Игра была возобновлена только после вмешательства шейха Фахада Аль Ахмеда и после того, как судья отменил забитый гол.
На Кубке Азии по футболу сборная добилась больших успехов, в 1976 году Кувейт смог дойти до финала, а в 1980 году команде удалось выиграть турнир.
Самую крупную победу сборная Кувейта одержала над сборной Бутана в 2000 году, матч закончился со счетом 20:0. На тот момент это была самая крупная победа в международном матче. В этом же году сборная Кувейта приняла участие в Сиднейской Олимпиаде.
Наиболее крупным успехом на Олимпийских играх остается выход в 1/4 финала на Московской Олимпиаде.
В отборочном турнире к чемпионату мира 2010 года кувейтцы играли в одной группе со сборными Ирана, Сирии и ОАЭ.
В 2010 году сборная выиграла Чемпионат западной Азии по футболу, обыграв в финале сборную Ирана со счетом 2:1. Это первое подобное достижение сборной Кувейта.
В том же году сборная Кувейта выиграла свой 10-й Кубок наций Персидского залива, победив в дополнительное время сборную Саудовской Аравии со счетом 1:0.
Обладатель Кубка Азии: (1)
Финалист Кубка Азии: (1)
Обладатель Кубка наций Персидского залива: (10)
Финалист Кубка наций Персидского залива: (1)
Победитель Игр Западной Азии: (1)
Сборная Кувейта по футболу — национальная команда, представляющая Кувейт на международных соревнованиях по футболу. Сборная контролируется Футбольной ассоциацией Кувейта. Наивысшим достижением сборной является победа в Кубке Азии 1980. По состоянию на 24 ноября 2016 года сборная занимает 172-е место в рейтинге ФИФА[1].
Сборная Кувейта только в 1982 году смогла пробиться в финальную стадию ЧМ 1982, где сыграла в ничью со сборной Чехословакии, но проиграла сборным Англии и Франции.
Команда запомнилась больше не игрой, а скандалом во время матча с Францией. При счете 1:3 французы забили очередной гол. Футболисты сборной Кувейта при этом остановились, поскольку посчитали, что услышали свисток арбитра. Первоначально рефери засчитал гол, потому что он и не думал останавливать игру. Однако кувейтцы в знак протеста против этого решения отказались продолжить матч вообще. Игра была возобновлена только после вмешательства шейха Фахада Аль Ахмеда и после того, как судья отменил забитый гол.
На Кубке Азии по футболу сборная добилась больших успехов, в 1976 году Кувейт смог дойти до финала, а в 1980 году команде удалось выиграть турнир.
Самую крупную победу сборная Кувейта одержала над сборной Бутана в 2000 году, матч закончился со счетом 20:0. На тот момент это была самая крупная победа в международном матче. В этом же году сборная Кувейта приняла участие в Сиднейской Олимпиаде.
Наиболее крупным успехом на Олимпийских играх остается выход в 1/4 финала на Московской Олимпиаде.
В отборочном турнире к чемпионату мира 2010 года кувейтцы играли в одной группе со сборными Ирана, Сирии и ОАЭ.
В 2010 году сборная выиграла Чемпионат западной Азии по футболу, обыграв в финале сборную Ирана со счетом 2:1. Это первое подобное достижение сборной Кувейта.
В том же году сборная Кувейта выиграла свой 10-й Кубок наций Персидского залива, победив в дополнительное время сборную Саудовской Аравии со счетом 1:0.
Обладатель Кубка Азии: (1)
Финалист Кубка Азии: (1)
Обладатель Кубка наций Персидского залива: (10)
Финалист Кубка наций Персидского залива: (1)
Победитель Игр Западной Азии: (1)
Реферат на тему:
Сборная Кувейта по футболу — представляет Кувейт на международных футбольных соревнованиях. Сборная контролируется Футбольной ассоциацией Кувейта.
Сборная Кувейта только в 1982 году смогла пробиться в финальную стадию ЧМ 1982, где сыграла в ничью со сборной Чехословакии, но проиграла сборным Англии и Франции.
