Сборная Уэльса по футболу. Уэльс сборная футбол

Сборная Уэльса по футболу

Сборная Уэльса по футболу находится под контролем Футбольной ассоциации Уэльса, которая была создана в 1876 году. Член FIFA – с 1910 года, член UEFA – с 1954 года.

История сборной Уэльса

Впервые сборная Уэльса была созвана на дружеский матч против команды из Шотландии, который состоялся в Глазго 25 марта 1876 года. Тогда валлийцы уступили со счётом 0:4. Первой победы пришлось ждать достаточно долго – целых шесть лет. Но вкус её был очень сладок – с экзотическим счётом 7:1 была повержена ирландская дружина. Первый поединок вне Великобритании Уэльс провёл лишь в 1932 году против команды Франции. Та игра завершилась ничьей – 1:1. В целом, по ходу своей истории валлийцы звёзд с неба не хватали, достаточно редко выстреливая лишь на Домашнем чемпионате Великобритании, проводившемся между Уэльсом, Англией, Шотландией и Северной Ирландии. За 140-летнюю историю существования «драконы» лишь однажды участвовали на чемпионате мира, а в 2016 году впервые в своей истории завоевали право поехать на финальную часть континентального первенства.

Выступления сборной Уэльса на чемпионатах мира

Уэльская дружина сумела попасть на мировой форум лишь однажды, в 1958 году. Тогда наши герои в своей отборочной группе опередили сборную ГДР, но уступили пальму первенства чехословацкой команде. По идее, валлийцы не должны были вообще никуда ехать, но помогли сложности отбора. На четвёртом этапе африканско-азиатского цикла Израиль должен был сыграть со сборной Судана, однако африканская команда отказалась по политическим причинам. В конечном итоге Израиль должен был квалифицироваться на чемпионат мира, но ситуация противоречила правилам FIFA: ведь израильтяне не сыграли из-за отказов ни одного отборочного матча, а привилегией такого сквозного попадания обладатели только страна-хозяйка и действующий чемпион мира. Поэтому было принято решение провести стыковой матч между Израилем и одной из команд УЕФА. Бельгийцы, имевшие лучшие показатели среди вторых национальных дружин, отказались играть, а валлийцы не стали пренебрегать приглашением и в обоих матчах с одинаковым счётом 2:0 одержали победу над столь фартовым Израилем, призвав к себе Госпожу Фортуну.

Надо сказать, тогда у коллектива, которым руководил Джимми Мёрфи, был вполне себе приличный состав. Пожалуй, один из самых сильнейших в истории. Чего стоят только форварды Айвор Оллчерч и Тревор Форд, которые и по сей день входят в десятку лучших бомбардиров сборной Уэльса. На групповом этапе «драконам» в соперники попались Швеция, Венгрия и Мексика. Все три игры наши герои сыграли вничью, и, по идее, должны были бы вылететь, если бы уже тогда работало правило, согласно которому выше располагается та команда, у которой лучше разница мячей. У венгров и у валлийцев было по 3 очка, у первых разница 6:3, у вторых – 2:2. Но в конечном итоге был назначен дополнительный матч, в котором Уэльс одержал волевую победу – 2:1.

Но в четвертьфинале валлийская сказка закончилась. Сборная Бразилии с легендарным Пеле дружине Мёрфи оказалась не по зубам. Правда, «драконы» упирались всеми силами, организовав «кудесникам футбола» один из самых сложных матчей на турнире. Но не дотерпели – гол Пеле на 66-й минуте выбил сборную Уэльса с их единственного в истории чемпионата мира. Больше до сегодня дня «драконы» на мировых первенствах не появлялись.

