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От анархии и постоянных поражений до «Лацио» и «Челси»
Рейтинг +9
Немного о непризнанных футбольных сборных Африки
Рейтинг +31
Как известно, на сегодняшний день 209 национальных ассоциаций являются членами FIFA. В этой статье мне хотелось бы рассказать о самых слабых, согласно рейтингу национальных сборных. В повествовании пойдёт речь о командах стран, занимающих места ниже двухсотого в международной табели о рангах
Рейтинг +4
Сборная Мавритании буквально уничтожила Южный Судан, Кения во главе с Виктором Ваньямой покуражилась на Маврикии, а Танзания огорчила Малави. Первые итоги африканской квалификации в Россию.
Рейтинг +21
Вероятность события ТБ(2.5) недооценена букмекером Коэффициент 1.75 завышен. На длинной дистанции ставки на такие события обеспечивают стабильную прибыль Больше прогнозов на нашем сайте BetHub.org
Рейтинг +0
Рейтинг +19
Приносим свои извинения за долгий простой. Учёба есть учёба, отнимает много времени, и ничего с этим не поделать. А выходим мы из спячки материалом об Африке. Точнее, о чемпионате её восточной части.
Рейтинг +34
Не могу обещать, что проанонсирую все 12 матчей первого раунда квалификации в Африке, но наиболее интересные игры обязательно будут мною освещены...
Связанные с «Аль-Каидой» сомалийские моджахеды продолжают вести борьбу за искоренение футбола на всей территории страны.
Сборная Сомали по футболу (прозвище Звёзды Океана) — национальная футбольная сборная Сомали, контролируемая Футбольной федерацией Сомали.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Сборная Камеруна по футболу — Прозвища Les Lions Indomptables (Неукротимые львы) Конфедерация КАФ Федерация Футбольная Федерация Камеруна Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Мавритании по футболу — Прозвища Mourabitounes Конфедерация КАФ (Африка) Федерация Федерация футбола Исламской республики Мавритания Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Алжира по футболу — Прозвища Les Fennecs (Лисы Пустыни), Les Verts (Зелёные) Конфедерация КАФ Федерация Федерация футбола Алжира Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Туниса по футболу — Логотип Прозвища Les Aigles de Carthage (Карфагенские орлы) Конфедерация АФК Федерация Тунисская федерация футбола Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Египта по футболу — Прозвища Фараоны Конфедерация КАФ Федерация Федерация футбола Египта Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Марокко по футболу — Прозвища Атласские львы (اسودالأطلس) Конфедерация АФК Федерация Федерация футбола Марокко Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Ливии по футболу — Логотип Прозвища Средиземноморские рыцари Конфедерация КАФ Федерация Ливийская футбольная федерация Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Ирака по футболу — Прозвища Львы Месопотамии Asood Al Rafidain (اسود الرافدين) Конфедерация … Википедия
Сборная Кувейта по футболу — Прозвища Синие (аль азраг) Конфедерация АКФ Федерация Футбольная ассоциация Кувейта Гл. тренер … Википедия
Сборная Судана по футболу — Прозвища Sokoor Al Jediane Конфедерация КАФ (Африка) Федерация Суданская футбольная ассоциация Гл. тренер Мохамед Абдалла Ахмед Наибольшее кол во игр Хайфам Мустафа Карар Лучший бомбардир Хайфам Тамбал Ре … Википедия
Сборная Сомали по футболу | |
Логотип | |
The Ocean Stars(Звёзды Океана) | |
Африканская Конфедерация Футбола | |
Футбольная федерация Сомали | |
Аруна Мава | |
Мохамед Дуале | |
Мохамед Дуале (67 голов) | |
206 (1 ноября 2017)[1] | |
67 (апрель 1999) | |
206 (ноябрь 2017) | |
SOM | |
Основнаяформа | Гостеваяформа |
Первая игра
Камерун 9:2 Сомали (Мадагаскар; 13 апреля 1960)
Самая крупная победа
Самое крупное поражение
Камерун 9:2 Сомали (Мадагаскар; 13 апреля 1960) Эфиопия 7:0 Сомали (Эфиопия; 5 января 1969)
Что первое приходит на ум при упоминании африканской страны Сомали? Наверное, пираты, анархия и хоккей с мячом, либо футбольная сборная, если вы смотрите на рейтинг ФИФА, перевернув его вверх тормашками. Не удивлюсь, если среди читателей найдутся и такие оригиналы — это только к лучшему.
