Раньше | |||
11.06.2015 2-й раунд (2) | Афганистан — Сирия | 0:6 | |
03.09.2015 2-й раунд (2) | Сирия — Сингапур | 1:0 | |
08.09.2015 2-й раунд (2) | Камбоджа — Сирия | 0:6 | |
08.10.2015 2-й раунд (2) | Сирия — Япония | 0:3 | |
13.10.2015 2-й раунд (2) | Сирия — Афганистан | 5:2 | |
17.11.2015 2-й раунд (2) | Сингапур — Сирия | 1:2 | |
24.03.2016 2-й раунд (2) | Сирия — Камбоджа | 6:0 | |
29.03.2016 2-й раунд (2) | Япония — Сирия | 5:0 | |
01.09.2016 3-й раунд (3) | Узбекистан — Сирия | 1:0 | |
06.09.2016 3-й раунд (3) | Сирия — Корея | 0:0 | |
06.10.2016 3-й раунд (3) | Китай — Сирия | 0:1 | |
11.10.2016 3-й раунд (3) | Катар — Сирия | 1:0 | |
15.11.2016 3-й раунд (3) | Сирия — Иран | 0:0 | |
23.03.2017 3-й раунд (3) | Сирия — Узбекистан | 1:0 | |
28.03.2017 3-й раунд (3) | Корея — Сирия | 1:0 | |
13.06.2017 3-й раунд (3) | Сирия — Китай | 2:2 | |
31.08.2017 3-й раунд (3) | Сирия — Катар | 3:1 | |
05.09.2017 3-й раунд (3) | Иран — Сирия | 2:2 | |
05.10.2017 4-й раунд (7) | Сирия — Австралия | 1:1 | |
10.10.2017 4-й раунд (7) | Австралия — Сирия | 2:1 |
Сборная Сирии по футболу — национальная футбольная команда Сирии.
Сборная управляется Сирийской футбольной ассоциацией. Сборная Сирии ни разу не участвовала в финальной стадии чемпионата Мира.Сборная Сирии не входит в число сильнейших азиатских сборных, несмотря на это, команда достигла определенных успехов на международной арене. Впервые сборная приняла участие в квалификации к чемпионату мира в 1958 году, таким образом, став одной из первых команд в Азии, которые смогли достигнуть этого результата. На чемпионате мира 1966 года сборная Сирии была одной из двух команд Азии (вторая Израиль), которые должны были выступать в европейской континентальной зоне, однако Сирия присоединилась к бойкоту чемпионата мира африканскими и азиатскими сборными, который был проведен в знак протеста против распределения путёвок, и снялась с соревнования.
В 1986 году Сирия была в одном шаге от попадания в финальную часть чемпионата мира, однако поражение от сборной Ирака помешало этому осуществиться. В финальной части Кубка Азии сборная Сирии участвовала четыре раза, в последний раз это случилось в 2011 году, однако, дальше первого раунда им не удалось продвинуться. Попасть на чемпионат мира ни в 2010, ни в 2014 году у сирийцев также не получилось: к первенству мира 2010 года они просто не прошли квалификацию, а из отборочного турнира 2014 года были дисквалифицированы из-за незаконной заявки футболиста Жоржа Мурада, который не прошёл до конца натурализацию и ранее был заигран за молодёжную сборную Швеции[1]
Состав сборной Сирии на Кубок Азии 2011
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Сирии по футболу — национальная футбольная команда Сирии. Сборная управляется Сирийской футбольной ассоциацией. Сборная Сирии ни разу не участвовала в финальной стадии чемпионата мира.
Сборная Сирии не входит в число сильнейших азиатских сборных, несмотря на это, команда достигла определённых успехов на международной арене. Впервые сборная приняла участие в квалификации к чемпионату мира в 1958 году, таким образом, став одной из первых команд в Азии, которые смогли достигнуть этого результата. На чемпионате мира 1966 года сборная Сирии была одной из двух команд Азии (вторая Израиль), которые должны были выступать в европейской континентальной зоне, однако Сирия присоединилась к бойкоту чемпионата мира африканскими и азиатскими сборными, который был проведён в знак протеста против распределения путёвок, и снялась с соревнования.
