Кубок Интертото 2002. Футбол интертото 2002

Кубок Интертото по футболу 2002. - турнирная таблица, итоговая таблица, расписание, игра, календарь

Эмблема (логотип) турнира: Кубок Интертото 2002. Logo: Intertoto Cup
ТурнирКубок Интертото
TournamentIntertoto Cup
  • НавигацияТаблицаКалендарь (расписание матчей)Расписание матчей командСоставыБомбардиры (итоговая статистика)Бомбардиры (текущая статистика)Статистика игроков (голевые передачи)Статистика игроков (очки (гол+пас))Статистика игроков (пропущенные мячи)Статистика игроков («сухие» матчи вратарей)Статистика игроков (предупреждения)Статистика игроков (удаления)Статистика игроков (сыгранные матчи)Статистика игроков (замены)Статистика игроков (выходы на замену)Статистика игроков (полные матчи)Статистика игроков (скамейка запасных)Статистика игроков (сыгранные минуты)Легионеры (сортировка по амплуа)Легионеры (сортировка по странам)Легионеры (сортировка по клубам)Статистика команд: удары по воротамСтатистика команд: в створ воротСтатистика команд: угловыеСтатистика команд: офсайдыСтатистика команд: фолыСтатистика команд: предупрежденияСтатистика команд: удаленияСтатистика команд: владение мячом (%)Все сезоныСводная таблицаСводная таблица (онлайн)ПьедесталГвардейцыБомбардиры

  • Клубы«БАТЭ» Борисов«Крылья Советов» Самара

  • Сезоны20082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995

  • ТурнирыТоварищеские матчи. Premier League Asia Trophy. Кубок чемпионов Содружества. Кубок обладателей кубков. Кубок Либертадорес. Лига чемпионов. Объединенный турнир. Кубок Интертото. Объединённый суперкубок. Клубный чемпионат мира. Лига чемпионов АФК. Клубный Арабский чемпионат. Кубок АФК. Лига Европы. Суперкубок УЕФА. Лига чемпионов. Квалификация. Лига Европы. Квалификация. Лига чемпионов КАФ. Балтийская лига. Лига чемпионов КОНКАКАФ. Юношеская лига УЕФА.


Кубок Интертото 2002 - это... Что такое Кубок Интертото 2002?

 Кубок Интертото 2002

Кубок Интертото 2002 — был 42-м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 8-м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Малага», «Фулхэм» и «Штутгарт») — получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА.

Первый раунд

Второй раунд

Третий раунд




  1. Флаг Португалии Униан Лейрия получила техническое поражение за использование игрока, не имевшего права играть в матче.


  • Кубок Интертото
  • 2002 год в футболе

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Кубок Интертото 2000
  • Кубок Интертото 2003

Смотреть что такое "Кубок Интертото 2002" в других словарях:

  • Кубок Интертото — UEFA Intertoto Cup …   Википедия

  • Кубок интертото — Основан 1961 Реорганизация: 1995 Последний розыгрыш 2008 Континент Европа (УЕФА) …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 2008 — – 14 й розыгрыш Кубка Интертото (под эгидой УЕФА). Этот розыгрыш был последним ввиду изменения системы еврокубков с 2009 года. В соревновании приняли участие 52 клуба из 52 стран. 11 победителей 3 го круга получат путевки во 2 й квалификационный… …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 1995 — был 35 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и первым розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Впервые после долгого перерыва в этом сезоне вслед за групповым раундом игрался турнир на выбывание. Два победителя полуфиналов («Страсбур» и «Бордо») получили …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 1996 — Кубок Интертото 1996  был 36 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и вторым розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Силькеборг», «Генгам» и «Карлсруэ») получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА. Содержание 1 Групповой раунд 1.1 Группа… …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 1998 — был 38 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 4 м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Валенсия», «Вердер» и «Болонья»)  получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА. В этом сезоне впервые не игрался групповой раунд. Содержание 1… …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 1999 — был 39 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 5 м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Монпелье», «Ювентус» и «Вест Хэм Юнайтед»)  получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА. Содержание 1 Первый раунд 2 Второй раунд …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 2001 — был 41 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 7 м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Астон Вилла», «Пари Сен Жермен» и «Труа»)  получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА. Содержание 1 Первый раунд 2 Второй раунд …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 2000 — был 40 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 6 м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Удинезе», «Сельта» и «Штутгарт»)  получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА. Содержание 1 Первый раунд 2 Второй раунд …   Википедия

