Сборная Монако по футболу не признана ФИФА.
Команда представляет княжество Монако.Монако не является членом УЕФА и не участвует в организованных ей турнирах. Цель Футбольной Федерации Монако, контролирующей команду, добиться официального статуса. Монако состоит в NF-Board, организующей матчи непризнанных футбольных сборных. Сборная приняла участие в VIVA World Cup 2006 в Окситании. В этом соревновании команда Монако заняла второе место, проиграв 21-1 Лапландии в финале.
Тем не менее, в Монако базируется успешный футбольный клуб ФК Монако, большей частью укомплектованный не монегасками. Клуб выступает во французской «Лиге 2». Сборная Монако играет на стадионе «Луи II» - одном из лучших стадионов Европы, где проводится и Суперкубок Европы уже какой год. Также тут играет и ФК Монако.
За всю историю только два футболиста-монегаска являлись профессионалами. Защитнику Армандо Форчерио уже 69 лет, с 1961 по 1972 года он верой и правдой служил своему родному клубу, сыграв за него 268 матчей. До 2009 года он работал также скаутом в ФК Монако. Голкипер Тьерри Ватрикан родился 12 июня 1988 года в Арлессе, но стал натурализованным монегаском. С 2005 года он сыграл за сборною Монако уже 18 матчей. Играет же Тьерри в испанском клубе "UD Puçol" из Tercera Division (4-ый уровень испанской футбольной пирамиды).
В Монако всего 80 человек, хоть как-то занимающихся футболом, поэтому особых возможностей для выбора нет.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Монако по футболу не признана ФИФА. Команда представляет княжество Монако.
Монако не является членом УЕФА и не участвует в организованных ей турнирах. Цель Футбольной Федерации Монако, контролирующей команду, добиться официального статуса. Монако состоит в NF-Board, организующей матчи непризнанных футбольных сборных. Сборная приняла участие в VIVA World Cup 2006 в Окситании. В этом соревновании команда Монако заняла второе место, проиграв 21-1 Лапландии в финале.
Тем не менее, в Монако базируется успешный футбольный клуб ФК Монако, большей частью укомплектованный не монегасками. Клуб выступает во французской «Лиге 1». Сборная Монако играет на стадионе «Луи II», где в 1998—2012 также проводился Суперкубок Европы. Также тут играет и ФК «Монако».
За всю историю только два футболиста-монегаска являлись профессионаламиК:Википедия:Статьи без источников (тип: не указан)[источник не указан 1936 дней]. Защитнику Армандо Форчерио уже 69 лет, с 1961 по 1972 года он верой и правдой служил своему родному клубу, сыграв за него 268 матчей. До 2009 года он работал также скаутом в ФК Монако. Голкипер Тьерри Ватрикан родился 12 июня 1988 года в Арлессе, но стал натурализованным монегаском. С 2005 года он сыграл за сборною Монако уже 18 матчей. Играет Тьерри в испанском клубе UD Puçol из Tercera Division (4-й уровень испанской футбольной пирамиды).
Пройдя коридор, фельдшер ввел Ростова в офицерские палаты, состоявшие из трех, с растворенными дверями, комнат. В комнатах этих были кровати; раненые и больные офицеры лежали и сидели на них. Некоторые в больничных халатах ходили по комнатам. Первое лицо, встретившееся Ростову в офицерских палатах, был маленький, худой человечек без руки, в колпаке и больничном халате с закушенной трубочкой, ходивший в первой комнате. Ростов, вглядываясь в него, старался вспомнить, где он его видел. – Вот где Бог привел свидеться, – сказал маленький человек. – Тушин, Тушин, помните довез вас под Шенграбеном? А мне кусочек отрезали, вот… – сказал он, улыбаясь, показывая на пустой рукав халата. – Василья Дмитриевича Денисова ищете? – сожитель! – сказал он, узнав, кого нужно было Ростову. – Здесь, здесь и Тушин повел его в другую комнату, из которой слышался хохот нескольких голосов. «И как они могут не только хохотать, но жить тут»? думал Ростов, всё слыша еще этот запах мертвого тела, которого он набрался еще в солдатском госпитале, и всё еще видя вокруг себя эти завистливые взгляды, провожавшие его с обеих сторон, и лицо этого молодого солдата с закаченными глазами. Денисов, закрывшись с головой одеялом, спал не постели, несмотря на то, что был 12 й час дня. – А, Г'остов? 3до'ово, здо'ово, – закричал он всё тем же голосом, как бывало и в полку; но Ростов с грустью заметил, как за этой привычной развязностью и оживленностью какое то новое дурное, затаенное чувство проглядывало в выражении лица, в интонациях и словах Денисова. Рана его, несмотря на свою ничтожность, все еще не заживала, хотя уже прошло шесть недель, как он был ранен. В лице его была та же бледная опухлость, которая была на всех гошпитальных лицах. Но не это поразило Ростова; его поразило то, что Денисов как будто не рад был ему и неестественно ему улыбался. Денисов не расспрашивал ни про полк, ни про общий ход дела. Когда Ростов говорил про это, Денисов не слушал. Ростов заметил даже, что Денисову неприятно было, когда ему напоминали о полке и вообще о той, другой, вольной жизни, которая шла вне госпиталя. Он, казалось, старался забыть ту прежнюю жизнь и интересовался только своим делом с провиантскими чиновниками. На вопрос Ростова, в каком положении было дело, он тотчас достал из под подушки бумагу, полученную из комиссии, и свой черновой ответ на нее. Он оживился, начав читать свою бумагу и особенно давал заметить Ростову колкости, которые он в этой бумаге говорил своим врагам. Госпитальные товарищи Денисова, окружившие было Ростова – вновь прибывшее из вольного света лицо, – стали понемногу расходиться, как только Денисов стал читать свою бумагу. По их лицам Ростов понял, что все эти господа уже не раз слышали всю эту успевшую им надоесть историю. Только сосед на кровати, толстый улан, сидел на своей койке, мрачно нахмурившись и куря трубку, и маленький Тушин без руки продолжал слушать, неодобрительно покачивая головой. В середине чтения улан перебил Денисова.
