SA÷1¬~ZA÷АВСТРИЯ: Кубок Австрии¬ZEE÷8nQ2VTTL¬ZB÷25¬ZY÷Австрия¬ZC÷CdTwgqVI¬ZD÷p¬ZE÷z1XYiQQ2¬ZF÷0¬ZO÷0¬ZG÷2¬ZH÷25_8nQ2VTTL¬ZJ÷2¬ZL÷/football/austria/ofb-cup/¬ZX÷00Австрия 007встрия0060000000179000Кубок Австри013встрии000¬ZCC÷0¬ZAF÷Австрия¬~AA÷OdQEpmw0¬AD÷1525890600¬ADE÷1525890600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷10¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷Финал¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷SApK1Kfk¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷0¬BY÷2¬AG÷1¬AT÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷SAL¬AF÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JB÷8M1H0vAe¬WV÷salzburg¬AZ÷0¬AK÷1¬AH÷0¬AU÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷UuQEKFNa¬AD÷1524076200¬ADE÷1524076200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷10¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷Полуфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷M93n0QpA¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷0¬BY÷1¬AG÷3¬AT÷2¬BA÷1¬BC÷1¬WN÷RAP¬AF÷Рапид¬JB÷4Yhiap0G¬WV÷rapid-vienna¬AZ÷0¬AK÷1¬AH÷2¬AU÷2¬BB÷0¬BD÷2¬AW÷1¬~AA÷jkRALe8g¬AD÷1524067200¬ADE÷1524067200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷11¬CX÷Маттерсбург¬ER÷Полуфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷MAT¬AE÷Маттерсбург¬JA÷Eq0v2nGc¬WU÷mattersburg¬AZ÷0¬AG÷0¬AT÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷SAL¬AF÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JB÷86ar16V3¬WV÷salzburg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷0¬BZ÷1¬AH÷1¬AU÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷bNYtzKLK¬AD÷1519846200¬ADE÷1519846200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Рапид¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷RAP¬AE÷Рапид¬JA÷zazFy2Am¬WU÷rapid-vienna¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷2¬BA÷0¬BC÷2¬WN÷RIE¬AF÷Рид¬JB÷ULZIzMPg¬WV÷ried¬AH÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷AcxoZwyR¬AD÷1519842600¬ADE÷1519842600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷SAL¬AE÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JA÷8CYMZuu0¬WU÷salzburg¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷7¬BA÷4¬BC÷3¬WN÷AUS¬AF÷Аустрия Клагенфурт¬JB÷QmTRYaf6¬WV÷a-klagenfurt¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷x8pYyti8¬AD÷1519837200¬ADE÷1519837200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷4QncJKfJ¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷3¬BA÷1¬BC÷2¬WN÷WIM¬AF÷Wimpassing¬JB÷httur4XJ¬WV÷wimpassing¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷Gbqxy06E¬AD÷1519756200¬ADE÷1519756200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Маттерсбург¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷MAT¬AE÷Маттерсбург¬JA÷WWvqsOnQ¬WU÷mattersburg¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷2¬BC÷2¬WN÷HAR¬AF÷Хартберг¬JB÷xEHBxres¬WV÷hartberg¬AH÷1¬BB÷0¬BD÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷rNhxFtps¬AD÷1508956200¬ADE÷1508956200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Аустрия¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷AUS¬AE÷Аустрия¬JA÷pOrtQuA8¬WU÷austria-vienna¬AG÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬WN÷RAP¬AF÷Рапид¬JB÷OEspPaPE¬WV÷rapid-vienna¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷2¬BB÷1¬BD÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷d6Ec8dTO¬AD÷1508954400¬ADE÷1508954400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Аустрия Клагенфурт¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷AUS¬AE÷Аустрия Клагенфурт¬JA÷8vaeIl8a¬WU÷a-klagenfurt¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷1¬BC÷3¬WN÷WAC¬AF÷Вакер Инсбрук¬JB÷Ms3aH8N5¬WV÷wacker-innsbruck¬AH÷2¬BB÷2¬BD÷0¬~AA÷IuokCvUa¬AD÷1508950800¬ADE÷1508950800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Бад Гляйхенберг¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷BAD¬AE÷Бад