Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу | |
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1951 | |
2 | |
нет | |
Аполлон (2) | |
Омония (16) |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу (греч. Ασπίδα της ΚΟΠ) — матч между победителем чемпионата и обладателем Кубка.
Омония | 16 | 5 | 1966, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012 |
АПОЭЛ | 13 | 14 | 1963, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 |
Анортосис | 7 | 6 | 1962, 1964, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 |
АЕЛ | 4 | 4 | 1953, 1968, 1985, 2015 |
Четинкая Тюрк | 3 | 0 | 1951, 1952, 1954 |
Аполлон | 2 | 11 | 2006, 2016 |
ЭПА | 1 | 1 | 1955 |
Неа Саламина | 1 | 0 | 1990 |
Олимпиакос | 1 | 0 | 1967 |
Эрмис | 1 | 0 | 2014 |
Эносис | 0 | 2 | |
АЕК | 0 | 2 | |
Пезопорикос | 0 | 2 | |
АПОП | 0 | 1 |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 11 августа 2016; проверки требует 1 правка.Суперкубок Кипра по футболу | |
![]() | |
1951 | |
2 | |
нет | |
Аполлон (2) | |
Омония (16) |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу (греч. Ασπίδα της ΚΟΠ) — матч между победителем чемпионата и обладателем Кубка.
Омония | 16 | 5 | 1966, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012 |
АПОЭЛ | 13 | 14 | 1963, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 |
Анортосис | 7 | 6 | 1962, 1964, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 |
АЕЛ | 4 | 4 | 1953, 1968, 1985, 2015 |
Четинкая Тюрк | 3 | 0 | 1951, 1952, 1954 |
Аполлон | 2 | 11 | 2006, 2016 |
ЭПА | 1 | 1 | 1955 |
Неа Саламина | 1 | 0 | 1990 |
Олимпиакос | 1 | 0 | 1967 |
Эрмис | 1 | 0 | 2014 |
Эносис | 0 | 2 | |
АЕК | 0 | 2 | |
Пезопорикос | 0 | 2 | |
АПОП | 0 | 1 |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу | |
| |
1951 | |
2 | |
нет | |
Омония | |
Омония (15) |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу(греч. Ασπίδα της ΚΟΠ) — матч между победителем чемпионата и обладателем Кубка.
Омония | 15 | 4 | 1966, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010 |
АПОЭЛ | 11 | 11 | 1963, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009 |
Анортосис | 7 | 6 | 1962, 1964, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 |
АЕЛ | 3 | 3 | 1953, 1968, 1985 |
Четинкая | 3 | 0 | 1951, 1952, 1954 |
Аполлон | 1 | 10 | 2006 |
ЕПА | 1 | 1 | 1955 |
Неа Саламина | 1 | 0 | 1990 |
Олимпиакос | 1 | 0 | 1967 |
Эносис | 0 | 2 | |
АЕК | 0 | 2 | |
Пезопорикос | 0 | 2 | |
АПОП | 0 | 1 |
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 11 августа 2016; проверки требует 1 правка.Суперкубок Кипра по футболу | |
![]() | |
1951 | |
2 | |
нет | |
Аполлон (2) | |
Омония (16) |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу (греч. Ασπίδα της ΚΟΠ) — матч между победителем чемпионата и обладателем Кубка.
Омония | 16 | 1966, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012 | |
АПОЭЛ | 13 | 14 | 1963, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 |
Анортосис | 7 | 6 | 1962, 1964, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 |
АЕЛ | 4 | 4 | 1953, 1968, 1985, 2015 |
Четинкая Тюрк | 3 | 0 | 1951, 1952, 1954 |
Аполлон | 2 | 11 | 2006, 2016 |
ЭПА | 1 | 1 | 1955 |
Неа Саламина | 1 | 0 | 1990 |
Олимпиакос | 1 | 0 | 1967 |
Эрмис | 1 | 0 | 2014 |
Эносис | 0 | 2 | |
АЕК | 0 | 2 | |
Пезопорикос | 0 | 2 | |
АПОП | 0 | 1 |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу | |
| |
1951 | |
2 | |
нет | |
Аполлон (2) | |
Омония (16) |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу (греч. Ασπίδα της ΚΟΠ) — матч между победителем чемпионата и обладателем Кубка.