Первый факт, который хотелось бы рассмотреть, — это первая встреча сборной Сомали по футболу. Состоялась она весной 1960 года сразу после обретения страной независимости от Италии и Великобритании. Любопытно, что играли «звезды океана» с другой страной, которая в том же году получила свободу — Камеруном. Матч прошел на Мадагаскаре и завершился сокрушительной победой «неукротимых львов».
Плывем дальше. На Кубок африканских наций сомалийцы впервые попытались квалифицироваться в 1973 году, но стыковые матчи с командой Уганды завершились общим провалом 0:7, что неудивительно, поскольку амбиции соперника позволили им пройти в финальную часть турнира в Египте. Следующая попытка отобраться на главный континентальный турнир была чуть менее катастрофична, но так же безуспешна — футболисты Сомали с минимальной разницей уступили коллегам из Бурунди, неожиданно выиграв одну из двух очных встреч.
В 1980 году «пираты» получили шанс выбраться на грядущий Чемпионат Мира в Испании, сыграв два поединка с Нигером. В Ниамее голов забито не было, а вот на свеженьком «Могадишо Стэдиум», построенном китайскими инженерами (кстати, Китай чуть ли не единственная страна неафриканского континента, сыгравшая матч с Сомали), игроки Сомали сначала не доглядели за капитаном гостей Муссой Канфидени, а спустя час, уже в добавленное время, сравняли счет. Но этого было недостаточно, так как уже давно в моде было правило выездного гола.
В клубных континентальных соревнованиях о Сомали впервые услышали в 1968 году, когда столичный чемпионский коллектив «Сомали Полис» (угадайте, кто там играл), без боя прошел снявшийся «Космополитэнс» из Танзании. В следующем раунде Африканского Кубка Чемпионов парни из Могадишо слетели с дистанции после встреч с суданской «Аль-Мурадой».Интересно, что это сомнительное достижение долгие годы было лучшим результатом выступлений сомалийских клубов, пока в 1981 году армейцы из «Хорсида» не наткнулись на «Симбу» — другую команду из Танзании, которая тоже решила не приезжать в беспокойную сомалийскую обстановку. Уже на следующем этапе после поражения от алжирцев из Тизи-Узу, армейская банда решила сняться с соревнования, получив логичный «технарь».Были и два клуба, проходившие стыки квалификации по спортивному принципу — это «Принтин Эдженси» и столичный «Вагад» в 1984 и 1988 году соответственно. Добавлю, что выше сомалийские клубы пока что с тех пор не взбирались. В последние десятилетия клубы из этой неблагополучной страны вовсе не участвуют в соревнованиях под эгидой КАФ.
Разумеется, и внутреннее первенство блеском не отличается. Первые сомалийские клубы стали появляться в 1940-х (до этого местные команды были в основном составлены из итальянцев), а более или менее организованного первенства пришлось ждать до 1967 года. Тот турнир выиграла команда полицейских, упомянутая выше. Затем последовала гегемония клуба «Лавори Публичи» — представителя Министерства общественных работ, созданного еще в военное время итальянцами. Через три года мощным флагманом сомалийского футбола стала армейская команда «Хорсид», поглотившая команду полицейских, поскольку поединки между «копами» и военными имели напряженный характер, зачастую приводившие к конфликтам (предполагаю, что не только на поле).В наши дни по успехам «Хорсид» превосходит только клуб «Эльман» из Могадишо, созданный в 1993 году предпринимателем и общественным деятелем Эльманом Али Ахмедом.
Закончить пост хотелось бы списком игроков, которые имеют сомалийские корни, и исключительно гипотетически мы могли бы или можем их увидеть в форме сборной исторической Родины.Cомалийские корни имеет экс-полузащитник сборной Италии и действующий главный тренер «Тернаны» Фабио Ливерани. Если быть точным, то у Фабио из Сомали не кто-нибудь, а родная мама.Пожалуй, самым известным из ныне действующих футболистов является уроженец Камеруна Джордж Элокоби, успевший сменить едва ли не десяток английских клубов.Есть один сомалиец и в Италии — Абукар Мохамед, родившийся в Могадишо, но играющий за юношескую сборную Финляндии и «Лацио».Хорошенько помотало Ислама Феруза — парень к двадцати одному году успел сменить пять европейских коллективов и сыграть за сборные Шотландии всех возрастов, кроме главной. Сейчас Феруз пока что находится в распоряжении молодежного состава «Челси» и своего известного агента Дмитрия Селюка.С «аристократами» связан и следующий персонаж — Мухтар Али. После победы с «Челси» в Юношеской лиге УЕФА он отправился в «Витесс», где уже успел шесть раз засветиться в Эредивизи и выиграть Кубок Нидерландов вместе с таким же молодым игроком подмены Аршаком Коряном.
