Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сбо́рная Лао́са по футбо́лу — национальная сборная, представляющая Лаос на международной футбольной арене. Руководство командой осуществляет Федерация Футбола Лаоса.
В феврале 2001 года сборную возглавил россиянин Борис Журавлев[1].
В мае 2008 года команда не сыграла матч отборочного турнира Кубка вызова АФК против Киргизии из-за отравления игроков сборной[2]. Вследствие чего Лаос снялся с турнира.
Лаос принимал участие в Кубке вызова АФК 2014, который проходил на Мальдивах. В своём первом матче команда уступила в Туркмении (1:5)[3]. После сборная уступила Филиппинам (0:2) и сыграла в ничью с Афганистаном (0:0).
До 2009 года главным футбольным стадионом Лаоса был Чао Анувонг Стэдиум, он вмещает в себя 15000 человек и сейчас иногда принимает матчи чемпионата Лаоса и матчи молодежных сборных.
Но в 2009 в столице Лаоса , городе Вьентьян, был построен новый мультиспортивный комплекс -Новый национальный Стадион Лаоса на 25000 зрителей. И теперь уже именно он принимает все матчи взрослой сборной Лаоса и и большинство матчей чемпионата Лаоса. На этом стадионе прошли церемонии открытия и закрытия Юго-Восточных Азиатских игр-2009. Также стадион включает в себя еще множество спортивных площадок для соревнований по многим видам спорта.
Лаосские футболисты не избалованы широкой футбольной географией. Игроки либо играют у себя на родине, либо играют в чемпионате Таиланда, что встречается реже. Так как футболистов Лаоса довольно-таки специфические имена, то отмечу игроков , которые хотя бы пару раз забили за сборную.
Сайнахоневиенг Пхоммапанья из ФК Лао Тойота. Под номером 2 на фото.
Кетсада Соуксаванх из ФК Лао Тойота.
Вилают Саябонсу из ФК Эзра(Лаос).
Соукафоне Вонгчиенкхам из тайского Сарабури.
Хампенг Саявутхи из тайского Ауттайа.
Канлая Сасомванг из ФК Йота (Лаос).
Висай Фафоуванин из ФК Лао Полис , лучший бомбардир сборной Лаоса с 18 мячами.
Ламнао Сингто из ФК Йота.
С августа прошлого года главным тренером сборной Лаоса является англичанин Дэвид Бут. Игроцкая карьера у него получилась короткой -10 лет он играл за Барнсли и Гримсби Таун, провел свыше 350 матчей. C 1982 года он работает тренером- с 1982 по 1989 год он тренировал Гримсби Таун и Дарлингтон, потом тренировал сборные Брунея и Мьянмы, индийские Салгаокар, Мумбай и Махиндра Юнайтед, и работал в Таиланде , Мальдивах и Камбодже. Достижения Дэвида Бута: победитель кубка Линкольншира(1984), лиги Мумбая (1983), индийского кубка Федерации (2003), второго дивизиона Индии (2008), чемпионата Камбоджи (2011) и финалист кубка Президента АФК (2011). В 10 играх у руля сборной Лаоса Дэвид не проиграл в 5 играх , включая 4 победы.
Взрослая сборная
Сборная Лаоса ни разу не пробивалась на ЧМ по футболу, на Кубок Азии. В кубке Вызова АФК сборная участвовала лишь раз -в 2014 году, проиграла в группе Туркмении 5-1 , Филиппинам 2-0 и сыграла 0-0 с Афганистаном. В чемпионате АСЕАН Лаос играет с 1996 года но из положительных результатов лишь: победы над Камбоджей (1996 и 2004) и ничьи с Вьетнамом (1996), Малайзией (1998 и 2002), Таиландом (2010) и Индонезией (2012). Остальные 26 матчей были проиграны.
Главным успехом лаосской молодежки (до 23 лет) является четвертое место на Морских играх-2009. В матче за бронзу того турнира команда была побеждена Сингапуром 3-1. Ну и еще было 6 невыходов из группы на Морских играх.