В 1986 году Сирия была в одном шаге от попадания в финальную часть чемпионата мира, однако поражение от сборной Ирака помешало этому осуществиться. В финальной части Кубка Азии сборная Сирии участвовала четыре раза, в последний раз это случилось в 2011 году, однако дальше первого раунда им не удалось продвинуться. Попасть на чемпионат мира ни в 2010, ни в 2014 году у сирийцев также не получилось: к первенству мира 2010 года они просто не прошли квалификацию, а из отборочного турнира 2014 года были дисквалифицированы из-за незаконной заявки футболиста Жоржа Мурада, который не прошёл до конца натурализацию и ранее был заигран за молодёжную сборную Швеции[2].
В 2012 году Сирия победила Ирак в финале чемпионата Западной Азии и взяла свой первый кубок. В 2017 году Сирия была близка к выходу на чемпионат мира в России, попав в стыковые матчи АФК с Австралией, но по сумме двух встреч уступила 2:3.
Следующие игроки были вызваны в состав сборной главным тренером Айманом Хакимом для участия в матчах отборочного турнира к Чемпионату мира 2018 против сборной Ирана (5 сентября 2017).
Игры и голы приведены по состоянию на 5 сентября 2017 года:wikipedia.green
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Сирии по футболу — национальная футбольная команда Сирии. Сборная управляется Сирийской футбольной ассоциацией. Сборная Сирии ни разу не участвовала в финальной стадии чемпионата мира.
Сборная Сирии не входит в число сильнейших азиатских сборных, несмотря на это, команда достигла определённых успехов на международной арене. Впервые сборная приняла участие в квалификации к чемпионату мира в 1958 году, таким образом, став одной из первых команд в Азии, которые смогли достигнуть этого результата. На чемпионате мира 1966 года сборная Сирии была одной из двух команд Азии (вторая Израиль), которые должны были выступать в европейской континентальной зоне, однако Сирия присоединилась к бойкоту чемпионата мира африканскими и азиатскими сборными, который был проведён в знак протеста против распределения путёвок, и снялась с соревнования.
В 1986 году Сирия была в одном шаге от попадания в финальную часть чемпионата мира, однако поражение от сборной Ирака помешало этому осуществиться. В финальной части Кубка Азии сборная Сирии участвовала четыре раза, в последний раз это случилось в 2011 году, однако дальше первого раунда им не удалось продвинуться. Попасть на чемпионат мира ни в 2010, ни в 2014 году у сирийцев также не получилось: к первенству мира 2010 года они просто не прошли квалификацию, а из отборочного турнира 2014 года были дисквалифицированы из-за незаконной заявки футболиста Жоржа Мурада, который не прошёл до конца натурализацию и ранее был заигран за молодёжную сборную Швеции[1].
Состав сборной Сирии на Кубок Азии 2011
Х 30 го числа Пьер вернулся в Москву. Почти у заставы ему встретился адъютант графа Растопчина. – А мы вас везде ищем, – сказал адъютант. – Графу вас непременно нужно видеть. Он просит вас сейчас же приехать к нему по очень важному делу. Пьер, не заезжая домой, взял извозчика и поехал к главнокомандующему. Граф Растопчин только в это утро приехал в город с своей загородной дачи в Сокольниках. Прихожая и приемная в доме графа были полны чиновников, явившихся по требованию его или за приказаниями. Васильчиков и Платов уже виделись с графом и объяснили ему, что защищать Москву невозможно и что она будет сдана. Известия эти хотя и скрывались от жителей, но чиновники, начальники различных управлений знали, что Москва будет в руках неприятеля, так же, как и знал это граф Растопчин; и все они, чтобы сложить с себя ответственность, пришли к главнокомандующему с вопросами, как им поступать с вверенными им частями.
Сборная Сирии по футболу — национальная футбольная команда Сирии. Сборная управляется Сирийской Арабской футбольной ассоциацией. Сборная Сирии ни разу не участвовала в финальной стадии чемпионата мира.
Сборная Сирии не входит в число сильнейших азиатских сборных, несмотря на это, команда достигла определённых успехов на международной арене. Впервые сборная приняла участие в квалификации к чемпионату мира в 1958 году, таким образом, став одной из первых команд в Азии, которые смогли достигнуть этого результата. На чемпионате мира 1966 года сборная Сирии была одной из двух команд Азии (вторая Израиль), которые должны были выступать в европейской континентальной зоне, однако Сирия присоединилась к бойкоту чемпионата мира африканскими и азиатскими сборными, который был проведён в знак протеста против распределения путёвок, и снялась с соревнования.