На фотографии сборная Сомали 1977 года перед проигранной встречей с Угандой в рамках турнира для команд из Восточной и Центральной Африки.
Подписывайтесь на «Истоки» во «ВКонтакте»!
SA÷1¬~ZA÷СОМАЛИ: Чемпионат¬ZEE÷ncDHsctt¬ZB÷174¬ZY÷Сомали¬ZC÷AJajbu75¬ZD÷s¬ZE÷6FxgXCek¬ZF÷2¬ZO÷0¬ZG÷1¬ZH÷174_ncDHsctt¬ZJ÷2¬ZL÷/football/somalia/nation-link-telecom-championship/¬ZX÷00Сомали 006Сомали0000000000179000Чемпионат 009пионат000¬ZCC÷0¬ZAF÷Сомали¬~AA÷0QT6kQeR¬AD÷1526040000¬ADE÷1526040000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Waxool¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷WAX¬AE÷Waxool¬JA÷GUshwAyA¬WU÷waxool¬AG÷0¬WN÷HEE¬AF÷Хиган¬JB÷bgXdxUjG¬WV÷heegan¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷7¬~AA÷MZU2j6tL¬AD÷1525867200¬ADE÷1525867200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Batroolka FC¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷DEK¬AF÷Декедда¬JB÷4fvlvjM3¬WV÷dekedda¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷6¬WM÷BAT¬AE÷Batroolka FC¬JA÷AXvpuW6c¬WU÷batroolka¬AG÷1¬~AA÷UuKxp4Jl¬AD÷1525867200¬ADE÷1525867200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Элман¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷ELM¬AE÷Элман¬JA÷8SMWVRTq¬WU÷elman¬AG÷2¬WN÷HOR¬AF÷Хорсид¬JB÷jiCyVoqj¬WV÷horseed¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷3¬~AA÷I5GYpp4r¬AD÷1525780800¬ADE÷1525780800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Гаадиидка¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷GAA¬AE÷Гаадиидка¬JA÷xpW0yl6M¬WU÷gaadiidka¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬AG÷4¬WN÷MAD¬AF÷Madbacadda¬JB÷6Jz5z8LS¬WV÷madbacadda¬AH÷1¬~AA÷C4mCTrZ7¬AD÷1525608000¬ADE÷1525608000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Waxool¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷WAX¬AE÷Waxool¬JA÷2RHIOAMG¬WU÷waxool¬AG÷1¬WN÷HOR¬AF÷Хорсид¬JB÷pj7NNUyN¬WV÷horseed¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷4¬~AA÷pz1LwTdF¬AD÷1525521600¬ADE÷1525521600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Madbacadda¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷MAD¬AE÷Madbacadda¬JA÷nHnLFFwn¬WU÷madbacadda¬AG÷0¬WN÷DEK¬AF÷Декедда¬JB÷GjiPEZhh¬WV÷dekedda¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷5¬~AA÷4bzbinRE¬AD÷1525435200¬ADE÷1525435200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Элман¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷ELM¬AE÷Элман¬JA÷fPdcHSEj¬WU÷elman¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬AG÷2¬WN÷JEE¬AF÷ЛЛПП¬JB÷WttttCii¬WV÷jeenyo¬AH÷1¬~AA÷jD1Hv9s9¬AD÷1525348800¬ADE÷1525348800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Waxool¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷WAX¬AE÷Waxool¬JA÷8no98bWI¬WU÷waxool¬AG÷1¬WN÷GAA¬AF÷Гаадиидка¬JB÷8QmHGeOu¬WV÷gaadiidka¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷3¬~AA÷b1q8UOJ1¬AD÷1525262400¬ADE÷1525262400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Batroolka FC¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷MAD¬AF÷Madbacadda¬JB÷OzJEPj7A¬WV÷madbacadda¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷4¬WM÷BAT¬AE÷Batroolka FC¬JA÷Ua4BQWi4¬WU÷batroolka¬AG÷1¬~AA÷Gxf3V44e¬AD÷1525262400¬ADE÷1525262400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Декедда¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷DEK¬AE÷Декедда¬JA÷8pG2ShNi¬WU÷dekedda¬AS÷0¬AZ÷0¬AG÷1¬WN÷HEE¬AF÷Хиган¬JB÷j957RCxb¬WV÷heegan¬AS÷0¬AZ÷0¬AH÷1¬~AA÷xneaWpkk¬AD÷1525089600¬ADE÷1525089600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Гаадиидка¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷GAA¬AE÷Гаадиидка¬JA÷tvOG4kVp¬WU÷gaadiidka¬AS÷0¬AZ÷0¬AG÷2¬WN÷ELM¬AF÷Элман¬JB÷fsCbTY7o¬WV÷elman¬AS÷0¬AZ÷0¬AH÷2¬~AA÷bw5PxmCL¬AD÷1525003200¬ADE÷1525003200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Хиган¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷HEE¬AE÷Хиган¬JA÷fsjTDg8b¬WU÷heegan¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬AG÷1¬WN÷HOR¬AF÷Хорсид¬JB÷x6uYCDN4¬WV÷horseed¬AH÷0¬~AA÷C49sqOYf¬AD÷1524916800¬ADE÷1524916800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷ЛЛПП¬RW÷0¬AX÷0¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷JEE¬AE÷ЛЛПП¬JA÷4fGuU5bd¬WU÷jeenyo¬AG÷1¬WN÷BSC¬AF÷БС Клуб¬JB÷Ic4Nhkyc¬WV÷banaadir¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬AH÷2¬~
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Сомали по футболу (прозвище Звёзды Океана) — национальная футбольная сборная Сомали, контролируемая Футбольной федерацией Сомали. По состоянию на 15 сентября 2016 года в рейтинге ФИФА делит последнее 205 место со сборной Ангильи, сборной Багам, сборной Джибути, сборной Гибралтара, сборной Эритреи и сборной Тонга.