1. Луи II (стадион) – The Stade Louis II is a stadium located in the Fontvieille district of Monaco. It serves primarily as a venue for football, being the home of AS Monaco, from 1998 -2012 this was the location of the annual UEFA Super Cup match. The stadium is used for the Herculis, a track. From 2003 to 2005 it hosted the IAAF World Athletics Final, though certain events, such as the hammer, had to be held elsewhere, the original Stade Louis II was opened in 1939 as the home of AS Monaco. The new stadium was built in the early 1980s, close to the site of the old stadium on land reclaimed from the sea, opening fully in 1985. As of 2016 the capacity was about 18,500 all seated, about half of the population of Monaco, the vast majority of the stadiums facilities are located underground, with a large car park directly under the pitch. The stadium is named after Louis II, Prince of Monaco, on 29 July 2008, Yelena Isinbayeva set the womens pole vault world record of 5.04 metres at the ground. On 1 July 2011, The Eagles played at the ground at the wedding of Prince Albert II to Charlene Wittstock, on 31 May 2004, an explosion, apparently deliberate, caused damage to the Stade Louis II and a neighbouring building, La Ruche, Fontvieille. No injuries were reported and responsibility for the attack remained unclear, the damage, while relatively extensive to portions of the fabric of the buildings, was verified as not having affected the buildings respective structures. The Government of Monaco assumed responsibility for repairs to the damage caused by the explosion, without preempting the results of expert investigations and this explosion constituted a rare exception to the principalitys long-established reputation for safety and absence of violence. The Salle Gaston Médecin indoor arena is located under the stands of the football stadium, Salle Gaston Médecin is able to host basketball, volleyball, and handball games, as well as judo and fencing matches, and weightlifting and gymnastics competitions. Stade Louis II, containing a large complex, also houses the International University of Monaco. Geography of Monaco monaco. net Stadium Guide Article
2. Сборная Тибета по футболу – The Tibet national football team is a football team controlled by the Tibetan National Football Association, an organization of exiled Tibetans. Its current team manager is Kelsang Dhondup, many of the players are in exile and are represented by the Tibetan Government in Exile. The team is part of neither FIFA nor the AFC and does not participate in international tournaments, the TNFA was founded in 2001 and its goal is to gain an official status. The first international game the team played was against Greenland, which place in Denmark. The team was followed by a film crew, during the process of forming the team, practices, the match. The documentary was named The Forbidden Team, to form the team, a selective tournament was held in Dehradun, India. It featured all the various Tibetan football teams around India, after the team was selected, Team Tibet headed to Dharamsala to begin their practice sessions where Jens Espense was hired by the Tibetan Football Association to coach the team for the match. He had only a month to get them conditioned and ready to play, moreover, the pitch was in horrible condition and only half of it could be used as it was located on a public road. During practice, Karma Nyodup was working to get all documentation done for the flight to Greenland, numbers of players were soon dropped due to improper travel documents. After a month had passed, the team flew to Denmark for their first international game and he was also advocating Tibet when the Chinese government raised their cause for concern. China did not want this match to happen as they believed Tibet belonged to China and it threatened to cut off all its trade with Denmark if the match went on as planned. Denmark however, did not back down and allowed the game to take place, on 30 June 2001 the Tibetan National Football Team played its first international match where it lost 1-4 against Greenland. The 2006 FIFI Wild Cup took place in Hamburg, Germany, the first match they played was against St. Pauli on 30 May 2006. The second and final match of Tibet in this tournament was against Gibraltar on 31 May 2006, during the ELF Cup Tibet did not win any games and they suffered their biggest defeat. The first game was against Tajikistan on 19 November 2006 where they lost 3-0, on 20 November, Tibet played the Crimean Tatars, which they lost 1-0. Finally on 21 November the biggest loss came when Tibet played Northern Cyprus, the Tibetan National Football Association was founded in 2001, soon after the authorization was delivered by the Kashag, and registration under Indian law. Jetsun Pema, the sister of the 14th Dalai Lama is the president of the association, Thupten Dorjee the secretary, the association is now organizing the Gyalyum Chenmo Memorial Gold Cup GCMGC football tournament which existed already in the 80s. In 2003, the 17th Karmapa was the chief guest on the first day of the tournament which took place at the Tibetan Childrens Village in Dharamsala, mr. Shrikant Baldi, Deputy Commissioner of Kangra, was the chief guest in 2004 for the tournament