Сборная до 21 года в 2005 году заняла третье место в турнире Хассаналя Болкиаха, который проходил в Брунее.
Юношеская сборная Лаоса -самая успешная из сборных этой страны. Она не показала пока что особых успехов на юношеском первенстве Азии, но на юношеском чемпионате АСЕАН лаосцы три раза заняли второе место (2002, 2007, 2011) , два раза третье (2005 и 2012) и один раз четвертое (2006).
1. Азиатская конфедерация футбола – The Asian Football Confederation is the governing body of association football in Asia and Australia. Three other states located along the fringe of Asia – Cyprus, Armenia. Hong Kong and Macau, although not independent countries, are members of the AFC. One of FIFAs six continental confederations, the AFC was formed officially on 8 May 1954 in Manila, Philippines, the main headquarters is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The current president is Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa of Bahrain, the Asian Football Confederation was founded on 8 May 1954. Afghanistan, Burma, Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation is the section of the AFC who manage womens football in Asia. The group was founded in April 1968 in a meeting involving Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia. In 1986 the ALFC merged with the AFC, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation helped organise the AFC Womens Asian Cup, first held in 1975, as well as the AFCs AFC U-19 Womens Championship and the AFC U-17 Womens Championship. The AFC has 47 member associations split into five regions, all three competitions are held every four years. The top-ranked AFC competition is the AFC Champions League, which started in the 2002–03 season and gathers the top 1–4 teams of each country, a second, lower-ranked competition is the AFC Cup. This competition was launched by AFC in 2004, a third competition, the AFC Presidents Cup, which had started in 2005, was absorbed into the AFC Cup in 2015. The AFC also runs an annual Asian futsal club competition, the AFC Futsal Club Championship
2. Федерация футбола Лаоса – The Lao Football Federation is the governing body of football in Laos. It is responsible for the Laos national football team as well as national competitions like the Lao Premier League, bountiem Phissamay Phouvanh Vongsouthi Viphet Sihachakr, banned by the FIFA Ethics Committee for two years for bribery
3. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
4. Сборная Вьетнама по футболу – The Vietnam national football team is the national football team representing Vietnam in international football competition and is managed by the Vietnam Football Federation. In the FIFA World Rankings, Vietnams highest standing was in the first release of the figures, in September 1998, the team is currently ranked 136th in the world, 22nd in Asia and 3rd in Southeast Asia by FIFA. The team also won 10th Merdeka Tournament in Malaysia,1966, currently, Vietnam is one of the most successful teams in Southeast Asia along with Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. It won the ASEAN Football Championship in 2008, while Vietnam was split into North and South Vietnam, two national teams existed and both were controlled by similar Vietnam Football Associations. After the two countries unified in 1976 the Vietnam Football Associations was renamed to Vietnam Football Federation, Football was introduced to Vietnam in 1896 by the French. It was first introduced in Cochinchina, it spread to other parts of Vietnam. The Vietnamese learned the game from the French before creating their own teams, on 20 July 1908, the first Vietnamese football teams with Vietnamese players had their first match where Phú Mỹ team defeated team Chợ Đũi with the score of 2–0. In 1928, Vietnam picked out the best team to compete in their first tournament in Singapore, the North team was not very active and played only against other communist and pro-communist countries from 1956 to 1966. They had their first match against China PR where they lost 5–3 under head coach Truong Tan Buu and they participated in the first GANEFO competitions at Indonesia in 1962 and Cambodia in 1966. The North team was the team of Democratic Republic of Vietnam between 1945 and 1975. The team ceased to exist when the North and South regions combined into the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, most of North Vietnams international games were played against other socialist countries. The South team was the team of South Vietnam controlled by Vietnam Football Association between 1949 and 1975. It took part in the first two Asian Cups finals, finishing 4th both times and they won the first SEA games in 1959 in Thailand. The team also entered qualification for the 1974 FIFA World Cup and they played their last game against Malaysia in 1975 where they lost 3–0. The only World Cup which South Vietnam entered and played was the 1974 tournament in West Germany and they were placed in Zone A of the AFC and OFC qualification in Seoul, South Korea. On 16 May 1973 they beat Thailand 1–0 to qualify for Group 1, on 20 May South Vietnam lost their opening game 4–0 to Japan and four days later they lost 1–0 to Hong Kong and were eliminated. Hong Kong and Japan advanced but neither got any farther, losing play-offs for the round to South Korea. Vietnamese professional football league was launched in 1980 to redevelop Vietnamese football after a period of civil war