Гляйхенберг¬JA÷4pHT3kg6¬WU÷bad-gleichenberg¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷SAL¬AF÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JB÷ryGX298C¬WV÷salzburg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬BB÷1¬BD÷2¬~AA÷IFFg9xEI¬AD÷1508949000¬ADE÷1508949000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Wimpassing¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷WIM¬AE÷Wimpassing¬JA÷zR0mKAwm¬WU÷wimpassing¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬WN÷WOL¬AF÷Вольфсбергер¬JB÷EHaiJUhg¬WV÷ac-wolfsberger¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬~AA÷C2pgBbq6¬AD÷1508947200¬ADE÷1508947200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷Qa5x2TNI¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷3¬BC÷1¬WN÷ALT¬AF÷Альтах¬JB÷v39t1mwP¬WV÷altach¬AH÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬~AA÷jgqcAIbC¬AD÷1508865120¬ADE÷1508865120¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Рид¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷RIE¬AE÷Рид¬JA÷h6cOPWFP¬WU÷ried¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AJ÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷2¬BC÷2¬WN÷LAS¬AF÷ЛАСК¬JB÷fFqjLjOt¬WV÷lask-linz¬AK÷1¬AH÷1¬BB÷0¬BD÷1¬~AA÷MDitE0am¬AD÷1508864400¬ADE÷1508864400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Флориан¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷FLO¬AE÷Флориан¬JA÷GA5D7Xgs¬WU÷florian¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷HAR¬AF÷Хартберг¬JB÷EeOG6i9m¬WV÷hartberg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷4¬BB÷2¬BD÷2¬~AA÷4xsoDKEg¬AD÷1508850000¬ADE÷1508850000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Аско Оэдт¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷MAT¬AF÷Маттерсбург¬JB÷zBCP4Vw0¬WV÷mattersburg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬BB÷0¬BD÷3¬WM÷ASK¬AE÷Аско Оэдт¬JA÷dKDL5BOg¬WU÷asko-oedt¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬~
Показывать Новости Материалы Записи в блогах Фото Видео
итоги сезона в Австрии, Швейцарии и Чехии - австрийская Бундеслига, Кубок Австрии, швейцарская Суперлига, Кубок Швейцарии, чешская Первая лига и Кубок Чехии
Рейтинг +3
превью финалов Кубка России, Украины, Чехии, Австрии, Италии и Франции, а также пары матчей испанской Примеры
Рейтинг +4
анонс предстоящих на выходных, а также обзор прошедших в мид-уик матчей всех топ-чемпионатов
Рейтинг +5
Футбол. Кубок Австрии. 1/2 финала. У хозяев 8 футболистов в лазарете перед матчем с грандом!
Рейтинг +25
Прогноз на матч.
Рейтинг +20
Начинаю серию заметок об истории футбола в Австрии. Немного исторических заметок, немного о современном состоянии австрийского футбола. В первой части рассказ о зарождении самой популярной игры в Австрии.
Рейтинг +14
Многие футбольные фанаты, для которых Калсдорф прежде был белым пятном на карте, вчера стали умнее: участник региональной лиги выбил чемпиона Австрии - венскую Аустрию из кубка. Нет слов, чтобы описать праздник к югу от Граца, а у тренера Аустрии нет слов, чтобы описать игру своей команды
Рейтинг +7
SA÷1¬~ZA÷АВСТРИЯ: Кубок Австрии¬ZEE÷8nQ2VTTL¬ZB÷25¬ZY÷Австрия¬ZC÷CdTwgqVI¬ZD÷p¬ZE÷z1XYiQQ2¬ZF÷0¬ZO÷0¬ZG÷2¬ZH÷25_8nQ2VTTL¬ZJ÷2¬ZL÷/football/austria/ofb-cup/¬ZX÷00Австрия 007встрия0060000000179000Кубок Австри013встрии000¬ZCC÷0¬ZAF÷Австрия¬~AA÷OdQEpmw0¬AD÷1525890600¬ADE÷1525890600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷10¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷Финал¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷SApK1Kfk¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷0¬BY÷2¬AG÷1¬AT÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷SAL¬AF÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JB÷8M1H0vAe¬WV÷salzburg¬AZ÷0¬AK÷1¬AH÷0¬AU÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷UuQEKFNa¬AD÷1524076200¬ADE÷1524076200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷10¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷Полуфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷M93n0QpA¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷0¬BY÷1¬AG÷3¬AT÷2¬BA÷1¬BC÷1¬WN÷RAP¬AF÷Рапид¬JB÷4Yhiap0G¬WV÷rapid-vienna¬AZ÷0¬AK÷1¬AH÷2¬AU÷2¬BB÷0¬BD÷2¬AW÷1¬~AA÷jkRALe8g¬AD÷1524067200¬ADE÷1524067200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷11¬CX÷Маттерсбург¬ER÷Полуфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷MAT¬AE÷Маттерсбург¬JA÷Eq0v2nGc¬WU÷mattersburg¬AZ÷0¬AG÷0¬AT÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷SAL¬AF÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JB÷86ar16V3¬WV÷salzburg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷0¬BZ÷1¬AH÷1¬AU÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷bNYtzKLK¬AD÷1519846200¬ADE÷1519846200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Рапид¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷RIE¬AF÷Рид¬JB÷ULZIzMPg¬WV÷ried¬AH÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬WM÷RAP¬AE÷Рапид¬JA÷zazFy2Am¬WU÷rapid-vienna¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷2¬BA÷0¬BC÷2¬AW÷1¬~AA÷AcxoZwyR¬AD÷1519842600¬ADE÷1519842600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷SAL¬AE÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JA÷8CYMZuu0¬WU÷salzburg¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷7¬BA÷4¬BC÷3¬WN÷AUS¬AF÷Аустрия