  • Кубок Интертото 1997 — был 37 м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 3 м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов  все из Франции («Лион», «Бастия» и «Осер»)  получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА. Содержание 1 Групповой раунд 1.1 Группа 1 …   Википедия


Кубок Интертото 2002 — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Кубок Интертото 2002 — был 42-м розыгрышем Кубка Интертото и 8-м розыгрышем этого турнира под эгидой УЕФА. Три победителя финалов («Малага», «Фулхэм» и «Штутгарт») — получили путёвки в Кубок УЕФА.

Первый раунд

Второй раунд

Третий раунд



Напишите отзыв о статье "Кубок Интертото 2002"


  1. Униан Лейрия получила техническое поражение за использование игрока, не имевшего права играть в матче.


  • [www.uefa.com/competitions/IntertotoCup/history/Season=2002/intro.html Официальный сайт УЕФА]
  • [www.rsssf.com/tablesu/uic02.html Результаты на RSSSF]

Отрывок, характеризующий Кубок Интертото 2002

Две тройки были разгонные, третья тройка старого графа с орловским рысаком в корню; четвертая собственная Николая с его низеньким, вороным, косматым коренником. Николай в своем старушечьем наряде, на который он надел гусарский, подпоясанный плащ, стоял в середине своих саней, подобрав вожжи. Было так светло, что он видел отблескивающие на месячном свете бляхи и глаза лошадей, испуганно оглядывавшихся на седоков, шумевших под темным навесом подъезда. В сани Николая сели Наташа, Соня, m me Schoss и две девушки. В сани старого графа сели Диммлер с женой и Петя; в остальные расселись наряженные дворовые. – Пошел вперед, Захар! – крикнул Николай кучеру отца, чтобы иметь случай перегнать его на дороге. Тройка старого графа, в которую сел Диммлер и другие ряженые, визжа полозьями, как будто примерзая к снегу, и побрякивая густым колокольцом, тронулась вперед. Пристяжные жались на оглобли и увязали, выворачивая как сахар крепкий и блестящий снег. Николай тронулся за первой тройкой; сзади зашумели и завизжали остальные. Сначала ехали маленькой рысью по узкой дороге. Пока ехали мимо сада, тени от оголенных деревьев ложились часто поперек дороги и скрывали яркий свет луны, но как только выехали за ограду, алмазно блестящая, с сизым отблеском, снежная равнина, вся облитая месячным сиянием и неподвижная, открылась со всех сторон. Раз, раз, толконул ухаб в передних санях; точно так же толконуло следующие сани и следующие и, дерзко нарушая закованную тишину, одни за другими стали растягиваться сани. – След заячий, много следов! – прозвучал в морозном скованном воздухе голос Наташи. – Как видно, Nicolas! – сказал голос Сони. – Николай оглянулся на Соню и пригнулся, чтоб ближе рассмотреть ее лицо. Какое то совсем новое, милое, лицо, с черными бровями и усами, в лунном свете, близко и далеко, выглядывало из соболей. «Это прежде была Соня», подумал Николай. Он ближе вгляделся в нее и улыбнулся. – Вы что, Nicolas? – Ничего, – сказал он и повернулся опять к лошадям. Выехав на торную, большую дорогу, примасленную полозьями и всю иссеченную следами шипов, видными в свете месяца, лошади сами собой стали натягивать вожжи и прибавлять ходу. Левая пристяжная, загнув голову, прыжками подергивала свои постромки. Коренной раскачивался, поводя