5. Янгон – Yangon is a former capital of Myanmar and the capital of Yangon Region. Although Yangons infrastructure is undeveloped compared to that of major cities in southeast Asia. Yangon is a combination of the two words yan and koun, which enemies and run out of, respectively. It is also translated as End of Strife, Rangoon most likely comes from the British imitation of the pronunciation of Yangon in the Arakanese language, which is. Yangon was founded as Dagon in the early 11th century by the Mon, Dagon was a small fishing village centred about the Shwedagon Pagoda. In 1755, King Alaungpaya conquered Dagon, renamed it Yangon, the British captured Yangon during the First Anglo-Burmese War, but returned it to Burmese administration after the war. The city was destroyed by a fire in 1841, the British seized Yangon and all of Lower Burma in the Second Anglo-Burmese War of 1852, and subsequently transformed Yangon into the commercial and political hub of British Burma. Yangon is also the place where the British sent Bahadur Shah II, Yangon became the capital of all British Burma after the British had captured Upper Burma in the Third Anglo-Burmese War of 1885. By the 1890s Yangons increasing population and commerce gave birth to prosperous residential suburbs to the north of Royal Lake, the British also established hospitals including Rangoon General Hospital and colleges including Rangoon University. Colonial Yangon, with its spacious parks and lakes and mix of modern buildings, by the early 20th century, Yangon had public services and infrastructure on par with London. Before World War II, about 55% of Yangons population of 500,000 was Indian or South Asian, karens, the Chinese, the Anglo-Burmese and others made up the rest. After World War I, Yangon became the epicentre of Burmese independence movement, three nationwide strikes against the British Empire in 1920,1936 and 1938 all began in Yangon. Yangon was under Japanese occupation, and incurred heavy damage during World War II, the city was retaken by the Allies in May 1945. Yangon became the capital of Union of Burma on 4 January 1948 when the country regained independence from the British Empire, soon after Burmas independence in 1948, many colonial names of streets and parks were changed to more nationalistic Burmese names. In 1989, the current military junta changed the citys English name to Yangon, since independence, Yangon has expanded outwards. Successive governments have built satellite towns such as Thaketa, North Okkalapa and South Okkalapa in the 1950s to Hlaingthaya, Shwepyitha, today, Greater Yangon encompasses an area covering nearly 600 square kilometres. During Ne Wins isolationist rule, Yangons infrastructure deteriorated through poor maintenance, in the 1990s, the current military governments more open market policies attracted domestic and foreign investment, bringing a modicum of modernity to the citys infrastructure. Some inner city residents were relocated to new satellite towns
6. Сборная Восточного Тимора по футболу – The Timor-Leste national football team is the national team of East Timor and is controlled by the Federação de Futebol de Timor-Leste. East Timor joined FIFA on 12 September 2005, timor-Lestes international debut was in the preliminary round of the AFC Asian Cup in March 2003, when they lost 3–2 to Sri Lanka and 3–0 to Chinese Taipei. They also participated in the 2004 Tiger Cup, timor-Lestes participation in South East Asias premier international football event in 2004 was announced after an Asian Football Confederation council meeting in Petaling Jaya. Although not yet a member of the AFC, the Timor-Leste Football Association was invited to sit in on the meeting, Timor-Leste won their first international match on 5 October 2012 against Cambodia with a score of 5–1. Football was established in Timor-Leste during the Portuguese colonial era, when many of the locals, after Portugal ended its colonial rule, Indonesia invaded and occupied the island. East Timor eventually gained independence from Indonesia in 2000, which resulted in a running battle against Jakarta-led forces. The