В 1986 году Сирия была в одном шаге от попадания в финальную часть чемпионата мира, однако поражение от сборной Ирака помешало этому осуществиться. В финальной части Кубка Азии сборная Сирии участвовала четыре раза, в последний раз это случилось в 2011 году, однако дальше первого раунда им не удалось продвинуться. Попасть на чемпионат мира ни в 2010, ни в 2014 году у сирийцев также не получилось: к первенству мира 2010 года они просто не прошли квалификацию, а из отборочного турнира 2014 года были дисквалифицированы из-за незаконной заявки футболиста Жоржа Мурада, который не прошёл до конца натурализацию и ранее был заигран за молодёжную сборную Швеции[2].
В 2012 году Сирия победила Ирак в финале чемпионата Западной Азии и взяла свой первый кубок. В 2017 году Сирия была близка к выходу на чемпионат мира в России, попав в стыковые матчи АФК с Австралией, но по сумме двух встреч уступила 2:3.
Следующие игроки были вызваны в состав сборной главным тренером Айманом Хакимом для участия в матчах отборочного турнира к Чемпионату мира 2018 против сборной Ирана (5 сентября 2017).
Игры и голы приведены по состоянию на 5 сентября 2017 года:ru.wikibedia.ru
1. Азиатская конфедерация футбола – The Asian Football Confederation is the governing body of association football in Asia and Australia. Three other states located along the fringe of Asia – Cyprus, Armenia. Hong Kong and Macau, although not independent countries, are members of the AFC. One of FIFAs six continental confederations, the AFC was formed officially on 8 May 1954 in Manila, Philippines, the main headquarters is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The current president is Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa of Bahrain, the Asian Football Confederation was founded on 8 May 1954. Afghanistan, Burma, Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation is the section of the AFC who manage womens football in Asia. The group was founded in April 1968 in a meeting involving Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia. In 1986 the ALFC merged with the AFC, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation helped organise the AFC Womens Asian Cup, first held in 1975, as well as the AFCs AFC U-19 Womens Championship and the AFC U-17 Womens Championship. The AFC has 47 member associations split into five regions, all three competitions are held every four years. The top-ranked AFC competition is the AFC Champions League, which started in the 2002–03 season and gathers the top 1–4 teams of each country, a second, lower-ranked competition is the AFC Cup. This competition was launched by AFC in 2004, a third competition, the AFC Presidents Cup, which had started in 2005, was absorbed into the AFC Cup in 2015. The AFC also runs an annual Asian futsal club competition, the AFC Futsal Club Championship
2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
3. Сборная Турции по футболу – The Turkey national football team represents Turkey in association football and is controlled by the Turkish Football Federation, the governing body for football in Turkey. Turkey has qualified three times for the World Cup, in 1950,1954, and 2002, although they withdrew from the 1950 event, Turkey has also qualified four times for the UEFA European Championship, in 1996,2000,2008, and 2016. They have reached the semi-finals of three tournaments, the 2002 World Cup, the 2003 Confederations Cup, and Euro 2008. The Turkish national team played their first ever match against Romania in 1923 drawing 2–2, zeki Rıza Sporel is considered as the first big star of Turkish football as he scored the first two goals against Romania. Turkey played their first ever match at the 1924 Summer Olympics losing 5–2 to Czechoslovakia. Although Turkey qualified for the 1950 World Cup, beating Syria 7–0, Turkey then qualified for the 1954 World Cup after a play-off with Spain. The Turkish team first lost 4–1 to Spain, but a 1–0 win a few days later initiated a replay, on that occasion, they tied 2–2 after, booking their place after a coin toss. Turkey was put in a group along with Hungary and West Germany, the Turks, however, never played Hungary due to the tournament format, and a 4–1 defeat by the Germans was followed by Turkey carrying out a 7–0 win over South Korea. Turkey lost the play-off to West Germany 7–2, in 1956 Turkey did however play Hungary, in a friendly match in Istanbul, beating what was one of the strongest teams of the era 3–1. Lefter Küçükandonyadis, all-time best player of Turkey netted in two goals during the tournament, despite the introduction of a national league, and showings by Turkish clubs in European competition, the 1960s would be a barren time for the national team. Most players from the 1954 World Cup squad were retired, the 1970s saw Turkey holding back in the World Cup and European Championship qualifiers, but the team was a point too short to qualify for both Euro 1972 and Euro 1976. In the 1980s the Turkish team also suffered their worst defeats with 8–0 scorelines against Poland, yet the 1990 World Cup qualifiers would mark a turning point for Turkish football, with Turkey only missing out on qualification in the final game. Prominent players in this period were Rıdvan Dilmen, Oğuz Çetin, Rıza Çalımbay, Feyyaz Uçar, in 1990, German coach Sepp Piontek was put in charge of the national team. Under his guidance, a group of new players debuted for the national team, many of these players which include, Bülent Korkmaz, Alpay