Клагенфурт¬JB÷QmTRYaf6¬WV÷a-klagenfurt¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷x8pYyti8¬AD÷1519837200¬ADE÷1519837200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷4QncJKfJ¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷3¬BA÷1¬BC÷2¬WN÷WIM¬AF÷Wimpassing¬JB÷httur4XJ¬WV÷wimpassing¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷Gbqxy06E¬AD÷1519756200¬ADE÷1519756200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Маттерсбург¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷MAT¬AE÷Маттерсбург¬JA÷WWvqsOnQ¬WU÷mattersburg¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷2¬BC÷2¬WN÷HAR¬AF÷Хартберг¬JB÷xEHBxres¬WV÷hartberg¬AH÷1¬BB÷0¬BD÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷rNhxFtps¬AD÷1508956200¬ADE÷1508956200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Аустрия¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷AUS¬AE÷Аустрия¬JA÷pOrtQuA8¬WU÷austria-vienna¬AG÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬WN÷RAP¬AF÷Рапид¬JB÷OEspPaPE¬WV÷rapid-vienna¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷2¬BB÷1¬BD÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷d6Ec8dTO¬AD÷1508954400¬ADE÷1508954400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Аустрия Клагенфурт¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷WAC¬AF÷Вакер Инсбрук¬JB÷Ms3aH8N5¬WV÷wacker-innsbruck¬AH÷2¬BB÷2¬BD÷0¬WM÷AUS¬AE÷Аустрия Клагенфурт¬JA÷8vaeIl8a¬WU÷a-klagenfurt¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷1¬BC÷3¬~AA÷IuokCvUa¬AD÷1508950800¬ADE÷1508950800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Бад Гляйхенберг¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷BAD¬AE÷Бад Гляйхенберг¬JA÷4pHT3kg6¬WU÷bad-gleichenberg¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷SAL¬AF÷Ред Булл Зальцбург¬JB÷ryGX298C¬WV÷salzburg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬BB÷1¬BD÷2¬~AA÷IFFg9xEI¬AD÷1508949000¬ADE÷1508949000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Wimpassing¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷WIM¬AE÷Wimpassing¬JA÷zR0mKAwm¬WU÷wimpassing¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬WN÷WOL¬AF÷Вольфсбергер¬JB÷EHaiJUhg¬WV÷ac-wolfsberger¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬~AA÷C2pgBbq6¬AD÷1508947200¬ADE÷1508947200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Штурм¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷STU¬AE÷Штурм¬JA÷Qa5x2TNI¬WU÷sturm-graz¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷3¬BC÷1¬WN÷ALT¬AF÷Альтах¬JB÷v39t1mwP¬WV÷altach¬AH÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬~AA÷jgqcAIbC¬AD÷1508865120¬ADE÷1508865120¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Рид¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷RIE¬AE÷Рид¬JA÷h6cOPWFP¬WU÷ried¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AJ÷1¬AG÷4¬BA÷2¬BC÷2¬WN÷LAS¬AF÷ЛАСК¬JB÷fFqjLjOt¬WV÷lask-linz¬AK÷1¬AH÷1¬BB÷0¬BD÷1¬~AA÷MDitE0am¬AD÷1508864400¬ADE÷1508864400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Флориан¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷FLO¬AE÷Флориан¬JA÷GA5D7Xgs¬WU÷florian¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷HAR¬AF÷Хартберг¬JB÷EeOG6i9m¬WV÷hartberg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷4¬BB÷2¬BD÷2¬~AA÷4xsoDKEg¬AD÷1508850000¬ADE÷1508850000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Аско Оэдт¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷ASK¬AE÷Аско Оэдт¬JA÷dKDL5BOg¬WU÷asko-oedt¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷MAT¬AF÷Маттерсбург¬JB÷zBCP4Vw0¬WV÷mattersburg¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬BB÷0¬BD÷3¬~
Кубок Австрии по футболу (нем. Cup des Österreichischen Fußball-Bundes (ÖFB-Cup)) — ежегодный кубковый турнир, проводящийся среди австрийских футбольных клубов.
