Сбо́рная Чехослова́кии по футбо́лу — представляла Чехословакию на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах.
Возникла после Первой мировой войны и образования Чехословакии. Дебют сборной на международной арене состоялся на Олимпийских играх 1920 года, когда сборная Чехословакии дошла до финала. Но в матче за олимпийское золото против Бельгии произошёл скандал - в конце первого тайма футболисты Чехословакии, недовольные судейством англичанина Льюиса, покинули поле, за что были дисквалифицированы.1 января 1993 года Чехословакия прекратила своё существование. Тем не менее, сборная продолжила участие в отборочных играх чемпионата мира 1994 года. Не сумев пробиться в финальную часть турнира, сборная Чехии и Словакии прекратила существование после окончания отборочных матчей. Преемницей сборной Чехословакии стала Чехия, кроме того сборная Словакии начала свои собственные выступления.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сбо́рная Чехослова́кии по футбо́лу представляла Чехословакию на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Возникла после Первой мировой войны и образования Чехословакии. Дебют сборной на международной арене состоялся на Олимпийских играх 1920 года, когда сборная Чехословакии дошла до финала. Но в матче за олимпийское золото против Бельгии произошёл скандал - в конце первого тайма футболисты Чехословакии, недовольные судейством англичанина Льюиса, покинули поле, за что были дисквалифицированы.
1 января 1993 года Чехословакия прекратила своё существование. Тем не менее, сборная продолжила участие в отборочных играх чемпионата мира 1994 года. Не сумев пробиться в финальную часть турнира, сборная Чехии и Словакии (официальное название команды после распада страны) прекратила существование после окончания отборочных матчей. Преемницей сборной Чехословакии стала сборная Чехии по футболу, кроме того, сборная Словакии по футболу начала свои собственные выступления.
На протяжении всей истории сборной Чехословакии её основной формой было сочетание красных футболок, белых трусов и тёмно-синих гетр. В выездной форме преобладал белый цвет, часто с красными и синими вставками.
1934—1976 (домашняя) | 1950—1967 (гостевая) | 1980—1989 (домашняя) | 1980—1989 (гостевая) | 1990—1992 (домашняя) | 1990—1992 (гостевая) |
</div> </div> </div> |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 8 сентября 2015; проверки требуют 5 правок.1 января 1993 года Чехословакия прекратила своё существование. Тем не менее, сборная продолжила участие в отборочных играх чемпионата мира 1994 года. Не сумев пробиться в финальную часть турнира, сборная Чехии и Словакии (официальное название команды после распада страны) прекратила существование после окончания отборочных матчей. Преемницей сборной Чехословакии стала сборная Чехии по футболу, кроме того, сборная Словакии по футболу начала свои собственные выступления.
На протяжении всей истории сборной Чехословакии её основной формой было сочетание красных футболок, белых трусов и тёмно-синих гетр. В выездной форме преобладал белый цвет, часто с красными и синими вставками.
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Сбо́рная Чехослова́кии по футбо́лу - представляла Чехословакию на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Возникла после Первой мировой войны и образования Чехословакии. Дебют сборной на международной арене состоялся на Олимпийских играх 1920 года, когда сборная Чехословакии дошла до финала. Но в матче за олимпийское золото против Бельгии произошёл скандал - в конце первого тайма футболисты Чехословакии, недовольные судейством англичанина Льюиса, покинули поле, за что были дисквалифицированы. 1 января 1993 года Чехословакия прекратила своё существование. Тем не менее, сборная продолжила участие в отборочных играх чемпионата мира 1994 года. Не сумев пробиться в финальную часть турнира, сборная Чехии и Словакии прекратила существование после окончания отборочных матчей. Преемницей сборной Чехословакии стала Чехия, кроме того сборная Словакии начала свои собственные выступления. 1. Чемпионат мира по футболу2. Чемпионат Европы по футболу3. Достижения
Категории: Сборная Чехословакии по футболу. Текст доступен по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 25 июля 2017; проверки требует 1 правка.Сборная Чехии по футболу | |
![]() | |
Чехи (чеш. Cecho), Народная команда (чеш. Narodni tym), Локомотив (чеш. Locomotiva) | |
УЕФА | |
Футбольная ассоциация Чехии | |
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Петр Чех (124) | |
Ян Коллер (55) | |
не закреплён | |
40 ▲ (+4) (6 июля 2017) | |
CZE | |
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1 (впервые 2006) | |
Групповой этап (2006) | |
6 (впервые 1996) | |
Сборная Чехии по футболу (существует с 1994 года) — национальная футбольная сборная, представляющая Чехию на международных соревнованиях по футболу. Руководящая организация — Футбольная ассоциация Чехии. Наивысшим достижением сборной является 2-е место на чемпионате Европы 1996. К этому достижению её привел чешский тренер Душан Угрин.