East Timor Football Association was accepted as a member of AFC at the 20th AFC Congress in 2002. Their international debut came in March 2003 when they participated in the campaign for the 2004 AFC Asian Cup in China. Given their history, it was no surprise that they crashed out with defeats against the likes of Sri Lanka and they entered the regional competition for the first time in 2004 as they played in the ASEAN Football Federation Championship as an invited member. They finished in last place, showing that they had a way to go before they could compete even on the regional stage. They again had no success in the round of the 2007 ASEAN Football Federation Championship, with four heavy losses. In the third qualifying round for the 2008 AFF Suzuki Cup, they drew against Cambodia. On 5 October 2012, Timor-Leste win their first international match against Cambodia which they score 5–1, the score lead by national Adelino Trindade and Brazilians Murilo de Almeida and Alan Leandro. On 9 October 2012 The rising sun team won another match against the Indochina team, Murilo de Almeida score the penalty at 43 minutes of the first half of the match. Later Adelino Trinidade extended the Timorese advantage with an early in the second half. After winning the match against Laos, Emerson Alcântara stated This is a win for the people of Timor Leste. They had to wait a time for our team to win their first match in this competition. It is very important for us to motivate our people and to help to change their lives, in 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification of Asian zone, Timor-Leste wrote history for the first country to win 4–1 over Mongolia
7. Вьентьян – Vientiane is the capital and largest city of Laos, on the banks of the Mekong River near the border with Thailand. Vientiane became the capital in 1563 due to fears of a Burmese invasion, Vientiane was the administrative capital during French rule and, due to economic growth in recent times, is now the economic centre of Laos. The estimated population of the city is 760,000, the city hosted the 25th Southeast Asian Games in December 2009 celebrating the 50 years of Southeast Asian Games. The name of the city is derived from Pali, the language of Theravada Buddhism. The romanised spelling Vientiane is of French origin, and reflects the difficulty the French had in pronouncing the sound in the Lao language. A common English-based spelling is Viangchan, or occasionally Wiangchan, Thattaradtha founded a city called Maha Thani Si Phan Phao on the western banks of the Mekong River, this city was said to have later become todays Udon Thani, Thailand. One day, a seven-headed Naga told Thattaradtha to start a new city on the east bank of the river opposite Maha Thani Si Phan Phao, the prince called this city Chanthabuly Si Sattanakhanahud, which was said to be the predecessor of modern Vientiane. Contrary to the Phra Lak Phra Lam, most historians believe Vientiane was an early Khmer settlement centered around a Hindu temple, in 1354, when Fa Ngum founded the kingdom of Lan Xang. Viangchan became an important administrative city, even though it was not made the capital, King Setthathirath officially established it as the capital of Lan Xang in 1563, to avoid Burmese invasion. When Lan Xang fell apart in 1707, it became an independent Kingdom of Vientiane, in 1779, it was conquered by the Siamese general Phraya Chakri and made a vassal of Siam. When King Anouvong raised a rebellion, it was obliterated by Siamese armies in 1827. The city was burned to the ground and was looted of nearly all Laotian artifacts, including Buddha statues, Viangchan was in great disrepair, depopulated and disappearing into the forest, when the French arrived. It eventually passed to French rule in 1893 and it became the capital of the French protectorate of Laos in 1899. The French rebuilt the city and rebuilt or repaired Buddhist temples such as Pha That Luang, Haw Phra Kaew, during World War II, Viangchan fell with little resistance and was occupied by Japanese forces, under the command of Sako Masanori. On 9 March 1945 French paratroopers arrived, and reoccupied the city on 24 April 1945, as the Laotian Civil War broke out between the Royal Lao Government and the Pathet Lao, Vientiane became unstable. In August 1960, Kong Le seized the capital and insisted that Souvanna Phouma become prime minister, in mid-December, Phoumi Nosavan then seized the capital, overthrew the Phouma Government, and installed Boun Oum as prime minister. In mid-1975, Pathet Lao troops moved towards the city and Americans began evacuating the capital, on 23 August 1975, a contingent of 50 Pathet Lao women symbolically liberated the city. The next day, an Insurgency in Laos began in the jungle, with the Pathet Lao fighting factions of Hmong, Vientiane was the host of the incident-free 2009 Southeast Asian Games