Выступления сборной Уэльса на чемпионатах Европы

Участие на Евро-2016 станет первой, для сборной Уэльса, поездкой на континентальный форум. Ранее эта страна в финальные части чемпионатов Европы не выходила. Шансы попасть именно на этот турнир у валлийцев возросли изначально, когда было объявлено, что на турнире во Франции будет принимать участие не 16 команд, а 24. Коллектив во главе с Аароном Рэмси и Гаретом Бэйлом попался такой, который мог бы и не вводить Уэльс в зависимость от нововведения. Но во времена Райана Гиггза, Крейга Беллами, Невила Саутхолла, Гари Спида тоже были хорошие игроки. Что, впрочем, не позволяло пройти на Евро. Хороший шанс был в 2003 году, но тогда гол Вадима Евсеева в Кардиффе разрушил все надежды.

Отборочная группа на Евро-2016 благоволила историческому события: была Бельгия – безоговорочный фаворит секстета, и были Босния и Герцеговина, Израиль, Кипр и Андорра. Команда Криса Коулмэна потерпела всего лишь одно поражение от боснийцев, два раза сыграв вничью с той же Боснией и Бельгией. Как итог – второе место вслед за бельгийцами и прямая путёвка на Евро. На самом турнире «драконам» предстоит сыграть со сборными Англии, России и Словакии. А исход всех этих противостояний может быть абсолютно любым.

Достижения сборной Уэльса

¼ финала чемпионата мира (1958).

Известные игроки

  • Невилл Саутхолл
  • Гэри Спид
  • Крейг Беллами
  • Дин Сондерс
  • Иан Раш
  • Марк Хьюз
  • Джои Джонс
  • Айвор Оллчерч
  • Роберт Эрншоу
  • Джон Чарльз
  • Райан Гиггз
  • Гарет Бэйл

Интересные факты о сборной Уэльса

  • Самая крупная победа: Уэльс – Ирландия – 11:0 (1888 г.)
  • Самое крупное поражение: Шотландия – Уэльс – 9:0 (1878 г.)
  • Рекордсмен по количеству матчей: Невилл Саутхолл (92 матча)
  • Лучший бомбардир сборной: Иан Раг (28 голов)