Özalan, Sergen Yalçın, Rüştü Reçber, and Hakan Şükür would become the backbone of the national team for many years. Pionteks mission came to an end in 1993, where he was replaced by Fatih Terim, Turkey qualified for its first major tournament since 1954, marking another turning point for Turkish football after having failed to qualify for both Euro 1992 and the 1994 FIFA World Cup. The appointment of Piontek was a move by another German coach Jupp Derwall. Turkey qualified for Euro 1996, beating both Switzerland and Sweden 2–1 along the way, despite a solid performance during the qualifiers, Turkey lost all their matches without scoring a single goal. They did, however, go home with an award, the fair-play award, Turkey failed to qualify for the 1998 FIFA World Cup, they however qualified for Euro 2000 after winning a play-off against Ireland
4. Анкара – Ankara, formerly known as Ancyra and Angora, is the capital of the Republic of Turkey. With a population of 4,587,558 in the center and 5,150,072 in its province. Ankara was Atatürks headquarters from 1920 and has been the capital of the Republic since its founding in 1923, the government is a prominent employer, but Ankara is also an important commercial and industrial city, located at the center of Turkeys road and railway networks. The city gave its name to the Angora wool shorn from Angora rabbits, the long-haired Angora goat, the area is also known for its pears, honey, and muscat grapes. Ankara is an old city with various Hittite, Phrygian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine. The historical center of town is a hill rising 150 m over the left bank of the Ankara Çayı, a tributary of the Sakarya River. The hill remains crowned by the ruins of the old citadel, as with many ancient cities, Ankara has gone by several names over the ages. It has been identified with the Hittite cult center Ankuwaš, although remains a matter of debate. In classical antiquity and during the period, the city was known as Ánkyra in Greek and Ancyra in Latin. Following its annexation by the Seljuk Turks in 1073, the city known in many European languages as Angora. The form Angora is preserved in the names of breeds of different kinds of animals. The oldest settlements in and around the city center of Ankara belonged to the Hattic civilization which existed during the Bronze Age and was gradually absorbed c, 2000–1700 BC by the Indo-European Hittites. In Phrygian tradition, King Midas was venerated as the founder of Ancyra, but Pausanias mentions that the city was far older. Persian sovereignty lasted until the Persians defeat at the hands of Alexander the Great who conquered the city in 333 BC, Alexander came from Gordion to Ankara and stayed in the city for a short period. After his death at Babylon in 323 BC and the subsequent division of his empire among his generals, Ankara, by that time the city also took its name Ἄγκυρα which, in slightly modified form, provides the modern name of Ankara. Other centers were Pessinos, todays Balhisar, for the Trocmi tribe, the city was then known as Ancyra. The Celtic element was probably relatively small in numbers, an aristocracy which ruled over Phrygian-speaking peasants. However, the Celtic language continued to be spoken in Galatia for many centuries
5. Турция – Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey, is a transcontinental country in Eurasia, mainly in Anatolia in Western Asia, with a smaller portion on the Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. Turkey is a democratic, secular, unitary, parliamentary republic with a cultural heritage. The country is encircled by seas on three sides, the Aegean Sea is to the west, the Black Sea to the north, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. The Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles, Ankara is the capital while Istanbul is the countrys largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. Approximately 70-80% of the countrys citizens identify themselves as ethnic Turks, other ethnic groups include legally recognised and unrecognised minorities. Kurds are the largest ethnic minority group, making up approximately 20% of the population, the area of Turkey has been inhabited since the Paleolithic by various ancient Anatolian civilisations, as well as Assyrians, Greeks, Thracians, Phrygians, Urartians and Armenians. After Alexander the Greats conquest, the area was Hellenized, a process continued under the Roman Empire. The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, the empire reached the peak of its power in the 16th century, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. During the war, the Ottoman government committed genocides against its Armenian, Assyrian, following the war, the conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire was partitioned into several new states. Turkey is a member of the UN, an early member of NATO. Turkeys growing economy and diplomatic initiatives have led to its recognition as a regional power while her location has given it geopolitical, the name of Turkey is based on the ethnonym Türk. The first recorded use of the term Türk or Türük as an autonym is contained in the Old Turkic inscriptions of the Göktürks of Central Asia, the English name Turkey first appeared in the late 14th century and is derived from Medieval Latin Turchia. Similarly, the medieval Khazar Empire, a Turkic state on the shores of the Black. The medieval Arabs referred to the Mamluk