Девять дней после оставления Москвы в Петербург приехал посланный от Кутузова с официальным известием об оставлении Москвы. Посланный этот был француз Мишо, не знавший по русски, но quoique etranger, Busse de c?ur et d'ame, [впрочем, хотя иностранец, но русский в глубине души,] как он сам говорил про себя.
1. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
2. Сборная Камеруна по футболу – The Cameroon national football team, nicknamed in French Les Lions Indomptables, is the national team of Cameroon. It is controlled by the Fédération Camerounaise de Football and has qualified seven times for the FIFA World Cup, however, the team has only made it once out of the group stage. They were the first African team to reach the quarter-final of the World Cup, in 1990 and they have also won five Africa Cup of Nations titles. Cameroon played its first match against Belgian Congo in 1956, losing 3–2 and they first qualified for the Africa Cup of Nations in 1970, but were knocked out in the first round. Two years later, as host nation, the Indomitable Lions finished third after being knocked out by their neighbours and they would not qualify for the competition for another ten years. Cameroon qualified for its first FIFA World Cup in 1982, with the increase of 16 to 24 teams Cameroon qualified along with Algeria to represent Africa in Spain. Cameroon was drawn into Group 1 with eventual winners Italy, Poland, in their first game, Cameroon faced Peru and drew 0–0. They then had a goalless draw with Poland before a surprise 1–1 draw with Italy. Despite being unbeaten they failed to qualify for the second round, two years later, Cameroon qualified for the 1984 Africa Cup of Nations, held in the Ivory Coast. They finished second in their group before beating Algeria on penalties in the semi-final. In the final, Cameroon beat Nigeria 3–1 with goals from René NDjeya, Théophile Abega, Cameroon qualified for the 1990 World Cup by surpassing Nigeria and beating Tunisia in the final round playoff. In the final tournament, Cameroon were drawn into Group B with Argentina, Romania, Cameroon defeated defending champions Argentina in the opening game 1–0 with a goal scored by François Omam-Biyik. Cameroon later defeated Romania 2–1 and lost to the Soviet Union 0–4, in the second round, Cameroon defeated Colombia 2–1 with the 38-year-old Roger Milla scoring two goals in the extra time. In the quarter-finals, Cameroon faced England, England, however, equalized in the 83rd minute with a penalty from Gary Lineker, while Lineker again found the net via a 105th-minute penalty to make the eventual scoreline 3–2 for England. The team was coached by Russian manager and former player Valeri Nepomniachi, the 1994 World Cup in the United States saw the adjustment of representation for three African teams qualify. Cameroon qualified with Nigeria and Morocco, in the final tournament, Cameroon were drawn into Group B with Sweden, Brazil and Russia. After a 2–2 draw against Sweden, Cameroon were determined to make an impact, however, a 3–0 loss to Brazil and a heavy 6–1 loss to Russia knocked them out. In their last game against Russia, the then 42-year-old Roger Milla became the oldest player to play, the team was coached by French-born Henri Michel
3. Мадагаскар – Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar, and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southeast Africa. The nation comprises the island of Madagascar, and numerous smaller peripheral islands, consequently, Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot, over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth. The islands diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife are threatened by the encroachment of the growing human population. The first archaeological evidence for human foraging on Madagascar dates to 2000 BC, human settlement of Madagascar occurred between 350 BC and AD550 by Austronesian peoples arriving on outrigger canoes from Borneo. These were joined around AD1000 by Bantu migrants crossing the Mozambique Channel from East Africa, other groups continued to settle on Madagascar over time, each one making lasting contributions to Malagasy cultural life. The Malagasy ethnic group is divided into 18 or more sub-groups of which the largest are the Merina of the central highlands. Until the late 18th century, the island of Madagascar was ruled by an assortment of shifting sociopolitical alliances. Beginning in the early 19th century, most of the island was united and ruled as the Kingdom of Madagascar by a series of Merina nobles, the monarchy collapsed in 1897 when the island was absorbed into the French colonial empire, from which the island gained independence in 1960. The autonomous state of Madagascar has since undergone four major constitutional periods, since 1992, the nation has officially been governed as a