Сборная Кипра по футболу — представляет Кипр на международных футбольных турнирах и товарищеских встречах.
Контроль и организацию осуществляет Кипрская футбольная ассоциация. Ни разу эта сборная не играла в финальных стадиях чемпионатов мира или Европы, однако каждый год в феврале она участвует в Кубке Кипрской футбольной ассоциации, соревнуясь с разными странами.Первый официальный матч киприоты должны были провести против Израиля в рамках отборочного турнира к ЧМ-1958, однако киприоты не получили визы Израиля и не прилетели туда, поэтому им было засчитано техническое поражение. В 1960 г. Кипр всё-таки провёл две встречи против Израиля, но ни в одной из них не удалось одержать победу — 1:1 и 1:6.
Официально отборочные матчи для чемпионатов мира и Европы Кипр проводит с 1960 года. В течение долгого времени команда не выигрывала в официальных матчах отбора на чемпионат мира. Первая победа была зафиксирована только 14 февраля 1973 года. Тогда Кипр одержал первую победу в отборе к ЧМ над Северной Ирландией.
Через 15 лет после периода неудач, в 1988 году, грянул ещё один «выстрел» — Кипр сыграл ничью с экс-чемпионами Европы, Францией. Ещё через семь лет Кипр провёл один из лучших отборочных циклов в своей истории — отбор на чемпионат мира в США. Тогда в активе у Кипра оказалось целых 5 очков: по 2 очка по тем меркам давалось за победу, и две победы были одержаны над сборной Фарерских островов. Также в активе 1 очко за ничью против тогдашней сборной Чехословакии. Перед чемпионатом мира 1998 года у Кипра был зафиксирован более крупный результат: две победы над Люксембургом, победа над первым официальным противником в истории — Израилем — и сенсационная ничья с Россией, причём эта потеря очков стоила россиянам потери первого места в группе.
Но на этом успехи просто закончились. Через 4 года Кипр, который в какой-то момент теоретически даже мог претендовать на выход в финальную часть первенства мира в Корее и Японии, набрал всего 8 очков, оба раза обыграв слабую Андорру и дважды разыграв ничью с эстонцами. Отбораться на чемпионат мира в Германии мыслей и не было — очки киприоты набрали лишь на Фарерах, остальные матчи были проиграны без шансов. О первенстве мира в ЮАР также можно было уже забыть, так как в матчах с командами, занявшими первые три места, Кипр не взял ни одного результативного балла.
Чуть более успешно играют киприоты в отборах на чемпионат Европы. Первый официальный матч в рамках ЕВРО островная дружина провела 3 декабря 1966 года в Никосии против Румынии и с разгромом уступили — 1:5. Следующие четыре матча Кипр тоже проиграл и только 17 февраля 1968 года победил швейцарскую сборную 2:1.
После «чёрной серии» из 14 проигранных матчей в Лимасоле киприоты добились ничьи с румынами — счёт 1:1. Следующее очко киприоты наберут только 12 февраля 1983 года, сыграв вничью с мощной Италией.
В конце 1980-ых годов команду постиг серьёзный кризис — в отборе на ЕВРО-1988 киприоты смогли взять только одно очко, сыграв в Гданьске нулевую ничью против поляков. Вплоть до 1994 года Кипр в отборах на ЕВРО не будет знать вкуса побед. Только 16 ноября 1994 года киприоты наконец одержали победу над Арменией со счётом 2:0. Тот цикл был более-менее удачным, так как киприоты разыграли ничьи с Данией, Македонией, Бельгией и той же Арменией.
5 сентября 1998 года случилась самая знаменательная победа в истории Кипра. В Никосии киприоты сокрушили грозную Испанию. Счёт в той встрече был 3:2, причём испанцы даже не смогли сравнять счёт. Голы в той встрече забивали киприот Панайотис Энгомитис и натурализованные югославы Синиса Гогич и Миленко Шполярич. У испанцев хватило ответить только ударами Рауля и Фернандо Морьентес. После той встречи был уволен тренер «красной фурии», которого обвинили в провале на чемпионате мира 1998 года. Впрочем, эта победа осталась единственным приличным достижением киприотов в том цикле.