ушами, как будто спрашивая: «начинать или рано еще?» – Впереди, уже далеко отделившись и звеня удаляющимся густым колокольцом, ясно виднелась на белом снегу черная тройка Захара. Слышны были из его саней покрикиванье и хохот и голоса наряженных. – Ну ли вы, разлюбезные, – крикнул Николай, с одной стороны подергивая вожжу и отводя с кнутом pуку. И только по усилившемуся как будто на встречу ветру, и по подергиванью натягивающих и всё прибавляющих скоку пристяжных, заметно было, как шибко полетела тройка. Николай оглянулся назад. С криком и визгом, махая кнутами и заставляя скакать коренных, поспевали другие тройки. Коренной стойко поколыхивался под дугой, не думая сбивать и обещая еще и еще наддать, когда понадобится. Николай догнал первую тройку. Они съехали с какой то горы, выехали на широко разъезженную дорогу по лугу около реки. «Где это мы едем?» подумал Николай. – «По косому лугу должно быть. Но нет, это что то новое, чего я никогда не видал. Это не косой луг и не Дёмкина гора, а это Бог знает что такое! Это что то новое и волшебное. Ну, что бы там ни было!» И он, крикнув на лошадей, стал объезжать первую тройку. Захар сдержал лошадей и обернул свое уже объиндевевшее до бровей лицо. Николай пустил своих лошадей; Захар, вытянув вперед руки, чмокнул и пустил своих. – Ну держись, барин, – проговорил он. – Еще быстрее рядом полетели тройки, и быстро переменялись ноги скачущих лошадей. Николай стал забирать вперед. Захар, не переменяя положения вытянутых рук, приподнял одну руку с вожжами. – Врешь, барин, – прокричал он Николаю. Николай в скок пустил всех лошадей и перегнал Захара. Лошади засыпали мелким, сухим снегом лица седоков, рядом с ними звучали частые переборы и путались быстро движущиеся ноги, и тени перегоняемой тройки. Свист полозьев по снегу и женские взвизги слышались с разных сторон. Опять остановив лошадей, Николай оглянулся кругом себя. Кругом была всё та же пропитанная насквозь лунным светом волшебная равнина с рассыпанными по ней звездами. «Захар кричит, чтобы я взял налево; а зачем налево? думал Николай. Разве мы к Мелюковым едем, разве это Мелюковка? Мы Бог знает где едем, и Бог знает, что с нами делается – и очень странно и хорошо то, что с нами делается». Он оглянулся в сани. – Посмотри, у него и усы и ресницы, всё белое, – сказал один из сидевших странных, хорошеньких и чужих людей с тонкими усами и бровями. «Этот, кажется, была Наташа, подумал Николай, а эта m me Schoss; а может быть и нет, а это черкес с усами не знаю кто, но я люблю ее». – Не холодно ли вам? – спросил он. Они не отвечали и засмеялись. Диммлер из задних саней что то кричал, вероятно смешное, но нельзя было расслышать, что он кричал. – Да, да, – смеясь отвечали голоса. – Однако вот какой то волшебный лес с переливающимися черными тенями и блестками алмазов и с какой то анфиладой мраморных ступеней, и какие то серебряные крыши волшебных зданий, и пронзительный визг каких то зверей. «А ежели и в самом деле это Мелюковка, то еще страннее то, что мы ехали Бог знает где, и приехали в Мелюковку», думал Николай. Действительно это была Мелюковка, и на подъезд выбежали девки и лакеи со свечами и радостными лицами. – Кто такой? – спрашивали с подъезда. – Графские наряженные, по лошадям вижу, – отвечали голоса.

