Арзамас – Шахтер – Пешелань
Наш город – один из крупнейших в Нижегородской области, с мощным производственным потенциалом и стабильно высоким уровнем развития. В нем выстроена обширная социальная инфраструктура, которой уделяется особое внимание. Одним из важнейших направлений работы в социальной сфере города является развитие любительского спорта и внутреннего туризма.Футбол – любимая игра миллионов людей, и этот год для нее в России – особенный. Особенный он и для Нижегородской области, для столицы региона, которая будет встречать игроков и болельщиков чемпионата мира на своем новом стадионе. Особенным 2018 год будет и для арзамасского спорта, в частности, футбола. Раньше команда «Арзамас» была успешна и широко известна, составляя конкуренцию сильнейшим клубам области. Но в последние годы футбол, несмотря на то, что в Арзамасе он по–прежнему один из самых популярных видов спорта, утратил свои позиции.
– Мы приняли решение совместного развития любительского футбола на арзамасской земле с самым титулованным клубом области – «Шахтер–Пешелань», – сказал мэр М. Мухин. – «Шахтер» – клуб Пешеланского гипсового завода, завода уникального, проводящего ответ-ственную социальную политику. «Шахтер–Пешелань» – это команда–легенда, которая всегда завоевывает высшие спортивные трофеи области. В 2012 году «Шахтер» стал чемпионом России среди любительских команд, выходил в 2015–16 годах в 1/32 финала Кубка России. Команда – многократный чемпион и 7–кратный обладатель кубка Нижегородской области. «Шахтер» 5 раз становился обладателем Суперкубка, то есть победителем победителей. Все знают, что футбольный клуб «Шахтер–Пешелань» – наш ближайший сосед, находящийся в 15 минутах езды от города. У клуба «Шахтер» в Пешелани отличная спортивно–тренировочная и рекреационная база. Футбольное поле с натуральным газоном, оздоровительный центр, гостиница, кафе, своя санаторная база «Кипячий Ключ» с возможностями грязе– и водолечения. Детский лагерь «Журавли», имеющий различные спортивные площадки, регулярно проводит спортивные смены, готовя подрастающее поколение футболистов и других спортсменов к будущим победам. И все эти возможности – рядом с нами, у наших земляков и друзей, готовых поделиться своим опытом, своими тренерскими и спортивными наработками!
Предложение объединить усилия клубов в борьбе за новые спортивные высоты, за возможность тренировать подрастающее поколение арзамасских парней, воспитывать в них здоровый дух победителей и… просто здоровый дух – было одобрено всеми участниками переговоров. В Арзамасе многое делается для развития социальной сферы. Успешно реализуется программа «Золотые купола», которая призвана повысить культуру и духовный облик горожан и гостей города. Но, как известно, здоровый дух должен быть в здоровом теле! Именно поэтому так важно дать новый, здоровый импульс развитию городского футбола, этого зрелищного вида спорта.Наши встречи с руководством ФК «Шахтер» и главным тренером команды С. Шкилевым прошли в самом позитивном ключе.
Мы пришли к главному, принципиальному согласию – футболу в Арзамасе – быть, и не просто быть, а быть – с победами! – продолжает глава города. – ФК «Шахтер» (Арзамас) сможет стать безусловным лидером в турнирах высшей лиги Нижегородской области. В этом году в городе появится новая команда победителей, которой будут гордиться тысячи арзамасцев!
Нам, россиянам, нижегородцам, арзамасцам – всем нужны и важны победы. Командные виды спорта, такие как футбол, воспитывают дух подрастающего поколения, учат жить в коллективе, учат бороться и побеждать. Все это – именно тот настрой, который нам нужен в год проведения в России чемпионата мира по футболу!
И первые трофеи в кубке и чемпионате области мы бы хотели завоевать в этот особенный для всего российского футбола 2018 год – в год проведения в России чемпионата мира.
Объединив наши силы с ФК «Шахтер», мы сможем вернуть былую славу арзамасскому футболу, когда на трибунах «за своих» болел весь город! Когда целыми семьями на футбол шли, как на праздник, когда мальчишки гоняли во дворах мяч, мечтая попасть в городскую команду, а там… может, и дальше!
