Суперкубок СССР по футболу 1985. Суперкубок по футболу ссср

Суперкубок СССР по футболу - это... Что такое Суперкубок СССР по футболу?

Суперкубок СССР по футболу, или Кубок Сезона — клубный турнир по футболу, проводившийся в СССР в 1977—1988 годах. Разыгрывался между победителем Кубка СССР и чемпионом страны.

Суперкубок СССР проводился нерегулярно, не имел большой престижности, и его последний розыгрыш состоялся в Сочи в 1988 году, где две украинские команды («Днепр» и «Металлист») сыграли матч в присутствии всего 1500 болельщиков.

В 1985 году киевскому «Динамо» в финале противостоял финалист Кубка «Шахтёр», поскольку «Динамо» выиграло оба турнира.


20 ноября 1977
"Динамо" (Москва) 1 : 0 "Динамо" (Киев)
Минаев '54 Голы
Стадион: "Динамо" имени В. И. Ленина, ТбилисиЗрителей: ?Судьи: Г. Баканидзе, В. Эджибия (оба - Тбилиси), М. Мкртычан (Ереван).
Составы:"Динамо" (Москва): Пильгуй, Паров (Никулин, 46), Казачёнок, Маховиков, Бубнов, Петрушин, Гершкович (Колесов, 80), Долматов, Якубик, Максименков, Минаев."Динамо" (Киев): Юрковский, Коньков, Бережной, Фоменко, Решко (Онищенко, 80), Лозинский, Буряк, Бессонов, Колотов, Веремеев (Кузнецов, 73), Блохин.Предупреждения: Бережной.
17 марта 1981
"Динамо" (Киев) 1 : 1(по пенальти — 5:4) "Шахтёр"
Бойко '41 Голы Кравченко '52
Стадион: «Локомотив», СимферопольЗрителей: ?Судьи: А.Мушковец, В.Глебов, А.Спирин (все - Москва).
Составы:"Динамо" (Киев): Роменский, Коньков, Балтача, Баль, Бессонов, Лозинский, Буряк (Демьяненко, 52), Хапсалис (Евтушенко, 55), Бойко, Веремеев (Юрчишин, 70), Блохин."Шахтёр": Чанов, Варнавский, Горбунов, Кондратов, Сопко, Рудаков (Кравченко, 46), Роговский, Соколовский, Старухин, Гошкодеря (Бондаренко, 94), Грачев.Пенальти реализовали: Юрчишин, Соколовский, Блохин, Бондаренко, Бессонов, Горбунов, Балтача, Кравченко, Коньков.Не реализовали: Старухин.
5 июля 1984
"Шахтёр" 2 : 1 "Днепр"
Вишневский '54-авт.Морозов '64 Голы Литовченко '40
Стадион: "Шахтёр", ДонецкЗрителей: 32840Судьи: В. Бутенко, А. Мушковец, А. Хорлин (все - Москва).
Составы:"Шахтёр": Елинскас, Покидин, Сопко, Раденко, Пархоменко (Смолянинов, 20), Рудаков, Кравченко, Соколовский (Василюк, 87), Морозов, Петров, Грачёв (Гошкодеря, 41)."Днепр": Краковский, Башкиров, Вишневский, Пучков, Лысенко, Дилай, Кузнецов, Литовченко, Багмут (Серебрянский, 46; Назаренко, 81), Протасов, Лютый (Федоренко, 63).Предупреждения: Вишневский.
8 июля 1984
"Днепр" 1 : 1 "Шахтёр"
Федоренко '70 Голы Соколовский '89
Стадион: "Метеор", ДнепропетровскЗрителей: 29500Судьи: В. Кузнецов (Омск), А. Хохряков (Йошкар-Ола), Н. Захаров (Владимир).
Составы:"Днепр": Краковский, Башкиров, Вишневский, Пучков, Лысенко, Дилай (Чилиби, 69), Кузнецов, Литовченко, Багмут (Федоренко, 46), Протасов, Лютый."Шахтёр": Елинскас, Покидин, Сопко, Раденко, Гошкодеря, Рудаков, Штурлак, Соколовский, Морозов, Василюк (Попович, 61), Кравченко.Предупреждения: Покидин, Гошкодеря, Раденко, Морозов, Вишневский.Удаления: Покидин, Литовченко.
30 июля 1985
«Зенит» 2 : 1 «Динамо» (Москва)
Поздняков '33-авт.Герасимов '71 Голы Атаулин '5
Стадион: им.Кирова, ЛенинградЗрителей: 31000Судьи: В. Миминошвили, Ш. Ханиашвили, У. Пурцеладзе (все - Тбилиси).
Составы:«Зенит»: Бирюков (к), Давыдов, Степанов, Афанасьев, Воробьёв (Яковлев, 75), Баранник, Долгополов, Дмитриев (Кузнецов, 88), Герасимов, Мельников, Клементьев (Чухлов, 77).«Динамо» (Москва): Уваров (к), Буланов, Поздняков, Новиков, Головня (Хапсалис, 70), Стукашов, Атаулин, Пудышев (Акбаров, 76), Бородюк, Каратаев (Кобелев, 60), Васильев.
5 августа 1985
«Динамо» (Москва) 0 : 1 «Зенит»
Голы Мельников '20
Стадион: "Динамо", МоскваЗрителей: 12200Судьи: М. Ступар (Ивано-Франковск), М. Кусень, В. Чекас (оба - Львов).
Составы:«Динамо» (Москва): Уваров (к), Буланов, Новиков, Кожанов, Фомичев, Стукашов (Матюнин, 52), Атаулин, Пудышев, Бородюк (Кобелев, 61), Каратаев (Гаглоев, 52), Васильев.«Зенит»: Бирюков (к), Давыдов, Степанов, Кузнецов, Веденеев, Баранник, Долгополов, Дмитриев (Захариков, 80), Герасимов (Воробьёв, 75), Мельников (Чухлов, 42), Афанасьев.
11 апреля 1986
"Динамо" (Киев) 2 : 2(по пенальти — 3:1) "Шахтёр"
Щербаков '73Евтушенко '118 Голы Соколовский '54Кравченко '117
Стадион: Республиканский стадион, КиевЗрителей: 65300Судьи: А. Спирин, Ю. Савченко, А. Хохлин (все - Москва).
Составы:"Динамо" (Киев): Чанов, Яремчук, Балтача, Кузнецов, Демьяненко, Рац, Яковенко, Баль (Бессонов, 65), Заваров, Беланов (Евтушенко, 74), Блохин (Щербаков, 64)."Динамо" (Киев): Золотницкий (Гаврилов, 77), Варнавский, Сопко, Гошкодеря, Пархоменко, Рудаков, Ященко (Морозов, 74), Соколовский (Кравченко, 85) Гуляев, Смолянинов, Грачёв.Пенальти реализовали: Демьяненко, Балтача, Морозов, Евтушенко.Не реализовали: Кравченко, Варнавский, Яковенко, Грачёв.
18 мая 1987
«Торпедо» (Москва) 1 : 1(по пенальти — 4:5) «Динамо»(Киев)
Ширинбеков '47 Голы Беланов '81
Стадион: имени В.И.Ленина, МоскваЗрителей: 30000Судьи: И.Тимошенко (Ростов-на-Дону), Ходеев (Воронеж), В.Ярыгин (Волгоград).
Составы:«Торпедо» (Москва): Харин, Полукаров, Ковач, Пригода (Муштруев, 67), Шавейко, Шавло (Плотников, 78), Савичев Ю., Кобзев, Гришин, Ширинбеков, Агашков.«Динамо»(Киев): Чанов, Бессонов, Балтача, Кузнецов О., Демьяненко, Рац, Михайличенко, Баль (Яковенко, 46), Евсеев (Евтушенко, 55), Беланов, Блохин.Пенальти реализовали:Не реализовали:
1 марта 1989
"Днепр" 3 : 1 "Металлист"
Шахов '64-пен.Сон '97Лютый '103 Голы Аджоев '62
Стадион: Центральный стадион, СочиЗрителей: 1500Судьи: А. Кириллов, В. Филиппов (оба - Москва), Г. Сепиашвили (Тбилиси).
Составы:"Днепр": Городов, Геращенко, Сидельников, Пучков, Сорокалет, Кудрицкий (Сон, 57), Багмут, Яровенко, Шох (Червоный, 36), Лютый, Шахов."Металлист": Кутепов, Колоколов, Романчук, Сусло, Деркач, Яловский, Баранов, Ралюченко (Иванов, 74), Назаренко, Меньшиков (Аджоев, 59), Есипов (Тарасов, 59).Предупреждения:Баранов.