Пелагея Даниловна Мелюкова, широкая, энергическая женщина, в очках и распашном капоте, сидела в гостиной, окруженная дочерьми, которым она старалась не дать скучать. Они тихо лили воск и смотрели на тени выходивших фигур, когда зашумели в передней шаги и голоса приезжих. Гусары, барыни, ведьмы, паясы, медведи, прокашливаясь и обтирая заиндевевшие от мороза лица в передней, вошли в залу, где поспешно зажигали свечи. Паяц – Диммлер с барыней – Николаем открыли пляску. Окруженные кричавшими детьми, ряженые, закрывая лица и меняя голоса, раскланивались перед хозяйкой и расстанавливались по комнате. – Ах, узнать нельзя! А Наташа то! Посмотрите, на кого она похожа! Право, напоминает кого то. Эдуард то Карлыч как хорош! Я не узнала. Да как танцует! Ах, батюшки, и черкес какой то; право, как идет Сонюшке. Это еще кто? Ну, утешили! Столы то примите, Никита, Ваня. А мы так тихо сидели! – Ха ха ха!… Гусар то, гусар то! Точно мальчик, и ноги!… Я видеть не могу… – слышались голоса. Наташа, любимица молодых Мелюковых, с ними вместе исчезла в задние комнаты, куда была потребована пробка и разные халаты и мужские платья, которые в растворенную дверь принимали от лакея оголенные девичьи руки. Через десять минут вся молодежь семейства Мелюковых присоединилась к ряженым. Пелагея Даниловна, распорядившись очисткой места для гостей и угощениями для господ и дворовых, не снимая очков, с сдерживаемой улыбкой, ходила между ряжеными, близко глядя им в лица и никого не узнавая. Она не узнавала не только Ростовых и Диммлера, но и никак не могла узнать ни своих дочерей, ни тех мужниных халатов и мундиров, которые были на них. – А это чья такая? – говорила она, обращаясь к своей гувернантке и глядя в лицо своей дочери, представлявшей казанского татарина. – Кажется, из Ростовых кто то. Ну и вы, господин гусар, в каком полку служите? – спрашивала она Наташу. – Турке то, турке пастилы подай, – говорила она обносившему буфетчику: – это их законом не запрещено.


Кубок Интертото 2002 - WikiVisually

1. Кубок Интертото – The competition was discontinued after the 2008 tournament. Teams who originally would have entered the Intertoto Cup now directly enter the qualifying stages of the UEFA Europa League from this point, the tournament was founded in 1961–62, but was only taken over by UEFA in 1995. Any club who wished to participate had to apply for entry, the cup billed itself as providing both an opportunity for clubs who otherwise would not get the chance to enter the UEFA Cup and as an opportunity for sports lotteries to continue during the summer. This reflects its background, which was as a tournament solely for football pools, in 1995, the tournament came under official UEFA sanctioning and UEFA Cup qualification places were granted. Initially, two were provided, this was increased to three after one year, but in 2006, it was increased to the final total of 11. The Intertoto Cup was the idea of Malmö FF chairman Eric Persson, thommen, and the Austrian coach Karl Rappan, who coached the Swiss national team at the 1938 FIFA World Cup and at the 1954 World Cup. The Cup for the Cupless was also promoted by the Swiss newspaper Sport. It derived its name from Toto, the German term for football pool, thommen, who had set up football betting pools in Switzerland in 1932, had a major interest in having purposeful matches played in the summer break. UEFA were initially disinclined to support the tournament, finding its betting background distasteful, nevertheless they permitted the new tournament, clubs which qualified for one of the official continental competitions, such as the European Champions Cups and Cup Winners Cup, were not allowed to participate. The first tournament was held in 1961 as the International Football Cup, initially the Cup had a group stage, which led to knock-out matches culminating in a final. By 1967, it had become difficult to organize the games, and so the knock-out rounds, instead, group winners received prizes of CHF10, 000-15,000. By 1995, UEFA had reconsidered its opinion, took control of the tournament. Initially, two winners were given a place in the UEFA Cup, the success of one of the first winners, Bordeaux, in reaching the final of the 1995–96 UEFA Cup encouraged UEFA to add a third UEFA Cup place in 1996. Many clubs disliked the competition and saw it as disruptive in the preparation for the new season, as a consequence, they did not nominate themselves for participation even if entitled. Following the threat of bans of English teams from all UEFA competitions, in following years, UEFA made it possible for nations to forfeit Intertoto places. Other clubs have built upon their success in the UI Cup, furthermore, UEFA rejected this assertion that the tournament is disruptive. In December 2007, following the election of new UEFA president Michel Platini and this was a part of a range of changes that were to be made to the UEFA Cup/Champions League System. Instead of teams qualifying for the Intertoto Cup, they now qualify directly for the qualifying stages of the UEFA Europa League