Примечание: Amateur-SV is — это бывшее название Аустрии (Вена).
Аустрия (Вена) | 27 | 1921, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1948, 1949, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 |
Рапид (Вена) | 14 | 1919, 1920, 1927, 1946, 1961, 1968, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1995 |
Адмира Ваккер (Мёдлинг) | 6 | 1928, 1932, 1934, 1947, 1964, 1966 |
Ваккер (Инсбрук) | 6 | 1970, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1993 |
ГАК | 4 | 1981, 2000, 2002, 2004 |
Штурм (Грац) | 4 | 1996, 1997, 1999, 2010 |
Фёрст (Вена) | 3 | 1929, 1930, 1937 |
Wiener AC | 3 | 1931, 1938, 1959 |
Рид | 2 | 1998, 2011 |
Wiener AF | 1 | 1922 |
Винер Шпорт-Клуб (Вена) | 1 | 1923 |
ЛАСК (Линц) | 1 | 1965 |
Kremser SC | 1 | 1988 |
Сваровски-Тироль (Инсбрук) | 1 | 1989 |
SV Stockerau | 1 | 1991 |
FC Kärnten | 1 | 2001 |
Ред Булл (Зальцбург) | 1 | 2012 |
1. Австрия – Austria, officially the Republic of Austria, is a federal republic and a landlocked country of over 8.7 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Hungary and Slovakia to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, the territory of Austria covers 83,879 km2. The terrain is mountainous, lying within the Alps, only 32% of the country is below 500 m. The majority of the population speaks local Bavarian dialects of German as their native language, other local official languages are Hungarian, Burgenland Croatian, and Slovene. The origins of modern-day Austria date back to the time of the Habsburg dynasty, from the time of the Reformation, many northern German princes, resenting the authority of the Emperor, used Protestantism as a flag of rebellion. Following Napoleons defeat, Prussia emerged as Austrias chief competitor for rule of a greater Germany, Austrias defeat by Prussia at the Battle of Königgrätz, during the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, cleared the way for Prussia to assert control over the rest of Germany. In 1867, the empire was reformed into Austria-Hungary, Austria was thus the first to go to war in the July Crisis, which would ultimately escalate into World War I. The First Austrian Republic was established in 1919, in 1938 Nazi Germany annexed Austria in the Anschluss. This lasted until the end of World War II in 1945, after which Germany was occupied by the Allies, in 1955, the Austrian State Treaty re-established Austria as a sovereign state, ending the occupation. In the same year, the Austrian Parliament created the Declaration of Neutrality which declared that the Second Austrian Republic would become permanently neutral, today, Austria is a parliamentary representative democracy comprising nine federal states. The capital and largest city, with a population exceeding 1.7 million, is Vienna, other major urban areas of Austria include Graz, Linz, Salzburg and Innsbruck. Austria is one of the richest countries in the world, with a nominal per capita GDP of $43,724, the country has developed a high standard of living and in 2014 was ranked 21st in the world for its Human Development Index. Austria has been a member of the United Nations since 1955, joined the European Union in 1995, Austria also signed the Schengen Agreement in 1995, and adopted the euro currency in 1999. The German name for Austria, Österreich, meant eastern realm in Old High German, and is cognate with the word Ostarrîchi and this word is probably a translation of Medieval Latin Marchia orientalis into a local dialect. Austria was a prefecture of Bavaria created in 976, the word Austria is a Latinisation of the German name and was first recorded in the 12th century. Accordingly, Norig would essentially mean the same as Ostarrîchi and Österreich, the Celtic name was eventually Latinised to Noricum after the Romans conquered the area that encloses most of modern-day Austria, around 15 BC. Noricum later became a Roman province in the mid-first century AD, heers hypothesis is not accepted by linguists. Settled in ancient times, the Central European land that is now Austria was occupied in pre-Roman times by various Celtic tribes, the Celtic kingdom of Noricum was later claimed by the Roman Empire and made a province
2. Аустрия (футбольный клуб, Вена) – Fußballklub Austria Wien, is an Austrian association football club from the capital city of Vienna. It has won 24 Austrian Bundesliga titles, surpassed only by cross-city rival Rapid Wien and these two clubs are the only sides that have never been relegated from the Austrian top flight. With 27 victories in the Austrian Cup and six in the Austrian Supercup, the club reached the UEFA Cup Winners Cup final in 1978, and the semi-finals of the European Cup the season after. The club plays at the Franz Horr Stadium, known as the Generali Arena since a 2010 naming rights deal with an Italian insurance company, FK Austria Wien has its roots in Wiener Cricketer established on 20 October 1910 in Vienna. The club was renamed Wiener Amateur-SV in December of that year, the team claimed its first championship title in 1924. Wiener Amateur changed its name to Austria Wien in 1926 as the amateurs had become professionals, the club won its second league title that year. The 1930s, one of Austria Wiens most successful eras, brought two titles in the Mitropa Cup, a tournament for champions in Central Europe, the star of that side was forward Matthias Sindelar, who was voted in 1998 as the greatest Austrian footballer. The clubs success was interrupted by