По состоянию на 6 июля 2017 года сборная в рейтинге ФИФА занимает 40-е место[1], а в рейтинге УЕФА — 15-е[2].
Сборная Чехии впервые появилась после распада Чехословакии на международной арене в 1996 году, участвуя на первенстве Европы. Она дошла до финала, где встретилась с Германией, игравшей с чехами в одной группе первого раунда (также там играли сборные Италии и России). В финальной игре чехи повели в счёте после гола с пенальти на 59-й минуте, автором которого стал Патрик Бергер, но через 14 минут Оливер Бирхофф сравнял счёт, а в дополнительное время уже на пятой минуте забил победный «золотой» гол. Серебряные медали чехов стали первой наградой на чемпионатах Европы. На том турнире появились такие великие игроки, как Павел Недвед, Владимир Шмицер, Карел Поборский, Петр Коуба и другие звёзды.
Чемпионат мира 1998 года Чехия пропустила, зато на Евро 2000 она прошла с первого места своей отборочной группы, выиграв все встречи. В финальной пульке чехи выступили неудачно и заняли третье место, опередив лишь ещё хуже выступавших датчан.
Была близка Чехия и к попаданию на чемпионат мира 2002 года благодаря второму месту в отборочной группе, но в стыковых матчах чехи были повержены бельгийцами. Зато в 2004 году чехи с первого места попали на чемпионат Европы в Португалии, где дошли до полуфинала, уступив лишь будущим чемпионам — Греции. Бронзовые награды стали вторыми в истории независимой Чехии. Там же зажглась звезда Милана Бароша, ставшего лучшим бомбардиром турнира.
В 2006 году чехи наконец-то стали полноправными участниками чемпионата мира в Германии, но не вышли из группы, пропустив вперёд будущих чемпионов — итальянцев, и команду Ганы.
После ЧМ-2006 из сборной ушли Недвед и его поколение, что не помешало чехам снова попасть на чемпионат Европы в Австрии и Швейцарии, успев в последнем отборочном туре опередить немцев на одно очко. В группе A чехи обыграли швейцарцев 1:0, уступили 1:3 португальцам и сохраняли шансы на выход из группы, но в решающем матче со сборной Турции после упорной борьбы Чехия всё же проиграла 2:3, причём чехи вели 2:0 по ходу встречи, но в течение последних 15 минут Турция вырвала победу (ей не помешало даже удаление вратаря при исчерпанном лимите замен).
Уход поколения Недведа плачевно сказался на игре Чехии. Хоть на ЧЕ-2008 команда заняла третье место в группе в финальном раунде, на ЧМ-2010 она не попала, проиграв дома принципиальным противникам из Словакии и, сыграв в ничью на выезде, кроме того, показав крайне неубедительную игру в матчах с сборной Северной Ирландии. Квалификацию на ЧЕ-2012 сборная Чехии проводила в группе со сборной Испании, которая на тот момент являлась и Чемпионом Европу и Чемпионом Мира, поэтому в финальный этап чехи пробились только через стыковые матчи против команды Черногории. На ЧЕ-2012 команда Чехии попала в одну группу с Грецией, Польшей и Россией. Несмотря на разгромное поражение от россиян в начале старта турнира (1:4), команда оставшиеся матчи выиграла и попала в четвертьфинал, где уступила Португалии 0:1. Отборочный турнир к ЧМ-2014 чехи закончили на третьем месте в группе, пропустив вперед Италию и Данию. После этой неудачи команду покинул главный тренер Михал Билек[3], новым главным тренером команды стал Павел Врба[4].
Отбор к ЧЕ 2016 начался с победы над сборной Нидерландов, победный гол был забит на 1-й компенсированной минуте второго тайма. По итогам отборочного турнира сборная Чехии заняла первое место в группе и вышла на чемпионат Европы. На чемпионате Европы заняла последнее место в группе и набрала всего одно очко, проиграв Испании и Турции и сыграв вничью с Хорватией.