Омония | 16 | 5 | 1966, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012 |
АПОЭЛ | 13 | 14 | 1963, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 |
Анортосис | 7 | 6 | 1962, 1964, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 |
АЕЛ | 4 | 4 | 1953, 1968, 1985, 2015 |
Четинкая Тюрк | 3 | 0 | 1951, 1952, 1954 |
Аполлон | 2 | 11 | 2006, 2016 |
ЭПА | 1 | 1 | 1955 |
Неа Саламина | 1 | 0 | 1990 |
Олимпиакос | 1 | 0 | 1967 |
Эрмис | 1 | 0 | 2014 |
Эносис | 0 | 2 | |
АЕК | 0 | 2 | |
Пезопорикос | 0 | 2 | |
АПОП | 0 | 1 |
Ветер стих, черные тучи низко нависли над местом сражения, сливаясь на горизонте с пороховым дымом. Становилось темно, и тем яснее обозначалось в двух местах зарево пожаров. Канонада стала слабее, но трескотня ружей сзади и справа слышалась еще чаще и ближе. Как только Тушин с своими орудиями, объезжая и наезжая на раненых, вышел из под огня и спустился в овраг, его встретило начальство и адъютанты, в числе которых были и штаб офицер и Жерков, два раза посланный и ни разу не доехавший до батареи Тушина. Все они, перебивая один другого, отдавали и передавали приказания, как и куда итти, и делали ему упреки и замечания. Тушин ничем не распоряжался и молча, боясь говорить, потому что при каждом слове он готов был, сам не зная отчего, заплакать, ехал сзади на своей артиллерийской кляче. Хотя раненых велено было бросать, много из них тащилось за войсками и просилось на орудия. Тот самый молодцоватый пехотный офицер, который перед сражением выскочил из шалаша Тушина, был, с пулей в животе, положен на лафет Матвевны. Под горой бледный гусарский юнкер, одною рукой поддерживая другую, подошел к Тушину и попросился сесть.
1. Республика Кипр – Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean. It is located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, northwest of Israel and Palestine, north of Egypt, the earliest known human activity on the island dates to around the 10th millennium BC. Archaeological remains from this include the well-preserved Neolithic village of Khirokitia. Cyprus was settled by Mycenaean Greeks in two waves in the 2nd millennium BC, Cyprus was placed under British administration based on Cyprus Convention in 1878 and formally annexed by Britain in 1914. While Turkish Cypriots made up 18% of the population, the partition of Cyprus and creation of a Turkish state in the north became a policy of Turkish Cypriot leaders, following nationalist violence in the 1950s, Cyprus was granted independence in 1960. On 15 July 1974, a coup détat was staged by Greek Cypriot nationalists and elements of the Greek military junta in an attempt at enosis and these events and the resulting political situation are matters of a continuing dispute. The Cyprus Republic has de jure sovereignty over the island of Cyprus, as well as its territorial sea and exclusive economic area, another nearly 4% of the islands area is covered by the UN buffer zone. The international community considers the part of the island as territory of the Republic of Cyprus occupied by Turkish forces. The occupation is viewed as illegal under law, amounting to illegal occupation of EU territory since Cyprus became a member of the European Union. Cyprus is a major tourist destination in the Mediterranean, on 1 January 2008, the Republic of Cyprus joined the eurozone. The earliest attested reference to Cyprus is the 15th century BC Mycenaean Greek
2. Аполлон (футбольный клуб, Лимасол) – Apollon Limassol is a Cypriot sports club, based in Limassol. It has football, basketball and volleyball teams, founded in 1954, Apollon FC currently plays in Cypriot First Division and has won the championship title 3 times, the cup 8 times and the Super Cup twice. On 14 April 1954, the assembly of these members with leader Mr Christakis Pavlides proposes the foundation of an athletic association called APOLLON LIMASSOL. The assembly approved the proposal and thus from that date APOLLON was born. B, the 1st players of Apollon were previous players of AEL Limassol established in 1930 In its first year, Apollon had 8 defeats in 8 matches in the second division. Just before the season, Apollon won the regional group in the second division and subsequently the play-offs. This took place in 1957 and ever since Apollon has been competing in the first division, in its first year, Apollon suffered 8 defeats in 8 matches in the second division. Just before the season, Apollon won the regional group in the second division and subsequently the play-offs. This took place in 1957 and