the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany in 1938, while Jewish players and staff at the club were killed or fled the country, Sindelar died under unresolved circumstances on 23 January 1939 of carbon monoxide poisoning in his apartment. He had refused to play for the combined Germany-Austria national team, citing injury, the club was part of the top-flight regional Gauliga Ostmark in German competition from 1938–45, but never finished higher than fourth. They took part in play for the Tschammerpokal, predecessor to the modern-day DFB-Pokal in 1938 and 1941, Austria Wien won its first league title for 23 years in 1949, and retained it the following year. It later won a title, in 1953. The club won 16 titles in 33 seasons between 1960 and 1993, starting with a hat-trick of titles, forward Ernst Ocwirk, who played in five league title-winning sides in two separate spells at the club, managed the side to 1969 and 1970 Bundesliga titles. Other players of this era included Horst Nemec, the results of the joint team are part of the Austria Wien football history. The 1970s saw the beginning of another era, despite no league title between 1970 and 1976 as an aging squad was rebuilt. Eight league titles in the 11 seasons from 1975–76 to 1985–86 reasserted its dominance, after winning the 1977 Austrian Cup national Cup, Austria Wien reached the 1978 European Cup Winners Cup Final, which it lost 4–0 to Belgian club Anderlecht. The following season, the reached the semi-finals of the European Cup. In 1982–83, Austria Wien reached the semi-finals of the Cup Winners Cup, at the start of the 1990s, Austria Wien enjoyed its most recent period of sustained success, a hat-trick of Bundesliga titles, three cup titles, and four Super cup titles. The club declined in the late 1990s due to problems which caused key players to be sold
3. Футбол – Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies making it the worlds most popular sport, the game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal, players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, the team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, the Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in 1863. Association football is governed internationally by the International Federation of Association Football, the first written reference to the inflated ball used in the game was in the mid-14th century, Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe. The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word soccer was split off in 1863, according to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford -er abbreviation of the word association. Within the English-speaking world, association football is now usually called football in the United Kingdom and mainly soccer in Canada and the United States. People in Australia, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand use either or both terms, although national associations in Australia and New Zealand now primarily use football for the formal name. According to FIFA, the Chinese competitive game cuju is the earliest form of football for which there is scientific evidence, cuju players could use any part of the body apart from hands and the intent was kicking a ball through an opening into a net. It was remarkably similar to football, though similarities to rugby occurred. During the Han Dynasty, cuju games were standardised and rules were established, phaininda and episkyros were Greek ball games. An image of an episkyros player depicted in low relief on a vase at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens appears on the UEFA European Championship Cup, athenaeus, writing in 228 AD, referenced the Roman ball game harpastum. Phaininda, episkyros and harpastum were played involving hands and violence and they all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football. As with pre-codified mob football, the antecedent of all football codes. Non-competitive games included kemari in Japan, chuk-guk in Korea and woggabaliri in Australia, Association football in itself does not have a classical history. Notwithstanding any similarities to other games played around the world FIFA have recognised that no historical connection exists with any game played in antiquity outside Europe. The modern rules of football are based on the mid-19th century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played in the public schools of England
4. Австрийский футбольный союз – The Austrian Football Association is the governing body of football in Austria. It organises the league, Austrian Bundesliga, the Austrian Cup. It is based in the capital, Vienna, since 1905, it has been a FIFA member, and since 1954, a UEFA member. Since 7 April 2002, Friedrich Stickler, the director of executive committee of the Austrian lottery, has been the President of the Austrian Football Association, supporting him is its President, Kurt Ehrenberger, Frank Stronach, Dr. Gerhard Kapl, and Dr. Leo Windtner. In 2004, it was announced there are 285,000 players in Austria playing for 2,309 teams in the federation, thus the federation is the largest sporting organisation the country. Football is, perhaps with the exception of skiing, the most popular sport in Austria, Football possesses a large value, and has a rich history and tradition in Austria. In 1894, the First Vienna Football Club, the first football team in Austria, were founded in Vienna, from this nucleus, the Austrian Football Association was established