Нидерланды - Первый дивизион
Украина - Высшая лигаВыберите турнирКубок Первого каналаКубок ИнтертотоКубок РЖДУкраина - Высшая лигаВыберите турнирКубок Первого каналаКубок африканских нацийКубок ИнтертотоКубок РЖДУкраина - Премьер-лигаВыберите турнирКубок конфедерацийУкраина - Премьер-лигаКубок УкраиныСуперкубок УкраиныВыберите турнирКубок африканских нацийТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Клубный чемпионат мираУкраина - Премьер-лигаКубок УкраиныСуперкубок УкраиныВыберите турнирКубок АзииТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Товарищеские матчи U21Копа дель СольМарбелья КапТоварищеские матчи (клубы)Золотой кубок КОНКАКАФВорлд Футбол ЧелленджАуди КапКлубный чемпионат мираУкраина - Премьер-лигаУкраина - Первая лигаУкраина - Молодёжное первенствоКубок УкраиныСуперкубок УкраиныУкраина - Переходные матчиВыберите турнирКубок африканских нацийПортугалия - ПримейраНидерланды - ЭредивизияТоварищеские матчи (клубы)Дубай КапКопа дель СольТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Марбелья КапТоварищеские матчи U21Португалия - Кубок лигиКубок ПортугалииСуперкубок ПортугалииВорлд Футбол ЧелленджНидерланды - Плей-офф за ЛЕКлубный чемпионат мираУкраина - Премьер-лигаУкраина - Молодёжное первенствоУкраина - Первая лигаСуперкубок УкраиныВыберите турнирПортугалия - ПримейраКубок УкраиныТурция - СуперлигаНидерланды - ЭредивизияБельгия - Лига ЖюпилеШотландия - Премьер-лигаКубок ПортугалииКубок конфедерацийКубок африканских нацийТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Товарищеские матчи (клубы)Копа дель СольТоварищеские матчи U21Бельгия - Плей-офф за право остатьсяБельгия - Плей-офф за ЛЕБельгия - Плей-офф чемпионовЗолотой кубок КОНКАКАФБельгия - Переходной турнирНидерланды - Плей-офф за ЛЕОбъединенный турнирСуперкубок ПортугалииСуперкубок БельгииСуперкубок НидерландовСуперкубок ТурцииАуди КапКлубный чемпионат мираУкраина - Премьер-лигаСуперкубок УкраиныВыберите турнирУкраина - Молодёжное первенствоПортугалия - ПримейраБельгия - Лига ЖюпилеНидерланды - ЭредивизияШотландия - Премьер-лигаТурция - СуперлигаУкраина - Первая лигаКубок УкраиныТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Объединённый СуперкубокТоварищеские матчи U21Товарищеские матчи (клубы)Португалия - Кубок лигиКубок ПортугалииБельгия - Плей-офф чемпионовБельгия - Плей-офф за ЛЕБельгия - Плей-офф за право остатьсяФинляндия - ВейккауслиигаБельгия - Переходной турнирНидерланды - Переходной турнирНидерланды - Плей-офф за ЛЕПереходные матчиШотландия - Переходной турнирМеждународный кубок чемпионовСуперкубок БельгииСуперкубок НидерландовЭмирейтс КапКубок Шальке-04Суперкубок ПортугалииСуперкубок ТурцииБеларусь - Высшая лигаКлубный чемпионат мираВыберите турнирКубок АзииУкраина - Премьер-лигаНидерланды - ЭредивизияБельгия - Лига ЖюпилеШотландия - Премьер-лигаПортугалия - ПримейраУкраина - Первая лигаТурция - СуперлигаКубок УкраиныАвстрия - БундеслигаГреция - СуперлигаШвейцария - СуперлигаСербия - СуперлигаКубок африканских нацийТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Товарищеские матчи (клубы)Кубок ПортугалииПортугалия - Кубок лигиБеларусь - Высшая лигаФинляндия - ВейккауслиигаMLS - Высшая лига футболаКазахстан - Премьер-лигаЛатвия - Высшая