ever since Apollon has been competing in the first division, things were not easy however for the newly promoted club. Apollon couldnt reach a position in the rankings and was struggling in the middle of the table for many years. But in the mid-60s things changed, in 1965 Apollon reached the Cup Final. However, Omonia won the title with a score of 5–1, a year later, Apollon was in the Final again, and won the Cup by defeating Nea Salamina with the score of 4–2, and triumphantly took the trophy to Limassol. Apollon managed to maintain its Cup title in 1967, by beating Alki 1–0 thanks to the goal of Antonis Panayides, after celebrating these titles, Apollon had to wait another 15 years to start making history once again. In the football season 1981–82 Apollon managed to once again the Cup final however in double games Omonia won the Cup. In the 1985–86 season, after 20 years of drought Apollon won once again the Cup in Tsirion Stadium, in these years, it emerged clearly that absent was this something that could make the difference for the team to lead in the Championship. This something therefore was non-other than the German coach named Diethelm Ferner who, the German, with his discipline and hard work accomplishes links between young talented footballers with older more experienced footballers creating a team ready for the big time. Thus in the season 1990–91 the team entered the championship marathon wanting to write the biggest and most glorious page in its history book, after a frantic and impressive season, offering both substance and spectacle in its game, Apollon was finally crowned Champion of Cyprus. From that year and for a period the team gained the admiration of all Cypriot football fans after playing modern football. In 1991–92 season Apollon won the Cup for the fourth time, however, in the next season of 1992–93 Apollon lost both titles
3. Омония (футбольный клуб, Никосия) – Athletic Club Omonia Nicosia, commonly referred to as Omonia, is a Cypriot football club based in Nicosia. The home ground of the club is the GSP Stadium in Nicosia, the club was established on 4 June 1948. It has become a member of the Cyprus Football Association in 1953, Omonoia has won 20 League Championships,14 Cypriot Cups and 16 Super Cups. Omonoia remains the team to have won the Cypriot Cup 4 times in a row. In the UEFA rankings of the Cypriot clubs Omonoia is currently ranked in third place, as an athletic club, Omonoia also operates basketball, volleyball, cycling and futsal. The latter one is being particularly successful, having won the league, Club players considering this action as a political comment on the Greek Civil War distanced themselves or were expelled from APOEL. On 4 June 1948 Dr. Mattheos Papapetrou organized a meeting to form a new club in Nicosia, many players expelled from APOEL were also invited and on 17 June 1948 Omonia was established. Along with other left-wing teams such as Nea Salamina, Alki Larnaca, Omonoia took part in the CAFF league until 1953 having won 4 out of 5 played championships and 5 out of 5 played cups. Omonoia was then accepted by the Cyprus Football Association to participate in the Cypriot First Division, after joining the Cypriot First Division in 1953, Omonoia only managed to place 7th out of 9 teams in the 1953–54 season, barely avoiding relegation. During that decade, the clubs best placing came during the 1956–57 season when the club finished 3rd, the team would make its closest push for the title during the 1959–60 season after finishing 2nd,1 point behind Anorthosis Famagusta. The following year, after 7 seasons in the First Division, Omonia, in that season would score 91 goals in 24 matches on their way to their first ever Cyprus First Division title. Omonoia won their second title during the 1965–66 season, Omonia won its first trophies of the decade in 1972, when the club won both the league and the cup. Led by a young, Sotiris Kaiafas, Omonia won 7 league tittles in the 70s decade, six of them were consecutive in 1974,1975,1976,1977,1978, and 1979. By the time the decade would come to an end, Omonia had a total of 9 championship titles and 3 cups, at the end of the 1979 season, Omonia trailed its arch rival APOEL by two championships. In 1976, Sotiris Kaiafas would go on and win the European Golden Shoe for his single-season 39 -goal performance, in 2003, he was awarded the UEFA Jubilee Awards for The Best Cypriot Footballer of the 20th Century. As the 1980s came to an end, Omonia had won 14 Cypriot Championship Titles becoming the most successful team on the island at the time, the 1990s would prove to be less successful than the previous two decades. During this time, AC Omonia only mustered one Cypriot League title during the 1992–93 season and it would be eight years before Omonia would see its next title. In 1997 Omonia signed a German named Rainer Rauffmann who would become the second top goal scorer ever for the club