Кроме того, внимание нашего города к своим ближайшим соседям не ограничивается задачами развития спорта и здорового образа жизни. Пешеланский гипсовый завод – давний и близкий друг Арзамаса, его не надо представлять горожанам. На каждом праздновании Дня города ПГЗ проводит выставку своей продукции, в том числе гжель–фарфора и уникальных камнерезных статуэток ручной работы борнуковских мастеров рядом со зданием школы №1. Пешеланский гипсовый завод активно и успешно развивает внутренний и въездной туризм. Наш особый интерес к организации взаимовыгодного сотрудничества с этим предприятием обусловлен именно тем, что оно проводит серьезную социально ориентированную политику, поддерживая заводчан и жителей близлежащих территорий.
Мы активно работаем над возможностью новых путей развития нашего города, особенно в столь важной для горожан социальной сфере. Совместные с Пешеланским гипсовым заводом проекты дадут новый импульс к развитию любительского спорта.
Как отметил врио губернатора Г. Никитин на заседании совета по развитию физической культуры и спорта под председательством президента В. Путина, «это не только огромная работа, но и огромное наследие, которое останется нижегородцам после турнира». Важно, чтобы общий футбольный подъем ощутили и на арзамасской земле.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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Полноеназвание | Футбольный клуб «Шахтёр» Пешелань |
1998 | |
Стадион | «Шахтёр» |
Вместимость | 520 |
Исп. директор | Андрей Плаксин |
Тренер | Андрей Плаксин |
Чемпионат Нижегородской области | |
«Шахтёр»— российский футбольный клуб из посёлка Пешелань Арзамасского района Нижегородской области. Основан в 1998 году.
Футбол в Пешелань пришел в конце шестидесятых, когда местный председатель профсоюзного комитета Гуляев решил организовать футбольную команду. Однако в конце семидесятых интерес к футболу в городе стал падать, и футбольная команда распалась. Второе рождение команда обрела в 1998 году. Энтузиасты-рабочие Пешеланского гипсового завода сформировали новую команду. В 2008 году клуб заявился в третий дивизион, зону Приволжье.
В сезоне 2014 года выступал под названием «Шахтёр-Волга-Олимпиец».К:Википедия:Статьи без источников (тип: не указан)[источник не указан 1396 дней]
1. Футбольная форма – In association football, kit is the standard equipment and attire worn by players. The sports Laws of the Game specify the minimum kit which a player must use, footballers generally wear identifying numbers on the backs of their shirts. Professional clubs also usually display players surnames or nicknames on their shirts, Football kit has evolved significantly since the early days of the sport when players typically wore thick cotton shirts, knickerbockers and heavy rigid leather boots. The Laws of the Game set out the equipment which must be worn by all players in Law 4. Five separate items are specified, shirt, shorts, socks, footwear, goalkeepers are allowed to wear tracksuit bottoms instead of shorts. While most players wear studded football boots, the Laws do not specify that these are required, shirts must have sleeves, and goalkeepers must wear shirts which are easily distinguishable from all other players and the match officials. Thermal undershorts may be worn, but must be the colour as the shorts themselves. Shin pads must be covered entirely by the stockings, be made of rubber, plastic or a similar material, and provide a reasonable degree of protection. The only other restriction on equipment defined in the Laws of the Game is the requirement that a player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player. In the event of a match between teams who would wear identical or similar colours the away team must change to a different colour. The England national team plays in red shirts even when it is not required. Many professional clubs also have a kit, ostensibly to be used if both their first-choice and away colours are deemed too similar to those of an opponent. Most professional clubs have retained the basic colour scheme for several decades. Teams representing countries in international competition generally wear national colours in common with other sporting teams of the same nation, shirts are normally made of a polyester mesh, which does not trap the sweat and body heat in the same way as a shirt made of a natural fibre. Depending on local rules, there may be restrictions on how large these logos may be or on what logos may be displayed, competitions such as the Premier League may also require players to wear patches on their sleeves depicting the logo of the competition. The captain of team is usually required to wear an elasticated armband around the left sleeve to identify him as the captain to the referee. Most current players wear specialist football boots, which can be either of leather or a synthetic material. Modern boots are cut slightly below the ankles, as opposed to the high-ankled boots used in former times, studs may be either moulded directly to the sole or be detachable, normally by means of a screw thread
2. Россия – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians
3. Арзамас – Arzamas is a city in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located on the Tyosha River,410 kilometers east of Moscow. Arzamas was founded in 1578 by Ivan the Terrible in the lands populated at the time by Mordvins, by 1737, more than 7,000 people lived in Arzamas and the town became a major transit center on the route from Moscow to eastern parts of Russia. It was known for its geese and onions as well as leather crafts, catherine the Great in 1781 granted town status to Arzamas and a coat of arms based on the colors of the Arzamas regiment. In the early 19th century, Arzamas had over twenty churches and cathedrals and it was built in the Empire style to commemorate the Russian victory over Napoleon in 1812. Alexander Stupin art school was located in Arzamas between 1802 and 1862 and many famous Russian artists studied there, including Vasily Perov, in 1954-1957, Arzamas was the center of Arzamas Oblast, a short-lived administrative unit that was split from Gorky Oblast and later merged back into it. In 1988, the city was the site of the Arzamas train disaster caused the death of ninety-one people. Within the framework of administrative divisions, Arzamas serves as the center of Arzamassky District. As an administrative division, it is incorporated separately as the city of oblast significance of Arzamas—an administrative unit with the equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, the city of oblast significance of Arzamas is incorporated as Arzamas Urban Okrug, local industry includes Arzamas Machine-Building Plant, a manufacturer of military and specialized civilian automotive vehicles. It is now part of the GAZ holding company, Arzamas is twinned with, Popovo, Bulgaria Ruma, Serbia Valozhyn, Belarus Patriarch Sergius I of Moscow Marina Orlova Evgeny Namestnikov Sarov Законодательное собрание Нижегородской области. Закон №184-З от16 ноября2005 г, «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Нижегородской области», в ред. Закона №58-З от5 мая2016 г «О внесении изменений в Закон Нижегородской области Об административно-территориальном устройстве Нижегородской области», Вступил в силу по истечении десяти дней со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован, Нижегородские новости, №218,23 ноября2005 г, Приказ №3-од от27 января2016 г. «Об утверждении реестра административно-территориальных образований, городских и сельских населённых пунктов Нижегородской области», Опубликован, Нижегородская правда, №27 и №30,19 и26 марта2016 г. Закон №54-З от29 июня2006 г, «Об административных центрах муниципальных районов, сельских поселений в Нижегородской области», в ред. Закона №60-З от8 мая2015 г «О преобразовании муниципальных образований Кулебакского муниципального района Нижегородской области», Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован, Нижегородские новости, №118,1 июля2006 г, Закон №142-З от24 октября2005 г «О утверждении границ и составе территории муниципального образования город Арзамас Нижегородской области», в ред. Вступил в силу по истечении десяти дней со дня официального опубликования, Опубликован, Нижегородские новости, №203,27 октября2005 г
4. Нижегородская область – Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, also known in English as Nizhegorod Oblast, is a federal subject of Russia. Its administrative center is the city of Nizhny Novgorod, from 1932 to 1990 it was known as Gorky Oblast. The oblast is crossed by the Volga River, apart from Nizhny Novgorods metropolitan area the biggest city is Arzamas. Near the town of Sarov there is the Serafimo-Diveyevsky Monastery, one of the largest convents in Russia, the Makaryev Monastery opposite of the town of Lyskovo used to be the location of the largest fair in Eastern Europe. Other historic towns include Gorodets and Balakhna, located on the Volga to the north from Nizhny Novgorod, the oblast covers an area of 76,900 square kilometers, which is approximately equal to the entire area of the Benelux countries or Czech Republic. Agricultural land occupies 41% of this area, forests, 48%, lakes and rivers, 2%, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast borders Kostroma Oblast, Kirov Oblast, the Mari El Republic, the Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Mordovia, Ryazan Oblast, Vladimir Oblast, and Ivanovo Oblast. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is not rich in resources, which are limited to commercial deposits of sand, clay, gypsum, peat, mineral salt. After 1991, the CPSU lost all its power, the head of the Oblast administration, and eventually the governor, was appointed/elected alongside the elected regional parliament. The Charter of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is the law of the region. The Legislative Assembly of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is the provinces standing legislative body, the Legislative Assembly exercises its authority by passing laws, resolutions, and other legal acts and by supervising the implementation and observance of the laws and other legal acts passed by it. According to the 2010 Census, ethnic Russians at 3,109,661 made up 95. 1% of the oblasts population, other ethnic groups included Tatars, Mordva, Ukrainians, and various smaller groups, each accounting for less than 0. 5% of the total. Additionally,42,349 people were registered from administrative databases and it is estimated that the proportion of ethnicities in this group is the same as that of the declared group. Births,36,315 Deaths,54,184 Deaths decreased by 8. 5% in 2011 compared to 2010, the actual number of foreigners residing in the oblast as of June 1,2006 was estimated to be over 22,000. The oblast ranks seventh in Russia in industrial output, processing industries predominate in the local economy. More than 650 industrial companies employ nearly 700,000 people, industry generates 83% of the regional GDP and accounts for 89% of all material expenditures. The leading sectors are engineering and metalworking, followed by chemical and petrochemical industries and forestry, woodworking, the first three sectors account for about 75% of all industrial production. The oblast has traditionally been attractive to investors, in 2002, Moodys rating agency confirmed a Caa1rating based on the regions long-term foreign currency liabilities. The region maintains trade relations with countries and has an export surplus