Самый реальный шанс отобраться на чемпионат Европы был в отборочном цикле 2004 года. Тогда киприотские болельщики надеялись занять хотя бы второе место, учитывая уровень соперников — Франция и Словения серьёзно испортили свою репутацию после провального мундиаля 2002 года, а Израиль и Мальта были проходимыми противниками. Перед последним туром у Кипра была реальная возможность вырвать второе место у словенцев, однако сил не хватило. О поездке на ЕВРО-2008 можно было тоже забыть, так как первые места заняли немцы и чехи. Единственным светлым пятном стали победы над Уэльсом и Ирландией, причём Ирландия проиграла с позорным счётом 2:5. На тот момент Кипр был всего лишь 103-й командой в рейтинге ФИФА, а поражение от этой слабой команды вынудило Стива Стонтона покинуть пост наставника «парней в зелёном». А в отборочном цикле Евро-2012 Кипр запомнился результативной ничьёй со счётом 4:4 против сборной Португалии, что стоило команде с Пиренейского полуострова первого места в группе.
Сборная Кипра по футболу — представляет Кипр на международных футбольных турнирах и товарищеских встречах. Управляющая организация — Кипрская футбольная ассоциация. Сборная ещё ни разу не участвовала в финальных стадиях чемпионатов мира или Европы, однако каждый год в феврале она участвует в Кубке Кипрской футбольной ассоциации, соревнуясь с представителями разных стран.
По состоянию на 18 января 2018 года сборная в рейтинге ФИФА занимает 92-е место[1], а в рейтинге УЕФА на 11 октября 2017 года — 37-е[2].
Первый официальный матч киприоты должны были провести против Израиля в рамках отборочного турнира к ЧМ-1958, однако киприоты не получили визы Израиля и не прилетели туда, поэтому им было засчитано техническое поражение. В 1960 году Кипр всё-таки провёл две встречи против Израиля, но ни в одной из них не удалось одержать победу — 1:1 и 1:6.
Официально отборочные матчи для чемпионатов мира и Европы Кипр проводит с 1960 года. В течение долгого времени команда не выигрывала в официальных матчах отбора на чемпионат мира. Первая победа была зафиксирована только 14 февраля 1973 года. Тогда Кипр одержал первую победу в отборе к ЧМ над Северной Ирландией.
Через 15 лет после периода неудач, в 1988 году, грянул ещё один «выстрел» — Кипр сыграл ничью с экс-чемпионами Европы, Францией. Ещё через семь лет Кипр провёл один из лучших отборочных циклов в своей истории — отбор на чемпионат мира в США. Тогда в активе у Кипра оказалось целых 5 очков: по 2 очка по тем меркам давалось за победу, и две победы были одержаны над сборной Фарерских островов. Также в активе 1 очко за ничью против тогдашней сборной Чехословакии. Перед чемпионатом мира 1998 года у Кипра был зафиксирован более крупный результат: две победы над Люксембургом, победа над первым официальным противником в истории — Израилем — и сенсационная ничья с Россией, причём эта потеря очков стоила россиянам потери первого места в группе.
Но на этом успехи просто закончились. Через 4 года Кипр, который в какой-то момент теоретически даже мог претендовать на выход в финальную часть первенства мира в Корее и Японии, набрал всего 8 очков, оба раза обыграв слабую Андорру и дважды разыграв ничью с эстонцами. Отобраться на чемпионат мира в Германии мыслей и не было — очки киприоты набрали лишь на Фарерах, остальные матчи были проиграны без шансов. О первенстве мира в ЮАР также можно было уже забыть, так как в матчах с командами, занявшими первые три места, Кипр не взял ни одного результативного балла.
Чуть более успешно играют киприоты в отборах на чемпионат Европы. Первый официальный матч в рамках ЕВРО островная дружина провела 3 декабря 1966 года в Никосии против Румынии и с разгромом уступили — 1:5. Следующие четыре матча Кипр тоже проиграл и только 17 февраля 1968 года победил швейцарскую сборную 2:1. После «чёрной серии» из 14 проигранных матчей в Лимасоле киприоты добились ничьи с румынами — счёт 1:1. Следующее очко киприоты наберут только 12 февраля 1983 года, сыграв вничью с мощной Италией. В конце 1980-х годов команду постиг серьёзный кризис — в отборе на ЕВРО-1988 киприоты смогли взять только одно очко, сыграв в Гданьске нулевую ничью против поляков. Вплоть до 1994 года Кипр в отборах на ЕВРО не будет знать вкуса побед. Только 16 ноября 1994 года киприоты наконец одержали победу над Арменией со счётом 2:0. Тот цикл был более-менее удачным, так как киприоты разыграли ничьи с Данией, Македонией, Бельгией и той же Арменией.