  1. Динамо (Киев) — 3 победы (1 финал)
  2. Шахтёр (Донецк) — 1 (2)
  3. Динамо (Москва) — 1 (1)
  4. Днепр (Днепропетровск) — 1 (1)
  5. Зенит (Ленинград) — 1

См. также


  1. ↑ В связи с отказом молдавских спортивных организаций из-за плохих погодных условий провести 1 марта в Кишинёве матч Кубка сезона между футбольными командами «Спартак» (Москва) — «Динамо» (Киев) он переносился на более поздний срок, но матч так и не был сыгран.


 Просмотр этого шаблона
 Суперкубок СССР по футболу
1977 · 1980 · 1983 · 1984 · 1985 · 1986 · 1988


Суперкубок СССР по футболу Википедия

Год Место проведения Победитель Счёт Проигравший
1977 20 ноября 1977 годаТбилиси — «Динамо» им. В. ЛенинаЗрителей: 35 000 «Динамо» (Москва)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1977 1 : 0 «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1977
1981 17 марта 1981 годаСимферополь — «Локомотив»Зрителей: ? «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1980 1 : 1пен. 5 : 4 «Шахтёр» (Донецк)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1980
1984 5 июля 1984 годаДонецк — «Шахтёр»Зрителей: 32 840 «Шахтёр» (Донецк)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1983 2 : 1 «Днепр» (Днепропетровск)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1983
8 июля 1984 годаДнепропетровск — «Метеор»Зрителей: 29 500 1 : 1
1985 30 июля 1985 годаЛенинград — Стадион им. С. КироваЗрителей: 31 000 «Зенит» (Ленинград)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1984 2 : 1 «Динамо» (Москва)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1984
5 августа 1985 годаМосква — «Динамо»Зрителей: 12 200 1 : 0
1986 11 апреля 1986 годаКиев — Республиканский стадионЗрителей: 65 300 «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1985Обладатель Кубка СССР 1985 2 : 2пен. 3 : 1 «Шахтёр» (Донецк)Финалист Кубка СССР 1985
1987 18 мая 1987 годаМосква — Центральный стадион им. В. ЛенинаЗрителей: 30 000 «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1986 1 : 1пен. 5 : 4 «Торпедо» (Москва)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1986
1988 Кишинёв Матч между «Динамо» (Киев) и «Спартак» (Москва) не состоялся[1]
1989 1 марта 1989 годаСочи — Центральный стадионЗрителей: 1 500 «Днепр» (Днепропетровск) Победитель чемпионата СССР 1988 3 : 1 «Металлист» (Харьков)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1988