in 1904. One year after the establishment, Austria became a member of the football federation FIFA. Hugo Meisl was one of the personalities in the early years of the Austrian Football Association, becoming General-Secretary. At the 1936 Summer Olympics, his team won Silver after losing 2-1Italy, meisls team, nicknamed the Wunderteam, remained unbeaten from 12 April 1931 to 23 October 1932 in 14 successive matches. The highlights of this series were the 6-0 and 5-0 victories against Germany, the 1950s saw more achievements with their well-known football greats such as Ernst Ocwirk, Ernst Happel, Gerhard Hanappi and Walter Zeman. The FIFA World Cup 1954 ranks among being most successful in Austrian Football Association history, twenty years after being in 4th place in the FIFA World Cup 1934 held in Italy, Austria returned to the circle of the best teams again. Leo Windtner Austrian Football Association Austria at FIFA site Austria at UEFA site
5. Аншлюс – Anschluss is the term used to describe the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in March 1938. German spelling, until the German orthography reform of 1996, was Anschluß, the idea of an Anschluss began after the Unification of Germany excluded Austria and the Austrian Germans from the Prussian-dominated German nation-state in 1871. Austria was annexed by Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938, there had been several years of pressure from supporters in Austria and Germany for the Heim ins Reich movement. Earlier, Nazi Germany had provided support for the Austrian National Socialist Party in its bid to seize power from Austrias Fatherland Front government. Infuriated, on 11 March, Adolf Hitler threatened invasion of Austria, and demanded Chancellor von Schuschniggs resignation, Hitlers plan was for Seyss-Inquart to call immediately for German troops to rush to Austrias aid, restoring order and giving the invasion an air of legitimacy. In the face of threat, Schuschnigg informed Seyss-Inquart that the plebiscite would be cancelled. Nevertheless, the German Führer underestimated his opposition, Schuschnigg did resign on the evening of 11 March, but President Wilhelm Miklas refused to appoint Seyss-Inquart as Chancellor. At 8,45 pm, Hitler, tired of waiting, around 10 pm, a forged telegram was sent in Seyss-Inquarts name asking for German troops, since he was not yet Chancellor and was unable to do so himself. Seyss-Inquart was not installed as Chancellor until after midnight, when Miklas resigned himself to the inevitable, clearly it was Hitler, and not Schuschnigg, who was terrified by the potential results of the scheduled plebiscite, and that was the best indication of where Austrians loyalty lay. The newly installed Nazis, within two days, transferred power to Germany, and Wehrmacht troops entered Austria to enforce the Anschluss, Austrian citizens of Jewish origin were not allowed to vote. No military confrontation took place, and even the strongest voices against the annexation, particularly Fascist Italy, France, the loudest verbal protest was voiced by the government of Mexico. Although Austria had never been a part of the German Empire, Austria was predominantly ethnically German, prior to annexing Austria in 1938, Nazi Germany had remilitarized the Rhineland, and the Saar region was returned to Germany after 15 years of occupation through a plebiscite. In March 1939, Hitler then dismantled Czechoslovakia by recognising the independence of Slovakia and that same year, Memelland was returned from Lithuania. With the Anschluss, the Republic of Austria ceased to exist as an independent state, at the end of World War II, a Provisional Austrian Government under Karl Renner was set up by conservatives, social democrats and communists on 27 April 1945. It cancelled the Anschluss the same day and was recognized by the Allies in the following months. In 1955 the Austrian State Treaty re-established Austria as a sovereign state, the idea of grouping all Germans into a nation-state country had been the subject of debate in the 19th century from the ending of the Holy Roman Empire until the ending of the German Confederation. Austria had wanted a Großdeutsche Lösung, whereby the German states would be united under the leadership of the Austrian Germans and this solution would include all the German states, but Prussia would have to take second place. This controversy, called dualism, dominated Prusso-Austrian diplomacy and the politics of the German states, by 1871, the decision was to form a kleindeutsch German Empire based on Prussia and excluding Austria
6. Чемпионат Европы по футболу 2008 – It took place in Austria and Switzerland from 7 to 29 June 2008. The tournament was won by Spain, who defeated Germany 1–0 in the final, Spain were only the second nation to win all their group stage fixtures and then the European Championship itself - an accomplishment matched by France in 1984. Spain were also the first team since Germany in 1996 to win the tournament undefeated, Greece were the defending champions going into the tournament, having won UEFA Euro 2004. They recorded the worst finish in Euro 2008, losing their three fixtures and collecting the least amount of prize money. Throughout 31 matches, the participating nations totalled 77 goals, the same as the previous tournament, Austria and Switzerland automatically qualified as hosts, the remaining 14 teams were determined through qualifying matches, which began in August 2006. As