5 сентября 1998 года случилась самая знаменательная победа в истории сборной Кипра. В Никосии киприоты сокрушили грозную Испанию. Счёт в той встрече был 3:2, причём испанцы даже не смогли сравнять счёт. Голы в той встрече забивали киприот Панайотис Энгомитис и натурализованные югославы Синиша Гогич и Миленко Шполярич. У испанцев хватило ответить только ударами Рауля и Фернандо Морьентес. После той встречи был уволен тренер «красной фурии», которого обвинили в провале на чемпионате мира 1998 года. Впрочем, эта победа осталась единственным приличным достижением киприотов в том цикле. Правда, если бы сборная Кипра в последнем туре обыграла в гостях Австрию, то она бы могла попасть в стыковые матчи со второго места.
Самый реальный шанс отобраться на чемпионат Европы был в отборочном цикле 2004 года. Тогда киприотские болельщики надеялись занять хотя бы второе место, учитывая уровень соперников — Франция и Словения серьёзно испортили свою репутацию после провального мундиаля 2002 года, а Израиль и Мальта были проходимыми противниками. Перед последним туром у Кипра была реальная возможность вырвать второе место у словенцев, однако сил не хватило. О поездке на ЕВРО-2008 можно было тоже забыть, так как первые места заняли немцы и чехи. Единственным светлым пятном стали победы над Уэльсом и Ирландией, причём Ирландия проиграла с позорным счётом 2:5. На тот момент Кипр был всего лишь 103-й командой в рейтинге ФИФА, а поражение от этой слабой команды вынудило Стива Стонтона покинуть пост наставника «парней в зелёном». А в отборочном цикле Евро-2012 Кипр запомнился результативной ничьёй со счётом 4:4 против сборной Португалии, что стоило команде с Пиренейского полуострова первого места в группе.
Сборная Кипра была близка к выходу на чемпионат Европы 2016 года: в последнем туре ей нужно было всего лишь обыграть Боснию и Герцеговину, чтобы занять спасительное третье место в группе и отся в стыковые матчи, однако поражение оставило киприотов без Евро.
Следующие игроки были вызваны на матч отборочного турнира Чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 года против Гибралтара 13 ноября 2016.
Матчи и голы приведены по состоянию на 13 ноября 2016 года1. Кипрская федерация футбола – The Cyprus Football Association is the governing body of football in Cyprus and is based in Nicosia. It organizes the football championships, whose top league is the Cypriot First Division and it also organizes the Cypriot Cup, the Cypriot Super Cup and the Cypriot national football team. Cyprus Football Association is also responsible for organizing all the competitions, like the Cypriot Futsal league, the Cypriot Futsal Cup. Football was introduced to Cyprus early in the 20th century by the British, initially played in the islands schools, it proved hugely popular and a number of clubs were duly formed. As football became established, the clubs were united in agreeing that a body was needed to regulate the sport. After Cyprus Football Associations establishment football began to be played on a basis with the CFA organizing various championships for its member clubs. It became FIFA member in 1948 and UEFA member in 1962, in 2007, Cyprus Football Association moved to its new headquarters in Nicosia. The opening ceremony was attended by UEFA president Michel Platini, over the last decade more and more teams often criticize the organisation about setting up fixed games and having bias referees at fixtures. Most of the fans in Cyprus dislike the organisation mostly because their own teams criticize the association. The teams and fans often exaggerate referee mistakes although some so called mistakes do raise questions, official Website Cyprus at UEFA. com Cyprus at UEFA. org Cyprus at FIFA. com
2. УЕФА – The Union of European Football Associations is the administrative body for association football in Europe, although several member states are primarily or entirely located in Asia. It is one of six continental confederations of world footballs governing body FIFA, UEFA consists of 55 national association members. Until 1959 the main headquarters were located in Paris, and later in Bern, in 1995, UEFA headquarters were transferred to Nyon, Switzerland. Henri Delaunay was the first general secretary and Ebbe Schwartz the first president, UEFA was founded on 15 June 1954 in Basel, Switzerland after consultation between the Italian, French, and Belgian associations. The European football union began with 25 members, that number doubled by the early 1990s, UEFA membership coincides for the most part with recognition as a sovereign country in Europe, although there are some exceptions. Some UEFA members are not sovereign states, but form part of a recognized sovereign state in the context of international law. Some UEFA members are transcontinental states, countries which had been members of the Asian Football Confederation were also admitted to the European football association, particularly Israel and Kazakhstan. Additionally some UEFA member associations allow teams from outside their associations main territory to take part in their domestic competition, saarland Football Union 1954–1956 German football association of the German Democratic Republic 1954–1990 Football Federation of the Soviet Union 1954–1991, in 1992 became Russian Football Union. The