constitutional democracy from its capital at Antananarivo. However, in an uprising in 2009, president Marc Ravalomanana was made to resign. Constitutional governance was restored in January 2014, when Hery Rajaonarimampianina was named president following a 2013 election deemed fair, Madagascar is a member of the United Nations, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and the Southern African Development Community. Madagascar belongs to the group of least developed countries, according to the United Nations, Malagasy and French are both official languages of the state. The majority of the population adheres to traditional beliefs, Christianity, ecotourism and agriculture, paired with greater investments in education, health, and private enterprise, are key elements of Madagascars development strategy. As of 2017, the economy has been weakened by the 2009-2013 political crisis, in the Malagasy language, the island of Madagascar is called Madagasikara and its people are referred to as Malagasy. The islands appellation Madagascar is not of origin, but rather was popularized in the Middle Ages by Europeans. On St. Laurences Day in 1500, Portuguese explorer Diogo Dias landed on the island, polos name was preferred and popularized on Renaissance maps. At 592,800 square kilometres, Madagascar is the worlds 47th largest country, the country lies mostly between latitudes 12°S and 26°S, and longitudes 43°E and 51°E. Neighboring islands include the French territory of Réunion and the country of Mauritius to the east, as well as the state of Comoros, the nearest mainland state is Mozambique, located to the west
4. Сборная Мавритании по футболу – They have not qualified for the FIFA World Cup or Africa Cup of Nations. However, in the Amilcar Cabral Cup, a tournament for West Africa. The national football team of Mauritania were later runners-up in 1995, Mauritania played its first match after independence from France on 11 April 1963, against Congo Kinshasa and lost 6–0. The match was held in Dakar, Senegal as part of the LAmitié tournament between African sides and it also saw the debuts of Chad, Liberia and Niger. Mauritania lost its three matches in the tournament, 2–0 to the Ivory Coast, 4–0 to Tunisia. Mauritanias first goal and avoidance of defeat came four years after their debut and this was their first match since the LAmitié tournament in 1963. Mauritania entered their first African Games qualification campaign, in an aim to reach the 1973 finals in Nigeria and they were drawn in a group against Mali and Guinea in Guinea. The first game was lost 11–0 to Mali, and on 20 May Mauritania lost 14–0 to Guinea, in May 1976 Mauritania entered qualification for the football at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Canada. They were drawn against neighbouring Mali in a two-legged qualifier, the first leg was lost 6–0 away on 1 May, and the second leg was lost 1–0 at home on 18 May. Mali did not qualify for the finals, Mauritanias first entrance into World Cup qualification was an attempt to reach the 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina. In March 1976 they were one of four countries put into two matches at the start of the African qualification campaign. Mauritanias preliminary was a match against the Upper Volta and they drew the first match 1–1 away in Ouagadougou on 13 March. This was their first competitive avoidance of defeat, and their first avoidance of defeat since 1967, on 28 March, Mauritania lost their home leg in Nouakchott 2–0 and the Upper Volta advanced 3–1 on aggregate. On 12 October 1980, seventeen years after their first game, Mali won 3–2 on aggregate having won the first leg 2–0. Mauritania entered qualification for the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France, again, they were drawn to face Burkina Faso in a two-legged preliminary. The first leg was played at home in Nouakchott in front of 15,000 people on 31 May 1996, the second leg was played at the Stade du 4-Aout in Ouagadougou on 16 June 1996 in front of 13,000 people. Burkina Faso won 2–0 to advance to the group phase. Mauritania entered the qualification for the 2002 FIFA World Cup and were placed in a preliminary against Tunisia, on 7 April 2000 they hosted Tunisia at the Stade Olympique in Nouakchott