Следующие игроки были вызваны в состав сборной главным тренером Карелом Яролимом для участия в товарищеском матче против сборной Бельгии (5 июня 2017) и матче отборочного турнира чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 против сборной Норвегии (10 июня 2017).
Игры и голы приведены по состоянию на 13 июня 2017 года:Данные откорректированы по состоянию на 13 июня 2017 года
1 | Ян Коллер | 1999—2009 | 55 | 91 | 0,6044 |
2 | Милан Барош | 2001—2012 | 41 | 93 | 0,4409 |
3 | Владимир Шмицер | 1993—2005 | 27 | 81 | 0,3333 |
4 | Томаш Росицкий | 2000—н.в. | 23 | 105 | 0,219 |
5 | Павел Кука | 1994—2001 | 22 | 63 | 0,3492 |
6-7 | Патрик Бергер | 1994—2001 | 18 | 44 | 0,4091 |
Павел Недвед | 1994—2006 | 18 | 91 | 0,1978 | |
8 | Вратислав Локвенц | 1995—2006 | 14 | 74 | 0,1892 |
9 | Томаш Нецид | 2008—н.в. | 12 | 44 | 0,2727 |
10 | Марек Янкуловский | 2000—2009 | 11 | 77 | 0,1429 |
1. УЕФА – The Union of European Football Associations is the administrative body for association football in Europe, although several member states are primarily or entirely located in Asia. It is one of six continental confederations of world footballs governing body FIFA, UEFA consists of 55 national association members. Until 1959 the main headquarters were located in Paris, and later in Bern, in 1995, UEFA headquarters were transferred to Nyon, Switzerland. Henri Delaunay was the first general secretary and Ebbe Schwartz the first president, UEFA was founded on 15 June 1954 in Basel, Switzerland after consultation between the Italian, French, and Belgian associations. The European football union began with 25 members, that number doubled by the early 1990s, UEFA membership coincides for the most part with recognition as a sovereign country in Europe, although there are some exceptions. Some UEFA members are not sovereign states, but form part of a recognized sovereign state in the context of international law. Some UEFA members are transcontinental states, countries which had been members of the Asian Football Confederation were also admitted to the European football association, particularly Israel and Kazakhstan. Additionally some UEFA member associations allow teams from outside their associations main territory to take part in their domestic competition, saarland Football Union 1954–1956 German football association of the German Democratic Republic 1954–1990 Football Federation of the Soviet Union 1954–1991, in 1992 became Russian Football Union. The newly independent 14 Soviet Republics created their own football associations, Football Association of Yugoslavia 1954–1992, became Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia became independent, Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro 1992–2006, became Football Association of Serbia. Montenegro, which became independent, created its own football association, the main competition for mens national teams is the UEFA European Football Championship, started in 1958, with the first finals in 1960, and known as the European Nations Cup until 1964. It is also called UEFA or the EURO, UEFA also runs national competitions at Under-21, Under-19 and Under-17 levels. For womens national teams, UEFA operates the UEFA Womens Championship for senior sides as well as Womens Under-19. UEFA also organized the UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup with CAF for youth teams in an effort to boost youth football, UEFA launched the UEFA Regions Cup, for semi-professional teams representing their local region, in 1999. In futsal there is the UEFA Futsal Championship and UEFA Futsal Under-21 Championship, the Italian, German, Spanish and French mens national teams are the sole teams to have won the European football championship in all categories. A second, lower-ranked competition is the UEFA Europa League and this competition, for national knockout cup winners and high-placed league teams, was launched by UEFA in 1971 as a successor of both the former UEFA Cup and the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. A third competition, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, which had started in 1960, was absorbed into the UEFA Cup in 1999, in womens football UEFA also conducts the UEFA Womens Champions League for club teams. The competition was first held in 2001, and known as the UEFA Womens Cup until 2009, the UEFA Super Cup pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the Europa League, and came into being in 1973
2. Сборная Югославии по футболу – The Yugoslavia national football team represented the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in association football. It enjoyed success in international competition, in 1992, during the Yugoslav wars, the team was suspended from international competition as part of a United Nations sanction. In 1994, when the boycott was lifted, it was succeeded by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia national football team, Serbia national football team inherited Yugoslavias spot within FIFA and UEFA and is considered by both organisations as the only successor of Yugoslavia. The first national team was in the kingdom, that existed between the two world wars and they lost by a huge margin 0–7, but nonetheless got their names in the history books. In 1929, the country was renamed to Yugoslavia and the association became Fudbalski Savez Jugoslavije. The national team participated at the 1930 FIFA World Cup, finishing in fourth place, Yugoslavia begin their football campaign by defeating Luxembourg 6–1, with five different players scoring the goals. In the quarter-finals and the semi-finals, they would take out Turkey, in the final though, they would lose to