newly independent 14 Soviet Republics created their own football associations, Football Association of Yugoslavia 1954–1992, became Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia became independent, Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro 1992–2006, became Football Association of Serbia. Montenegro, which became independent, created its own football association, the main competition for mens national teams is the UEFA European Football Championship, started in 1958, with the first finals in 1960, and known as the European Nations Cup until 1964. It is also called UEFA or the EURO, UEFA also runs national competitions at Under-21, Under-19 and Under-17 levels. For womens national teams, UEFA operates the UEFA Womens Championship for senior sides as well as Womens Under-19. UEFA also organized the UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup with CAF for youth teams in an effort to boost youth football, UEFA launched the UEFA Regions Cup, for semi-professional teams representing their local region, in 1999. In futsal there is the UEFA Futsal Championship and UEFA Futsal Under-21 Championship, the Italian, German, Spanish and French mens national teams are the sole teams to have won the European football championship in all categories. A second, lower-ranked competition is the UEFA Europa League and this competition, for national knockout cup winners and high-placed league teams, was launched by UEFA in 1971 as a successor of both the former UEFA Cup and the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. A third competition, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, which had started in 1960, was absorbed into the UEFA Cup in 1999, in womens football UEFA also conducts the UEFA Womens Champions League for club teams. The competition was first held in 2001, and known as the UEFA Womens Cup until 2009, the UEFA Super Cup pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the Europa League, and came into being in 1973
3. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
4. Никосия – Nicosia is the largest city on the island of Cyprus. It is located near the centre of the Mesaoria plain, on the banks of the River Pedieos, Nicosia is the capital and seat of government of the Republic of Cyprus, and as such is the farthest southeast of all EU member states capitals. It has been inhabited for over 4,500 years and has been the capital of Cyprus since the 10th century. The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities of Nicosia segregated into the south and north of the city respectively in 1963, following the intercommunal violence that broke out in the city. Today, the part of the city is the capital of Northern Cyprus. Apart from its legislative and administrative functions, Nicosia has established itself as the financial capital. In 2012, Nicosia was the 5th richest city in the world in purchasing power. Nicosia has been in continuous habitation since the beginning of the Bronze Age 2500 years BC, Nicosia later became a city-state known as Ledra or Ledrae, one of the twelve kingdoms of ancient Cyprus built by Achaeans after the end of the Trojan War. Remains of old Ledra today can be found in the Ayia Paraskevi hill in the south east of the city and we only know about one king of Ledra, Onasagoras. The kingdom of Ledra was destroyed early, under Assyrian rule of Cyprus, Onasagoras was recorded as paying tribute to Esarhaddon of Assyria in 672 BC. By 330 BC, Ledra was recorded to be a small an unimportant town, according to tradition, the city was rebuilt by Leucus, claimed to be the son of Ptolemy I, around 300 BC or 200 BC, and named after him as Leucoton or Lefkotheon. The main activity of the inhabitants was farming. During this era, Ledra did not have the growth that the other Cypriot coastal towns had. In Byzantine times the town was referred to as Λευκωσία or as Καλληνίκησις. In the 4th century AD, the became the seat of bishopric, with bishop Saint Tryphillius. After the destruction of Salamis, the capital of Cyprus, by Arab raids in 647, Nicosia became the capital of the island around 965. The Byzantines moved the islands administration seat to Nicosia primarily for security reasons as coastal towns were often suffering from raids, from that point on it has remained as the capital of Cyprus. On his way to the Holy Land during the Third Crusade in 1187 and he himself stopped first at Crete and then at Rhodes
5. Республика Кипр – Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean. It is located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, northwest of Israel and Palestine, north of Egypt, the earliest known human activity on the island dates to around the 10th millennium BC. Archaeological remains from this include the well-preserved Neolithic village of Khirokitia. Cyprus was settled by Mycenaean Greeks in two waves in the 2nd millennium BC, Cyprus was placed under British administration based on Cyprus Convention in 1878 and formally annexed by Britain in 1914. While Turkish Cypriots made up 18% of the population, the partition of Cyprus and creation of a Turkish state in the north became a policy of Turkish Cypriot leaders, following nationalist violence in the 1950s, Cyprus was granted independence in 1960. On 15 July 1974, a