Сборная Уэльс по футболу - актуальный состав 2018, список игроков

1 Райан Гиггз полузащитник


44 года 178 см Уэльс 2 Гарет Бейл полузащитник


28 лет 74 кг 180 см Уэльс 3 Джеймс Коллинз защитник


34 года 90 кг 193 см Уэльс 4 Винни Джонс защитник


53 года 188 см Уэльс 5 Аарон Рэмси полузащитник


27 лет
76 кг 178 см Уэльс 6 Гэри Спид полузащитник


48 лет 181 см Уэльс 7 Иан Раш нападающий


56 лет 182 см Уэльс 8 Джейсон Браун вратарь


36 лет 84 кг 180 см Уэльс 9 Киран Фримэн защитник


26 лет 79 кг 178 см Уэльс 10 Джо Аллен полузащитник


28 лет
62 кг 168 см Уэльс 11 Уэйн Хеннесси вратарь


31 год 85 кг 196 см Уэльс 12 Джон Чарльз нападающий


86 лет 80 кг 188 см Уэльс 13 Роберт Эрншоу нападающий


37 лет 68 кг 173 см Уэльс 14 Дэвид Воган полузащитник


35 лет 70 кг 171 см Уэльс 15 Адам Меттьюз защитник


26 лет 71 кг 178 см Уэльс 16 Льюис Прайс вратарь


33 года 85 кг 191 см Уэльс 17 Эшли Уильямс защитник


33 года 75 кг 183 см Уэльс 18 Том Лоуренс нападающий


24 года 175 см Уэльс 19 Нил Тейлор защитник


29 лет 64 кг 175 см Уэльс 20 Джо Ледли полузащитник


31 год 75 кг 183 см Уэльс 21 Адам Хенли защитник


24 года 70 кг 178 см Уэльс 22 Хэл Робсон-Кану полузащитник


29 лет 83 кг 183 см Уэльс 23 Стив Морисон нападающий


34 года 85 кг 188 см Уэльс 24 Крейг Беллами нападающий


38 лет 69 кг 175 см Уэльс 25
Оуэйн Фон Уильямс вратарь


31 год 77 кг 193 см Уэльс 26 Дэнни Уорд вратарь


24 года 88 кг 191 см Уэльс 27 Джэз Ричардс защитник


27 лет 78 кг 185 см Уэльс 28 Сэм Воукс нападающий


28 лет 90 кг 186 см Уэльс 29 Дэвид Коттерилл нападающий


30 лет 71 кг 175 см Уэльс
30 Джордж Уильямс нападающий


22 года 73 кг 172 см Уэльс 31 Бен Дэвис защитник


25 лет 76 кг 181 см Уэльс 32 Джоэл Линч защитник


30 лет 80 кг 185 см Уэльс 33 Дэвид Корнелл вратарь


27 лет 79 кг 188 см Уэльс 34 Эллиотт Хьюитт защитник


24 года Уэльс 35 Джонатан Бонд вратарь


25 лет 84 кг 193 см Уэльс 36 Натаниэль Джарвис нападающий


26 лет 80 кг 183 см Уэльс 37 Ибраим Фара полузащитник


26 лет 64 кг 178 см Уэльс 38 Дарси Блэйк полузащитник


29 лет 68 кг 183 см Уэльс 39 Крис Гантер защитник


28 лет 70 кг 180 см Уэльс 40 Гарет Робертс защитник


40 лет 75 кг 173 см Уэльс 41 Джеймс Честер защитник


29 лет 75 кг 177 см Уэльс 42 Крэйг Дэвис нападающий


32 года 85 кг 188 см Уэльс 43 Роб Эдвардс защитник


35 лет 74 кг 185 см Уэльс 44 Джермейн Истер нападающий


36 лет 85 кг 175 см Уэльс 45 Энди Дорман полузащитник


36 лет 68 кг 185 см Уэльс 46 Джонатан Уильямс полузащитник


24 года 60 кг 165 см Уэльс 47 Тревор Форд нападающий


94 года 85 кг 188 см Уэльс 48 Дэвид Эдвардс полузащитник


32 года 80 кг 185 см Уэльс 49 Джеймс Уилсон защитник


29 лет 82 кг 188 см Уэльс 50 Неввил Саутолл вратарь


59 лет 185 см Уэльс


Сборная Уэльса по футболу - WikiVisually

1. УЕФА – The Union of European Football Associations is the administrative body for association football in Europe, although several member states are primarily or entirely located in Asia. It is one of six continental confederations of world footballs governing body FIFA, UEFA consists of 55 national association members. Until 1959 the main headquarters were located in Paris, and later in Bern, in 1995, UEFA headquarters were transferred to Nyon, Switzerland. Henri Delaunay was the first general secretary and Ebbe Schwartz the first president, UEFA was founded on 15 June 1954 in Basel, Switzerland after consultation between the Italian, French, and Belgian associations. The European football union began with 25 members, that number doubled by the early 1990s, UEFA membership coincides for the most part with recognition as a sovereign country in Europe, although there are some exceptions. Some UEFA members are not sovereign states, but form part of a recognized sovereign state in the context of international law. Some UEFA members are transcontinental states, countries which had been members of the Asian Football Confederation were also admitted to the European football association, particularly Israel and Kazakhstan. Additionally some UEFA member associations allow teams from outside their associations main territory to take part in their domestic competition, saarland Football Union 1954–1956 German football association of the German Democratic Republic 1954–1990 Football Federation of the Soviet Union 1954–1991, in 1992 became Russian Football Union. The newly independent 14 Soviet Republics created their own football associations, Football Association of Yugoslavia 1954–1992, became Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia became independent, Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro 1992–2006, became Football Association of Serbia. Montenegro, which became independent, created its own football association, the main competition for mens national teams is the UEFA European Football Championship, started in 1958, with the first finals in 1960, and known as the European Nations Cup until 1964. It is also called UEFA or the EURO, UEFA also runs national competitions at Under-21, Under-19 and Under-17 levels. For womens national teams, UEFA operates the UEFA Womens Championship for senior sides as well as Womens Under-19. UEFA also organized the UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup with CAF for youth teams in an effort to boost youth football, UEFA launched the UEFA Regions Cup, for semi-professional teams representing their local region, in 1999. In futsal there is the UEFA Futsal Championship and UEFA Futsal Under-21 Championship, the Italian, German, Spanish and French mens national teams are the sole teams to have won the European football championship in all categories. A second, lower-ranked competition is the UEFA Europa League and this competition, for national knockout cup winners and high-placed league teams, was launched by UEFA in 1971 as a successor of both the former UEFA Cup and the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. A third competition, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, which had started in 1960, was absorbed into the UEFA Cup in 1999, in womens football UEFA also conducts the UEFA Womens Champions League for club teams. The competition was first held in 2001, and known as the UEFA Womens Cup until 2009, the UEFA Super Cup pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the Europa League, and came into being in 1973