лигаЛитва - А лигаУзбекистан - ПФЛБолгария - Группа АКитай - СуперлигаБельгия - Переходной турнирШвеция - АллсвенсканНорвегия - ТиппелигаАвстралия - А-лигаПольша - ЭкстраклассаНидерланды - Переходной турнирХорватия - Первая лигаДания - СуперлигаШотландия - Переходный турнирЧехия - Высшая лигаВенгрия - ОТР Банк ЛигаСловакия - СуперлигаАзербайджан - Премьер-лигаРумыния - Лига 1Армения - Премьер-лигаЗолотой кубок КОНКАКАФГрузия - Высшая лигаМексика - Лига МХЯпония - Джей-лигаСуперкубок УкраиныСуперкубок НидерландовСуперкубок ПортугалииСуперкубок БельгииСуперкубок ТурцииМеждународный кубок чемпионовЭмирейтс КапАуди КапКлубный чемпионат мираВыберите турнирУкраина - Премьер-лигаПортугалия - ПримейраПортугалия - СегундаКубок ПортугалииСуперкубок ПортугалииНидерланды - ЭредивизияНидерланды - Переходной турнирКубок НидерландовСуперкубок НидерландовMLS - Высшая лига футболаТурция - СуперлигаБельгия - Лига ЖюпилеСуперкубок БельгииАвстралия - А-лигаАвстрия - БундеслигаАзербайджан - Премьер-лигаАрмения - Премьер-лигаБеларусь - Высшая лигаБолгария - Группа АБосния и Герцеговина - Премьер-лигаВенгрия - OTP Банк ЛигаГреция - СуперлигаГрузия - Высшая лигаДания - СуперлигаИрландия - Высшая лигаКазахстан - Премьер-лигаКитай - СуперлигаЛатвия - Высшая лигаЛитва - А лигаМексика - Лига МХСуперкубок МексикиНорвегия - ТиппелигаПольша - ЭкстраклассаРумыния - Лига 1Сербия - СуперлигаСловакия - СуперлигаУзбекистан - ПФЛФинляндия - ВейккауслиигаХорватия - Первая лигаЧехия - Высшая лигаШвейцария - СуперлигаШвеция - АллсвенсканШотландия - Премьер-лигаШотландия - Переходный турнирЯпония - Джей-лигаУкраина - Первая лигаРоссия - Премьер-лига КФСКубок УкраиныТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Товарищеские матчи (клубы)Международный кубок чемпионовГрузия - Высшая лигаСуперкубок УкраиныЧМ-2016 - футзалКлубный чемпионат мираУкраина - Премьер-лигаВыберите турнирКубок конфедерацийПортугалия - ПримейраПортугалия - СегундаКубок ПортугалииПортугалия - Кубок лигиСуперкубок ПортугалииНидерланды - ЭредивизияНидерланды - Переходной турнирКубок НидерландовСуперкубок НидерландовMLS - Высшая лига футболаТурция - СуперлигаБельгия - Лига ЖюпилеКубок БельгииСуперкубок БельгииАвстралия - А-лигаАвстрия - БундеслигаКубок АвстрииАзербайджан - Премьер-лигаКубок АзербайджанаАрмения - Премьер-лигаБеларусь - Высшая лигаКубок БеларусиБолгария - Группа АБосния и Герцеговина - Премьер-лигаВенгрия - OTP Банк ЛигаГреция - СуперлигаДания - СуперлигаИрландия - Высшая лигаКазахстан - Премьер-лигаКитай - СуперлигаЛатвия - Высшая лигаЛитва - А лигаМексика - Лига МХСуперкубок МексикиНорвегия - ТиппелигаПольша - ЭкстраклассаРумыния - Лига 1Сербия - СуперлигаСловакия - СуперлигаУзбекистан - ПФЛФинляндия - ВейккауслиигаХорватия - Первая лигаЧехия - Высшая лигаШвейцария - СуперлигаШвеция - АллсвенсканШотландия - Премьер-лигаШотландия - Переходный турнирШотландия - Кубок лигиЯпония - Джей-лигаСуперкубок ЯпонииРоссия - Премьер-лига КФСУкраина - Первая лигаКубок УкраиныЦентральноамериканский кубокКубок африканских нацийТоварищеские матчи (сборные)Товарищеские матчи (клубы)Грузия - Высшая лигаЛига чемпионов АФКЗолотой кубок КОНКАКАФБельгия - Плей-офф за Лигу ЕвропыМеждународный кубок чемпионовЭмирейтс КапСуперкубок