Суперкубок СССР по футболу Вики

Год Место проведения Победитель Счёт Проигравший
1977 20 ноября 1977 годаТбилиси — «Динамо» им. В. ЛенинаЗрителей: 35 000 «Динамо» (Москва)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1977 1 : 0 «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1977
1981 17 марта 1981 годаСимферополь — «Локомотив»Зрителей: ? «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1980 1 : 1пен. 5 : 4 «Шахтёр» (Донецк)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1980
1984 5 июля 1984 годаДонецк — «Шахтёр»Зрителей: 32 840 «Шахтёр» (Донецк)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1983 2 : 1 «Днепр» (Днепропетровск)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1983
8 июля 1984 годаДнепропетровск — «Метеор»Зрителей: 29 500 1 : 1
1985 30 июля 1985 годаЛенинград — Стадион им. С. КироваЗрителей: 31 000 «Зенит» (Ленинград)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1984 2 : 1 «Динамо» (Москва)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1984
5 августа 1985 годаМосква — «Динамо»Зрителей: 12 200 1 : 0
1986 11 апреля 1986 годаКиев — Республиканский стадионЗрителей: 65 300 «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1985Обладатель Кубка СССР 1985 2 : 2пен. 3 : 1 «Шахтёр» (Донецк)Финалист Кубка СССР 1985
1987 18 мая 1987 годаМосква — Центральный стадион им. В. ЛенинаЗрителей: 30 000 «Динамо» (Киев)Победитель чемпионата СССР 1986 1 : 1пен. 5 : 4 «Торпедо» (Москва)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1986
1988 Кишинёв Матч между «Динамо» (Киев) и «Спартак» (Москва) не состоялся[1]
1989 1 марта 1989 годаСочи — Центральный стадионЗрителей: 1 500 «Днепр» (Днепропетровск) Победитель чемпионата СССР 1988 3 : 1 «Металлист» (Харьков)Обладатель Кубка СССР 1988


Суперкубок СССР по футболу - WikiVisually

1. Футбол – Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies making it the worlds most popular sport, the game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal, players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, the team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, the Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in 1863. Association football is governed internationally by the International Federation of Association Football, the first written reference to the inflated ball used in the game was in the mid-14th century, Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe. The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word soccer was split off in 1863, according to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford -er abbreviation of the word association. Within the English-speaking world, association football is now usually called football in the United Kingdom and mainly soccer in Canada and the United States. People in Australia, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand use either or both terms, although national associations in Australia and New Zealand now primarily use football for the formal name. According to FIFA, the Chinese competitive game cuju is the earliest form of football for which there is scientific evidence, cuju players could use any part of the body apart from hands and the intent was kicking a ball through an opening into a net. It was remarkably similar to football, though similarities to rugby occurred. During the Han Dynasty, cuju games were standardised and rules were established, phaininda and episkyros were Greek ball games. An image of an episkyros player depicted in low relief on a vase at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens appears on the UEFA European Championship Cup, athenaeus, writing in 228 AD, referenced the Roman ball game harpastum. Phaininda, episkyros and harpastum were played involving hands and violence and they all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football. As with pre-codified mob football, the antecedent of all football codes. Non-competitive games included kemari in Japan, chuk-guk in Korea and woggabaliri in Australia, Association football in itself does not have a classical history. Notwithstanding any similarities to other games played around the world FIFA have recognised that no historical connection exists with any game played in antiquity outside Europe. The modern rules of football are based on the mid-19th century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played in the public schools of England