2. Футбольная ассоциация Уэльса – The Football Association of Wales is the governing body of association football in Wales. It is a member of FIFA, UEFA and the IFAB, the FAW was founded at a meeting held on 2 February 1876 at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel in Wrexham, initially to formalise the arrangements for the forthcoming match against Scotland. In May 1876, a meeting was called, this time in the ballroom of the Wynnstay Arms Hotel in Ruabon where the name Football Association of Wales was agreed. The arguments and discussions continued so long that the local policeman came in to call time, the meeting ended with Llewelyn Kenrick appointed as the first chairman and honorary secretary with John Hawley Edwards as first treasurer. Kenrick continued to serve the FAW until 1884, when he left, in 1897, when the FAW secretary was charged with fraud, Kenrick returned to guide the association through the crisis. He made the break a few months later over the minor issue of the allocation of gate money to Welsh Cup semi-finalists and finalists. The FAW is also responsible for all actions against players in teams associated with the FAW. This includes Welsh teams playing in the English football pyramid, superseding the English FA disciplinary system with the exception of Cardiff City, the FAW is based at Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff. It is governed by a council including nineteen councillors who are either elected, in 2012, chief executive Jonathan Ford claimed the FAW had an income of £14 million, funded from FIFA, UEFA, grants, sponsorship and TV revenue. All finances were spent on the development of the game. In 2013, Dragon Park, the Wales National Football Development Centre, Wales national football team List of football clubs in Wales Official website Wales at FIFA site Wales at UEFA site A Bibliography of Association Football in Wales

3. Гиггз, Райан – Ryan Joseph Giggs, OBE is a Welsh football coach and former player who is the co-owner of Salford City. He played his professional career for Manchester United. The son of rugby league player Danny Wilson, Giggs was born in Cardiff, predominantly a left winger, he began his career with Manchester City, but joined Manchester United on his 14th birthday in 1987. He made his debut for the club in 1991 and spent the next 23 years in the Manchester United first team. At the end of the 2013–14 season, he was named as Manchester Uniteds interim player-manager following the sacking of David Moyes and he was named as assistant manager under Moyes permanent replacement, Louis van Gaal, on 19 May 2014, he retired from playing the same day. He holds the record for competitive appearances. At international level, Giggs played for the Wales national team 64 times between 1991 and 2007, and was named as the captain of the Great Britain team that competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics. He is one of only 18 players to have made over 1,000 career appearances, Giggs is the most decorated player in football history. Giggs captained the team on occasions, particularly in the 2007–08 season when regular captain Gary Neville was ruled out with various injuries. Giggs also has a number of personal achievements and he was the first player in history to win two consecutive PFA Young Player of the Year awards, though he did not win the PFA Player of the Year award until 2009. He was the player to play in each of the first 22 seasons of the Premier League. He was elected into the PFA Team of the Century in 2007, Giggs holds the record for the most assists in Premier League history, with 271. He was named as BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 2009, in addition to the many honours Giggs has received within football, he was appointed an OBE in the Queens 2007 Birthday Honours List for his services to football. Giggs was born at St Davids Hospital in Canton, Cardiff, to Danny Wilson, a union player for Cardiff RFC. Giggs is mixed race – his paternal grandfather is from Sierra Leone – and has spoken of the racism he faced as a child, as a child, Giggs grew up in Ely, a suburb of western Cardiff. His younger brother, Rhodri, is a manager of non-league Salford City. He spent much time with his mothers parents and playing football, in 1980, when Giggs was six years old, his father switched rugby codes and signed for Swinton RLFC, forcing the whole family to move north to Swinton, a town in Salford, Greater Manchester. The move was a one, as Giggs was very close to his grandparents in Cardiff