European champions, Spain earned the right to compete for the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup in South Africa, Austria had previously bid to host Euro 2004 with Hungary, but they eventually lost out to Portugal. Austria/Switzerland, Greece/Turkey, and Hungary were recommended before the final vote, Greece and Turkey were rejected and let Hungary and Austria/Switzerland battle for the win. The Austria/Switzerland bid is the successful joint bid in the competitions history, following the UEFA Euro 2000 hosted by Belgium. The following tournament, held in Poland and Ukraine, became the third jointly hosted tournament, qualification for Euro 2008 started in August 2006, just over a month after the end of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. England was the only seeded team not to qualify for the tournament proper, in contrast, Germany and Portugal were deemed to have an easy draw, as the tournament structure meant they could not meet Italy, France, the Netherlands or Spain until the final. In the group stage, Croatia, Spain and the Netherlands all qualified with maximum points, Austria and Switzerland were not expected to progress, despite the advantage of being the hosts. In Group A, the Swiss lost their captain, Alexander Frei, to injury in their first game and became the first team to be eliminated from the tournament, Switzerland managed to beat the group winner Portugal in their last game. In Group B, Austria managed to set up a final game against Germany. However, they lost by one goal, making Euro 2008 the first European Championship not to have one of the host nations present in the knockout phase, in the same game, goalkeeper Volkan Demirel was shown a red card for pushing Czech striker Jan Koller to the ground. The Turks joined Portugal as the qualifiers from Group A, France were the high-profile victims of Group C, recording just one point from a goalless draw against Romania in their opening game. Italy beat the French, on the day, to finish on four points. Finally, in Group D, Greece failed to reproduce the form of their shock 2004 win, Russia qualified at the expense of Sweden, after beating them in a final game decider, joining Spain in the knockout phase. Turkey continued their streak of wins, equalising at the end of extra-time against Croatia
7. Рапид (футбольный клуб, Вена) – Sportklub Rapid Wien, often called Rapid Vienna in English, is an Austrian football club playing in the countrys capital city of Vienna. Rapid is the most successful Austrian club in terms of titles, it has won 32 Austrian league titles. Rapid twice reached the final of the European Cup Winners Cup in 1985 and 1996, the club was founded in 1897 as Erster Wiener Arbeiter-Fußball-Club. The teams original colours were red and blue, which are often used in away matches. On 8 January 1899 the club was renamed, taking on its present name of Sportklub Rapid Wien, in 1904, the team colours were changed to green and white. The club won Austrias first ever championship in 1911–12 by a single point. Rapid became a dominant force during the years between the wars, an era in which Austria was one of the leading football nations on the continent. It won its first hat-trick of titles from 1919 to 1921, Rapid would be the most successful of these clubs. The team was able to overcome a 3–0 Schalke lead to win the match 4–3, as the winners of the 1954–55 season, Rapid were Austrias entrant for the inaugural European Cup in the following season. They were drawn in the first round against PSV Eindhoven of the Netherlands, despite losing the away leg 1–0. The club still advanced to a quarter-final, where they started with a 1–1 home draw against Italys AC Milan before being defeated 7–2 in the match at the San Siro. Rapids best performance in the European Cup came in the 1960–61 season when they reached the semi-final before being eliminated by eventual winners S. L, benfica of Portugal 4–1 on aggregate. Previously, in the quarter-final, the club required a replay to eliminate East German club Aue from the tournament after a 3–3 aggregate draw. The modern away goals rule would have seen Aue advance without needing the replay, held at the St Jakob Park in neutral Basel, the club was involved in a controversial episode in 1984 when they eliminated Scottish club Celtic from the European Cup Winners Cup last 16. Celtic were leading 4–3 on aggregate with 14 minutes left in the match, as the Rapid players protested to the match officials, their defender Rudolf Weinhofer then fell to the ground, and claimed to have been hit by a bottle thrown from the stands. Television images clearly showed that a bottle was thrown onto the pitch, the match finished 4–3, but Rapid appealed to UEFA for a replay, and both teams were fined. The replay appeal was turned down initially, but Rapid appealed for a second time, on this occasion, Rapids fine was doubled but UEFA also stipulated that the game be replayed 100 miles away from Celtics ground. The game was held on 12 December 1984 at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, Rapid reached its first European final in 1985, losing 3–1 in the Cup Winners Cup Final to Everton of England in Rotterdam