4. Чемпионат Кипра по футболу – The Cypriot First Division is the top tier football league competition in Cyprus, run by the Cyprus Football Association. Since February 2016, it is sponsored by Cyta and thus known as Cyta Championship. The league is contested by 14 teams and runs from August to May, Football was introduced to Cyprus early in the 20th century by the British. Initially played in the schools, it proved hugely popular. Since 1911, when Anorthosis Famagusta FC was founded, many clubs were established, every season, the championship was organized by a different football club which caused some conflicts between some of the teams. As football became established, the clubs were united in agreeing that an official body was needed to regulate the sport. And in September 1934, the Cyprus Football Association was formed, the first Champions of Cyprus were Trust in 1935 but the club folded three years later. The 1930s were dominated by APOEL, who won five championship in a row until 1940, like other Championships in the World, the Cypriot Championship was interrupted, due to World War II from 1941 until 1945. World War II was followed by the Greek Civil War, which caused a lot of fanaticism between Greeks, since the majority of the island are Greek Cypriots, it had a lot of influence in their society too, including sport. In 1948, some clubs were involved in politics and criticized the left-wing as responsible for the War, several footballers from those clubs criticized their club but that followed the expulsion of those players from their teams. Those players then went on to establish new clubs with their own Association. Until 1953 there were two separate football Championships in Cyprus and two different Associations, however, in 1953, the two Associations unified Cypriot football, and the teams which were established in 1948 under the separate association, were allowed to become members of the CFA. Only Omonia was accepted into the First Division, and due to the addition of more clubs that season, relegation and promotion began in Cypriot football. The Cypriot Championship unification, lasted for two seasons. The reason behind this was political, as the Turkish Cypriot leadership were supporting the partition of the island, however, this Federation was never recognized and no team of that federation could play in international competitions. The independence of Cyprus in 1960, was followed by full membership for the Cyprus Football Association to UEFA in 1962, from 1963, the champions of the Cyprus, could compete in the European Champions Cup and the Cup winners in the European Cup Winners Cup. Since 1971, the runners up in the Greek Cypriot First Division can compete in the UEFA Cup, from 1967 until 1974, the Greek Cypriot Champions were promoted to the Greek First National Division. However, due to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus that year, APOEL, the Greek Cypriot championship was abandoned in the 1963–64 season due to the bicommunal conflicts between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots
5. Кубок Кипра по футболу – The Cypriot Cup is the main cup competition in Cypriot football, run by the Cyprus Football Association. It began in 1934, the season with the Cypriot Championship. It is the second most important competition for Cypriot club teams after Cypriot Championship, only the Cypriot First Division and the second division teams are participating in the competition. The sponsor of the competition since 1962 is Coca-Cola and thus known as Cyprus Coca-Cola Cup. The Cypriot Cup started in the 1934–35 season, when the Cyprus Football Association was founded, the 1934–35 Cypriot Cup was the first competition held by CFA, since it took part before the 1934–35 Cypriot First Division. The Cyprus Cup is held every season since 1934 expect, The period 1941–1944 the championship was not held due to World War II, many Cypriots were volunteer enlisted in the Greek and English army, and also formed a Cypriot constitution. Most teams have undertaken national project by collecting money and clothing to