4. Уильямс, Эшли (футболист) – Ashley Errol Williams is a professional footballer who plays as a defender for Premier League club Everton and as the captain of the Wales national team. He plays mainly as a centre-back, after being released from West Bromwich Albion as a teenager, he played for non-league side Hednesford Town before turning professional at Stockport County in 2003, later becoming their captain. In March 2008, he was loaned to Swansea City, and after helping them win League One and he amassed 352 games for the Swans, scoring 14 goals. He aided them in their promotion to the Premier League and their victory in the 2013 Football League Cup Final, in August 2016, he signed a three-year contract with fellow Premier League side Everton. Born in England, Williams qualifies to play for Wales through his maternal grandfather and he made his debut for them in March 2008 and has since earned over 70 caps. He captained the team at UEFA Euro 2016 where The Dragons made it all the way to the semi-final, born in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, Williams began his career at West Bromwich Albion as a youth player but was released by the club at 16. He went on to play for non-league Hednesford Town, before joining Division Two side Stockport County in 2003, Williams later became captain of Stockport, and was still at the club when he made his international debut. In November 2007, Williams won both the inaugural North-West League Two Player of the Year Award and the North-West Player of the Year Award. In March 2008, Williams signed for Swansea City on loan until the end of the 2007–08 season, on 16 September 2008, Williams scored his first Swansea goal in a 1–1 draw against Derby County. The defender impressed during his first season at Championship level, eventually going on to be named the Wales Footballer of the Year at an FAW awards dinner in November 2009, Williams also picked up the Clubman of the Year award at the same event. Williams was part of a defence that conceded only 37 goals during that campaign, the 2010–11 season saw Swansea and Williams gain promotion to the Premier League via a play-off final win at Wembley. Williams was named in the Championship PFA Team of the Year for the consecutive season. The season also saw him equal and surpass a club record of 106 consecutive matches, previously held by Andy Legg. Swanseas first Premier League season began with a 4–0 loss at eventual champions Manchester City, on 24 September 2011, Williams scored his first ever Premier League goal in a 4–1 loss at Chelsea, after heading in a Mark Gower free kick. In October 2012, Williams signed a new contract with Swansea. After captaining the team during the final at Wembley, Williams lifted the trophy with club captain Garry Monk, on 4 July 2014, Williams signed a new four-year contract with Swansea. On 19 April 2015, he was selected in the Team of the Decade at the Football League Awards, on 10 August 2016, Williams joined Everton on a three-year deal for £12 million. Williams scored his first Everton goal with an 86th-minute header to secure a 2–1 win over Arsenal on 13 December 2016, Williams qualifies for the Wales national football team through his maternal grandfather Bill Rowlands from Gelli in Rhondda