8. Вена – Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austrias primary city, with a population of about 1.8 million, and its cultural, economic and it is the 7th-largest city by population within city limits in the European Union. Today, it has the second largest number of German speakers after Berlin, Vienna is host to many major international organizations, including the United Nations and OPEC. The city is located in the part of Austria and is close to the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia. These regions work together in a European Centrope border region, along with nearby Bratislava, Vienna forms a metropolitan region with 3 million inhabitants. In 2001, the city centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, apart from being regarded as the City of Music because of its musical legacy, Vienna is also said to be The City of Dreams because it was home to the worlds first psycho-analyst – Sigmund Freud. The citys roots lie in early Celtic and Roman settlements that transformed into a Medieval and Baroque city and it is well known for having played an essential role as a leading European music centre, from the great age of Viennese Classicism through the early part of the 20th century. The historic centre of Vienna is rich in architectural ensembles, including Baroque castles and gardens, Vienna is known for its high quality of life. In a 2005 study of 127 world cities, the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked the city first for the worlds most liveable cities, between 2011 and 2015, Vienna was ranked second, behind Melbourne, Australia. Monocles 2015 Quality of Life Survey ranked Vienna second on a list of the top 25 cities in the world to make a base within, the UN-Habitat has classified Vienna as being the most prosperous city in the world in 2012/2013. Vienna regularly hosts urban planning conferences and is used as a case study by urban planners. Between 2005 and 2010, Vienna was the worlds number-one destination for international congresses and it attracts over 3.7 million tourists a year. The English name Vienna is borrowed from the homonymous Italian version of the name or the French Vienne. The etymology of the name is still subject to scholarly dispute. Some claim that the name comes from Vedunia, meaning forest stream, which produced the Old High German Uuenia. A variant of this Celtic name could be preserved in the Czech and Slovak names of the city, the name of the city in Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian and Ottoman Turkish has a different, probably Slavonic origin, and originally referred to an Avar fort in the area. Slovene-speakers call the city Dunaj, which in other Central European Slavic languages means the Danube River, evidence has been found of continuous habitation since 500 BC, when the site of Vienna on the Danube River was settled by the Celts. In 15 BC, the Romans fortified the city they called Vindobona to guard the empire against Germanic tribes to the north
9. Винер Шпорт-Клуб (футбольный клуб) – The Wiener Sport-Club or Wiener SK, commonly referred to simply as WSC, was established in 1883 playing in club colours of black and white. It is one of the Austrian capital Viennas oldest athletics clubs, at various times throughout its history the club has had departments for fencing, boxing, wrestling, cycling, handball, track and field, field hockey, tennis, football and water polo. Of these only the football and fencing departments remain active alongside the recently formed water polo section, the football team enjoyed success in Austria National Championship in 1922,1958 and 1959. Their 1958 season included an impressive 7-0 victory over Juventus in European Champions Cup, two bankruptcies in the 1990s eventually led the team to slip into the lower leagues. In the early 2000s the football division split off as Wiener Sportklub the team of which plays in the Austrian Regional League East. Player, and later, coach and manager Erich Hof is the legend according to the supporters. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality
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Кубок Австрии по футболу (нем. Cup des Österreichischen Fußball-Bundes (ÖFB-Cup)) — ежегодный кубковый турнир, проводящийся среди австрийских футбольных клубов.
Проводится с 1919 года. Организатором этого соревнования является Австрийский футбольный союз. Турнир не проводился во времена аншлюса (1939—1945) и в период между 1950-ым и 1958-ым годами, когда ассоциация считала этот турнир неинтересным. В 2008 году из-за Чемпионат Европы, который прошёл на полях Австрии, в кубке смогли принять участие только любительские команды. Чаще всех (27 раз) в этом турнире побеждала венская «Аустрия». C сезона 2010/11 по имени главного спонсора, южнокорейского промышленного концерна Samsung, турнир получил официальное наименование ÖFB-Samsung-Cup.Примечание: Amateur-SV is — это бывшее название Аустрии (Вена).
Аустрия (Вена) | 27 | 1921, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1948, 1949, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 |
Рапид (Вена) | 14 | 1919, 1920, 1927, 1946, 1961, 1968, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1995 |
Адмира Ваккер (Мёдлинг) | 6 | 1928, 1932, 1934, 1947, 1964, 1966 |
Ваккер (Инсбрук) | 6 | 1970, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1993 |
ГАК | 4 | 1981, 2000, 2002, 2004 |
Штурм (Грац) | 4 | 1996, 1997, 1999, 2010 |
Фёрст (Вена) | 3 | 1929, 1930, 1937 |
Wiener AC | 3 | 1931, 1938, 1959 |
Рид | 2 | 1998, 2011 |
Wiener AF | 1 | 1922 |
Винер Шпорт-Клуб (Вена) | 1 | 1923 |
ЛАСК (Линц) | 1 | 1965 |
Kremser SC | 1 | 1988 |
Сваровски-Тироль (Инсбрук) | 1 | 1989 |
SV Stockerau | 1 | 1991 |
FC Kärnten | 1 | 2001 |
Ред Булл (Зальцбург) | 1 | 2012 |