Sweden. Having a team with players from the 1948 generation, Yugoslavia was a formidable side at the 1952 Summer Olympics. Against the USSR, Yugoslavia was 5–1 up with 15 minutes of their first round match to go, the Yugoslavs, understandably, put their feet up. Arthur Ellis, the referee, recorded what happened next in his book, The Final Whistle. Bobrov, their captain, scored a magnificent hat-trick, after the USSR had reduced the lead to 5–2, he, almost single-handed, took the score to 5–5, scoring his third in the last minute. For once, use of the word sensational was justified, although Bobrovs early goal in their replay presaged a miraculous recovery, Yugoslavia recovered sufficiently to put out their opponents easily in the second half. The federation and football overall was disrupted by World War II, after the war, a socialist federation was formed and the football federation reconstituted. It was one of the members of the UEFA and it organized the 1976 European Championship played in Belgrade. The national team participated in eight World Cups, four Euros, dragan Džajić holds the record for the most national team caps at 85, between 1964 and 1979. The best scorer is Stjepan Bobek with 38 goals, between 1946 and 1956, with the end of the Cold War, democratic principles were introduced to the country which brought about the end of Titoist rule. In the subsequent atmosphere, national tensions were heightened, at the Yugoslavia-Netherlands friendly in preparation for the 1990 World Cup, the Croatian crowd in Zagreb jeered the Yugoslav team and anthem and waved Dutch flags. With the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the split up and the remaining team of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was banned from competing at Euro 92
3. Антверпен – Antwerp is a city in Belgium, the capital of Antwerp province in the region of Flanders. With a population of 510,610, it is the most populous city proper in Belgium and its metropolitan area houses around 1,200,000 people, which is second behind Brussels. Antwerp is on the River Scheldt, linked to the North Sea by the Westerschelde estuary, the Port of Antwerp is one of the biggest in the world, ranking second in Europe and within the top 20 globally. Antwerp has long been an important city in the Low Countries, the inhabitants of Antwerp are nicknamed Sinjoren, after the Spanish honorific señor or French seigneur, lord, referring to the Spanish noblemen who ruled the city in the 17th century. The city hosted the 1920 Summer Olympics, according to folklore, notably celebrated by a statue in front of the town hall, the city got its name from a legend about a giant called Antigoon who lived near the Scheldt river. He exacted a toll from passing boatmen, and for those who refused, he severed one of their hands, eventually the giant was killed by a young hero named Silvius Brabo, who cut off the giants own hand and flung it into the river. Hence the name Antwerpen, from Dutch hand werpen, akin to Old English hand and wearpan, a longstanding theory is that the name originated in the Gallo-Roman period and comes from the Latin antverpia. Antverpia would come from Ante Verpia, indicating land that forms by deposition in the curve of a river. Note that the river Scheldt, before a period between 600 and 750, followed a different track. This must have coincided roughly with the current ringway south of the city, however, many historians think it unlikely that there was a large settlement which would be named Antverpia, but more something like an outpost with a river crossing. However, John Lothrop Motley argues, and so do a lot of Dutch etymologists and historians, aan t werp is also possible. This warp is a hill or a river deposit, high enough to remain dry at high tide. Another word for werp is pol hence polders, historical Antwerp allegedly had its origins in a Gallo-Roman vicus. Excavations carried out in the oldest section near the Scheldt, 1952–1961, produced pottery shards, the earliest mention of Antwerp dates from the 4th century. In the 4th century, Antwerp was first named, having been settled by the Germanic Franks, the name was reputed to have been derived from anda and werpum. The Merovingian Antwerp was evangelized by Saint Amand in the 7th century, at the end of the 10th century, the Scheldt became the boundary of the Holy Roman Empire. Antwerp became a margraviate in 980, by the German emperor Otto I, in the 11th century Godfrey of Bouillon was for some years known as the marquis of Antwerp. In the 12th century, Norbert of Xanten established a community of his Premonstratensian canons at St. Michaels Abbey at Caloes
4. Бельгия – Belgium, officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a sovereign state in Western Europe bordered by France, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and the North Sea. It is a small, densely populated country which covers an area of 30,528 square kilometres and has a population of about 11 million people. Additionally, there is a group of German-speakers who live in the East Cantons located around the High Fens area. Historically, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg were known as the Low Countries, the region was called Belgica in Latin, after the Roman province of Gallia Belgica. From the end of the Middle Ages until the 17th century, today, Belgium is a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of governance. It is divided into three regions and three communities, that exist next to each other and its two largest regions are the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders in the north and the French-speaking southern region of