УкраиныАуди КапКлубный чемпионат мираВыберите турнирУкраина - Премьер-лигаПортугалия - ПримейраПортугалия - СегундаКубок ПортугалииПортугалия - Кубок лигиНидерланды - ЭредивизияНидерланды - Первый дивизионНидерланды - Переходной турнирMLS - Высшая лига футболаТурция - СуперлигаБельгия - Лига ЖюпилеКубок БельгииАвстралия - А-лигаАвстрия - БундеслигаКубок АвстрииАзербайджан - Премьер-лигаКубок АзербайджанаАрмения - Премьер-лигаБеларусь - Высшая лигаКубок БеларусиБолгария - Группа АКубок БолгарииБосния и Герцеговина - Премьер-лигаВенгрия - OTP Банк ЛигаГреция - СуперлигаКубок ГрецииГрузия - Высшая лигаДания - СуперлигаИрландия - Высшая лигаКазахстан - Премьер-лигаЛатвия - Высшая лигаЛитва - А лигаМексика - Лига МХНорвегия - ТиппелигаПольша - ЭкстраклассаРумыния - Лига 1Сербия - СуперлигаСловакия - СуперлигаУзбекистан - ПФЛУэльс - Премьер-лигаФинляндия - ВейккауслиигаХорватия - Первая лигаЧерногория - Первая лигаЧехия - Высшая лигаШвейцария - СуперлигаШвеция - АллсвенсканШотландия - Премьер-лигаЯпония - Джей-лигаРоссия - Премьер-лига КФСКубок УкраиныУкраина - Первая лигаШотландия - Кубок лигиИзраиль - Премьер-лигаКубок НидерландовКипр - Первый дивизионТоварищеские матчи (клубы)Товарищеские матчи (сборные)Китай - СуперлигаЛига чемпионов АФКБельгия - Плей-офф за Лигу ЕвропыШотландия - Переходный турнирПереходные матчиЛига наций УЕФА - Лига AЛига наций УЕФА - Лига BЛига наций УЕФА - Лига CЛига наций УЕФА - Лига D
ТурнирКомандыКалендарь игрТурнирная таблицаРезультаты матчейСтатистика игроковТренерыСтадионыСудьи
Волендам, Нидерланды
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Football Club Volendam | |
Het Andere Oranje (другие оранжевые) | |
1920 | |
Крас, Волендам | |
7384 | |
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Эрстедивизи | |
14-е место | |
«Волендам» (нидерл. Football Club Volendam) — футбольный клуб из деревни Волендам, Нидерланды. Основан 1 июня 1920 года под названием «Виктория», нынешнее название команда получила в 1923 году.
В сезоне 2017/18 клуб выступал в Эрстедивизи — Первом дивизионе Нидерландов, заняв 14-е место.
Клуб был основан 1 июня 1920 года под названием «Виктория». В то время команда выступала в красно-чёрных полосатых рубашках и чёрных трусах[1]. В 1923 году команда была переименована в «Волендам», у клуба также поменялся и цвет формы, на оранжевый цвет[1]. В связи с тем, что клуб находился в католической деревне Волендаме, команда довольно скоро присоединилась к Католической футбольной ассоциации Нидерландов[1].
В 1935 и 1938 году «Волендам» выигрывал чемпионат Католической футбольной ассоциации Нидерландов[1]. В годы Второй мировой войны клуб был вынужден присоединиться к Королевской футбольной федерации Нидерландов[1]. В 1955 году «Волендам» вступил в Высший дивизион Нидерландов, который получил статус профессиональной лиги[1].
Команда сразу заслужила репутацию клуба, который то покидает высший дивизион, то вновь возвращаться, и так на притяжении всей истории клуба. На протяжении многих лет, клуб славится отличными воспитанниками клуба, «Волендам» «вырастил» таких игроков как Вима Йонка, Эдвина Зутебира, а также братьев Арнольда и Герри Мюрена. «Волендам» имеет отличную программу подготовки молодых игроков.