8. Лаос – Present day Laos traces its historic and cultural identity to the kingdom of Lan Xang Hom Khao, which existed for four centuries as one of the largest kingdoms in Southeast Asia. Due to Lan Xangs central geographical location in Southeast Asia, the kingdom was able to become a hub for overland trade. After a period of conflict, Lan Xang broke off into three separate kingdoms— Luang Phabang, Vientiane and Champasak. In 1893, it became a French protectorate, with the three territories uniting to form what is now known as the country of Laos and it briefly gained independence in 1945 after Japanese occupation, but returned to French rule until it was granted autonomy in 1949. Laos became independent in 1953, with a monarchy under Sisavang Vong. Shortly after independence, a civil war ended the monarchy. Laos is a one-party socialist republic and it espouses Marxism and is governed by the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party, in which the party leadership is dominated by military figures. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Vietnam Peoples Army continue to have significant influence in Laos, other large cities include Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, and Pakse. Laos is a country with the politically and culturally dominant Lao people making up approximately 60 percent of the population. Mon-Khmer groups, the Hmong, and other hill tribes, accounting for 40 percent of the population, live in the foothills. It is a member of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, East Asia Summit, Laos applied for membership of the World Trade Organization in 1997, on 2 February 2013, it was granted full membership. According to the anti-corruption non-governmental organisation Transparency International, Laos remains one of the most corrupt countries in the world and this has deterred foreign investment and created major problems with the rule of law, including the nations ability to enforce contract and business regulation. This has contributed to a third of the population of Laos currently living below the poverty line. Laos has an economy, with one of the lowest annual incomes in the world. In 2014, the country ranked 141st on the Human Development Index, according to the Global Hunger Index, Laos ranks as the 29th hungriest nation in the world out of the list of the 52 nations with the worst hunger situation. Laos has also had a human rights record. In the Lao language, the name is Muang Lao or Pathet Lao. Stone artefacts including Hoabinhian types have been found at sites dating to the Late Pleistocene in northern Laos, archaeological evidence suggests agriculturist society developed during the 4th millennium BC
9. Сборная Египта по футболу – The team plays its home games at Borg El Arab Stadium in Alexandria, and their current head coach is Héctor Cúper. Egypt has also been as high as ninth in the FIFA World Rankings, despite their continental record, Egypt has so far made only two appearances in the World Cup, failing to win a game on both occasions. The Egypt national team was the first African and Middle Eastern team to qualify for the World Cup, the first Egyptian national football team was constituted in 1920 to compete in the Summer Olympics in Belgium. The opening match of their campaign was a loss against the Italians, Egypt qualified to the FIFA world cup twice in 1934 and 1990. Egypt was the first African country to qualify to the World Cup and lost to the Hungary 4–2 in their first and they only scored one goal in the 1990 World Cup scored by Magdy AbdelGhany to give the Egyptians their first point of the tournament. Egypt first participated in the first Africa Cup of Nations tournament in 1957, in their first game, which was a semi-final, they faced Sudan, winning 2–1 with goals from Raafat Attia and Ad-Diba, enabling Egypt to play in their first final. In the final, they faced Ethiopia, in which Egypt won 4–0, with goals being scored by Ad-Diba. The top scorer of tournament was Ad-Diba from Egypt with five goals. In their second participation in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1959, there were only three teams in that tournament, being Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt itself. Egypt again was undefeated in tournament, like in the previous tournament in 1957. Their fourth appearance came in 1963 in Ghana, Egypt was placed in Group B with Sudan and Nigeria, winning Nigeria with a score of 6–3, but drawing 2–2 against Sudan. Despite being undefeated in the stage, they were ranked second, behind Sudan by goal difference. Egypt, as runners-up in Group B, participated in the 3rd place match, playing against