Sultanate as al-Dawla al-Turkiyya, the Ottoman Empire was sometimes referred to as Turkey or the Turkish Empire among its European contemporaries. The Anatolian peninsula, comprising most of modern Turkey, is one of the oldest permanently settled regions in the world, various ancient Anatolian populations have lived in Anatolia, from at least the Neolithic period until the Hellenistic period. Many of these peoples spoke the Anatolian languages, a branch of the larger Indo-European language family, in fact, given the antiquity of the Indo-European Hittite and Luwian languages, some scholars have proposed Anatolia as the hypothetical centre from which the Indo-European languages radiated. The European part of Turkey, called Eastern Thrace, has also been inhabited since at least forty years ago. It is the largest and best-preserved Neolithic site found to date, the settlement of Troy started in the Neolithic Age and continued into the Iron Age
6. Сборная Мальдив по футболу – The Maldives national football team represents the Maldives in the sport of football, and is controlled by the Football Association of Maldives. A member of the Asian Football Confederation, it qualified for the stage of Asian qualifying for the 2006 World Cup. The Maldives most significant success was winning the 2008 SAFF Championship where they beat the most successful team India in the final 1–0 and this was the third edition of SAFF Cup which was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, and it was Maldives first campaign in this regional tournament. Maldives was placed in the group B with India and Bangladesh and they drew their first match against Bangladesh with the help of Lirugham Saeeds only goal. In the second match, they drew against the India 2–2, in this edition of SAFF Cup, hosted in Fatorda Stadium, Goa, India, Maldives were grouped with Nepal and Sri Lanka, where Maldives finished at the top of the group B. First match against Sri Lanka ended as a draw while they managed to win 3–2 against the Nepal. Shah Ismail, Mohamed Wildhan and Mausoom Abdul Gafoor scored the goals for Maldives in this match, Maldives had to face the two times SAFF Cup champion India in the semi final and lost the game by 2–1, where Mohamed Wildhan scored against the Blue Tigers. Though they failed to qualify for the Final of the tournament, Mohamed Wildhan and Mohamed Ibrahim were the goal scorers. Mohamed Wildhan shared the top scorer award with Nepals Naresh Joshi, Indias Baichung Bhutia, in the 2003 SAFF Gold Cup held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Maldives were drawn in the group B along with Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. Mohamed Nizam, Ashraf Luthfy and Ali Umar scored one each in this victory. Despite the 1–0 loss to Bangladesh in the match, Maldives won their third match against Nepal. Mohamed Nizam, Ashraf Luthfy and Ali Umar scored in their 3–2 win over Nepal, Ibrahim Fazeel scored the only goal against Pakistan in the semi final, which helped them to reach the final for the second time. They won the first match 9–1 against Afghanistan, Ibrahim Fazeel and Ahmed Thoriq both scored a hat-trick while Ali Ashfaq scored a brace and Ali Umar scored their opener. The 2008 SAFF Championship draw, which place on 26 February 2007, placed Maldives in Group A, alongside Nepal, India. Maldives started with a comfortable 3–0 win over Pakistan, with the goals from Mohamed Shifan, Ahmed Thoriq, in their second match they defeated Nepal by 2 goals each, from Ismail Mohamed and Ibrahim Fazeel. They lost their last group match against India, 0–1. They advanced to the semi-finals and defeated Sri Lanka 0–1, with a brilliant goal from Ibrahim Fazeel from a given by Ali Ashfaq. They then advanced to the final for the time in the SAFF Championship history
7. Дамаск – Damascus is the capital and likely the largest city of Syria, following the decline in population of Aleppo due to the ongoing battle for the city. It is commonly known in Syria as ash-Sham and nicknamed as the City of Jasmine, in addition to being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Damascus is a major cultural and religious centre of the Levant. The city has an population of 1,711,000 as of 2009. Located in south-western Syria, Damascus is the centre of a metropolitan area of 2.6 million people. The Barada River flows through Damascus, first settled in the second millennium BC, it was chosen as the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate from 661 to 750. After the victory of the Abbasid dynasty, the seat of Islamic power was moved to Baghdad, Damascus saw a political decline throughout the Abbasid era, only to regain significant importance in the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods. Today, it is the seat of the government and all of the government ministries. The name of Damascus first appeared in the geographical list of Thutmose III as T-m-ś-q in the 15th century BC, the etymology of the ancient name T-m-ś-q is uncertain, but it is suspected to be pre-Semitic. It is attested as Dimašqa in Akkadian, T-ms-ḳw in Egyptian, Dammaśq in Old Aramaic, the Akkadian spelling is found in the Amarna letters, from the 14th century BC. Later Aramaic spellings of the name include a intrusive resh, perhaps influenced by the root dr. Thus, the English and Latin name of the city is Damascus which was imported from originated from the Qumranic Darmeśeq, and Darmsûq in Syriac, meaning a well-watered land. In