5. Арзамасский район – Arzamassky District is an administrative district, one of the forty in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia. Municipally, it is incorporated as Arzamassky Municipal District and it is located in the southern central part of the oblast. The area of the district is 2,016.9 square kilometers and its administrative center is the city of Arzamas. The district was established in 1929, within the framework of administrative divisions, Arzamassky District is one of the forty in the oblast. The city of Arzamas serves as its center, despite being incorporated separately as a city of oblast significance—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, the district is incorporated as Arzamassky Municipal District, the city of oblast significance of Arzamas is incorporated separately from the district as Arzamas Urban Okrug. A narrow gauge railway serving the Peshelan gypsum mine is located in the village of Bebyayevo, Приказ №3-од от27 января2016 г. «Об утверждении реестра административно-территориальных образований, городских и сельских населённых пунктов Нижегородской области», Опубликован, Нижегородская правда, №27 и №30,19 и26 марта2016 г. Закон №184-З от16 ноября2005 г, «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Нижегородской области», в ред. Закона №58-З от5 мая2016 г «О внесении изменений в Закон Нижегородской области Об административно-территориальном устройстве Нижегородской области», Вступил в силу по истечении десяти дней со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован, Нижегородские новости, №218,23 ноября2005 г, Постановление №670 от11 сентября2009 г. «О перечне муниципальных образований Нижегородской области», в ред, Постановления №587 от29 августа2014 г. «О внесении изменений в перечень муниципальных образований Нижегородской области, утверждённый Постановлением Правительства Нижегородской области от11 сентября2009 г. №670», Опубликован, Нижегородские новости, №177,1 октября2009 г
6. Нижний Новгород – Nizhny Novgorod, colloquially shortened to Nizhny, is a city in the administrative center of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and Volga Federal District in Russia. From 1932 to 1990, it was known as Gorky, after the writer Maxim Gorky, the city is an important economic, transportation, scientific, educational and cultural center in Russia and the vast Volga-Vyatka economic region, and is the main center of river tourism in Russia. In the historical part of the city there are a number of universities, theaters, museums. Nizhny Novgorod is located about 400 km east of Moscow, where the Oka empties into the Volga, the city was founded in 1221 by Prince Yuri II of Vladimir. In 1612 Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky organized an army for the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, in 1817 Nizhny Novgorod became a great trade center of the Russian Empire. In 1896 at a fair, an All-Russia Exhibition was organized, during the Soviet period, the city turned into an important industrial center. In particular, the Gorky Automobile Plant was constructed in this period, then the city was given the nickname Russian Detroit. During the World War II Gorky became the biggest provider of equipment to the front. Due to this, the Luftwaffe constantly bombed the city from the air, the majority of the German bombs fell in the area of the Gorky Automobile Plant. Although almost all the sites of plant were completely destroyed. After the war, Gorky became a city and remained one until after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990. At that time the city was renamed Nizhny Novgorod once again, in 1985 the metro was opened. In 2016 Vladimir Putin opened the new 70th Anniversary of Victory Plant which is part of the Almaz-Antey Air, the Kremlin – the main center of the city – contains the main government agencies of the city and the Volga Federal District. Originally the name was just Novgorod, but to distinguish it from the other, older and well-known Novgorod to the west and this land was named lower because it is situated downstream, especially from the point of view of other Russian cities such as Moscow, Vladimir and Murom. Later it was transformed into the name of the city that literally means Lower Newtown. Later a major stronghold for border protection, Nizhny Novgorod fortress took advantage of a moat formed by the two rivers. With the agreement of the Mongol Khan, Nizhny Novgorod was incorporated into the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality in 1264, after 86 years its importance further increased when the seat of the powerful Suzdal Principality was moved here from Gorodets in 1350. Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich sought to make his capital a rival worthy of Moscow, he built a stone citadel, the earliest extant manuscript of the Russian Primary Chronicle, the Laurentian Codex, was written for him by the local monk Laurentius in 1377