be sent to Greece in order to assist the Greek people, moreover, many Greek refugees fled to Cyprus. Due to the war conditions the CFA decided to suspend all the competitions. The periods 1955–58 and 1959–61 was not held due to the situation in Cyprus during EOKA fight. Meanwhile, a cup was held in 1958–59 season. That season the Cypriot Championship was not held for the same reasons, the competition was official and the winner team was listed to Cypriot Cups winners. The cup was again in the 1961–62 Cypriot Cup. The sponsor of the competition since 1962 is Coca-Cola Cyprus, the period 1998–99 the Cypriot Cup rename officially to Cyprus Coca-Cola Cup. At first, only the teams of Cypriot First Division were taking part in the Cypriot Cup, since 1952–53, the teams of the Cypriot Second Division are taking part in the Cypriot Cup, with the only exception being the period 963–64. In some editions of the decades of 60 and 70, in the competition participated only the first teams of that league, from 1975–76, all the teams of Cypriot Second Division are taking part in the Cyprus Cup. No Second Division team ever reach the final but they managed to qualify to the four times. From 1971–72 until 2007–08, the teams of the Cypriot Third Division were taking part in Cypriot Cup, from 2008–09, the Cypriot Third Division teams are not allowed to take part to Cypriot Cup but they can take part to the Cypriot Cup for lower divisions. No Third Division team ever reached the final or the semifinals, the teams of the Cypriot Fourth Division were taking part to the Cypriot Cup from 1986–87 until 2007–08
6. АПОЭЛ (футбольный клуб) – APOEL FC is a professional football club based in Nicosia, Cyprus. APOEL is the most popular team in Cyprus and they are the most successful with an overall tally of 25 championships,21 cups and 13 super cups. APOEL is the only Cypriot club who have reached the stages of both major UEFA competitions. The club was formed as POEL on 8 November 1926, the meeting took place at a traditional confectionery, owned by Charalambos Hadjioannou, downtown in Ledra Street and the first president of the club was Giorgos Poulias. The first clubhouse was the Athenians Club at the end of Ledra Street, hence it was decided to create a track and field team in addition to the football team. The name APOEL was adopted to reflect this, with the A standing for Athletic, soon after a volleyball team and a table tennis team were established. Cyprus did not have any country-wide league until 1932, Football clubs of the time played friendly matches only. In 1932, Pezoporikos Larnaca organised a league, the first island-wide league. In 1934, there was a disagreement between Trust and Anorthosis Famagusta on the organisation of the unofficial league. APOEL and AEL Limassol organised a meeting for the foundation of a governing body. The meeting took place in APOELs clubhouse on 23 September and the establishment of the Cyprus Football Association was agreed, two years later the APOEL football team celebrated its first championship title of the official Cyprus football league. APOEL also won the championship for the four years, making this a very successful period for the club with 5 consecutive championships. Politics, however, would soon spark conflict within the team, several leftist club members perceived the telegram as a political comment on the Greek Civil War and they distanced themselves from the club. A few days later, on 4 June 1948, they founded AC Omonia, more conflicts led to further struggles for APOEL. Athletes belonging to the club participated in national clashes. During this period the team had their closest brush with relegation as most football players were actively taking part in the national struggle. The football team were back to full strength and made their debut in European Competitions in 1963. Two victories for APOEL over both legs marked APOELs successful European debut, as became the first Hellenic team to progress in a European Competition