5. Марокко – Morocco, officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco, is a sovereign country located in the Maghreb region of North Africa. Geographically, Morocco is characterized by a mountainous interior, large tracts of desert. Morocco has a population of over 33.8 million and an area of 446,550 km2 and its capital is Rabat, and the largest city is Casablanca. Other major cities include Marrakesh, Tangier, Tetouan, Salé, Fes, Agadir, Meknes, Oujda, Kenitra, a historically prominent regional power, Morocco has a history of independence not shared by its neighbours. Marinid and Saadi dynasties continued the struggle against foreign domination, the Alaouite dynasty, the current ruling dynasty, seized power in 1666. In 1912 Morocco was divided into French and Spanish protectorates, with a zone in Tangier. Moroccan culture is a blend of Arab, indigenous Berber, Sub-Saharan African, Morocco claims the non-self-governing territory of Western Sahara as its Southern Provinces. Morocco annexed the territory in 1975, leading to a war with indigenous forces until a cease-fire in 1991. Peace processes have thus far failed to break the political deadlock, Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The King of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, especially over the military, foreign policy, the king can issue decrees called dahirs which have the force of law. He can also dissolve the parliament after consulting the Prime Minister, Moroccos predominant religion is Islam, and the official languages are Arabic and Tamazight. The Moroccan dialect, referred to as Darija, and French are also widely spoken, Morocco is a member of the Arab League, the Union for the Mediterranean, and the African Union. It has the fifth largest economy of Africa, the full Arabic name al-Mamlakah al-Maghribiyyah translates to Kingdom of the West, although the West in Arabic is الغرب Al-Gharb. The basis of Moroccos English name is Marrakesh, its capital under the Almoravid dynasty, the origin of the name Marrakesh is disputed, but is most likely from the Berber words amur akush or Land of God. The modern Berber name for Marrakesh is Mṛṛakc, in Turkish, Morocco is known as Fas, a name derived from its ancient capital of Fes. The English name Morocco is an anglicisation of the Spanish Marruecos, the area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since Paleolithic times, sometime between 190,000 and 90,000 BC. During the Upper Paleolithic, the Maghreb was more fertile than it is today, twenty-two thousand years ago, the Aterian was succeeded by the Iberomaurusian culture, which shared similarities with Iberian cultures. Skeletal similarities have been suggested between the Iberomaurusian Mechta-Afalou burials and European Cro-Magnon remains, the Iberomaurusian was succeeded by the Beaker culture in Morocco
6. Сборная Эфиопии по футболу – The team has been representing Ethiopia in regional, continental, and international competitions since its founding in 1943. The Walias play their games at Addis Ababa Stadium located in the capital city of Addis Ababa. They are currently ranked 104th in the according to the FIFA World Rankings. Ethiopia was one of three teams to participate in the inaugural Africa Cup of Nations in 1957. It won the competition in 1962, while it was also the host, however, success has been elusive since the end of the 1960s. Under a previous coach Sewnet Bishaw, the qualified for the 2013 African Cup of Nations after a 31-year absence. Ethiopia has a football tradition and was among the pioneers of international competition in Africa, playing its first international match in 1947. The EFF joined FIFA in 1952 and was one of the founders of the Confederation of African Football in 1957, the team took part in the inaugural African Nations Cup in 1957, where it finished second. In 1959, Ethiopia entered the 1962 World Cup qualification for the first time, the team lost both games, and with an aggregate score of 2–4 was knocked out of the competition. The team won the African tournament on home soil, in 1962, nine countries entered the competition, including the reigning champions United Arab Republic, meaning for the first time a qualification tournament was required. As with previous tournaments, the finals only included four teams, United Arab Republic, as holders, and Ethiopia as hosts, qualified automatically meaning each needed to play only one game to reach the final. Ethiopia won the tournament for the first time after time in the final. Mengistu Worku and Badawi Abdel Fattah were joint top-scorers, both with three each, but the award itself was given to Worku because his team had won the title. This was the greatest feat ever achieved by the Ethiopian National team, luciano Vassalo was the teams captain, and the coach was Ydnekatchew Tessema. In 1963 African Cup of Nations they finished fourth, after losing the third battle against United Arab Republic. Next African Cup of Nations was in 1968, again on home soil, but two years later, the team went through a real disaster, as they finished at the bottom of the group phase, with a goal difference of 3–12. The worse was yet to come for Ethiopia as they didnt qualify for the 1972 African Cup of Nations at all, almost the same thing happened for the 1974 African Cup of Nations. This time they were eliminated by Tanzania, Ethiopia hosted the Nations Cup tournament in 1976, but failed to progress to the final four, finishing third in the group, behind Guinea and Egypt