Команда запомнилась больше не игрой, а скандалом во время матча с Францией. При счете 1:3 французы забили очередной гол. Футболисты сборной Кувейта при этом остановились, поскольку посчитали, что услышали свисток арбитра. Первоначально рефери засчитал гол, потому что он и не думал останавливать игру. Однако кувейтцы в знак протеста против этого решения отказались продолжить матч вообще. Игра была возобновлена только после вмешательства шейха Фахада Аль Ахмеда и после того, как судья отменил забитый гол.
На Кубке Азии по футболу сборная добилась больших успехов, в 1976 году Кувейт смог дойти до финала, а в 1980 году команде удалось выиграть турнир.
Самую крупную победу сборная Кувейта одержала над сборной Бутана в 2000 году, матч закончился со счетом 20:0. На тот момент это была самая крупная победа в международном матче. В этом же году сборная Кувейта приняла участие в Сиднейской Олимпиаде.
Наиболее крупным успехом на Олимпийских играх остается выход в 1/4 финала на Московской Олимпиаде.
В отборочном турнире к чемпионату мира 2010 года кувейтцы играли в одной группе со сборными Ирана, Сирии и ОАЭ.
В 2010 году сборная выиграла Чемпионат западной Азии по футболу, обыграв в финале сборную Ирана со счетом 2:1. Это первое подобное достижение сборной Кувейта.
В том же году сборная Кувейта выиграла свой 10-й Кубок наций Персидского залива, победив в дополнительное время сборную Саудовской Аравии со счетом 1:0.
Обладатель Кубка Азии: (1)
Финалист Кубка Азии: (1)
Обладатель Кубка наций Персидского залива: (10)
Финалист Кубка наций Персидского залива: (1)
Победитель Игр Западной Азии: (1)
1. Азиатская конфедерация футбола – The Asian Football Confederation is the governing body of association football in Asia and Australia. Three other states located along the fringe of Asia – Cyprus, Armenia. Hong Kong and Macau, although not independent countries, are members of the AFC. One of FIFAs six continental confederations, the AFC was formed officially on 8 May 1954 in Manila, Philippines, the main headquarters is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The current president is Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa of Bahrain, the Asian Football Confederation was founded on 8 May 1954. Afghanistan, Burma, Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation is the section of the AFC who manage womens football in Asia. The group was founded in April 1968 in a meeting involving Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia. In 1986 the ALFC merged with the AFC, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation helped organise the AFC Womens Asian Cup, first held in 1975, as well as the AFCs AFC U-19 Womens Championship and the AFC U-17 Womens Championship. The AFC has 47 member associations split into five regions, all three competitions are held every four years. The top-ranked AFC competition is the AFC Champions League, which started in the 2002–03 season and gathers the top 1–4 teams of each country, a second, lower-ranked competition is the AFC Cup. This competition was launched by AFC in 2004, a third competition, the AFC Presidents Cup, which had started in 2005, was absorbed into the AFC Cup in 2015. The AFC also runs an annual Asian futsal club competition, the AFC Futsal Club Championship
2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
3. Сборная Ливии по футболу – The Libya national football team is the national association football team of Libya and is controlled by the Libyan Football Federation. Libya has never qualified for the FIFA World Cup, but has made it to three Africa Cup of Nations, the first was in 1982 where they finished runners-up as hosts of the tournament. The teams second participation did not come until 2006, which was the first time the side qualified without hosting the tournament, the squad failed to progress from the group stages in 2006, as was the case in their third participation in 2012. Libya finished runners-up in the 1964 and 2012 Arab Nations Cup, libyas national team is considered one of the stronger teams in Africa and the Arab world, particularly in recent years. This saw their FIFA world rankings rise to the highest it had ever been at 53, the first player ever to score for the Libyan national team in an official international was Mukhtar Ghonaay. The first penalty ever scored by a member of the team was in the 1953 Pan Arab Games group stage, in the match against Egypt. The national teams first participation in the Arab Cup was in 1964, Libya first entered the FIFA World Cup qualifiers in 1970. Their early attempts failed, but during the 1980s the national side strengthened, the countrys geopolitical position, however, affected the football team, who had to withdraw from qualifying for the 1982 and 1990 World Cups. Libya came closest to qualifying for the cup in 1986. They came to within a game of reaching the finals in Mexico, after winning their match against Sudan in their first game, the Libyans beat Ghana in the next round before taking on Morocco for a place