Wallonia. The Brussels-Capital Region is a bilingual enclave within the Flemish Region. A German-speaking Community exists in eastern Wallonia, Belgiums linguistic diversity and related political conflicts are reflected in its political history and complex system of governance, made up of six different governments. Upon its independence, declared in 1830, Belgium participated in the Industrial Revolution and, during the course of the 20th century, possessed a number of colonies in Africa. This continuing antagonism has led to several far-reaching reforms, resulting in a transition from a unitary to a federal arrangement during the period from 1970 to 1993. Belgium is also a member of the Eurozone, NATO, OECD and WTO. Its capital, Brussels, hosts several of the EUs official seats as well as the headquarters of major international organizations such as NATO. Belgium is also a part of the Schengen Area, Belgium is a developed country, with an advanced high-income economy and is categorized as very high in the Human Development Index. A gradual immigration by Germanic Frankish tribes during the 5th century brought the area under the rule of the Merovingian kings, a gradual shift of power during the 8th century led the kingdom of the Franks to evolve into the Carolingian Empire. Many of these fiefdoms were united in the Burgundian Netherlands of the 14th and 15th centuries, the Eighty Years War divided the Low Countries into the northern United Provinces and the Southern Netherlands. The latter were ruled successively by the Spanish and the Austrian Habsburgs and this was the theatre of most Franco-Spanish and Franco-Austrian wars during the 17th and 18th centuries. The reunification of the Low Countries as the United Kingdom of the Netherlands occurred at the dissolution of the First French Empire in 1815, although the franchise was initially restricted, universal suffrage for men was introduced after the general strike of 1893 and for women in 1949. The main political parties of the 19th century were the Catholic Party, French was originally the single official language adopted by the nobility and the bourgeoisie
5. Сборная Бельгии по футболу – The Belgian national football team has officially represented Belgium in association football since their maiden match in 1904. The squad is under the jurisdiction of FIFA and is governed in Europe by UEFA—both of which were co-founded by the Belgian teams supervising body. Periods of regular Belgian representation at the highest international level, from 1920 to 1938, most of Belgiums home games are played at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels. Belgiums national team has participated in three major football competitions. Other notable performances are victories over four reigning world champions—West Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Belgium has long-standing football rivalries with its Dutch and French counterparts, having played both teams nearly every year from 1905 to 1967. The squad has been known as the Red Devils since 1906, during the national player career of forward Paul Van Himst, the most-praised Belgian footballer of the 20th century, Belgium took third place at Euro 1972. After that, they experienced two golden ages with many gifted players, in the first period, which lasted from the 1980s to the early 1990s, the team finished as runners-up at Euro 1980 and fourth in the 1986 World Cup. In the second, under guidance of Marc Wilmots in the 2010s, between September 2016 and October 2017, they are competing in the European qualifiers for the 2018 World Cup. Belgium was one of the first mainland European countries to play association football and its practice in Belgium began on 26 October 1863, after an Irish student walked into the Josephites College of Melle with a leather ball. Initially an elitist pastime, during the following decades association football supplanted rugby as Belgiums most popular football sport, on 11 October 1900, Beerschot AC honorary president Jorge Díaz announced that Antwerp would host a series of challenge matches between Europes best football teams. After some organisational problems, on 28 April 1901, Beerschots pitch hosted its first tournament, in which a Belgian A-squad, Belgium won, and beat the Netherlands in all three follow-up games, FIFA does not recognise these results because Belgium fielded some English players. On 1 May 1904, the Belgians played their first official game, against France at the Stade du Vivier dOie in Uccle, twenty days later, the football boards of both countries were among the seven FIFA founders. At that time, the Belgian squad was chosen by a committee drawn from the six or seven major clubs. From 1912, UBSSA governed football only and was renamed UBSFA, during the Great War, the national team only played unrecognised friendlies, with games in and against France. This triumph led them to a high second place in the World Football Elo Ratings. In the three 1920s Summer Olympics, they achieved results, and played their first intercontinental match. Over the following decade, however, Belgium lost all of their matches at the first three FIFA World Cup final tournaments, according to historian Richard Henshaw, The growth of in Scandinavia, Central Europe, and South America left Belgium far behind. Although World War II hindered international football events in the 1940s, Belgium qualified for only one of eight major tournaments during the 1950s and the 1960s, the 1954 World Cup