Arabic, the city is called Dimašqu š-Šāmi, although this is shortened to either Dimašq or aš-Šām by the citizens of Damascus, of Syria and other Arab neighbours. Aš-Šām is an Arabic term for Levant and for Syria, the latter, the Anti-Lebanon mountains mark the border between Syria and Lebanon. The range has peaks of over 10,000 ft. and blocks precipitation from the Mediterranean sea, however, in ancient times this was mitigated by the Barada River, which originates from mountain streams fed by melting snow. Damascus is surrounded by the Ghouta, irrigated farmland where many vegetables, cereals, maps of Roman Syria indicate that the Barada river emptied into a lake of some size east of Damascus. Today it is called Bahira Atayba, the hesitant lake, because in years of severe drought it does not even exist, the modern city has an area of 105 km2, out of which 77 km2 is urban, while Jabal Qasioun occupies the rest. The old city of Damascus, enclosed by the city walls, to the south-east, north and north-east it is surrounded by suburban areas whose history stretches back to the Middle Ages, Midan in the south-west, Sarouja and Imara in the north and north-west. These neighbourhoods originally arose on roads leading out of the city and these new neighbourhoods were initially settled by Kurdish soldiery and Muslim refugees from the European regions of the Ottoman Empire which had fallen under Christian rule
8. Сирия – Syrias capital and largest city is Damascus. Religious groups include Sunnis, Christians, Alawites, Druze, Mandeans, Shiites, Salafis, Sunni Arabs make up the largest religious group in Syria. Its capital Damascus and largest city Aleppo are among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, in the Islamic era, Damascus was the seat of the Umayyad Caliphate and a provincial capital of the Mamluk Sultanate in Egypt. The post-independence period was tumultuous, and a number of military coups. In 1958, Syria entered a union with Egypt called the United Arab Republic. Syria was under Emergency Law from 1963 to 2011, effectively suspending most constitutional protections for citizens, Bashar al-Assad has been president since 2000 and was preceded by his father Hafez al-Assad, who was in office from 1970 to 2000. Mainstream modern academic opinion strongly favours the argument that the Greek word is related to the cognate Ἀσσυρία, Assyria, in the past, others believed that it was derived from Siryon, the name that the Sidonians gave to Mount Hermon. However, the discovery of the inscription in 2000 seems to support the theory that the term Syria derives from Assyria. The area designated by the word has changed over time, since approximately 10,000 BC, Syria was one of centers of Neolithic culture where agriculture and cattle breeding appeared for the first time in the world. The following Neolithic period is represented by houses of Mureybet culture. At the time of the pre-pottery Neolithic, people used vessels made of stone, gyps, finds of obsidian tools from Anatolia are evidences of early trade relations. Cities of Hamoukar and Emar played an important role during the late Neolithic, archaeologists have demonstrated that civilization in Syria was one of the most ancient on earth, perhaps preceded by only those of Mesopotamia. The earliest recorded indigenous civilisation in the region was the Kingdom of Ebla near present-day Idlib, gifts from Pharaohs, found during excavations, confirm Eblas contact with Egypt. One of the earliest written texts from Syria is an agreement between Vizier Ibrium of Ebla and an ambiguous kingdom called Abarsal c.2300 BC. The Northwest Semitic language of the Amorites is the earliest attested of the Canaanite languages, Mari reemerged during this period, and saw renewed prosperity until conquered by Hammurabi of Babylon. Ugarit also arose during this time, circa 1800 BC, close to modern Latakia, Ugaritic was a Semitic language loosely related to the Canaanite languages, and developed the Ugaritic alphabet. The Ugarites kingdom survived until its destruction at the hands of the marauding Indo-European Sea Peoples in the 12th century BC, Yamhad was described in the tablets of Mari as the mightiest state in the near east and as having more vassals than Hammurabi of Babylon. Yamhad imposed its authority over Alalakh, Qatna, the Hurrians states, the army of Yamhad campaigned as far away as Dēr on the border of Elam
9. Сборная Филиппин по футболу – The Philippines national football team is the national football team of the Philippines and represents the country in international football. The team is controlled by the Philippine Football Federation, the body of football in the Philippines. Philippines home grounds are the Philippine Sports Stadium in Bocaue, Bulacan, and the Rizal Memorial Stadium in Manila and the current coach is Thomas Dooley. The national team has never qualified for the FIFA World Cup or the Asian Cup, the national teams best finish in a major tournament was at the 2014 AFC Challenge Cup where they finished second after losing to Palestine in the final. The Philippines participated at the Far Eastern Championship Games, which included football, the first edition was in 1913 and the last was in 1934. The games were the first regional tournament for national teams outside Britain. The national team routinely faced Japan and China and at one edition the Dutch East Indies at the games, the Philippines won over China at the inaugural tournament with the