5. Саутолл, Невилл – Neville Southall MBE is a Welsh former international footballer. He has been described as one of the best goalkeepers of his generation and won the FWA Footballer of the Year award in 1985. He joined Bury from Winsford United for a £6,000 fee in 1980, during his teenage years he worked as a binman, waiter and hod carrier. He moved on to Everton for £150,000 in 1981 and he also played in the 1985 and 1989 FA Cup finals, the League Cup final in 1984, and helped Everton to a second place in the league in 1985–86. After leaving Everton in 1998, he became Torquay Uniteds regular goalkeeper for two years and he also made a handful of appearances for numerous other clubs. He played internationally for Wales, winning a record 92 caps between 1982 and 1998, though he did not feature in any international competitions. He is a member of the Gwladys Streets Hall of Fame and he has been named as one of the 100 Greatest Players of the 20th Century by World Soccer magazine. In 1996 Birthday Honours, he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire for his services to football. Since his retirement as a player, Southall has briefly managed Dover Athletic, Hastings United and Margate and he has also worked extensively with disadvantaged children, and set up his own educational consultancy. Born and raised in Llandudno to Fred and Rose Southall, he was the child of three boys. Southall played youth football for his team and the Llandudno Swifts. He was educated at Ysgol John Bright, though left without any qualifications at age 16, at age 14 he toured Germany with the Llandudno Swifts and was offered a chance to play for the youth team of Bundesliga outfit Fortuna Düsseldorf, but decided against the move to Germany. The Swifts were a side that were regularly beaten heavily. As a teenager, Southall had unsuccessful trials at Wrexham, Crewe Alexandra and he aspired to be a postman, and never believed that he would make a living playing football. He then worked as a binman, waiter and hod carrier and he played for Llandudno Town at age 15, before joining Northern Premier League side Bangor City on £10 a week as a semi-professional the following year. Bangor manager Dave Elliott regularly selected veteran goalkeeper Peter Eales ahead of Southall, Everton asked Elliot permission to take Southall on trial, but Elliot left the club shortly after and no trial took place. With Bangor in financial trouble the paid playing staff began to leave the club and he moved on to Cheshire County League club Winsford United at the age of 20. The club won the Cheshire Senior Cup in 1980, and Southall was voted the clubs Player of the Year, Southalls performances attracted the attention of Bury and Wigan Athletic, and he was convinced to sign with Bury after he was personally approached by manager Dave Connor

6. Бейл, Гарет – Gareth Frank Bale is a Welsh professional footballer who plays as a winger for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Wales national team. He began his career at Southampton, playing at left-back. Bale moved to Tottenham Hotspur in 2007, for an eventual £7 million fee, during his time at Tottenham, managerial and tactical shifts saw him transform into a more attacking player. From the 2009–10 season, under the guidance of Harry Redknapp, Bale became a part of the team. In 2011 and 2013 he was named PFA Players Player of the Year, in 2013 he was also named PFA Young Player of the Year and the FWA Footballer of the Year. On 1 September 2013, Bale was transferred to Real Madrid for an undisclosed fee, press at the time reported the transfer value at figures between €91 million and €100 million. Bale played a role in his first season at Real Madrid, helping the club to win the 2013–14 Copa del Rey and UEFA Champions League. The following season he won the UEFA Super Cup and scored in a major final to help the club win the FIFA Club World Cup. Two years later, he was a key player in another Champions League run, winning the 2015–16 title, in 2016, ESPN ranked Bale twelfth on its list of the worlds most famous athletes. Bale made his international debut for Wales in May 2006. He has since earned over 60 caps and scored 26 international goals, Bale was born in Cardiff, Wales, to parents Frank, a school caretaker, and Debbie, an operations manager, he attended Eglwys Newydd Primary School at Whitchurch. He is the nephew of former Cardiff City footballer Chris Pike and it was while at this school he first came to the attention of Southampton at age nine, when he was playing in a six-a-side tournament with his first club, Cardiff Civil Service Football Club. Growing up, his hero was fellow Welshman and Manchester United player Ryan Giggs. Bale attended Whitchurch High School in Cardiff and he was a keen athlete and played football alongside future Wales rugby captain Sam Warburton, rugby, hockey and excelled at athletics. As a 14-year-old he says that he ran the 100 metre sprint in 11.4 seconds, because of his superior footballing skill, the schools PE teacher, Gwyn Morris, had to write special rules which restricted Bale to playing one-touch football and not using his left foot. Whilst at Whitchurch, Bale trained at Southamptons satellite academy in Bath, despite being only 16 at the time, he helped the schools under-18 side win the Cardiff & Vale Senior Cup. He left school in the summer of 2005 with a Grade A in PE amongst his other GCSE results, in his final year at school, he was awarded the PE departments prize for services to sport. In the presentation, Morris commented, Gareth has a determination to succeed and has the character