7. АЕЛ (футбольный клуб, Лимасол) – Athlitiki Enosi Lemesou, commonly known as AEL, is a Cypriot sports club based in the city of Limassol, most famous for its football team. AEL also maintains a mens and womens teams, a womens volleyball team and a newly established in 1976 Futsal team. AEL is considered as one of the most successful clubs of the island, the basketball branch of AEL is also well known, currently being the only team from Cyprus to have won a European title. Limassols official club mascot is a Lion, who was nicknamed the lions by their fans. The club was founded on 4 October 1930, with Stavros Pittas serving as the clubs first president, the football section of the club competed in its first game on 6 January 1931 against PSC, winning 6–1 in Limassol. The club won its championship in 1934 though this is not credited as it is an unofficial title. Later that year, AEL became one of the eight founding members of the Cypriot First Division for the 1934–35 season, AEL Limassol celebrated its first official title success in 1941, defeating APOEL 4–3 in a two-legged championship play-off. AEL fans had to wait 12 years until tasting title success again, AEL would twice repeat this success, winning back-to-back league championships in 1955 and 1956. AEL Limassol secured the Cypriot league title for the first time since 1968 on 5 May 2012, Christodoulou had a dream-like first season at the helm AEL, as his side was unbeaten and had not conceded any goals through the first five games. At the end of the round, AEL finished top of the table. In the play-off round, AEL battled with the top four teams for the championship, winning it with one game to spare and conceding only nine goals. As Christodoulou has managed to bring AEL the championship crown, he was nicknamed by fans Pambourinho, AEL received the championship trophy during a spectacular fiesta evening at the Tsirion Stadium on the evening of Saturday 12 May 2012. They followed this with a bus parade through Limassol. Up to 12,000 AEL fans packed the stadium to watch the fiesta, the following year, AEL made it to the group stage of a UEFA tournament for the first time, finishing last and picking up four points in their UEFA Europa League group. On 22 October 2013, Angolan manager Lito Vidigal was sacked after just over three months in charge, petev signed an initial deal to stay at AEL until the end of the 2014–15 season. At the end of the 2013–14 season, AEL finished in first place in the phase of the competition. Going into the match against APOEL on 17 May 2014. The match, however, was abandoned after 52 minutes when firecrackers thrown by AEL fans struck APOEL player Kaká
8. ЭПА (футбольный клуб) – EPA Larnaca was a Cypriot football club based in the city of Larnaca. Founded in 1930 with the merge of two clubs, Pezoporikos and AMOL, the club was a founding member of Cyprus Football Association. Few years later, Pezoporikos was re-established, the golden era of the club was in the period 1944-1946, when the team won the Double in two consecutive seasons. In 1970, the participated in the Greek First National Division. They were also cup winners 5 times, in 1994, they merged with Pezoporikos Larnaca and formed AEK Larnaca FC. The team had also basketball and volleyball sections, the womens volleyball team won the first Cyprus Championship in 1976
9. Пезопорикос – Pezoporikos Club Larnaca was a Cypriot sports club based in Larnaca with football, basketball, volleyball futsal teams. Founded in 1927, the club joined the Cypriot Championship in 1938 and won the championship twice. The colours of the club were green and white, in 1994 the club merged with EPA Larnaca and they formed AEK Larnaca. The club had also a basketball and volleyball department and were champions in the four times. Since the season 1990-91, the club dominated the Cyprus Basketball by winning 3 championships, during the season 1993-94, the team eliminated Hapoel Eilat 86-80 and 65-65 for the Korać Cup and qualified in the second round of Korać Cup where they were eliminated by Panionios. However even as champions, the club merged like the football department and they were Runners up twice each in the championship and in the cup
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 11 августа 2016; проверки требует 1 правка.Суперкубок Кипра по футболу | |
| |
1951 | |
2 | |
нет | |
Аполлон (2) | |
Омония (16) |
Суперкубок Кипра по футболу (греч. Ασπίδα της ΚΟΠ) — матч между победителем чемпионата и обладателем Кубка.
Омония | 16 | 5 | 1966, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012 |
АПОЭЛ | 13 | 14 | 1963, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 |
Анортосис | 7 | 6 | 1962, 1964, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 |
АЕЛ | 4 | 4 | 1953, 1968, 1985, 2015 |
Четинкая Тюрк | 3 | 0 | 1951, 1952, 1954 |
Аполлон | 2 | 11 | 2006, 2016 |
ЭПА | 1 | 1 | 1955 |
Неа Саламина | 1 | 0 | 1990 |
Олимпиакос | 1 | 0 | 1967 |
Эрмис | 1 | 0 | 2014 |
Эносис | 0 | 2 | |
АЕК | 0 | 2 | |
Пезопорикос | 0 | 2 | |
0 | 1 |