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Football Club Volendam | |
Het Andere Oranje (другие оранжевые) | |
1920 | |
Крас, Волендам | |
7384 | |
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Эрстедивизи | |
14-е место | |
«Волендам» (нидерл. Football Club Volendam) — футбольный клуб из деревни Волендам, Нидерланды. Основан 1 июня 1920 года под названием «Виктория», нынешнее название команда получила в 1923 году.
В сезоне 2017/18 клуб выступал в Эрстедивизи — Первом дивизионе Нидерландов, заняв 14-е место.
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Клуб был основан 1 июня 1920 года под названием «Виктория». В то время команда выступала в красно-чёрных полосатых рубашках и чёрных трусах[1]. В 1923 году команда была переименована в «Волендам», у клуба также поменялся и цвет формы, на оранжевый цвет[1]. В связи с тем, что клуб находился в католической деревне Волендаме, команда довольно скоро присоединилась к Католической футбольной ассоциации Нидерландов[1].
Стадион Крас
В 1935 и 1938 году «Волендам» выигрывал чемпионат Католической футбольной ассоциации Нидерландов[1]. В годы Второй мировой войны клуб был вынужден присоединиться к Королевской футбольной федерации Нидерландов[1]. В 1955 году «Волендам» вступил в Высший дивизион Нидерландов, который получил статус профессиональной лиги[1].
Команда сразу заслужила репутацию клуба, который то покидает высший дивизион, то вновь возвращаться, и так на притяжении всей истории клуба. На протяжении многих лет, клуб славится отличными воспитанниками клуба, «Волендам» «вырастил» таких игроков как Вима Йонка, Эдвина Зутебира, а также братьев Арнольда и Герри Мюрена. «Волендам» имеет отличную программу подготовки молодых игроков.
1. Волендам – Volendam is a town in North Holland in the Netherlands, in the municipality of Edam-Volendam. The town has about 22,000 inhabitants, originally, Volendam was the location of the harbor of the nearby Edam, which was situated at the mouth of the IJ bay. In 1357, the inhabitants of Edam dug a canal to the Zuiderzee with its own separate harbor. This removed the need for the harbor, which was then dammed and used for land reclamation. Farmers and local fishermen settled there, forming the new community of Vollendam, in the early part of the 20th century it became something of an artists retreat, with both Picasso and Renoir spending time here. The majority of the population belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, historically, many missionaries and bishops grew up in Volendam. Today there is the chapel of Our Lady of the Water, in the New Years night of 2000 to 2001, the lighting of a bundle of sparklers caused a short but intense fire at a party in café De Hemel. The sparklers ignited the dry Christmas decorations on the ceiling, which fell down in their entirety,14 people died and 200 people were seriously injured. Volendam is a popular tourist attraction in the Netherlands, well known for its old fishing boats and the traditional clothing still worn by some residents. The womens costume of Volendam, with its high, pointed bonnet, is one of the most recognizable of the Dutch traditional costumes, there is a regular ferry connection to Marken, a peninsula close by. Volendam also features a museum about its history and clothing style. Volendam was used as a spot for shooting in the well received 2014 Indian Movie, Queen, the owner of the food shop was an Italian Marco Canadea. Working with Marco was Mish Boyko as Oleksander, Jeffrey Ho as Taka, the role of Queen was played by the famous Indian Actress Kangana Ranaut. FC Volendam is a club based in Volendam, which has regularly played in the Dutch Eredivisie. Volendam is also known for its distinctive music, which is called Palingsound in reference to Volendams status as fishing village. During the 1960s, the local group The Cats was a popular group in the Netherlands. Another band from Volendam was BZN, which became popular in the late 1960s, in 1995 BZN performed a duet with the ten-year-old Jan Smit, who quickly became a celebrity in his own right. The popular music groups 3JS and Nick & Simon are famously from Volendam, whose members have all participated in local musical performances through the years
2. Первый дивизион Нидерландов по футболу – The Eerste Divisie is the second-highest tier of football in the Netherlands. It is linked with the top-level Eredivisie and with the third-level Tweede Divisie via promotion/relegation systems and it is also known as the Jupiler League due to sponsorship, which is the same name as the top league in Belgium. It is now named after Jupiler Pils, previously, it was most recently known as the Gouden Gids Divisie after a sponsorship deal with the Dutch Yellow Pages. The Eerste Divisie consists of 20 clubs, who each other in a double round-robin league, with each club playing the other club home. Each club plays every other club once in the first half of the season before the league takes a break around the Christmas. The second half of the sees the same fixtures as the first half, with the stadiums changed. At the end of season, the champion of the Eerste Divisie is automatically promoted to the