coup détat was staged by Greek Cypriot nationalists and elements of the Greek military junta in an attempt at enosis and these events and the resulting political situation are matters of a continuing dispute. The Cyprus Republic has de jure sovereignty over the island of Cyprus, as well as its territorial sea and exclusive economic area, another nearly 4% of the islands area is covered by the UN buffer zone. The international community considers the part of the island as territory of the Republic of Cyprus occupied by Turkish forces. The occupation is viewed as illegal under law, amounting to illegal occupation of EU territory since Cyprus became a member of the European Union. Cyprus is a major tourist destination in the Mediterranean, on 1 January 2008, the Republic of Cyprus joined the eurozone. The earliest attested reference to Cyprus is the 15th century BC Mycenaean Greek
6. Лимасол – Limassol is a city on the southern coast of Cyprus and capital of the eponymous district. Limassol is the second largest urban area in Cyprus, with a population of 160. Limassol has been ranked by TripAdvisor as the 3rd up-and-coming destination in the world, the city is also ranked 87th worldwide in Mercers Quality of Living Survey. Limassol was built between two ancient cities, Amathus and Kourion, and during Byzantine rule it was known as Neapolis, limassols historical centre is located around its medieval Limassol Castle and the Old Port. Today the city spreads along the Mediterranean coast and has extended much farther than the castle and port, to the west of the city is the Akrotiri Area of the British Overseas Territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia. The city of Limassol is situated between the ancient cities of Amathus and Kourion, Limassol was probably built after Amathus had been ruined. However, the town of Limassol has been inhabited since ancient times. Graves found there date back to 2000 BC and others back to the 8th and 4th centuries BC. These few remains show that a small colonisation must have existed which did not manage to develop, Ancient writers mention nothing about the foundation of the town. Bishop Leontios of Neapolis was an important church writer in the 7th century, the records of the 7th Synod refer to it as the bishop’s see. The town was known as Lemesos in the 10th century, the history of Limassol is largely known by the events associated with the Third Crusade. The king of England, Richard the Lionheart, was travelling to the Holy Land in 1191 and his fiancée Berengaria and his sister Joan, Queen of Sicily, were also travelling on a different ship. Because of a storm, the ship with the arrived in Limassol. Isaac Komnenos, the renegade Byzantine Greek governor of Cyprus invited the queens ashore, with the intention of holding them to ransom, so he refused them fresh water and they had to put out to sea again or yield to capture. When Richard arrived in Limassol and met Isaac Komnenos, he asked him to contribute to the crusade for the liberation of the Holy Land, while at the beginning Isaac had accepted, he later on refused to give any help. Richard then chased him and finally arrested him, the island was therefore taken over by the Anglo-Normans. Richard celebrated his marriage with Berengaria who had received the crown as queen of England in Cyprus, Richard destroyed Amathus and the inhabitants were transferred to Limassol. A year later, in AD1192, Cyprus was sold for the sum of 100,000 bezants to the Templars, rich monks, the knights enforced high taxes, in order to get back the money that had been given for the purchase of Cyprus
7. Эссен – Essen is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Its population of approximately 589,000 makes it the ninth-largest city in Germany and it is the central city of the northern part of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area and seat to several of the regions authorities. Founded around 845, Essen remained a town within the sphere of influence of an important ecclesiastical principality until the onset of industrialization. The city then — especially through the Krupp family iron works — became one of Germanys most important coal and steel centers. Essen, until the 1970s, attracted workers from all over the country, following the region-wide decline of heavy industries in the last decades of the 20th century, the city has seen the development of a strong tertiary sector of the economy. Although it is the most indebted city in Germany, Essen continues to pursue its redevelopment plans, notable accomplishments in recent years include the title of European Capital of Culture on behalf of the whole Ruhr area in 2010 and the selection as the European Green Capital for 2017. In 1958, Essen was chosen to serve as the seat to a Roman Catholic diocese, in early 2003, the universities of Essen and the nearby city of Duisburg were merged into the University of Duisburg-Essen with campuses in both cities and a university hospital in Essen. Essen is located in the centre of the Ruhr area, one of the largest urban areas in Europe, comprising eleven independent cities and four districts with some 5.3 million inhabitants. The city limits of Essen itself are 87 km long and border ten cities, five independent and five kreisangehörig, the city extends over 21 km from north to south and 17 km from west to east, mainly north of the River Ruhr. The Ruhr forms the Lake Baldeney reservoir in the boroughs of Fischlaken, Kupferdreh, the lake, a popular recreational area, dates from 1931 to 1933, when some thousands of unemployed coal miners dredged it with primitive tools. Generally, large areas south of the River Ruhr are quite green and are quoted as examples of rural structures in the otherwise relatively densely populated central Ruhr area. According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, Essen with 9. 