scoreline of 2–1. During the 1917 edition, the team achieved its biggest win in international football. Led by Filipino-Spanish icon Paulino Alcantara, the Philippines defeated Japan 15–2, the team finished third behind champions Japan and second placers, Manchukuo and ahead of the Republic of China. In the 1950s the Philippines hosted friendlies with international-based sides, However the national team experienced lack of funding, during that time talents from the national team were drawn from the Manila Football League which received substantial support from the Chinese-Filipino community. The national teams decent performance at the 1958 Asian Games, hosted in Tokyo, after 1958, saw the decline of Philippine football, several key players resigned from the national team due to financial challenges for playing for the national team. National team players Ed Ocampo and Eduardo Pacheco switched to basketball, sponsors withdrew and leagues, which were mostly funded by the Chinese-Filipino community started to decline. The 60–40 rule was lifted much later during the tenure of president Johnny Romualdez of the Philippine Football Federation, the national team suffered defeats with big margins at the 1962 Asian Games in Jakarta. This includes the teams record 15–1 defeat to Malaysia, which became the worst defeat of the national team at that time. The record was broken by the 15–0 lose to Japan in 1967 at the qualifiers for the 1968 Summer Olympics. Foreigners were hired to serve as coaches for the national team in an attempt to reduce big margin loses. Englishman, Allan Rogers was hired following the defeat to Malaysia. Coaches from the United Kingdom, Alan Rogers and Brian Birch, after the two were relieved, Danny McClellan and Graham Adams continued their task
10. Алеппо – Aleppo is a city in Syria, serving as the capital of the Aleppo Governorate, the most populous Syrian governorate. With an official population of 2,132,100, Aleppo was the largest Syrian city before the Syrian Civil War, however, now Aleppo is likely the second-largest city in Syria after the capital Damascus. Aleppo is an ancient city, and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, such a long history is attributed to its strategic location as a trading center midway between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia. For centuries, Aleppo was the largest city in the Syrian region, and it was also one of the largest cities in the Levant before the advent of the Syrian Civil War. The citys significance in history has been its location at one end of the Silk Road, when the Suez Canal was inaugurated in 1869, trade was diverted to sea and Aleppo began its slow decline. At the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, Aleppo ceded its northern hinterland to modern Turkey, in the 1940s, it lost its main access to the sea, Antakya and İskenderun, also to Turkey. Finally, the isolation of Syria in the past few decades further exacerbated the situation and this decline may have helped to preserve the old city of Aleppo, its medieval architecture and traditional heritage. It won the title of the Islamic Capital of Culture 2006, during the Battle of Aleppo the city suffered massive destruction, and has been the worst-hit city in the Syrian Civil War. In December 2016, the Syrian government achieved full control of Aleppo following a successful offensive, modern-day English-speakers commonly refer to the city as Aleppo. It was known in antiquity as Khalpe, Khalibon, and to the Greeks, during the Crusades, and again during the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon of 1923–1946, the name Alep was used. Aleppo represents the Italianised version of this, the original ancient name, Halab, has survived as the current Arabic name of the city. Some have proposed that halab means iron or copper in Amorite languages, the modern-day Arabic nickname of the city, ash-Shahbaa, which means the white-colored, also allegedly derives from the famous white marble of Aleppo. From the 11th century it was common usage to apply the term Aram-Zobah to the area of Aleppo. Aleppo has scarcely been touched by archaeologists, since the city occupies its ancient site. The site has been occupied from around 5000 BC, as shown by excavations in Tallet Alsauda, Aleppo appears in historical records as an important city much earlier than Damascus. The first record of Aleppo comes from the third millennium BC, some historians, such as Wayne Horowitz, identify Aleppo with the capital of an independent kingdom closely related to Ebla, known as Armi, although this identification is contested. The main temple of the storm god Hadad was located on the hill in the center of the city. In the Old Babylonian and Old Assyrian Empire period, Aleppos name appears in its form as Ḥalab for the first time
Сборная Сирии не входит в число сильнейших азиатских сборных, несмотря на это, команда достигла определённых успехов на международной арене. Впервые сборная приняла участие в квалификации к чемпионату мира в 1958 году, таким образом, став одной из первых команд в Азии, которые смогли достигнуть этого результата. На чемпионате мира 1966 года сборная Сирии была одной из двух команд Азии (вторая Израиль), которые должны были выступать в европейской континентальной зоне, однако Сирия присоединилась к бойкоту чемпионата мира африканскими и азиатскими сборными, который был проведён в знак протеста против распределения путёвок, и снялась с соревнования.