6. Брюссель – The City of Brussels is the largest municipality of the Brussels-Capital Region, and the de jure capital of Belgium. The City of Brussels covers most of the Regions centre, as well as northern outskirts where it borders municipalities in Flanders and it is the administrative centre of the European Union. On 1 January 2016, the City of Brussels had a population of 178,552. The total area is 32.61 km2 which gives a density of 5,475 inhabitants per square kilometre. As of 2007, there were approximately 50,000 registered non-Belgians in the City of Brussels, at first, the City of Brussels was simply defined, being the area within the second walls of Brussels, the modern-day small ring. As the city grew, the villages grew as well, eventually growing into a contiguous city. The construction of Avenue Louise was commissioned in 1847 as an avenue bordered by chestnut trees that would allow easy access to the popular recreational area of the Bois de la Cambre. However, fierce resistance to the project was put up by the town of Ixelles through whose land the avenue was supposed to run. After years of negotiations, Brussels finally annexed the narrow band of land needed for the avenue plus the Bois de la Cambre itself in 1864. That decision accounts for the unusual southeastern protrusion of the City of Brussels, the Université Libre de Bruxelles Solbosch campus is also part of the City of Brussels, partially accounting for the bulge in the southeast end. Unlike most of the municipalities in Belgium, the ones located in the Brussels-Capital Region were not merged with others during mergers occurring in 1964,1970, however, a few neighbouring municipalities have been merged into the City of Brussels, including Haren, Laken and Neder-Over-Heembeek in 1921. These comprise the northern bulge in the municipality, to the south-east is also a strip of land along Avenue Louise that was annexed from the Ixelles municipality
7. Сборная Таиланда по футболу – The Thailand national football team represents Thailand in international mens association football. With five ASEAN Football Championship titles and nine senior-level Southeast Asian Games titles, Thailand also won third place in the 1972 Asian Cup, competed twice in the Summer Olympics and won fourth place twice in the 1990 and 1998 Asian Games. The team was founded in 1915 as the Siam national football team, on 25 April 1916, King Vajiravudh established the Football Association of Siam. The team played its first international match in 1930 against the Indochina national team, both the Siam team and its governing association were renamed in 1949 when Siam became Thailand. Thailand appeared in the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, where they lost to Great Britain by a score of 0–9, in 1965, Thailand won the first place in the Southeast Asian Games for the first time. The team made another appearance at the Summer Olympics in 1968, losing to Bulgaria 0–7, Guatemala 1–4 and this was Thailands latest appearance in the Olympics. Thailand hosted the 1972 AFC Asian Cup and went on to place after defeating Cambodia 5–3 on penalties after a 2–2 draw in the third-place game. Thailand has qualified for the tournament a total of six times, the team won the first of its 13 Kings Cup trophies in 1976, sharing the title with Malaysia after a 1–1 draw in the final match. 1992 featured one of Thailands signature victories, Thailand would later defeat Bangladesh 1–0, winning the group and therefore qualifying for the 1992 AFC Asian Cup. The War Elephants would put on a performance at the tournament, drawing with eventual 3rd place China. In 1994, team manager Thawatchai Sartjakul assembled a team that has been renounced as Dream team with key players Kiatisuk Zico Senamuang, Tawan Sripan, in 1996, Thailand defeated Malaysia 1–0 to win the ASEAN Football Championship for the first time. Thailand were favourites to regain the crown in 2007,2008 and 2012 only to lose tight finals to Singapore, Thailand football team has competed three times in the Asian Games, making the semifinals in 1990,1998 and 2002. The 2007 AFC Asian Cup finals were held from 7 to 29 July 2007, for the first time in its history, the competition was co-hosted by four nations, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The regional 1998 ASEAN Football Championship tournament was perhaps most infamous in respect to Thailand football history, in what was supposedly a sporting event, the group stage match between Thailand and Indonesia was marred with an unsportsmanlike attempt. At the time teams had already qualified for semi-finals, but with knowledge that winners would have to face hosts Vietnam. There was also technical incentive that facing Vietnam would mean moving training bases from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi – which none of the teams wished to do, the first half saw very little action as both teams barely making attempt to score. During the second half both teams managed to score, partly thanks to half-hearted defending, resulting in a 2–2 tie after 90 minutes. However the real infamy didnt take place until extra time, in which an Indonesian defender deliberately kicked the ball into his own goal with a Thai attacker running towards the ball, FIFA fined both teams $40,000 for violating the spirit of the game
8. Мехико – Mexico City, or City of Mexico, is the ca
1 января 1993 года Чехословакия прекратила своё существование. Тем не менее, сборная продолжила участие в отборочных играх чемпионата мира 1994 года. Не сумев пробиться в финальную часть турнира, сборная Чехии и Словакии (официальное название команды после распада страны) прекратила существование после окончания отборочных матчей. Преемницей сборной Чехословакии стала сборная Чехии по футболу, кроме того, сборная Словакии по футболу начала свои собственные выступления.