at the finals. Morocco won the first game 3–0 and went through, even though Libya won the return leg 1–0, after not entering the 1994 and 1998 FIFA World Cup competition, Libya came back in the qualifying competition for Korea/Japan. The Libyans advanced to the round at the expense of Mali. In the group stage, Libya managed only two draws in eight games, in the qualifying for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, a 9–0 two-legged victory against São Tome and Principe put the Libyans through to the group stage. However, during two games Al-Saadi Gaddafi was banned when he failed a drug test. A difficult group followed containing Egypt, Cameroon and Côte dIvoire, the biggest football tournament to be held in Libya was the 1982 African Cup of Nations. Libya qualified automatically as hosts and were put in a group alongside Ghana, Cameroon, the opening match of the tournament saw the hosts take on Ghana in Tripoli in a 2–2 draw. A 2–0 win over Tunisia and a draw against Cameroon saw Libya topping the group. In the semi-finals, Libya came from behind to beat Zambia 2–1 and set up another match with Ghana, Ghana scored first in the 35th minute, but Libya equalised in the 70th
4. Марокко – Morocco, officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco, is a sovereign country located in the Maghreb region of North Africa. Geographically, Morocco is characterized by a mountainous interior, large tracts of desert. Morocco has a population of over 33.8 million and an area of 446,550 km2 and its capital is Rabat, and the largest city is Casablanca. Other major cities include Marrakesh, Tangier, Tetouan, Salé, Fes, Agadir, Meknes, Oujda, Kenitra, a historically prominent regional power, Morocco has a history of independence not shared by its neighbours. Marinid and Saadi dynasties continued the struggle against foreign domination, the Alaouite dynasty, the current ruling dynasty, seized power in 1666. In 1912 Morocco was divided into French and Spanish protectorates, with a zone in Tangier. Moroccan culture is a blend of Arab, indigenous Berber, Sub-Saharan African, Morocco claims the non-self-governing territory of Western Sahara as its Southern Provinces. Morocco annexed the territory in 1975, leading to a war with indigenous forces until a cease-fire in 1991. Peace processes have thus far failed to break the political deadlock, Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The King of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, especially over the military, foreign policy, the king can issue decrees called dahirs which have the force of law. He can also dissolve the parliament after consulting the Prime Minister, Moroccos predominant religion is Islam, and the official languages are Arabic and Tamazight. The Moroccan dialect, referred to as Darija, and French are also widely spoken, Morocco is a member of the Arab League, the Union for the Mediterranean, and the African Union. It has the fifth largest economy of Africa, the full Arabic name al-Mamlakah al-Maghribiyyah translates to Kingdom of the West, although the West in Arabic is الغرب Al-Gharb. The basis of Moroccos English name is Marrakesh, its capital under the Almoravid dynasty, the origin of the name Marrakesh is disputed, but is most likely from the Berber words amur akush or Land of God. The modern Berber name for Marrakesh is Mṛṛakc, in Turkish, Morocco is known as Fas, a name derived from its ancient capital of Fes. The English name Morocco is an anglicisation of the Spanish Marruecos, the area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since Paleolithic times, sometime between 190,000 and 90,000 BC. During the Upper Paleolithic, the Maghreb was more fertile than it is today, twenty-two thousand years ago, the Aterian was succeeded by the Iberomaurusian culture, which shared similarities with Iberian cultures. Skeletal similarities have been suggested between the Iberomaurusian Mechta-Afalou burials and European Cro-Magnon remains, the Iberomaurusian was succeeded by the Beaker culture in Morocco
5. Сборная Бутана по футболу – The Bhutan national football team represents Bhutan in international mens football. The team play their games at the national stadium, Changlimithang. The side have consistently ranked as the worst, or one of the worst national teams in the world on both the official FIFA rankings and the Elo rating system. As of the end of March 2017 they have won six competitive fixtures against other international teams and have a goal difference of −263 in official matches. They are one of the national teams in the world having played their first official match in 1982 in the ANFA Cup. Prior to this, a representative team consisting mainly of imported players from India competed in a number of regional tournaments. Through the 1990s they made one international appearance, again at the South Asian Games in 1999. Their first continental appearance occurred the year when they travelled to Kuwait to take part in qualifying for the 2000 AFC Asian