2. УЕФА – The Union of European Football Associations is the administrative body for association football in Europe, although several member states are primarily or entirely located in Asia. It is one of six continental confederations of world footballs governing body FIFA, UEFA consists of 55 national association members. Until 1959 the main headquarters were located in Paris, and later in Bern, in 1995, UEFA headquarters were transferred to Nyon, Switzerland. Henri Delaunay was the first general secretary and Ebbe Schwartz the first president, UEFA was founded on 15 June 1954 in Basel, Switzerland after consultation between the Italian, French, and Belgian associations. The European football union began with 25 members, that number doubled by the early 1990s, UEFA membership coincides for the most part with recognition as a sovereign country in Europe, although there are some exceptions. Some UEFA members are not sovereign states, but form part of a recognized sovereign state in the context of international law. Some UEFA members are transcontinental states, countries which had been members of the Asian Football Confederation were also admitted to the European football association, particularly Israel and Kazakhstan. Additionally some UEFA member associations allow teams from outside their associations main territory to take part in their domestic competition, saarland Football Union 1954–1956 German football association of the German Democratic Republic 1954–1990 Football Federation of the Soviet Union 1954–1991, in 1992 became Russian Football Union. The newly independent 14 Soviet Republics created their own football associations, Football Association of Yugoslavia 1954–1992, became Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia became independent, Football Association of Serbia and Montenegro 1992–2006, became Football Association of Serbia. Montenegro, which became independent, created its own football association, the main competition for mens national teams is the UEFA European Football Championship, started in 1958, with the first finals in 1960, and known as the European Nations Cup until 1964. It is also called UEFA or the EURO, UEFA also runs national competitions at Under-21, Under-19 and Under-17 levels. For womens national teams, UEFA operates the UEFA Womens Championship for senior sides as well as Womens Under-19. UEFA also organized the UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup with CAF for youth teams in an effort to boost youth football, UEFA launched the UEFA Regions Cup, for semi-professional teams representing their local region, in 1999. In futsal there is the UEFA Futsal Championship and UEFA Futsal Under-21 Championship, the Italian, German, Spanish and French mens national teams are the sole teams to have won the European football championship in all categories. A second, lower-ranked competition is the UEFA Europa League and this competition, for national knockout cup winners and high-placed league teams, was launched by UEFA in 1971 as a successor of both the former UEFA Cup and the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. A third competition, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, which had started in 1960, was absorbed into the UEFA Cup in 1999, in womens football UEFA also conducts the UEFA Womens Champions League for club teams. The competition was first held in 2001, and known as the UEFA Womens Cup until 2009, the UEFA Super Cup pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the Europa League, and came into being in 1973

3. Фулхэм (футбольный клуб) – Fulham Football Club is a professional association football club based in Fulham, Greater London, England. Founded in 1879, they play in the Championship, the tier of English football. They are the football team from London to have played in the Premier League. The club has spent 25 seasons in English footballs top division, the latter spell was associated with former chairman Mohamed Al-Fayed, after the club had climbed up from the fourth tier in the 1990s. The club has produced many English greats, including Johnny Haynes, George Cohen, Bobby Robson, Rodney Marsh and they play at Craven Cottage, a ground on the banks of the River Thames in Fulham which has been their home since 1896. Fulhams training ground is located near Motspur Park, where the clubs Academy is also situated, Fulham were formed in 1879 as Fulham St Andrews Church Sunday School F. C. founded by worshipers at the Church of England on Star Road, West Kensington. Fulhams mother church still today with a plaque commemorating the teams foundation. They won the West London Amateur Cup in 1887 and, having shortened the name from Fulham Excelsior to its present form in 1888, one of the clubs first ever kits was half red, half white shirts with white shorts worn in the 1886–87 season. Fulham started playing at their current ground at Craven Cottage in 1896, the club gained professional status on 12 December 1898, the same year that they were admitted into the Southern Leagues Second Division. They were the club from London to turn professional, following Arsenal. They adopted a red and white kit during the 1900–01 season, in 1902–03, the club won promotion from this division, entering the Southern League First Division. The club won the Southern League twice, in 1905–06 and 1906–07, Fulham joined The Football League after the second of their Southern League triumphs. The clubs first league game, playing in the Second Divisions 1907–08 season, the first win came a few days later at Derby Countys Baseball Ground by a score line of 1–0. Fulham finished the three points short of promotion in fourth place. The club progressed all the way to the semi-final of that seasons FA Cup, in the semi-final, however, they were heavily beaten, 6–0, by Newcastle United. This is still a loss for an FA Cup semi-final game. Two years later, the won the London Challenge Cup in the 1909–10 season. Fulhams first season in Division Two turned out to be the highest that the club would finish for 21 years, until in 1927–28 when the club were relegated to the 3rd Division South, created in 1920