Ethiopia, for the 1965 Africa Cup of Nations, Egypt did qualify for the tournament, but they withdrew because of their diplomatic relationship with Tunisia, who were hosts of the tournament. Again, Egypt withdrew from the 1968 Africa Cup of Nations, in the 1970 Africa Cup of Nations, hosted again in Sudan, Egypt were in Group B along with Ghana, Guinea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, known as Congo-Kinshasa back then. In their opening match, Egypt defeated Guinea by a score of 4–1, in which Ali Abo Greisha scored twice, Hassan El-Shazly scored once, and Taha Basry also scored once during that game. Egypts next game was against Ghana, which ended as a 1–1 draw, with Ibrahim Sunday scoring for Ghana, in their third game in this tournament, they faced Congo-Kinshasa, in which Egypt won 1–0 by a goal from Abo Greisha. Egypt ended being in first place, thus advancing to the next round, however, in the third place match, they won Ivory Coast by a score of 3–1, making Egypt become third place again in this tournament. For the 1972 Africa Cup of Nations, Egypt failed to qualify for the first time in this tournament after being eliminated by Morocco by a score of 5–3
10. Индонезия – Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a unitary sovereign state and transcontinental country located mainly in Southeast Asia with some territories in Oceania. Situated between the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is the worlds largest island country, with more than seventeen thousand islands. At 1,904,569 square kilometres, Indonesia is the worlds 14th-largest country in terms of area and worlds 7th-largest country in terms of combined sea. It has an population of over 260 million people and is the worlds fourth most populous country. The worlds most populous island, Java, contains more than half of the countrys population, Indonesias republican form of government includes an elected legislature and president. Indonesia has 34 provinces, of which five have Special Administrative status and its capital and countrys most populous city is Jakarta, which is also the most populous city in Southeast Asia and the second in Asia. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, other neighbouring countries include Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Australia, Palau, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the second highest level of biodiversity. The country has abundant natural resources like oil and natural gas, tin, copper, agriculture mainly produces rice, palm oil, tea, coffee, cacao, medicinal plants, spices and rubber. Indonesias major trading partners are Japan, United States, China, the Indonesian archipelago has been an important region for trade since at least the 7th century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Indonesia consists of hundreds of native ethnic and linguistic groups. The largest – and politically dominant – ethnic group are the Javanese, a shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a Muslim-majority population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesias national motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, articulates the diversity that shapes the country, Indonesias economy is the worlds 16th largest by nominal GDP and the 8th largest by GDP at PPP, the largest in Southeast Asia, and is considered an emerging market and newly industrialised country. Indonesia has been a member of the United Nations since 1950, Indonesia is a member of the G20 major economies and World Trade Organization. The name Indonesia derives from the Greek name of the Indós, the name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia. In 1850, George Windsor Earl, an English ethnologist, proposed the terms Indunesians—and, his preference, in the same publication, one of his students, James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a synonym for Indian Archipelago. However, Dutch academics writing in East Indies publications were reluctant to use Indonesia, they preferred Malay Archipelago, the Netherlands East Indies, popularly Indië, the East, and Insulinde
В феврале 2001 года сборную возглавил россиянин Борис Журавлев.
В мае 2008 года команда не сыграла матч отборочного турнира Кубка вызова АФК против Киргизии из-за отравления игроков сборной. Вследствие чего Лаос снялся с турнира.
Лаос принимал участие в Кубке вызова АФК 2014, который проходил на Мальдивах. В своём первом матче команда уступила в Туркмении (1:5). После сборная уступила Филиппинам (0:2) и сыграла в ничью с Афганистаном (0:0).
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Сбо́рная Лао́са по футбо́лу — национальная сборная, представляющая Лаос на международной футбольной арене. Руководство командой осуществляет Федерация футбола Лаоса.