2. Союз Советских Социалистических Республик – The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. It was nominally a union of national republics, but its government. The Soviet Union had its roots in the October Revolution of 1917 and this established the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and started the Russian Civil War between the revolutionary Reds and the counter-revolutionary Whites. In 1922, the communists were victorious, forming the Soviet Union with the unification of the Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukrainian, following Lenins death in 1924, a collective leadership and a brief power struggle, Joseph Stalin came to power in the mid-1920s. Stalin suppressed all opposition to his rule, committed the state ideology to Marxism–Leninism. As a result, the country underwent a period of rapid industrialization and collectivization which laid the foundation for its victory in World War II and postwar dominance of Eastern Europe. Shortly before World War II, Stalin signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact agreeing to non-aggression with Nazi Germany, in June 1941, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, opening the largest and bloodiest theater of war in history. Soviet war casualties accounted for the highest proportion of the conflict in the effort of acquiring the upper hand over Axis forces at battles such as Stalingrad. Soviet forces eventually captured Berlin in 1945, the territory overtaken by the Red Army became satellite states of the Eastern Bloc. The Cold War emerged by 1947 as the Soviet bloc confronted the Western states that united in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. Following Stalins death in 1953, a period of political and economic liberalization, known as de-Stalinization and Khrushchevs Thaw, the country developed rapidly, as millions of peasants were moved into industrialized cities. The USSR took a lead in the Space Race with Sputnik 1, the first ever satellite, and Vostok 1. In the 1970s, there was a brief détente of relations with the United States, the war drained economic resources and was matched by an escalation of American military aid to Mujahideen fighters. In the mid-1980s, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, sought to reform and liberalize the economy through his policies of glasnost. The goal was to preserve the Communist Party while reversing the economic stagnation, the Cold War ended during his tenure, and in 1989 Soviet satellite countries in Eastern Europe overthrew their respective communist regimes. This led to the rise of strong nationalist and separatist movements inside the USSR as well, in August 1991, a coup détat was attempted by Communist Party hardliners. It failed, with Russian President Boris Yeltsin playing a role in facing down the coup. On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the twelve constituent republics emerged from the dissolution of the Soviet Union as independent post-Soviet states

3. Кубок СССР по футболу – The Soviet Cup, or USSR Cup, was the premier football cup competition in the Soviet Union conducted by the Football Federation of the Soviet Union. The winner of the competition was awarded a qualification to the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, unless it qualified for the European Cup. In case if a team would win the UEFA Cup Winners Cup and not win its league cup titles next year. The first participation in the UEFA Cup Winners Cup took place in 1965-66 when Dynamo Kyiv qualified for the European competition for winning the 1964 Soviet Cup, format of competitions was constantly changing. Until 1984 the Soviet Cup corresponded to the Soviet Top League calendar spring-fall, in 1959-1960 the competition was conducted for two years. From 1965 to 1968 seasons were overlapping each other, the 1992 Soviet Cup Final took place after the fall of the Soviet Union in the independent Russia. Another coach Albert Vollrat won two cups in 1946 and 1947, USSR - List of Cup Finals, rsssf. com

4. Комсомольская правда – Komsomolskaya Pravda is a daily Russian tabloid newspaper, founded on 13 March 1925. During the Soviet era, Komsomolskaya Pravda was a newspaper of the Soviet Union. Established in accordance with a decision of the 13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party, Komsomolskaya Pravda began as the official organ of the Communist Union of Youth, or Komsomol, the youth wing of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. As such, it targeted the same 14 to 28 demographic as its parent organization, focusing initially on popular science, as the Soviet Union started to collapse, on 1 December 1990 the paper shifted from serving as a Komsomol mouthpiece to become a Russian nationwide daily tabloid newspaper. Nevertheless, on 21 August the newspaper published a chronicle of the coup as a historical document. The paper is owned by Media Partner, which in turn is owned by ESN Group, a company led by Grigory Berezkin. In December 2000 the Norwegian media company A-Pressen bought 25 percent plus one share of the paper and it is published in tabloid format by Izdatelsky Dom Komsomolskaya Pravda. Komsomolskaya Pravda reached its highest circulation in 1990 when it sold almost 22 million daily copies, in 2001 it was the ninth-top European newspaper with a circulation of 785,000 copies. It was the newspaper in Russia in 2006 with daily circulation ranging from 700,000 to 3.1 million copies. Its March 2008 circulation, certified by the NCS, was 660,000 copies, in the same year the online version of the paper was also the most visited news website. In January 2015 a front-page article in Komsomolskaya Pravda suggested that the United States had orchestrated the Charlie Hebdo shooting

5. Сочи – Sochi is a city in Krasnodar Krai, Russia, located on the Black Sea coast near the border between Georgia/Abkhazia and Russia. The area of the city proper is 176.77 square kilometers, according to the 2010 Census, the city had a permanent population of 343,334, up from 328,809 recorded in the 2002 Census, making it Russias largest resort city. Being part of the Caucasian Riviera, it is one of the few places in Russia with a subtropical climate, with warm to hot summers. It will also be one of the host cities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Greater Sochi is elongated along the Black Sea coast for 145 kilometers. Sochi is in the north of Western Asia, falling on the side of the Greater Caucasus. Sochi is approximately 1,603 kilometers from Moscow, from the southwest, it is bordered by the Black Sea. The vast majority of the population of Sochi lives in a strip along the coast and is organized in independent microdistricts. The biggest of these microdistricts, from the northwest to the southeast, are Lazarevskoye, Loo, Dagomys, central Sochi, Khosta, Matsesta, the whole city is located on the slopes of the Western Caucasus which descend to the Black Sea and are cut by the rivers. The biggest rivers in Sochi are the Mzymta, which is in fact the longest Black Sea tributary in Russia, other rivers include the Ashe, the Psezuapse, the Sochi, the Khosta, and the Matsesta. The Psou River makes the border with Abkhazia, the northeastern part of the city belongs to the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve which is a World Heritage Site spanning vast areas in Krasnodar Krai and Adygea. Almost the whole area of the Greater Sochi, with the exception of the coast, Sochi has a humid subtropical climate with mild winters in the period from December to March and warm summers in the period from May to October. From the 6th to the 11th centuries, the area belonged to the kingdom of Lazica. The Christian settlements along the coast were destroyed by the invading Göktürks, Khazars, Mongols, the northern wall of an 11th-century Byzantine basilica still stands in the Loo Microdistrict. Provision of weapons and ammunition from abroad to the Circassians caused a conflict between the Russian Empire and the United Kingdom that occurred in 1836 over the mission of the Vixen. The Russians had no detailed knowledge of the area until Baron Feodor Tornau investigated the route from Gelendzhik to Gagra. At the outbreak of the Crimean War, the garrison was evacuated from Navaginsky in order to prevent its capture by the Turks, who effected a landing on Cape Adler soon after. The last battle of the Caucasian War took place at the Godlikh river on March 18,1864 O. S. where the Ubykhs were defeated by the Dakhovsky regiment of the Russian Army. On March 25,1864, the Dakhovsky fort was established on the site of the Navaginsky fort, the end of Caucasian War was proclaimed at Kbaade tract on June 2,1864, by the manifesto of Emperor Alexander II read aloud by Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia

6. Днепр (футбольный клуб, Днепр) – Football Club Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk is a Ukrainian professional football club based in Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipro, which is the Ukrainian name of the Dnieper river in Ukraine, is a popular name in Dnipropetrovsk. Beside the association football club, there also is a team under the same name, basketball team. FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, however, is not a multi-sport club, during the Soviet era, the club was a member of the Soviet Volunteer Sports Society Metallurg and until 1961 was under sponsorship of the Petrovsky Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Plant. After that, the club was sponsored by the Southern Machine-building Plant Yuzhmash, before the fall of the Soviet Union, the club was the second most successful club of Ukraine that participated in the Soviet Top League, winning in 1983 and 1988. Sometime after the fall of the Soviet Union, the club was privatized, the clubs franchise traces its history all the way back when the first team that was formed in 1918 by the Petrovsky factory and was called as BRIT. The team participated in the regional competition, with the four other teams BRIT played its games on small stadium Sokil which was located at the corner of Pushkin street and Yuriy Savchenko street. Due to World War I, BRIT was disbanded, but on 9 May 1925 a new team was formed in Dnipropetrovsk, the team participated under a generic name as football team of Petrovsky factory. The official name it received in 1926 when it became to be known as Petrovets, the team entered the first Soviet competition under the name of Stal in 1936 in one of the lower divisions. The team participated in the three championship before World War II, after the war, in 1947, the team reentered the Soviet competition and was merged with another club from Dnipropetrovsk, Dynamo Dnipropetrovsk. From 1949 until 1961, the team was called Metalurh, during this time, the team participated for three seasons, 1950–1952, among the amateurs due to poor results. In 1954, Metalurh Dnipropetrovsk reached the semi-finals of the USSR Cup, where it lost to Spartak Yerevan. In 1961, the team was handed over to its new sponsor, the Yugmash and it was part of the Zenit volunteer sports society. The new sponsor changed the name to the Russian name of Dnepr, Dnieper, as the Russian was the accepted language of the Soviet Union. The teams performance did not change much until after 1968, when Dnepr obtained Andriy Biba, after that, it took the team three years to get promoted to the Soviet Top League and eventually finished in sixth place in 1972. In 1973 and 1976, Dnepr reached the semi-finals of the USSR Cup, in 1978, the team was relegated to the lower league for two years. Their next return to the top flight was not as inviting as their first one, in the following years, the governing body of the team hired new promising coaches – Volodymyr Yemets and Hennadiy Zhizdik. After those changes, Dnepr became a contender for the Soviet championship winning it twice, once with Yemets and Zhizdik in 1983