2% of its covered by recreational green is the greenest city in North Rhine-Westphalia. The city has been shortlisted for the title of European Green Capital two consecutive times, for 2016 and 2017, winning for 2017, the city was singled out for its exemplary practices in protecting and enhancing nature and biodiversity and efforts to reduce water consumption. Essen participates in a variety of networks and initiatives to reduce gas emissions. The lowest point can be found in the borough of Karnap at 26.5 m. The average elevation is 116 m, Essen comprises fifty boroughs which in turn are grouped into nine suburban districts often named after the most important boroughs. Each Stadtbezirk is assigned a Roman numeral and has a body of nineteen members with limited authority. Most of the boroughs were originally independent municipalities but were annexed from 1901 to 1975
8. Федеративная Республика Германии (1949—1990) – West Germany is the common English name for the Federal Republic of Germany or FRG in the period between its creation on 23 May 1949 to German reunification on 3 October 1990. During this Cold War era, NATO-aligned West Germany and Warsaw Pact-aligned East Germany were divided by the Inner German border, after 1961 West Berlin was physically separated from East Berlin as well as from East Germany by the Berlin Wall. This situation ended when East Germany was dissolved and its five states joined the ten states of the Federal Republic of Germany along with the reunified city-state of Berlin. With the reunification of West and East Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, enlarged now to sixteen states and this period is referred to as the Bonn Republic by historians, alluding to the interwar Weimar Republic and the post-reunification Berlin Republic. The Federal Republic of Germany was established from eleven states formed in the three Allied Zones of occupation held by the United States, the United Kingdom and France, US and British forces remained in the country throughout the Cold War. Its population grew from roughly 51 million in 1950 to more than 63 million in 1990, the city of Bonn was its de facto capital city. The fourth Allied occupation zone was held by the Soviet Union, as a result, West Germany had a territory about half the size of the interbellum democratic Weimar Republic. At the onset of the Cold War, Europe was divided among the Western and Eastern blocs, Germany was de facto divided into two countries and two special territories, the Saarland and divided Berlin. The Federal Republic of Germany claimed a mandate for all of Germany. It took the line that the GDR was an illegally constituted puppet state, though the GDR did hold regular elections, these were not free and fair. For all practical purposes the GDR was a Soviet puppet state, from the West German perspective the GDR was therefore illegitimate. Three southwestern states of West Germany merged to form Baden-Württemberg in 1952, in addition to the resulting ten states, West Berlin was considered an unofficial de facto 11th state. It recognised the GDR as a de facto government within a single German nation that in turn was represented de jure by the West German state alone. From 1973 onward, East Germany recognised the existence of two German countries de jure, and the West as both de facto and de jure foreign country, the Federal Republic and the GDR agreed that neither of them could speak in the name of the other. The first chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who remained in office until 1963, had worked for an alignment with NATO rather than neutrality. He not only secured a membership in NATO but was also a proponent of agreements that developed into the present-day European Union, when the G6 was established in 1975, there was no question whether the Federal Republic of Germany would be a member as well. With the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989, symbolised by the opening of the Berlin Wall, East Germany voted to dissolve itself and accede to the Federal Republic in 1990. Its five post-war states were reconstituted along with the reunited Berlin and they formally joined the Federal Republic on 3 October 1990, raising the number of states from 10 to 16, ending the division of Germany