7. Эфиопия – Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With nearly 100 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world and it occupies a total area of 1,100,000 square kilometres, and its capital and largest city is Addis Ababa. Some of the oldest evidence for modern humans has been found in Ethiopia. It is widely considered as the region from modern humans first set out for the Middle East. According to linguists, the first Afroasiatic-speaking populations settled in the Horn region during the ensuing Neolithic era, tracing its roots to the 2nd millennium BC, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. During the first centuries AD, the Kingdom of Aksum maintained a unified civilization in the region, subsequently, many African nations adopted the colors of Ethiopias flag following their independence. It was the first independent African member of the 20th-century League of Nations, Ethiopias ancient Geez script, also known as Ethiopic, is one of the oldest alphabets still in use in the world. The Ethiopian calendar, which is seven years and three months behind the Gregorian calendar, co-exists alongside the Borana calendar. A slight majority of the population adheres to Christianity, while around a third follows Islam, the country is the site of the Migration to Abyssinia and the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa at Negash. A substantial population of Ethiopian Jews, known as Bete Israel, resided in Ethiopia until the 1980s, Ethiopia is a multilingual nation with around 80 ethnolinguistic groups, the four largest of which are the Oromiffa, Amhara, Somali, and Tigrayans. Most people in the country speak Afroasiatic languages of the Cushitic or Semitic branches, additionally, Omotic languages are spoken by ethnic minority groups inhabiting the southern regions. Nilo-Saharan languages are spoken by the nations Nilotic ethnic minorities. Ethiopia is the place of origin for the coffee bean which originated from the place called Kefa and it is a land of natural contrasts, with its vast fertile West, jungles, and numerous rivers, and the worlds hottest settlement of Dallol in its north. The Ethiopian Highlands are Africas largest continuous mountain ranges, and Sof Omar Caves contain Africas largest cave, Ethiopia has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa. Ethiopia is one of the members of the UN, the Group of 24, the Non-Aligned Movement, G-77. In the 1970s and 1980s, Ethiopia suffered from civil wars, the country has begun to recover recently however, and now has the largest economy in East Africa and Central Africa. According to Global Fire Power, Ethiopia has the 42nd most powerful military in the world, the origin of the word Ethiopia is uncertain
8. Сборная Танзании по футболу – The Tanzania national football team represents Tanzania in association football and is controlled by the Tanzania Football Federation, the governing body for football in Tanzania. Tanzanias home ground is Benjamin Mkapa National Stadium in Dar-es-Salaam and their coach is Mart Nooij from the Netherlands. Tanzania has never qualified for the World Cup finals, before uniting with Zanzibar, the team played as the Tanganyika national football team. The island of Zanzibar, part of Tanzania, is also a member of CAF and has played matches with other nations. Recently Tanzania has invested money in the team in hope of improvement. Tanzania has beaten Burkina Faso twice in the African Nations cup qualifiers, the most recent result was a 3–1 win against Morocco in World Cup Qualifying in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzania was defeated by Algeria 7–0 in the 2018 world cup qualifiers, cap and goals updated as 1 June 2014