7. Тбилиси – Tbilisi, commonly known by its former name Tiflis, is the capital and the largest city of Georgia, lying on the banks of the Kura River with a population of roughly 1.5 million inhabitants. Founded in the 5th century by the monarch of Georgias ancient precursor the Kingdom of Iberia, Tbilisi has since served, with intermissions, as the capital of various Georgian kingdoms and republics. Under Russian rule, from 1801 to 1917 Tiflis was the seat of the Imperial Viceroy governing both sides of the entire Caucasus. Tbilisis varied history is reflected in its architecture, which is a mix of medieval, classical, Middle Eastern, Art Nouveau, historically, Tbilisi has been home to people of diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, though it is overwhelmingly Eastern Orthodox Christian. Archaeological studies of the region have indicated human settlement in the territory of Tbilisi as early as the 4th millennium BC, according to an old legend, the present-day territory of Tbilisi was covered by forests as late as 458. One widely accepted variant of the legend of Tbilisis founding states that King Vakhtang I Gorgasali of Georgia went hunting in the wooded region with a falcon. The Kings falcon allegedly caught or injured a pheasant during the hunt, King Vakhtang became so impressed with the hot springs that he decided to cut down the forest and build a city on the location. The name Tbilisi derives from Old Georgian Tbilisi, and further from Tpili, the name Tbili or Tbilisi was therefore given to the city because of the areas numerous sulphuric hot springs that came out of the ground. King Dachi I Ujarmeli, who was the successor of Vakhtang I Gorgasali, Tbilisi was not the capital of a unified Georgian state at that time and did not include the territory of Colchis. It was, however, the city of Eastern Georgia/Iberia. During his reign, King Dachi I oversaw the construction of the wall that lined the citys new boundaries. From the 6th century, Tbilisi grew at a steady pace due to the favourable and strategic location which placed the city along important trade. Tbilisis favourable and strategic location did not necessarily bode well for its existence as Eastern Georgias/Iberias capital, in the year 627, Tbilisi was sacked by the Byzantine/Khazar armies and later, in 736–738, Arab armies entered the town under Marwan II Ibn-Muhammad. After this point, the Arabs established an emirate centered in Tbilisi, in 764, Tbilisi, still under Arab control was once again sacked by the Khazars. In 853, the armies of Arab leader Bugha Al-Turki invaded Tbilisi in order to enforce its return to Abbasid allegiance, the Arab domination of Tbilisi continued until about 1050. In 1068, the city was again sacked, only this time by the Seljuk Turks under Sultan Alp Arslan. In 1122, after fighting with the Seljuks that involved at least 60,000 Georgians and up to 300,000 Turks. After the battles for Tbilisi concluded, David moved his residence from Kutaisi to Tbilisi, making it the capital of a unified Georgian State, from 12–13th centuries, Tbilisi became a dominant regional power with a thriving economy and a well-established social system/structure

8. Динамо-Арена имени Бориса Пайчадзе – With a capacity of 54,549, the stadium is the largest in Georgia. Prior to the construction of Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena, the stadium of Dinamo Tbilisi was the Central Stadium with an approximate capacity of 35,000 spectators. The demand for a bigger stadium was increased with the successful performance of Dinamo Tbilisi in the mid 1970s. After the inauguration of the stadium, it became the third-largest in the Soviet Union, on 29 September 1976, the first official match was played at the newly built stadium between Dinamo Tbilisi and Welsh Cardiff City. The game ended with a 3–0 victory for Dinamo, the stadium hosted many glorious days during Dinamos 1978 and 1979 triumphs. Holding lighted torches,80,000 fans came in 1981 just to congratulate the 1980–81 European Cup Winners Cup winning team Dinamo Tbilisi, the Dinamo Arena is now one of the largest stadiums in Eastern Europe. Most of the seats in the second tier are covered by the roof, the USSR national football team played several international matches on the Dinamo Arena. Football clubs Spartak Moscow and Dynamo Kiev often played their autumn international matches at the stadium,100,000 fans attended the opening game of the First Georgian Championship, match between FC Dinamo Tbilisi and FC Kolkheti-1913 Poti. In the Soviet Union, the stadium had the record for the highest average attendance, in 1995, the stadium was renamed to Boris Paichadze National Stadium, after the former Georgian football player. The National Stadium has been the ground of the Georgian National Football Team for several years. Georgia achieved memorable wins against Wales, and Poland, the stadium was refurbished in 2006 and became an all-seater stadium. This reduced the capacity to 54,549, the newly built Dinamo stadium, housing 23,000 spectators, was inaugurated in Tbilisi in 1936. The author of the design was architect Archil Kurdiani. The reconstructed Dinamo Arena stadium was inaugurated on 26 September 1976, architects Archil Kurdiani and Gia Kurdiani, along with the construction designer Shalva Gazashvili extended the capacity of the stadium to 74,354. Fragments of the 1936 Stadium were partly maintained, and yet quite complex architectural-designing construction elements were realized, the facility represented a console system supported by 58 pylons. Each of these pylons been supported by 24 poles, where the depth of each ranged from 8 to 12 meters, the console system comprised several elements. The evacuation terrace was arranging spectators ascending by 23 staris between the II and I tiers, the II tier, like the evacuation terrace, represented an element of indivisible console system. The solution for Roofing of II tier was also of the console design,30 meter console-design roofing protects spectators against precipitations