На протяжении всей истории сборной Чехословакии её основной формой было сочетание красных футболок, белых трусов и тёмно-синих гетр. В выездной форме преобладал белый цвет, часто с красными и синими вставками.
1934—1976 (домашняя) | 1950—1967 (гостевая) | 1980—1989 (домашняя) | 1980—1989 (гостевая) | 1990—1992 (домашняя) | 1990—1992 (гостевая) |
1930 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1934 | Финал | 2 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 6 |
1938 | Четвертьфинал | 5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 3 |
1950 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1954 | 1-й раунд | 14 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 7 |
1958 | 1-й раунд | 9 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 6 |
1962 | Финал | 2 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 7 |
1966 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1970 | 1-й раунд | 15 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 7 |
1974 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1978 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1982 | 1-й раунд | 19 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
1986 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1990 | Четвертьфинал | 6 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 10 | 5 |
1994 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Всего | 8/18 | 2 Финала | 30 | 11 | 5 | 14 | 44 | 45 |
1960 | Третье место | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1964 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1968 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1972 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1976 | Чемпион | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 3 |
1980 | Третье место | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 4 |
1984 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1988 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1992 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Всего | 1 Победа | 8 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 12 | 10 |
Фанта (1920) • Жабокртски и Калина (1922) • Фанта (1922—1923) • Безецны (1924) • Пеликан (1924) • Хенчл (1925) • Катц (1926) • Краус (1926—1927) • Хенчл (1927—1929) • Краус (1929) • Хенчл (1929) • Пеликан и Валушек (1930) • Пршецехтел (1930) • Фанта (1930—1931) • Пеликан и Петру (1931) • Фанта (1931—1932) • Петру (1932) • Фанта (1932) • Пеликан (1933) • Петру (1933) • Безецны (1933) • Петру (1933—1934) • Пеликан (1935) • Безецны (1935—1937) • Тесарж (1937) • Майсснер (1938) • Блажей (1939) • Мусил (1946) • Пихлер (1946—1947) • Валушек и Гюртлер (1947) • Пихлер (1947) • Водичка (1948) • Кноблох-Маделон (1948) • Бокшай (1948) • Водичка (1948) • Даучик (1948) • Чамбал (1949) • Бокшай (1949) • Женишек (1950—1951) • Мусил (1951—1952) • Ланхаус (1952—1953) • Лука (1953) • Лука и Бори (1953) • Бори (1953) • Лука и Бори (1953) • Бори (1953—1954) • Ригр (1954—1955) • Бокшай (1955) • Ригр (1955) • Ригр и Кольский (1956) • Ригр (1956—1957) • Ригр и Бейбл (1957) • Бейбл (1957) • Ригр и Бейбл (1957) • Ригр (1957) • Кольский (1958) • Кольский и Вытлачил (1958) • Вытлачил (1959—1963) • Йира (1963—1964) • Вытлачил (1964) • Йира (1964—1965) • Марко (1965—1970) • Ригр (1970) • Новак и Качани (1971—1972) • Ежек (1972—1978) • Венглош (1978—1982) • Гавранек (1982—1983) • Хадамчик (1984) • Гавранек (1984) • Масопуст (1984—1987) • Венглош (1988—1990) • Мачала (1990—1993) • Ежек (1993) •
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