9. Джинджа – Jinja is a town in Uganda, the third-largest economy in the East African Community. Jinja is in Jinja District, Busoga sub-region, in the Eastern Region of Uganda, the town is approximately 81 kilometres, by road, east of Kampala, the capital and largest city of Uganda. It sits along the shores of Lake Victoria, near the source of the White Nile. According to the 2014 national population census data, Jinja is the largest metropolitan area in the Jinja District, the coordinates of Jinja, Uganda are 0°2524. 0N, 33°1224. 0E. The city was planned under colonial rule in 1948 by Ernst May, German architect, may also designed the urban planning scheme for Kampala, creating what he called neighborhood units. Estates were built for the elite in many parts outside the center city. This led to the slum clearance which displaced more than 1,000 residents in the 1950s. In 1954, the construction of the Owen Falls Dam submerged the Ripon Falls, most of the Flat Rocks that gave the area its name disappeared under water as well. The national census of 2002 estimated Jinjas population to be 71,213 of which 36,325 were males and 34,888 were females, in 2010, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics estimated the population at 82,800. In 2011, UBOS estimated the population at 89,700, in 2014, the national population census put the population at 72,931 However, the Municipality Authority contested the recent census of 2014, saying it under-counted Jinjas population. The majority of the population are of Bantu origin, lusoga is the main local language. Jinja has a population of inhabitants who are defined as working urban poor. The average annual income is estimated at US $100. Jinja had the second largest economy in Uganda, in the past, factories chose Jinja as their base because of the nearby electric power station at the Owen Falls Dam. Since the early 2000s, the economy of Jinja has picked up steadily, the main economic activities take place in the central business district. A new market for produce was completed during the fourth quarter of 2014. The facility can accommodate up to 4,500 vendors and cost US$13.7 million to construct, the biggest local employer is the Kakira Sugar Works, a member of the Madhvani Group of companies. KSW is one of the largest sugar factories in East Africa, the factory burns bagasse byproducts from sugar manufacturing to generate 50 megawatts of electricity for internal use and sale to the national grid
10. Уганда – Uganda, officially the Republic of Uganda, is a landlocked country in East Africa. It is bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south-west by Rwanda, Uganda is the worlds second most populous landlocked country after Ethiopia. The southern part of the country includes a portion of Lake Victoria, shared with Kenya. Uganda is in the African Great Lakes region, Uganda also lies within the Nile basin, and has a varied but generally a modified equatorial climate. Uganda takes its name from the Buganda kingdom, which encompasses a portion of the south of the country. The people of Uganda were hunter-gatherers until 1,700 to 2,300 years ago, beginning in 1894, the area was ruled as a protectorate by the British, who established administrative law across the territory. Uganda gained independence from Britain on 9 October 1962, luganda, a central language, is widely spoken across the country, and several other languages are also spoken including Runyoro, Runyankole, Rukiga, and Luo. The president of Uganda is Yoweri Museveni, who came to power in January 1986 after a protracted guerrilla war. The ancestors of the Ugandans were hunter-gatherers until 1, 700-2,300 years ago, Bantu-speaking populations, who were probably from central Africa, migrated to the southern parts of the country. According to oral tradition, the Empire of Kitara covered an important part of the lakes area, from the northern lakes Albert and Kyoga to the southern lakes Victoria. Bunyoro-Kitara is claimed as the antecedent of the Buganda, Toro, Ankole, some Luo invaded the area of Bunyoro and assimilated with the Bantu there, establishing the Babiito dynasty of the current Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara. Arab traders moved inland from the Indian Ocean coast of East Africa in the 1830s and they were followed in the 1860s by British explorers searching for the source of the Nile. British Anglican missionaries arrived in the kingdom of Buganda in 1877 and were followed by French Catholic missionaries in 1879, the British government chartered the Imperial British East Africa Company to negotiate trade agreements in the region beginning in 1888. From 1886, there were a series of wars in Buganda. Because of civil unrest and financial burdens, IBEAC claimed that it was unable to maintain their occupation in the region, in the 1890s,32,000 labourers from British India were recruited to East Africa under indentured labour contracts to construct the Uganda Railway. Most of the surviving Indians returned home, but 6,724 decided to remain in East Africa after the lines completion, subsequently, some became traders and took control of cotton ginning and sartorial retail. British naval ships unknowingly carried rats that contained the bubonic plague and these rats spread the disease throughout Uganda. From 1900 to 1920, a sleeping sickness epidemic in the part of Uganda, along the north shores of Lake Victoria