Cup. They were unable to build on this though and a further five straight defeats followed before their next win. This result coupled with a 0–0 draw with Mongolia was to be their most successful set of official results until their back to back victories over Sri Lanka in 2015. This would prove to be a point for Bhutanese football as they embarked on a run of nineteen straight defeats over the following five years. A week later, they earned another victory against Sri Lanka 2–1 in Thimphu, securing the qualification to the second round with an aggregate score of 3–1. In the same way there is uncertainty around the manner in which football as a sport in general came to be. Whereas Indians were introduced to football by the British government, the lack of a permanent British presence in Bhutan meant that sports were not played there. The arrival of football in Bhutan was very closely linked with the opening of schools in Haa and Paro in the 1950s, as teachers, mainly from India. In 1968, a team nominally representing Bhutan, but essentially consisting of players travelled to Calcutta to compete in the Indian Independence Cup. Over time football gradually increased in popularity until it was seen as an part of the school curriculum. Teams used to travel all over the country to take part
6. Кувейт – Kuwait /kuːˈweɪt/, officially the State of Kuwait, is a country in Western Asia. Situated in the edge of Eastern Arabia at the tip of the Persian Gulf, it shares borders with Iraq. As of 2016, Kuwait has a population of 4.2 million people,1.3 million are Kuwaitis and 2.9 million are expatriates, expatriates account for 70% of the population. Oil reserves were discovered in 1938, from 1946 to 1982, the country underwent large-scale modernization. In the 1980s, Kuwait experienced a period of geopolitical instability, in 1990, Kuwait was invaded by Iraq. The Iraqi occupation came to an end in 1991 after military intervention by coalition forces, at the end of the war, there were extensive efforts to revive the economy and rebuild national infrastructure. Kuwait is a constitutional emirate with a political system. It has an income economy backed by the worlds sixth largest oil reserves. The Kuwaiti dinar is the highest valued currency in the world, according to the World Bank, the country has the fourth highest per capita income in the world. The Constitution was promulgated in 1962, making Kuwait the most democratic country in the region, Kuwait ranks highly in regional metrics of gender equality, as it has the regions highest Global Gender Gap ranking. During the Ubaid period, Kuwait was the site of interaction between the peoples of Mesopotamia and Neolithic Eastern Arabia, mainly centered in As-Subiya in northern Kuwait. The earliest evidence of habitation in Kuwait dates back 8000 B. C. where Mesolithic tools were found in Burgan. As-Subiya in northern Kuwait is the earliest evidence of urbanization in the whole Persian Gulf basin area, mesopotamians first settled in the Kuwaiti island of Failaka in 2000 B. C. Traders from the Sumerian city of Ur inhabited Failaka and ran a mercantile business, the island had many Mesopotamian-style buildings typical of those found in Iraq dating from around 2000 B. C. The Neolithic inhabitants of Kuwait were among the worlds earliest maritime traders, one of the worlds earliest reed-boats was discovered in northern Kuwait dating back to the Ubaid period. In 3rd century BC, the ancient Greeks colonized the bay of Kuwait under Alexander the Great, according to Strabo and Arrian, Alexander the Great named Failaka Ikaros because it resembled the Aegean island of that name in size and shape. Remains of Greek colonization include a large Hellenistic fort and Greek temples, in 224 AD, Kuwait became part of the Sassanid Empire. At the time of the Sassanid Empire, Kuwait was known as Meshan, Akkaz was a Partho-Sassanian site, the Sassanid religions tower of silence was discovered in northern Akkaz
7. Сборная Португалии по футболу – The Portugal national football team represents Portugal in international mens association football competition since 1921. It is controlled by the Portuguese Football Federation, the body for football in Portugal. Portugals first participation in a tournament finals, at the 1966 FIFA World Cup. The next two times Portugal qualified for the World Cup finals were in 1986 and 2002, going out in the first round both times. Portugal also made it to the semi-finals of the UEFA Euro 1984 final tournament, losing 3–2 after extra time to the hosts and eventual winners France. The team reached the semi-finals of Euro 2000, the 2006 World Cup and Euro 2012, as well as the final of Euro 2004, the latter on home soil. At Euro 2016, Portugal won its first ever trophy, defeating hosts France 1–0 after extra time. With the win, Portugal qualified and will make its first appearance in the FIFA Confederations Cup held the year in Russia. The teams home stadium is the Estádio Nacional, in Oeiras, the current head coach is