9. Футбол – Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies making it the worlds most popular sport, the game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal, players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, the team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, the Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in 1863. Association football is governed internationally by the International Federation of Association Football, the first written reference to the inflated ball used in the game was in the mid-14th century, Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe. The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word soccer was split off in 1863, according to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford -er abbreviation of the word association. Within the English-speaking world, association football is now usually called football in the United Kingdom and mainly soccer in Canada and the United States. People in Australia, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand use either or both terms, although national associations in Australia and New Zealand now primarily use football for the formal name. According to FIFA, the Chinese competitive game cuju is the earliest form of football for which there is scientific evidence, cuju players could use any part of the body apart from hands and the intent was kicking a ball through an opening into a net. It was remarkably similar to football, though similarities to rugby occurred. During the Han Dynasty, cuju games were standardised and rules were established, phaininda and episkyros were Greek ball games. An image of an episkyros player depicted in low relief on a vase at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens appears on the UEFA European Championship Cup, athenaeus, writing in 228 AD, referenced the Roman ball game harpastum. Phaininda, episkyros and harpastum were played involving hands and violence and they all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football. As with pre-codified mob football, the antecedent of all football codes. Non-competitive games included kemari in Japan, chuk-guk in Korea and woggabaliri in Australia, Association football in itself does not have a classical history. Notwithstanding any similarities to other games played around the world FIFA have recognised that no historical connection exists with any game played in antiquity outside Europe. The modern rules of football are based on the mid-19th century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played in the public schools of England
10. Товарищеский матч – An exhibition game is a sporting event whose prize money and impact on the players or the teams rankings is either zero or otherwise greatly reduced. In team sports, matches of this type are used to help coaches and managers select. If the players play in different teams in other leagues. The games can be held between separate teams or between parts of the same team, international competitions like the Olympic Games may also hold exhibition games as part of a demonstration sport. In the early days of football, known simply as football or soccer. However, since the development of The Football League in England in 1888, league tournaments became established, in addition to lengthy derby, since the introduction of league football, most club sides play a number of friendlies before the start of each season. Friendly football matches are considered to be non-competitive and are used to warm up players for a new season/competitive match. There is generally nothing competitive at stake and some rules may be changed or experimented with, although these events may involve sponsorship deals and the awarding of a trophy and may even be broadcast on television, there is little prestige attached to them. Frequently such games take place between a club and small clubs that play nearby, such as those between Newcastle United and Gateshead. International teams also play friendlies, generally in preparation for the qualifying or final stages of major tournaments and this is essential, since national squads generally have much less time together in which to prepare. The biggest difference between friendlies at the club and international levels is that international friendlies mostly take place during club league seasons and this has on occasion led to disagreement between national associations and clubs as to the availability of players, who could become injured or fatigued in a friendly. Players can be booked in international friendlies, and can be suspended from international matches based on red cards or accumulated yellows in a specified period. Caps and goals scored also count towards a players career records, in the UK and Ireland, exhibition match and friendly match refer to two different types of matches. A bounce game is generally a non-competitive football match played between two sides usually as part of an exercise or to give players match practice. Managers may also use bounce games as an opportunity to observe a player in action before offering a contract, usually these games are played on a training ground rather than in a stadium with no spectators in attendance. Exhibition fights were common in boxing. Jack Dempsey fought many exhibition bouts after retiring, joe Louis fought a charity fight on his rematch with Buddy Baer, but this was not considered an exhibition as it was for Louis world Heavyweight title. Muhammad Ali fought many exhibitions, including one with Lyle Alzado, in more modern times, Mike Tyson, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. and Jorge Castro have been involved in exhibition fights