Eredivisie. Eight other clubs enter the Nacompetitie, a playoff that includes the 16th-. The following teams qualify for the Nacompetitie, The club with the best record in the first period of the season, the club with the best record in the second period of the season. The club with the best record in the period of the season. The club with the best record in the period of the season. The two remaining spots are filled at the end by the highest-placed clubs that have not already earned automatic promotion or qualified for the Nacompetitie. If the club wins a period has qualified for the Nacompetitie by winning a previous period. Usually, the clubs that qualify for the Nacompetitie turn out to be the 2nd- through 9th-placed clubs in the final table, clubs in the Nacompetitie face each other in a knock-out system with the numbers 16 and 17 of the Eredivisie for two places in next seasons Eredivisie. Between seasons 1971/1972 and 2007/2009 teams could not relegate from the Eerste Divisie, from the 2009/2010 season onwards, one team has been relegated from the Eerste Divisie to the Hoofdklasse. From the 2010/2011 to 2015/2016 seasons, the KNVB introduced a third and highest amateur tier called Topklasse, before the 2008/2009 season, Hoofdklasse clubs could promote by obtaining a professional licence. However, only a club going bankrupt or losing their license could result in clubs leaving professional football, the most recent additions to the league were AGOVV Apeldoorn in 2003 and FC Omniworld in 2005, expanding the league to 19 and later 20 clubs. However, for the 2010/11 season, the returned to 18 clubs, as HFC Haarlem went bankrupt
3. Футбольная форма – In association football, kit is the standard equipment and attire worn by players. The sports Laws of the Game specify the minimum kit which a player must use, footballers generally wear identifying numbers on the backs of their shirts. Professional clubs also usually display players surnames or nicknames on their shirts, Football kit has evolved significantly since the early days of the sport when players typically wore thick cotton shirts, knickerbockers and heavy rigid leather boots. The Laws of the Game set out the equipment which must be worn by all players in Law 4. Five separate items are specified, shirt, shorts, socks, footwear, goalkeepers are allowed to wear tracksuit bottoms instead of shorts. While most players wear studded football boots, the Laws do not specify that these are required, shirts must have sleeves, and goalkeepers must wear shirts which are easily distinguishable from all other players and the match officials. Thermal undershorts may be worn, but must be the colour as the shorts themselves. Shin pads must be covered entirely by the stockings, be made of rubber, plastic or a similar material, and provide a reasonable degree of protection. The only other restriction on equipment defined in the Laws of the Game is the requirement that a player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player. In the event of a match between teams who would wear identical or similar colours the away team must change to a different colour. The England national team plays in red shirts even when it is not required. Many professional clubs also have a kit, ostensibly to be used if both their first-choice and away colours are deemed too similar to those of an opponent. Most professional clubs have retained the basic colour scheme for several decades. Teams representing countries in international competition generally wear national colours in common with other sporting teams of the same nation, shirts are normally made of a polyester mesh, which does not trap the sweat and body heat in the same way as a shirt made of a natural fibre. Depending on local rules, there may be restrictions on how large these logos may be or on what logos may be displayed, competitions such as the Premier League may also require players to wear patches on their sleeves depicting the logo of the competition. The captain of team is usually required to wear an elasticated armband around the left sleeve to identify him as the captain to the referee. Most current players wear specialist football boots, which can be either of leather or a synthetic material. Modern boots are cut slightly below the ankles, as opposed to the high-ankled boots used in former times, studs may be either moulded directly to the sole or be detachable, normally by means of a screw thread