Fernando Santos and the captain is Cristiano Ronaldo, who holds the team records for most caps and goals. Portugal was not invited to the 1930 World Cup, which featured a final stage. In the 1938 FIFA World Cup qualification, the Seleção played one game against Switzerland in a ground, held in Milan, losing 2–1 against the Swiss. Because of the conflict due to the World War II, there was no World Cup held until the 1950 competition and subsequently. On the restart of games, the team was to play a round against Spain. After a 5–1 defeat in Madrid, they managed to draw in the second game 2–2, for the qualification of the 1954 World Cup, the team would play Austria. The Austrians won the first game with a humiliating 9–1 result, the best the national team could do was hold the team to a goalless draw in Lisbon, and the round ended with a 9–1 defeat. In the 1958 qualification, Portugal won a match for the first time. Nevertheless, they finished last in the stage that also featured Northern Ireland, only the first-placed team, Northern Ireland. The year 1960 was the year that UEFA created the European Football Championship, the first edition was a knock-out tournament, the last four teams participating in final stage that only featured one leg while the older stages had two legs
8. Лейрия – Leiria is a city and a municipality in the Centro Region of Portugal. It is the capital of Leiria District, the population in 2011 was 126,879, in an area of 565.09 square kilometres. It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leiria-Fátima, the region around Leiria has been inhabited for a long time, although its early history is obscure. The first evident inhabitants were the Turduli Oppidani, a Celtiberian tribe and this settlement was later occupied by the Romans, who expanded it under the original Celtiberian name Collippo. The stones of the ancient Roman town were used in the Middle Ages to build much of Leiria, the name Leiria in Portuguese derives from leira meaning an area with small farming plots. It was occupied for a time by the Suebi in 414 until they were forced by the Romans to retreat to Galicia. Later the Moors occupied the area until it was captured by the first King of Portugal, Afonso Henriques in 1135, south of Leiria in that period was the so-called no-mans land, until regions further south were permanently taken and re-populated by the Christians. In 1142 Afonso Henriques gave Leiria its first foral to stimulate the colonisation of the region, both Afonso I of Portugal and Sancho I rebuilt the walls and the Leiria Castle to avoid new enemy incursions. Most of the population lived inside the city walls. The oldest church of Leiria, the Church of Saint Peter, built in style in the last quarter of the 12th century. During the Middle Ages the importance of the increased. The first of the held in Leiria took place in 1245. In the early 14th century, King Dinis I restored the tower of the citadel of the castle. He also built a residence in Leiria, and lived for long periods in the town. The King also ordered the plantation of the famous Pine Forest of Leiria near the coast, later, the wood from this forest would be used to build the ships used in the Portuguese Navigations of the 15th and 16th centuries. In the late 14th century, King John I built a palace within the walls of the castle of Leiria. This palace, with elegant gothic galleries that offered views of the town. John I also sponsored the rebuilding in late gothic style of the old Church of Our Lady of the Rock, towards the end of the 15th century the town continued to grow, occupying the area from the castle hill down to the river Lis
9. Португалия – Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic, is a country on the Iberian Peninsula in Southwestern Europe. It is the westernmost country of mainland Europe, to the west and south it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and to the east and north by Spain. The Portugal–Spain border is 1,214 kilometres long and considered the longest uninterrupted border within the European Union, the republic also includes the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, both autonomous regions with their own regional governments. The territory of modern Portugal has been settled, invaded. The Pre-Celts, Celts, Carthaginians and the Romans were followed by the invasions of the Visigothic, in 711 the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Moors, making Portugal part of Muslim Al Andalus. Portugal was born as result of the Christian Reconquista, and in 1139, Afonso Henriques was proclaimed King of Portugal, in the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal established the first global empire, becoming one of the worlds major economic, political and military powers. Portugal monopolized the trade during this time, and the Portuguese Empire expanded with military campaigns led in Asia. After the 1910 revolution deposed the monarchy, the democratic but unstable Portuguese First Republic was