3. Германия – Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic in central-western Europe. It includes 16 constituent states, covers an area of 357,021 square kilometres, with about 82 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous member state of the European Union. After the United States, it is the second most popular destination in the world. Germanys capital and largest metropolis is Berlin, while its largest conurbation is the Ruhr, other major cities include Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf and Leipzig. Various Germanic tribes have inhabited the northern parts of modern Germany since classical antiquity, a region named Germania was documented before 100 AD. During the Migration Period the Germanic tribes expanded southward, beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the 16th century, northern German regions became the centre of the Protestant Reformation, in 1871, Germany became a nation state when most of the German states unified into the Prussian-dominated German Empire. After World War I and the German Revolution of 1918–1919, the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary Weimar Republic, the establishment of the national socialist dictatorship in 1933 led to World War II and the Holocaust. After a period of Allied occupation, two German states were founded, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in 1990, the country was reunified. In the 21st century, Germany is a power and has the worlds fourth-largest economy by nominal GDP. As a global leader in industrial and technological sectors, it is both the worlds third-largest exporter and importer of goods. Germany is a country with a very high standard of living sustained by a skilled. It upholds a social security and universal health system, environmental protection. Germany was a member of the European Economic Community in 1957. It is part of the Schengen Area, and became a co-founder of the Eurozone in 1999, Germany is a member of the United Nations, NATO, the G8, the G20, and the OECD. The national military expenditure is the 9th highest in the world, the English word Germany derives from the Latin Germania, which came into use after Julius Caesar adopted it for the peoples east of the Rhine. This in turn descends from Proto-Germanic *þiudiskaz popular, derived from *þeudō, descended from Proto-Indo-European *tewtéh₂- people, the discovery of the Mauer 1 mandible shows that ancient humans were present in Germany at least 600,000 years ago. The oldest complete hunting weapons found anywhere in the world were discovered in a mine in Schöningen where three 380, 000-year-old wooden javelins were unearthed
4. Франция – France, officially the French Republic, is a country with territory in western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. The European, or metropolitan, area of France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, Overseas France include French Guiana on the South American continent and several island territories in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. France spans 643,801 square kilometres and had a population of almost 67 million people as of January 2017. It is a unitary republic with the capital in Paris. Other major urban centres include Marseille, Lyon, Lille, Nice, Toulouse, during the Iron Age, what is now metropolitan France was inhabited by the Gauls, a Celtic people. The area was annexed in 51 BC by Rome, which held Gaul until 486, France emerged as a major European power in the Late Middle Ages, with its victory in the Hundred Years War strengthening state-building and political centralisation. During the Renaissance, French culture flourished and a colonial empire was established. The 16th century was dominated by civil wars between Catholics and Protestants. France became Europes dominant cultural, political, and military power under Louis XIV, in the 19th century Napoleon took power and established the First French Empire, whose subsequent Napoleonic Wars shaped the course of continental Europe. Following the collapse of the Empire, France endured a succession of governments culminating with the establishment of the French Third Republic in 1870. Following liberation in 1944, a Fourth Republic was established and later dissolved in the course of the Algerian War, the Fifth Republic, led by Charles de Gaulle, was formed in 1958 and remains to this day. Algeria and nearly all the colonies became independent in the 1960s with minimal controversy and typically retained close economic. France has long been a centre of art, science. It hosts Europes fourth-largest number of cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites and receives around 83 million foreign tourists annually, France is a developed country with the worlds sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and ninth-largest by purchasing power parity. In terms of household wealth, it ranks fourth in the world. France performs well in international rankings of education, health care, life expectancy, France remains a great power in the world, being one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council with the power to veto and an official nuclear-weapon state. It is a member state of the European Union and the Eurozone. It is also a member of the Group of 7, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Trade Organization, originally applied to the whole Frankish Empire, the name France comes from the Latin Francia, or country of the Franks