7. Луч-Энергия – FC Luch-Energiya is an association football club based in Vladivostok, Russia. In 2005, Luch-Energia won the Russian First Division and played in the Premier League from 2006 to 2008, the club was called Luch before 2003, when it was renamed Luch-Energia due to sponsorship from Dalenergo, an energy distribution company. Luch has been playing in the Soviet Union championship since 1958, the club played in the Far East regional tournament of B-class teams and eventually won it in 1965, earning promotion to A-class. Luch played in regional tournament until league reorganization in 1972. From 1972 to 1991, Luch played in the Eastern zone of Soviet Second League, the clubs best result was a runner-up position in 1984. In 1992, after the dissolution of Soviet Union, Luch was entitled to play in the Eastern zone of Russian First League, Luch played in Russian Top League in 1993 and was relegated, having finished 15th. Luch played in Russian First Division from 1994 until relegation in 1997, in 2003, Luch-Energia finished 1st in the Eastern zone and earned promotion. The club spent another 2 years in First Division, earning promotion to Premier League in 2005, situated in the Far East of the country, their location poses a significant problem for away teams, for example being 9 hours by flight from Moscow. When playing FC Zenit Saint Petersburg at home, a trio of Zenit fans drove 15,000 km across the only for their car to break down when in Vladivostok. These fans thus took the Trans-Siberian Railway back to Saint Petersburg, there has been much controversy about whether the Russian league should be split into Western and Eastern leagues, however, this is yet to happen. Igor Akinfeev, the CSKA Moscow goalkeeper, said that they should play in the Japanese League, in addition to this, even their own players admitted it was awkward as they had to travel long distances for away games. Matija Kristić said Its not as bad for other teams because they only need to travel this distance once a year whereas we have to do it for all away matches. Srđan Radonjić said It is just crazy, they should have two Russian premier leagues, one for the European teams and another for Asian teams, Vladivostok is 4,000 miles from Moscow. As of 24 August 2016, according to the FNL website, note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality, had international caps for their respective countries. Players whose name is listed in bold represented their countries while playing for Luch-Energiya
8. Сахалин (футбольный клуб) – FC Sakhalin Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is a Russian association football club based in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia and playing in the Russian Professional Football League. Another team played as FC Sakhalin Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk from 1969 to 1992 and they won the East Zone of Second Division in 2013-14 season and were promoted to the National Football League. They were relegated one season on the second level. As of 21 February 2017, according to the official PFL website, note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality
9. Томь (футбольный клуб) – FC Tom Tomsk is a Russian football club, based in the Siberian city of Tomsk. The team plays in Trud Stadium, the team was previously named Burevestnik, Tomich, Sibelektromotor, Torpedo, Tomles and Manometr. In the 1990s the team acquired a number of players that would help them begin their ascent out of the Russian Second Division, in 1996, the team finished 2nd in the division, just falling short of promotion to the Russian First Division. In 1997, Tomsk finally achieved a significant goal when they advanced to the First Division with a strong season, however, the team had a long way to go before they would make another run on a division title. Following promotion, the team acquired a number of new players including Sergei Zhukov, Andrei Talalaev, however, Tomsk suffered a blow when their newly privatised sponsor, Eastern Oil Company pulled out and left the team with no sponsor. At this point, advancement was a dream with survival in the tougher division becoming a priority. It was at point that the team also had to upgrade their stadium to new standards of the league. The team played middling football for years until the arrival of a new sponsor brought in much-needed funds and allowed the team to acquire new players. Third-place finishes in 2002 and 2003 left the team just short of promotion, however, the 2004 season brought new joy and Tomsk finished second in the division, earning promotion to the Russian Premier League for the 2005 season. The 2005 season saw Tomsk survive their first year in football with a 10th-place finish. In 2006, the team improved its position slightly with an 8th-place finish but in 2007, the former jersey sponsor Tomskneft, a local subsidiary of Yukos, has recently been sold to new investors. Today, the team is sponsored by the regional authorities, the clubs directors disclosed that the club needed to raise funds or it would go out of business due to debts of 200 million roubles in June 2009. Note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules, players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality. Reserve team players are registered with the Premier League and are eligible to play in any official games, note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality, a farm club FC Tom-2 Tomsk began competing professionally in the third-tier Russian Professional Football League in the 2014–15 season. The team was dissolved after the 2015–16 season, had international caps for their respective countries. Players whose name is listed in bold represented their countries while playing for Tom