established, democracy was restored after the Portuguese Colonial War and the Carnation Revolution in 1974. Shortly after, independence was granted to almost all its overseas territories, Portugal has left a profound cultural and architectural influence across the globe and a legacy of over 250 million Portuguese speakers today. Portugal is a country with a high-income advanced economy and a high living standard. It is the 5th most peaceful country in the world, maintaining a unitary semi-presidential republican form of government and it has the 18th highest Social Progress in the world, putting it ahead of other Western European countries like France, Spain and Italy. Portugal is a pioneer when it comes to drug decriminalization, as the nation decriminalized the possession of all drugs for use in 2001. The early history of Portugal is shared with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula located in South Western Europe, the name of Portugal derives from the joined Romano-Celtic name Portus Cale. Other influences include some 5th-century vestiges of Alan settlements, which were found in Alenquer, Coimbra, the region of present-day Portugal was inhabited by Neanderthals and then by Homo sapiens, who roamed the border-less region of the northern Iberian peninsula. These were subsistence societies that, although they did not establish prosperous settlements, neolithic Portugal experimented with domestication of herding animals, the raising of some cereal crops and fluvial or marine fishing. Chief among these tribes were the Calaicians or Gallaeci of Northern Portugal, the Lusitanians of central Portugal, the Celtici of Alentejo, a few small, semi-permanent, commercial coastal settlements were also founded in the Algarve region by Phoenicians-Carthaginians. Romans first invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 219 BC, during the last days of Julius Caesar, almost the entire peninsula had been annexed to the Roman Republic. The Carthaginians, Romes adversary in the Punic Wars, were expelled from their coastal colonies and it suffered a severe setback in 150 BC, when a rebellion began in the north
10. Чемпионат мира по футболу – The championship has been awarded every four years since the inaugural tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not held because of the Second World War. The current champion is Germany, which won its title at the 2014 tournament in Brazil. 32 teams, including the qualifying host nation, compete in the tournament phase for the title at venues within the host nation over a period of about a month. The 20 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different national teams, Brazil have won five times, and they are the only team to have played in every tournament. The worlds first international match was a challenge match played in Glasgow in 1872 between Scotland and England, which ended in a 0–0 draw. The first international tournament, the edition of the British Home Championship. After FIFA was founded in 1904, it tried to arrange an international football tournament between nations outside the Olympic framework in Switzerland in 1906 and these were very early days for international football, and the official history of FIFA describes the competition as having been a failure. At the 1908 Summer Olympics in London, football became an official competition, planned by The Football Association, Englands football governing body, the event was for amateur players only and was regarded suspiciously as a show rather than a competition. Great Britain won the gold medals and they repeated the feat in 1912 in Stockholm. With the Olympic event continuing to be contested only between teams, Sir Thomas Lipton organised the Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy tournament in Turin in 1909. The Lipton tournament was a championship between clubs from different nations, each one of which represented an entire nation. Lipton invited West Auckland, a side from County Durham. West Auckland won the tournament and returned in 1911 to successfully defend their title, in 1914, FIFA agreed to recognise the Olympic tournament as a world football championship for amateurs, and took responsibility for managing the event. This paved the way for the worlds first intercontinental football competition, at the 1920 Summer Olympics, contested by Egypt and 13 European teams, Uruguay won the next two Olympic football tournaments in 1924 and 1928. Those were also the first two world championships, as 1924 was the start of FIFAs professional era. On 28 May 1928, the FIFA Congress in Amsterdam decided to stage a championship itself. With Uruguay now two-time official football world champions and to celebrate their centenary of independence in 1930, indeed, no European country pledged to send a team until two months before the start of the competition. Rimet eventually persuaded teams from Belgium, France, Romania, in total,13 nations took part, seven from South America, four from Europe and two from North America