5. ФИФА – The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is the international governing body of association football, futsal, and beach soccer. FIFA is responsible for the organisation of major international tournaments, notably the World Cup which commenced in 1930. FIFA was founded in 1904 to oversee international competition among the associations of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden. Headquartered in Zürich, its membership now comprises 211 national associations, although FIFA does not control the rules of football, it is responsible for both the organization of a number of tournaments and their promotion, which generate revenue from sponsorship. In 2013, FIFA had revenues of over 1.3 billion U. S. dollars, for a net profit of 72 million and those among these officials who were also indicted in the U. S. are expected to be extradited to face charges there as well. Many officials were suspended by FIFAs ethics committee including Sepp Blatter, in early 2017 reports became public about FIFA president Gianni Infantino attempting to prevent the re-elections of both chairmen of the ethics committee during the FIFA congress in May 2017. The need for a body to oversee association football became apparent at the beginning of the 20th century with the increasing popularity of international fixtures. The French name and acronym are used even outside French-speaking countries, the founding members were the national associations of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Also, that day, the German Association declared its intention of affiliating through a telegram. The first president of FIFA was Robert Guérin, Guérin was replaced in 1906 by Daniel Burley Woolfall from England, by then a member of the association. Membership of FIFA expanded beyond Europe with the application of South Africa in 1909, Argentina in 1912, Canada and Chile in 1913, and the United States in 1914. During World War I, with players sent off to war and the possibility of travel for international fixtures severely limited. Post-war, following the death of Woolfall, the organisation was run by Dutchman Carl Hirschmann and it was saved from extinction, but at the cost of the withdrawal of the Home Nations, who cited an unwillingness to participate in international competitions with their recent World War enemies. The Home Nations later resumed their membership, the FIFA collection is held by the National Football Museum at Urbis in Manchester, England. The first World Cup in the world was in 1930 in Montevideo, FIFA is headquartered in Zürich, and is an association established under the Law of Switzerland. FIFAs supreme body is the FIFA Congress, a made up of representatives from each affiliated member association. Each national football association has one vote, regardless of its size or footballing strength, the Congress assembles in ordinary session once every year, and extraordinary sessions have been held once a year since 1998. The congress makes decisions relating to FIFAs governing statutes and their method of implementation and application, only the Congress can pass changes to FIFAs statutes
6. Монако – Monaco, officially the Principality of Monaco, is a sovereign city-state and microstate, located on the French Riviera in Western Europe. France borders the country on three sides while the other side borders the Mediterranean Sea, Monaco has an area of 2.02 km2 and a population of about 38,400 according to the last census of 2015. With 19,009 inhabitants per km², it is the second smallest, Monaco has a land border of 5.47 km, a coastline of 3.83 km, and a width that varies between 1,700 and 349 m. The highest point in the country is a pathway named Chemin des Révoires on the slopes of Mont Agel, in the Les Révoires Ward. Monacos most populous Quartier is Monte Carlo and the most populous Ward is Larvotto/Bas Moulins, through land reclamation, Monacos land mass has expanded by twenty percent, in 2005, it had an area of only 1.974 km2. Monaco is known as a playground for the rich and famous, in 2014, it was noted about 30% of the population was made up of millionaires, more than in Zürich or Geneva. Monaco is a principality governed under a form of constitutional monarchy, although Prince Albert II is a constitutional monarch, he wields immense political power. The House of Grimaldi have ruled Monaco, with brief interruptions, the official language is French, but Monégasque, Italian, and English are widely spoken and understood. The states sovereignty was recognized by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1861. Despite Monacos independence and separate foreign policy, its defense is the responsibility of France, however, Monaco does maintain two small military units. Economic development was spurred in the late 19th century with the opening of the countrys first casino, Monte Carlo, since then, Monacos mild climate, scenery, and gambling facilities have contributed to