4. Нидерланды – The Netherlands, also informally known as Holland is the main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a densely populated country located in Western Europe with three territories in the Caribbean. The European part of the Netherlands borders Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North Sea to the northwest, sharing borders with Belgium, the United Kingdom. The three largest cities in the Netherlands are Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, Amsterdam is the countrys capital, while The Hague holds the Dutch seat of parliament and government. The port of Rotterdam is the worlds largest port outside East-Asia, the name Holland is used informally to refer to the whole of the country of the Netherlands. Netherlands literally means lower countries, influenced by its low land and flat geography, most of the areas below sea level are artificial. Since the late 16th century, large areas have been reclaimed from the sea and lakes, with a population density of 412 people per km2 –507 if water is excluded – the Netherlands is classified as a very densely populated country. Only Bangladesh, South Korea, and Taiwan have both a population and higher population density. Nevertheless, the Netherlands is the worlds second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products and this is partly due to the fertility of the soil and the mild climate. In 2001, it became the worlds first country to legalise same-sex marriage, the Netherlands is a founding member of the EU, Eurozone, G-10, NATO, OECD and WTO, as well as being a part of the Schengen Area and the trilateral Benelux Union. The first four are situated in The Hague, as is the EUs criminal intelligence agency Europol and this has led to the city being dubbed the worlds legal capital. The country also ranks second highest in the worlds 2016 Press Freedom Index, the Netherlands has a market-based mixed economy, ranking 17th of 177 countries according to the Index of Economic Freedom. It had the thirteenth-highest per capita income in the world in 2013 according to the International Monetary Fund, in 2013, the United Nations World Happiness Report ranked the Netherlands as the seventh-happiest country in the world, reflecting its high quality of life. The Netherlands also ranks joint second highest in the Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index, the region called Low Countries and the country of the Netherlands have the same toponymy. Place names with Neder, Nieder, Nether and Nedre and Bas or Inferior are in use in all over Europe. They are sometimes used in a relation to a higher ground that consecutively is indicated as Upper, Boven, Oben. In the case of the Low Countries / the Netherlands the geographical location of the region has been more or less downstream. The geographical location of the region, however, changed over time tremendously
5. Вторая мировая война – World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. It involved the vast majority of the worlds countries—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing alliances, the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the bombing of industrial and population centres. These made World War II the deadliest conflict in human history, from late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe, and formed the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan. Under the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union partitioned and annexed territories of their European neighbours, Poland, Finland, Romania and the Baltic states. In December 1941, Japan attacked the United States and European colonies in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of the Western Pacific. The Axis advance halted in 1942 when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway, near Hawaii, in 1944, the Western Allies invaded German-occupied France, while the Soviet Union regained all of its territorial losses and invaded Germany and its allies. During 1944 and 1945 the Japanese suffered major reverses in mainland Asia in South Central China and Burma, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy, thus ended the war in Asia, cementing the total victory of the Allies. World War II altered the political alignment and social structure of the world, the United Nations was established to foster international co-operation and prevent future conflicts. The victorious great powers—the United States, the Soviet Union, China, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War, which lasted for the next 46 years. Meanwhile, the influence of European great powers waned, while the decolonisation of Asia, most countries whose industries had been damaged moved towards economic recovery. Political integration, especially in Europe, emerged as an effort to end pre-war enmities, the start of the war in Europe is generally held to be 1 September 1939, beginning with the German invasion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. The dates for the beginning of war in the Pacific include the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War on 7 July 1937, or even the Japanese invasion of Manchuria on 19 September 1931. Others follow the British historian A. J. P. Taylor, who held that the Sino-Japanese War and war in Europe and its colonies occurred simultaneously and this article uses the conventional dating. Other starting dates sometimes used for World War II include the Italian invasion of Abyssinia on 3 October 1935. The British historian Antony Beevor views the beginning of World War II as the Battles of Khalkhin Gol fought between Japan and the forces of Mongolia and the Soviet Union from May to September 1939, the exact date of the wars end is also not universally agreed upon. It was generally accepted at the time that the war ended with the armistice of 14 August 1945, rather than the formal surrender of Japan