9. Динамо (футбольный клуб, Москва) – FC Dynamo Moscow is a Russian football club based in Khimki, Moscow Oblast, currently playing in the Russian Football National League. Despite this, it has never won the modern Russian Premier League title, during the Soviet era, it was affiliated with the MVD and with the KGB and was a part of Dynamo sports society. Chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus NKVD, Lavrentiy Beria, was a patron of the club until his downfall, from 10 April 2009 the VTB Bank has been the owner of Dynamo after acquiring a 74% share in the club. Boris Rotenberg Sr. was chairman until he resigned on 17 July 2015, on 29 December 2016, Dynamo Sports Society agreed to buy VTB Bank shares back for 1 ruble. Dynamos traditional colours are blue and white and their crest consists of a blue letter D, written in a traditional cursive style on a white background, with Moscow written below it, partially covering a football underneath. The clubs motto is Power in Motion, initially proposed by Maxim Gorky, the famous Russian author, Dynamo Moscow has its roots in the club Morozovtsi Orekhovo-Zuevo Moskva founded as a factory team in 1887. The team was renamed OKS Moskva in 1906 and won a series of Moscow league championships from 1910 to 1914. After the Russian Revolution, the club found itself under the authority of the Interior Ministry and its head Felix Dzerzhinsky, chief of the Cheka. The club was renamed Dynamo Moscow in 1923 but was referred to disparagingly as garbage. Dynamo won the first two Soviet Championships in 1936 and 1937, a Soviet Cup in 1937, and another pair of titles in 1940 and 1945. They were also the first Soviet club to tour the West when it played a series of friendlies in the United Kingdom in 1945, complete unknowns to the British, the Soviet players first drew 3–3 against Chelsea and then defeated Cardiff City 1–10. They defeated an Arsenal side reinforced with Stanley Matthews, Stan Mortensen and they drew 2–2 against Scottish side Rangers. They continued to be a side at home after World War II. Dynamo captured another five championships between 1949 and 1959, as well as their second Soviet Cup in 1953, honours were harder to come by after that time. The club continued to some success in the Soviet Cup. Even so, Dynamos 11 national titles make it the countrys third-most decorated side behind Dynamo Kyiv, Dynamos greatest achievement in Europe was in the 1971–72 European Cup Winners Cup, where they reached the Final at Camp Nou in Barcelona, losing 3–2 to Rangers. This was the first time a Russian side had reached a final in a European competition, at the end of the 2008 season, Dynamo finished third, qualifying for the 2009–10 Champions League preliminary round. On 29 July 2009, Dynamo recorded a 0–1 away win against Celtic at Celtic Park, which gave them a strong advantage going into the second leg

10. Динамо (футбольный клуб, Киев) – Football Club Dynamo Kyiv is a Ukrainian professional football club based in Kiev. Founded in 1927 as part of the Soviet Dynamo Sports Society, the plays in the Ukrainian Premier League. Their home is the 70,050 capacity Olimpiyskiy National Sports Complex, since 1936, Dynamo has spent its entire history in the top league of Soviet and later Ukrainian football. Its most successful periods are associated with Valeriy Lobanovskyi, who coached the team during three stints, leading them to domestic and European titles. Dynamo Kyiv became the only Soviet club that managed to overcome the total hegemony of Moscow-based clubs in the Soviet Top League, the Spartak Moscow–Dynamo Kyiv rivalry became the most exciting football rivalry in the Soviet Union that almost completely eclipsed the Spartak Moscow–Dynamo Moscow rivalry. Since late 1960s, the club has participated in the UEFA continental competitions almost every year and it is the first Soviet football club that started to participate in the UEFA European competitions since 1965. Over its history, Dynamo Kyiv has won 28 national titles,20 national cup competitions, along with Dinamo Tbilisi, they were the only two Soviet clubs that succeeded in the UEFA competitions. The first team of Dynamo became a team for the Soviet Union national football team in the 1970–1980s. The two stars on the clubs crest each signify ten domestic titles the club has won, on 13 May 1927 the statute of the Kievan Proletarian Sport Society Dynamo was officially registered by the special commission in affairs of public organizations and unions of the Kiev district. The All-Union sport society of Dynamo itself was just earlier formed in 1923 on the initiative of the Felix Dzerzhinsky, under the banner of Dynamo gathered the representatives of the GPU, the best footballers of which defended the honors of the Trade Union club Sovtorgsluzhashchie. It was then when by the initiative of Semen Zapadny, chief of the Kiev GPU and his deputy, Serhiy Barminsky, started to form the team not only out of regular chekists, but also footballers of other clubs in the city. All the footballers were part of the consolidated city team or the city champions. The newly created team played its first official game on July 1,1928 against a local consolidated city team while visiting Bila Tserkva, already on the fifth minute the Dynamo-men opened the score in the game, however at the end the club lost it 1–2. On 15 July, the Bila Tserkva newspaper Radyanska Nyva put it in such words, as the club gained more experience and played on a regular basis, it started to fill the stadium with spectators with both the club and football in general gaining popularity in Soviet Ukraine. During the Soviet era, the club was one of the main rivals and its ability to challenge the dominance of the Moscow clubs in Soviet football, and frequently defeat them to win the Soviet championship, was a matter of national pride for Ukraine. Leaders of the Ukrainian SSR unofficially regarded the club as their team and provided it with generous support. In 1936, the first Soviet Championship was played, and Dynamo Kyiv was one of the pioneers of the newly formed league, the clubs early successes were however limited to a second-place finish in 1936 and third place in 1937. In the 1941 season, the only played nine matches as World War II interrupted league play


Суперкубок СССР по футболу 1985 — WiKi

Кубок сезона СССР по футболу 1985 — 4-й розыгрыш Кубка сезона СССР. Второй и последний сезон турнира, когда кубок разыгрывался в двух матчах. Встречались чемпион СССР 1984 года ленинградский «Зенит» и обладатель кубка СССР — московское «Динамо». Первая игра состоялась 30 июля 1985 года, на стадионе имени С. М. Кирова в Ленинграде, ответная — 5 августа 1985 года, в Москве, на стадионе «Динамо».