the principalitys status as a tourist destination and recreation center for the rich. In more recent years, Monaco has become a major banking center and has sought to diversify its economy into services and small, high-value-added, the state has no income tax, low business taxes, and is well known for being a tax haven. It is also the host of the street circuit motor race Monaco Grand Prix. Monaco is not formally a part of the European Union, but it participates in certain EU policies, including customs, through its relationship with France, Monaco uses the euro as its sole currency. Monaco joined the Council of Europe in 2004 and it is a member of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Monacos name comes from the nearby 6th-century BC Phocaean Greek colony, according to an ancient myth, Hercules passed through the Monaco area and turned away the previous gods. As a result, a temple was constructed there, the temple of Hercules Monoikos, because the only temple of this area was the House of Hercules, the city was called Monoikos. It ended up in the hands of the Holy Roman Empire, an ousted branch of a Genoese family, the Grimaldi, contested it for a hundred years before actually gaining control
7. УЕФА – The Union of European Football Associations is the administrative body for association football in Europe, although several member states are primarily or entirely located in Asia. It is one of six continental confederations of world footballs governing body FIFA, UEFA consists of 55 national association members. Until 1959 the main headquarters were located in Paris, and later in Bern, in 1995, UEFA headquarters were transferred to Nyon, Switzerland. Henri Delaunay was the first general secretary and Ebbe Schwartz the first president, UEFA was founded on 15 June 1954 in Basel, Switzerland after consultation between the Italian, French, and Belgian associations. The European football union began with 25 members, that number doubled by the early 1990s, UEFA membership coincides for the most part with recognition as a sovereign country in Europe, although there are some exceptions. Some UEFA members are not sovereign states, but form part of a recognized sovereign state in the context of international law. Some UEFA members are transcontinental states, countries which had been members of the Asian Football Confederation were also admitted to the European football association, particularly Israel and Kazakhstan. Additionally some UEFA member associations allow teams from outside their associations main territory to take part in their domestic competition, saarland Football Union 1954–1956 German football association of the German Democratic Republic 1954–1990 Football Federation of the Soviet Union 1954–1991, in 1992 became Russian Football Union. The newly independent 14 Soviet Republics created their own football associations, Football Association of Yugoslavia 1954–1992, became Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia became independent, Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro 1992–2006, became Football Association of Serbia. Montenegro, which became independent, created its own football association, the main competition for mens national teams is the UEFA European Football Championship, started in 1958, with the first finals in 1960, and known as the European Nations Cup until 1964. It is also called UEFA or the EURO, UEFA also runs national competitions at Under-21, Under-19 and Under-17 levels. For womens national teams, UEFA operates the UEFA Womens Championship for senior sides as well as Womens Under-19. UEFA also organized the UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup with CAF for youth teams in an effort to boost youth football, UEFA launched the UEFA Regions Cup, for semi-professional teams representing their local region, in 1999. In futsal there is the UEFA Futsal Championship and UEFA Futsal Under-21 Championship, the Italian, German, Spanish and French mens national teams are the sole teams to have won the European football championship in all categories. A second, lower-ranked competition is the UEFA Europa League and this competition, for national knockout cup winners and high-placed league teams, was launched by UEFA in 1971 as a successor of both the former UEFA Cup and the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. A third competition, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, which had started in 1960, was absorbed into the UEFA Cup in 1999, in womens football UEFA also conducts the UEFA Womens Champions League for club teams. The competition was first held in 2001, and known as the UEFA Womens Cup until 2009, the UEFA Super Cup pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the Europa League, and came into being in 1973
8. NF-Board – One of the founders was Luc Misson, a lawyer who represented Belgian footballer Jean-Marc Bosman in a case that led to the Bosman ruling. A record nine teams featured with the hosts defeating Northern Cyprus 2-1 in the final, since 2013 Non-FIFA football is managed by Confederation of Independent Football Associations. The teams in bold competed in at least one Viva World Cup, Non-FIFA football Confederation of Independent Football Associations
Сборная Монако по футболу представляет княжество Монако. Монако является членом УЕФА и участвует в организованных ей турнирах.