6. Высший дивизион Нидерландов по футболу – The Eredivisie is the highest echelon of professional football in the Netherlands. The league was founded in 1956, two years after the start of football in the Netherlands. At the end of the 2015–2016 season it was ranked the 13th best league in Europe by UEFA, the top division consists of 18 clubs. Each club meets every other club twice during the season, once at home, at the end of each season, the club at the bottom is automatically relegated to the second level of the Dutch league system, the Eerste Divisie. At the same time, the champion of the Eerste Divisie will be promoted to the Eredivisie. The next two clubs from the bottom of the Eredivisie go to separate promotion/relegation play-offs, the play-offs are played in two groups. Each group has one Eredivisie club and three high-placed clubs from the Eerste Divisie, in both promotion/relegation play-off groups, each club plays a home-and-away series with the other clubs. The winner of each group plays in the following seasons Eredivisie. The winner of the Eredivisie claims the Dutch national championship, AFC Ajax has won most titles,24. PSV Eindhoven are next with 18, and Feyenoord follow with 9, since 1965, these three clubs have won all except for three titles. Ajax, PSV and Feynoord are known as the Big Three of Dutch football and they are the only ones in their current forms to have appeared in every edition of the Eredivisie since its formation. A fourth club, FC Utrecht, is the product of a 1970 merger between three of that clubs, one of which, VV DOS, had also never been relegated out of the Eredivisie. From 1990 to 1999, the name of the league was PTT Telecompetitie. From 2002 to 2005, the league was called the Holland Casino Eredivisie, since the 2005–06 season, the league has been sponsored by the Sponsorloterij, but for legal reasons its name could not be attached to the league. Within this deal the five largest Eredivisie clubs should receive 5 million euros per year for the duration of the contract, from the foundation of the Dutch football championship until 1954, the title was decided through play-offs by a handful of clubs who had previously won their regional league. The competition was purely an amateur one, the Royal Dutch Football Association rejected any form of payment, the call for professional football grew in the early fifties after many national team members left to play abroad in search for financial benefits. The KNVB would usually suspend these players, preventing them from appearing for the Dutch national team, after the North Sea flood of 1953, the Dutch players abroad organised a charity match against the French national team in Paris. The match was boycotted by the KNVB, but after the assembled Dutch players defeated the French, to serve the growing interest, a dissident professional football association and league were founded for the 1954–55 season
7. Команда-лифт – A yo-yo club is a sporting side that is regularly promoted and relegated. The phrase is most typically used in football in the United Kingdom, especially in reference to promotion to. The name is derived from the toy yo-yo which goes up, in Germany the equivalent term is Fahrstuhlmannschaft, in Greece ομάδα ασανσέρ, and in Spain equipo ascensor, all three of them literally meaning lift team or elevator team. In the Netherlands the term is heen-en-weer club, in Polish, yo-yo clubs are referred to as wańka-wstańka, which translates to roly-poly toy. In England the phrase has been used to describe, among others, Birmingham City, Leicester City, Crystal Palace, Hull City, Norwich City, Queens Park Rangers and West Bromwich Albion. West Brom were an archetypal yo-yo club throughout the first decade of the 21st-century, during time they were promoted four times. However, West Brom has in recent years lost this reputation due to staying in the Premier League for several consecutive seasons. Likewise Crystal Palace reached the Premier League five times, were relegated the season on the first four occasions. Birmingham City have been promoted and relegated to and from the top division more times than any other English club, birminghams longest period in one division has been 18 years in the First Division, from 1921 to 1939. Their next longest was 10 years, also in the First Division, elected to Division Two in 1892, Birmingham were promoted to Division One in 1894 and relegated in 1896. Their next promotion came in 1901, and was followed immediately by relegation in 1902 and this time they lasted five years in the First Division, before relegation in 1908. The following seventy years were comparatively stable, with only three relegations and four promotions, during these 16 seasons Birmingham had two separate spells in the Third Division, from 1989 to 1992, and from 1994 to 1995. They were promoted to the Premier League for the first time in 2002 and their first spell in this league lasted four years, but in the four years from 2006 to 2009 they were relegated twice and promoted twice. In 2011 they were relegated again, and this was the time since 1979 that this had happened to Birmingham. Six