Турнир Первый матч Дата Стадион Арбитр Посещаемость Погода Ответный матч Дата Стадион Арбитр Посещаемость Погода
Кубок сезона 1985
Кубок сезона
«Зенит» «Динамо» Ленинград Москва 3 1
«Зенит» «Динамо» 2 1
30 июля 1985
Стадион им. Кирова, Ленинград
Велоди Миминошвили (Тбилиси)
31 000
«Динамо» «Зенит» 0 1
5 августа 1985
«Динамо», Москва
Мирослав Ступар (Ивано-Франковск)
12 200
← 1984 1986 →

Ранее в Кубке сезона клубы между собой не встречались. «Динамо» участвовало в матче за Кубок сезона 1 раз, в 1977 году. Тогда московский клуб одержал победу со счётом 0:1 над киевским «Динамо». «Зенит» играл в розыгрыше Кубка сезона впервые.

В первом матче победу одержала ленинградская команда со счётом 2:1, благодаря голу Юрия Герасимова и автоголу Бориса Позднякова. За «Динамо» отличился Ренат Атаулин. Ответный матч также выиграл «Зенит» со счётом 0:1. Гол забил Вячеслав Мельников. С общим счётом 3:1 обладателем Кубка сезона впервые стал «Зенит»



Суперкубок СССР по футболу 1985

Кубок сезона Первый матч Дата Стадион Арбитр Посещаемость Погода Ответный матч Дата Стадион Арбитр Посещаемость Погода

Кубок сезона СССР по футболу 1985 — 4-й розыгрыш Кубка сезона СССР Второй и последний сезон турнира, когда кубок разыгрывался в двух матчах Встречались чемпион СССР 1984 года ленинградский «Зенит» и обладатель кубка СССР — московское «Динамо» Первая игра состоялась 30 июля 1985 года, на стадионе имени С М Кирова в Ленинграде, ответная — 5 августа 1985 года, в Москве, на стадионе «Динамо»

Ранее в Кубке сезона клубы между собой не встречались «Динамо» участвовало в матче за Кубок сезона 1 раз, в 1977 году Тогда московский клуб одержал победу со счётом 0:1 над киевским «Динамо» «Зенит» играл в розыгрыше Кубка сезона впервые

В первом матче победу одержала ленинградская команда со счётом 2:1, благодаря голу Юрия Герасимова и автоголу Бориса Позднякова За «Динамо» отличился Ренат Атаулин Ответный матч также выиграл «Зенит» со счётом 0:1 Гол забил Вячеслав Мельников С общим счётом 3:1 обладателем Кубка сезона впервые стал «Зенит»


  • 1 Отчёты о матчах
    • 11 Первый матч
    • 12 Ответный матч
  • 2 См также
  • 3 Ссылки

Отчёты о матчах

Первый матч

«Зенит» «Динамо» Ленинград Москва 3 1
«Зенит» «Динамо» 2 1


30 июля 1985

Стадион им Кирова, Ленинград

Велоди Миминошвили Тбилиси

31 000


«Динамо» «Зенит» 0 1


5 августа 1985

«Динамо», Москва

Мирослав Ступар Ивано-Франковск

12 200


← 1984 1986 →
«Зенит» 2 — 1 «Динамо» отчёт
 5' Атаулин
Стадион имени С М Кирова, ЛенинградЗрителей: 31 000Судья: Велоди Миминошвили Тбилиси
ПЗ Игорь Яковлев 75'
ЗЩ Сергей Кузнецов 88'
НП Борис Чухлов 37'
Главный тренер:
Павел Садырин
ПЗ Александр Хапсалис 70'
ПЗ Андрей Кобелев 60'
ПЗ Эдуард Акбаров 76'
Главный тренер:
Эдуард Малофеев
«Динамо» 0 — 1 «Зенит»
«Динамо», МоскваЗрителей: 12 200Судья: Мирослав Ступар Ивано-Франковск
ПЗ Александр Захариков 80'
ЗЩ Николай Воробьёв 75'
НП Борис Чухлов 42'
Главный тренер:
Павел Садырин

Обладатель Кубка сезона 1985

«Зенит» Ленинград

1-й титул

См также

  • Чемпионат СССР по футболу 1984
  • Кубок СССР по футболу 1984


  • Отчёт о первом матче на сайте fc-dynamoru
  • Отчёт об ответном матче на сайте fc-dynamoru
  • Турнир на сайте footballfactsru
Матчи футбольного клуба «Зенит» Санкт-Петербург Финалы Кубка СССР Финалы Кубка России Кубок сезона СССР Суперкубки России Финалы турниров УЕФА Другие матчи
  • 2008
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • Финал Кубка УЕФА 2008
  • Суперкубок УЕФА 2008
  • Матч в блокадном Ленинграде 1942
  • «Ленинградский футбольный бунт» 1957
  • Финал Кубка Федерации футбола СССР 1986
  • Финал кубка Премьер-лиги 2003
Матчи футбольного клуба «Динамо» Москва Финалы Кубка СССР Финалы Кубка России Суперкубки СССР Финал Кубка кубков Другие матчи
  • 1937
  • 1945
  • 1949
  • 1950
  • 1953
  • 1955
  • 1967
  • 1970
  • 1977
  • 1979
  • 1984
  • Турне сборной Басконии 1937
  • Турне по Великобритании 1945
Суперкубок СССР по футболу
  • 1977
  • 1981
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1986
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 1989

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