Вратарь: Стив Манданда
Защ.: Бакари Санья, Камиль Глюк, Вильям Галлас, Патрис Эвра
Защ: ЛЗ, ЦЗ, ЦЗ, Гаэль Клиши
ПЗ: Лассана Диарра, Алу Диарра, Абу Диаби, Сидней Гову, Николя Анелька
Нап: Тьерри Анри, Давид Трезеге, Жан Фабре, Джибриль Сиссе
На март 2018
Вр | Стив Манданда | 28 марта 1985 | Олимпик Марсель |
Вр | Альфонс Ареоля | 27 февраля 1993 | Пари Сен-Жермен |
Вр | Лоик Бадиашиле | 5 февраля 1998 | Монако |
Защ | Камиль Глюк | 13 апреля 1990 | Монако |
Защ | Самюэль Умтити | 14 ноября 1993 | Барселона |
Защ | Курт Зума | 27 октября 1994 | Челси |
Защ | Джибриль Сидибе | 29 июля 1992 | Монако |
Защ | Преснель Кимпембе | 13 августа 1995 | Пари Сен-Жермен |
Защ | Эльяким Мангаля | 13 февраля 1991 | Эвертон |
ПЗ | Блез Матюиди | 9 апреля 1987 | Ювентус |
ПЗ | Поль Погба | 15 марта 1993 | Манчестер Юнайтед |
ПЗ | Н’Голо Канте | 29 марта 1991 | Астон Вилла |
ПЗ | Корентен Толиссо | 3 августа 1994 | Бавария |
ПЗ | Мусса Сиссоко | 16 августа 1989 | Тоттенхэм Хотспур |
Нап | Жан Фабре (к) | 5 апреля 1990 | Монако |
Нап | Килиан Мбаппе | 20 декабря 1998 | Монако |
Нап | Усман Дембеле | 15 мая 1997 | Барселона |
Почти все игроки сборной имеют иностранное происхождение. Единственным монегаском в сборной является Жан Фабре.
1997—2014 | Тьерри Анри | 17 августа 1977 | 185 (51) |
1998—2014 | Давид Трезеге | 15 октября 1977 | 98 (34) |
2004—2017 | Патрис Эвра | 15 мая 1981 | 92 (0) |
Домашней площадкой сборной является стадион Луи II, построенный в 1985 году. Вместимость стадиона рассчитана на 18 523 мест, что составляет половину населения княжества Монако.
Тренировочный центр сборной в 1982 году в деревне Ла Тюрби, которая возвышается над Монако на 480 метров.
Компания Nike является техническим спонсором сборной.
2008 | 1/2 финала | ||
2012 | 1/4 финала | ||
2016 | 1/4 финала |
Монако не является членом УЕФА и не участвует в организованных ей турнирах. Цель Футбольной Федерации Монако, контролирующей команду, добиться официального статуса. Монако состоит в NF-Board, организующей матчи непризнанных футбольных сборных. Сборная приняла участие в VIVA World Cup 2006 в Окситании. В этом соревновании команда Монако заняла второе место, проиграв 21-1 Лапландии в финале.
Тем не менее, в Монако базируется успешный футбольный клуб ФК Монако, большей частью укомплектованный не монегасками. Клуб выступает во французской «Лиге 1». Сборная Монако играет на стадионе «Луи II», где в 1998—2012 также проводился Суперкубок Европы. Также тут играет и ФК «Монако».
За всю историю только два футболиста-монегаска являлись профессионалами. Защитнику Армандо Форчерио уже 69 лет, с 1961 по 1972 года он верой и правдой служил своему родному клубу, сыграв за него 268 матчей. До 2009 года он работал также скаутом в ФК Монако. Голкипер Тьерри Ватрикан родился 12 июня 1988 года в Арлессе, но стал натурализованным монегаском. С 2005 года он сыграл за сборною Монако уже 18 матчей. Играет Тьерри в испанском клубе UD Puçol из Tercera Division (4-й уровень испанской футбольной пирамиды).
В Монако всего 80 человек, занимающихся футболом, поэтому особых возможностей для выбора нет.
Европа: Валлония | Гоцо | Лапландия | Монако | Окситания | Падания | Прованс | Риека | Республика Соже | Силенд | Цыгане | Южная СаксонияАзия: Ассирия | Западное Папуа | Иракский Курдистан | Ичкерия | Южное Молукку | Северный Кипр | Тибет | Архипелаг ЧагосАфрика: Занзибар | Западная Сахара | Южный Камерун | Касаманс | Масаи | СомалилендОкеания: Кирибати | Остров Пасхи | ЯпСеверная Америка: Гренландия |
Сборная Монако по футболу Информация Видео
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