of these relegations were between the top two divisions, and two were between the second and third and they have remained in the Championship since. Founder members of the Football League Third Division in 1920, they remained at that level for 31 seasons, since 1958, the longest period they have spent in any one division has been seven years in the Third, from 1965 to 1972. After winning promotion to the Second Division for the first time in 1958, sixteen years later they reached the other extreme when they won promotion to the First Division for the first time, but 17 years after that they were back in the fourth tier of English football. In the six years from 2001 to 2006 Brighton experienced three promotions and two relegations, leaving them in the tier, and in 2011 they were promoted to the Championship for the first time
8. Йонк, Вим – Wilhelmus Wim Maria Jonk is a Dutch football coach, former international player and former Head of Academy at Ajax Amsterdam. Jonk started his career in amateur club RKAV Volendam, before signing for Volendam in 1986, as a central midfield player, he scored many goals, assisting his club to promotion to the Eredivisie in 1987, where he scored a further of five goals. Ajax monitored his progress keenly and his skills did not escape the scouts of the club, at Ajax, he slotted into the squad easily, even scoring 6 goals in his debut season. First team chances were regular, if not abundant, but his first appearance for the Dutch national team seemed a long way away and he helped Ajax to the 1992 UEFA Cup Final in which he scored to help them overcome Torino. Though the keeper could have saved the shot, it went in nonetheless, the Dutch went on to win the match by a goal from Gaston Taument in the 86th minute. Meanwhile, at Internazionale, he managed 54 appearances in two seasons and scored eight goals and he scored in a UEFA Cup Final again, this time as Internazionale won the 1994 final. He stayed long enough at PSV to convince then manager Guus Hiddink to be selected for the 1998 World Cup in France, at the 1998 World Cup, Jonk played in five of the seven matches that the Netherlands played and did not score any goals. With the appointment of Frank Rijkaard as the new manager after the 1998 World Cup, however, he did play once more for the Netherlands in a friendly against Denmark on 18 August 1999. Jonk finished his career on 49 caps and 11 goals. For the 1998–99 season, Jonk went to join Sheffield Wednesday for a fee of £2.5 million, at the beginning of the 2000–01 season, he announced his retirement from the game. After his career as a player, Jonk featured as a tv football analyst on NOS Studio Sport, in this role Jonk also worked as an individual trainer and assistant to the first and second team of FC Volendam. Between 2008 until November 2015, Jonk worked for Ajax Amsterdam, first as an individual technical skills trainer, later as the Head of Academy and member of the Technical Heart. In 2010, Jonk, Johan Cruyff and Ruben Jongkind wrote the Plan Cruyff which led to the so-called ‘velvet revolution’, in 2011, the Plan Cruyff was officially adopted as the new Ajax club policy. One of its core pillars was the reform of the Ajax youth academy. During his time as Head of Academy, Jonk was a coach of a various Ajax youth teams, as of September 2016, Jonk and Jordi Cruyff co-manage and lead the Amsterdam-based international football institute Cruyff Football
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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Football Club Volendam | |
Het Andere Oranje (другие оранжевые) | |
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Крас, Волендам | |
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Эрстедивизи | |
14-е место | |
«Волендам» (нидерл. Football Club Volendam) — футбольный клуб из деревни Волендам, Нидерланды. Основан 1 июня 1920 года под названием «Виктория», нынешнее название команда получила в 1923 году.
В сезоне 2017/18 клуб выступал в Эрстедивизи — Первом дивизионе Нидерландов, заняв 14-е место.
Клуб был основан 1 июня 1920 года под названием «Виктория». В то время команда выступала в красно-чёрных полосатых рубашках и чёрных трусах[1]. В 1923 году команда была переименована в «Волендам», у клуба также поменялся и цвет формы, на оранжевый цвет[1]. В связи с тем, что клуб находился в католической деревне Волендаме, команда довольно скоро присоединилась к Католической футбольной ассоциации Нидерландов[1].
В 1935 и 1938 году «Волендам» выигрывал чемпионат Католической футбольной ассоциации Нидерландов[1]. В годы Второй мировой войны клуб был вынужден присоединиться к Королевской футбольной федерации Нидерландов[1]. В 1955 году «Волендам» вступил в Высший дивизион Нидерландов, который получил статус профессиональной лиги[1].
Команда сразу заслужила репутацию клуба, который то покидает высший дивизион, то вновь возвращаться, и так на притяжении всей истории клуба. На протяжении многих лет, клуб славится отличными воспитанниками клуба, «Волендам» «вырастил» таких игроков как Вима Йонка, Эдвина Зутебира, а также братьев Арнольда и Герри Мюрена. «Волендам» имеет отличную программу подготовки молодых игроков.