Lao LeagueПремьер-Лига Лаоса | |
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1990 | |
12 | |
ФК Полиция Лаоса | |
ФК Армия Лаоса (8 раз) | |
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Премьер-лига Лаоса (лаос.:ລາວບານເຕະ) — высший футбольный турнир Лаоса.
Разыгрываемый 12-ю клубами. Проходит по системе весна-осень. Занявший последнее место клуб вылетает в Лигу 1.Расположение команд чемпионата Лаоса по футболу 2012
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу — ASEAN Football Championship Страна Юго Восточная Азия (АФФ) Основан 1996 Кол во команд 8 (финал) Действующий чемпион … Википедия
Чемпионат Йемена по футболу — Yemeni League Премьер Лига Йемена Страна … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) — Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2006 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого прошёл в Германии. Отборочные матчи в Азиатской зоне прошли с 12 ноября 2003 по 12… … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир — Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2006 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого прошёл в Германии. Отборочные… … Википедия
Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу 1996 — Tiger Cup 1996 Место проведения … Википедия
Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу 1998 — Tiger Cup 1998 Место проведения Вьет … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (отборочный турнир, Азия) — Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (отборочный турнир, Азия) квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2010 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого прошел в Южно Африканской республике. Матчи турнира проводились с октября 2007 по… … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (Отборочный турнир, Азия) — квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2010 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого пройдёт в Южно Африканской республике. Матчи турнира проводятся с октября 2007 по октябрь 2009. В турнире принимает участие команды 43 стран, из… … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу (отборочный турнир) — Квалификация чемпионата мира по футболу впервые появилась в 1934 году ввиду того, что желающих принять участие в чемпионате мира оказалось слишком много, а количество путёвок было ограничено. С 1934 года и по сегодняшний день отборочный турнир… … Википедия
Сборная Лаоса по футболу — Сборная Лаоса по футболу … Википедия
Lao LeagueПремьер-Лига Лаоса | |
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1990 | |
12 | |
ФК Полиция Лаоса | |
ФК Армия Лаоса (8 раз) | |
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Премьер-лига Лаоса (лаос.:ລາວບານເຕະ) — высший футбольный турнир Лаоса.
Разыгрываемый 12-ю клубами. Проходит по системе весна-осень. Занявший последнее место клуб вылетает в Лигу 1.Расположение команд чемпионата Лаоса по футболу 2012
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу — ASEAN Football Championship Страна Юго Восточная Азия (АФФ) Основан 1996 Кол во команд 8 (финал) Действующий чемпион … Википедия
Чемпионат Йемена по футболу — Yemeni League Премьер Лига Йемена Страна … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) — Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2006 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого прошёл в Германии. Отборочные матчи в Азиатской зоне прошли с 12 ноября 2003 по 12… … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир — Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) Чемпионат мира по футболу 2006 (отборочный турнир, Азия) квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2006 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого прошёл в Германии. Отборочные… … Википедия
Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу 1996 — Tiger Cup 1996 Место проведения … Википедия
Чемпионат АСЕАН по футболу 1998 — Tiger Cup 1998 Место проведения Вьет … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (отборочный турнир, Азия) — Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (отборочный турнир, Азия) квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2010 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого прошел в Южно Африканской республике. Матчи турнира проводились с октября 2007 по… … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (Отборочный турнир, Азия) — квалификационный турнир Чемпионата мира по футболу 2010 в Азиатской зоне, финальный турнир которого пройдёт в Южно Африканской республике. Матчи турнира проводятся с октября 2007 по октябрь 2009. В турнире принимает участие команды 43 стран, из… … Википедия
Чемпионат мира по футболу (отборочный турнир) — Квалификация чемпионата мира по футболу впервые появилась в 1934 году ввиду того, что желающих принять участие в чемпионате мира оказалось слишком много, а количество путёвок было ограничено. С 1934 года и по сегодняшний день отборочный турнир… … Википедия
Сборная Лаоса по футболу — Сборная Лаоса по футболу … Википедия