В 1986 году Сирия была в одном шаге от попадания в финальную часть чемпионата мира, однако поражение от сборной Ирака помешало этому осуществиться. В финальной части Кубка Азии сборная Сирии участвовала четыре раза, в последний раз это случилось в 2011 году, однако дальше первого раунда им не удалось продвинуться. Попасть на чемпионат мира ни в 2010, ни в 2014 году у сирийцев также не получилось: к первенству мира 2010 года они просто не прошли квалификацию, а из отборочного турнира 2014 года были дисквалифицированы из-за незаконной заявки футболиста Жоржа Мурада, который не прошёл до конца натурализацию и ранее был заигран за молодёжную сборную Швеции.
2000 | Второе место | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2 |
2002 | Четвертое место | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 6 |
2004 | Второе место | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 13 |
2007 | Четвертьфинал | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
2008 | Полуфинал | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Всего | 0 Титутлов | 19 | 7 | 4 | 8 | 20 | 27 |
Состав сборной Сирии на Кубок Азии 2011
Мосаб Балхуз | вратарь | Аль-Карама |
Радван Аль-Азхар | вратарь | Аль-Маджд |
Аднан Аль-Хофез | вратарь | Аль-Вахда |
Белал Абдулаим | защитник | Аль-Карама |
Али Диаб | защитник | Аль-Шорта |
Джехад Аль-Баур | защитник | Аль-Джаиш |
Ахмад Аль-Салих | защитник | Аль-Джаиш |
Абдулкадер Дакка | защитник | Аль-Иттихад (Алеппо) |
Фераз Исмаиль | полузащитник | Аль-Джаиш |
Джехад Аль-Хуссейн | полузащитник | Аль-Кадсия |
Абделразак Аль-Хуссейн | полузащитник | Аль-Карама |
Тахья Дьяб | полузащитник | Аль-Иттихад (Алеппо) |
Кусэй Хабиб | полузащитник | Аль-Шорта |
Адель Абдулла | полузащитник | Аль-Карама |
Надим Сабах | полузащитник | Аль-Джаиш |
Ваэль Айян | полузащитник | Аль-Файзали |
Лоу Чанко | полузащитник | Ольборг |
Бурхан Сахиуни | полузащитник | Дахук |
Самер Авад | полузащитник | Аль-Маджд |
Фираз Аль-Хатиб | нападающий | Аль-Кадсия |
Мохаммед Аль-Зено | нападающий | Аль-Карама |
Абдул Фаттах Аль-Агха | нападающий | Вади Дегла |
Сенхариб Малки | нападающий | Касымпаша |
1 Балхус (в) • 2 Абдулдаим • 3 Диаб • 4 Аль-Бааур • 5 Исмаил • 6 Д. Аль-Хуссейн • 7 А. Аль-Хуссейн • 8 Диаб • 9 Хабиб • 10 Аль-Хатиб (к) • 11 Абдулла • 12 Аль-Зено • 13 Саббах • 14 Аян • 15 Ахмед Аль-Салих • 16 Аль-Азхар (в) • 17 Дакка • 18 Аль-Ага • 19 Малки • 20 Чанко • 21 Сахиуни • 22 Аль-Хафиз (в) • 23 Авад • тренер: Валериу Тита |
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