7. Миллениум (стадион) – The Millennium Stadium, currently known for sponsorship purposes as the Principality Stadium, is the national stadium of Wales, located in Cardiff. It is the home of the Wales national rugby team and has also staged games of the Wales national football team. It also hosted six FA Cup finals and several other high-profile football fixtures while Wembley Stadium was being redeveloped, the stadium is owned by Millennium Stadium plc, a subsidiary company of the Welsh Rugby Union. The stadium was designed by a led by architects Bligh Lobb Sports Architecture. WS Atkins were the engineers, and the building contractor was Laing. The total construction cost of the stadium was £121 million, of which the Millennium Commission funded £46 million, with a total seating capacity of 74,500, it is the third-largest stadium in the Six Nations Championship behind the Stade de France and Twickenham. It is also the second-largest stadium in the world with a retractable roof and was the second stadium in Europe to have this feature. Listed as a category four stadium by UEFA, the stadium was chosen as the venue for the 2017 UEFA Champions League Final, due to take place on 3 June 2017. In 2015, the Welsh Rugby Union announced a 10-year sponsorship deal with the Principality Building Society that saw the renamed as the Principality Stadium from early 2016. Until 1969, Cardiff RFC and Wales both played their matches on the same pitch at Cardiff Arms Park, but all this changed in the 1969–70 season. By 7 April 1984 the National Stadium was officially opened, however, in 1994, a redevelopment committee was set up to consider redeveloping the National Stadium, and by 1995 the WRU had been chosen to host the 1999 Rugby World Cup. France was also about to build the Stade de France, which would have a capacity of more than 80,000 for the 1998 FIFA World Cup. The original capacity of the National Stadium was 65,000,11,000 of 53,000 capacity was on the East Terrace and the conversion to an all-seater stadium would have reduced the stadium capacity still further to just 47,500. It was only visible from across the River Taff in the west. Access to the ground was very restricted with the main entrance being a narrow opening in Westgate Street to the east which was shared by both vehicles and spectators alike. The options for the new stadium included adding a third tier to the existing National Stadium, the committee eventually chose a new stadium on the same site but with considerable increase in its capacity. It would also involve moving the alignment of the stadium from west-east to north-south and this was the option supported by the Millennium Commission. It would become the fourth redevelopment of the Cardiff Arms Park site and it was also decided that the new stadium should have a sliding roof to accommodate a multi-use venue, with a grass pitch for rugby and football

8. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system

9. Сборная Шотландии по футболу – The Scotland national football team represents Scotland in international football and is controlled by the Scottish Football Association. It competes in the two professional tournaments, the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA European Championship. Scotland, as a constituent country of the United Kingdom, is not a member of the International Olympic Committee, the majority of Scotlands home matches are played at the national stadium, Hampden Park. Scotland is the joint oldest national team in the world, alongside England. Scotland has a rivalry with England, whom they played annually from 1872 until 1989. The teams have met six times since then, most recently in November 2016. Scotland have qualified for the FIFA World Cup on eight occasions and the UEFA European Championship twice, the team have achieved some noteworthy results, such as beating the 1966 FIFA World Cup winners England 3–2 at Wembley Stadium in 1967. Archie Gemmill scored what has been described as one of the greatest World Cup goals ever in a 3–2 win during the 1978 World Cup against the Netherlands, in their qualifying group for UEFA Euro 2008, Scotland defeated 2006 World Cup runners-up France 1–0 in both fixtures. Scotland supporters are known as the Tartan Army. The Scottish Football Association operates a roll of honour for every player who has more than 50 appearances for Scotland. Kenny Dalglish holds the record for Scotland appearances, having played 102 times between 1971 and 1986, Dalglish scored 30 goals for Scotland and shares the record for most goals scored with Denis Law. Scotland and England are the oldest national teams in the world. Teams representing the two sides first competed at the Oval in five matches between 1870 and 1872, the two countries contested the first official international football match, at Hamilton Crescent in Partick, Scotland, on 30 November 1872. The match ended in a goalless draw, all eleven players who represented Scotland that day played for Glasgow amateur club Queens Park. Over the next forty years, Scotland played matches exclusively against the other three Home Nations—England, Wales and Ireland, the British Home Championship began in 1883, making these games competitive. The encounters against England were particularly fierce and a rivalry quickly developed, Scotland lost just two of their first 43 international matches. It was not until a 2–0 home defeat by Ireland in 1903 that Scotland lost a match to an other than England. This run of success meant that Scotland would have topped the Elo ratings

10. Глазго – Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, and third largest in the United Kingdom. Historically part of Lanarkshire, it is now one of the 32 council areas of Scotland and it is situated on the River Clyde in the countrys West Central Lowlands. Inhabitants of the city are referred to as Glaswegians, Glasgow grew from a small rural settlement on the River Clyde to become the largest seaport in Britain. From the 18th century the city grew as one of Great Britains main hubs of transatlantic trade with North America. Glasgow was the Second City of the British Empire for much of the Victorian era and Edwardian period, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Glasgow grew in population, reaching a peak of 1,128,473 in 1939. The entire region surrounding the conurbation covers about 2.3 million people, at the 2011 census, Glasgow had a population density of 8, 790/sq mi, the highest of any Scottish city. Glasgow hosted the 2014 Commonwealth Games and is well known in the sporting world for the football rivalry of the Old Firm between Celtic and Rangers. Glasgow is also known for Glasgow patter, a dialect that is noted for being difficult to understand by those from outside the city. Glasgow is the form of the ancient Cumbric name Glas Cau. Possibly referring to the area of Molendinar Burn where Glasgow Cathedral now stands, the later Gaelic name Baile Glas Chu, town of the grey dog, is purely a folk-etymology. The present site of Glasgow has been settled since prehistoric times, it is for settlement, being the furthest downstream fording point of the River Clyde, the origins of Glasgow as an established city derive ultimately from its medieval position as Scotlands second largest bishopric. Glasgow increased in importance during the 10th and 11th centuries as the site of this bishopric, reorganised by King David I of Scotland and John, there had been an earlier religious site established by Saint Mungo in the 6th century. The bishopric became one of the largest and wealthiest in the Kingdom of Scotland, bringing wealth, sometime between 1189 and 1195 this status was supplemented by an annual fair, which survives as the Glasgow Fair. Glasgow grew over the following centuries, the first bridge over the River Clyde at Glasgow was recorded from around 1285, giving its name to the Briggait area of the city, forming the main North-South route over the river via Glasgow Cross. The founding of the University of Glasgow in 1451 and elevation of the bishopric to become the Archdiocese of Glasgow in 1492 increased the towns religious and educational status and landed wealth. Its early trade was in agriculture, brewing and fishing, with cured salmon and herring being exported to Europe, Glasgow was subsequently raised to the status of Royal Burgh in 1611. The citys Tobacco Lords created a water port at Port Glasgow on the Firth of Clyde. By the late 18th century more than half of the British tobacco trade was concentrated on Glasgows River Clyde, at the time, Glasgow held a commercial importance as the city participated in the trade of sugar, tobacco and later cotton


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