4. Штутгарт (футбольный клуб) – Verein für Bewegungsspiele Stuttgart 1893 e. V. commonly known as VfB Stuttgart, is a German sports club based in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. The club is best known for its team which is part of Germanys second division 2. VfB Stuttgart has won the championship five times, most recently in 2006–07. The football team plays its games at the Mercedes-Benz Arena. Second team side VfB Stuttgart II currently plays in the Regionalliga Südwest, the clubs junior teams have won the national U19 championships a record ten times and the Under 17 Bundesliga six times. A membership-based club with over 50,0000 members, VfB is the largest sports club in Baden-Württemberg and it has departments for fistball, hockey, track and field, table-tennis and football referees, all of which compete only at the amateur level. The club also maintains a department, the VfB-Garde. Verein für Bewegungsspiele Stuttgart was formed through 2 April 1912 merger of predecessor sides Stuttgarter FV, Stuttgarter Fußballverein was founded at the Zum Becher hotel in Stuttgart on 9 September 1893. FV were initially a rugby club, playing games at Stöckach-Eisbahn before moving to Cannstatter Wasen in 1894, the rugby club established a football section in 1908. Rugby was soon replaced by football within the club, as found the game too complicated to follow. In 1909, FV joined the Süddeutschen Fußballverband, playing in the second tier B-Klasse and they eventually advanced to the senior Südkreis-Liga in 1912. Cannstatter Fußballklub was formed as a club in 1890 and also quickly established a football team. This club was dissolved after just a few years of play, the new team joined the Süddeutschen Fußballverband as a second division club and won promotion in 1904. Krone possessed their own ground, which exists today as the home of TSV Münster. The club also made appearances in the final rounds of the SFV in the late 1920s. In 1933, VfB moved to Neckar Stadium, the site of its current ground, German football was re-organized that same year under the Third Reich into sixteen top-flight divisions called Gauligen. The club had a rivalry with Stuttgarter Kickers throughout this period. After a third-place result at the level in 1937, Stuttgart was not able to advance out of the preliminary rounds in subsequent appearances

5. Риека (футбольный клуб) – Hrvatski Nogometni Klub Rijeka, commonly referred to as HNK Rijeka or simply Rijeka, is a Croatian football club, from the coastal city of Rijeka. During the reconstruction of Stadion Kantrida, their home ground. Rijekas traditional home colours are all white, the club was founded on 29 July 1946 as Sportsko Društvo Kvarner / Società Sportiva Quarnero. The clubs official name was changed to Nogometni Klub Rijeka on 2 July 1954, in the summer of 1995, the club management added the adjective hrvatski to the official name. HNK Rijeka are the third most successful Croatian football club, having won two Yugoslav Cups, three Croatian Football Cups, one Croatian Football Super Cup and the 1978 Balkans Cup, the club competes in Croatias top division,1. HNL, of which it has been a member since its foundation in 1992, the club was founded as SD Kvarner / SS Quarnero on 29 July 1946, after Rijeka was ceded from Italy to Yugoslavia following the end of World War II. The club was named after the Bay of Kvarner and the broader Kvarner region, in which Rijeka is the administrative centre. The clubs roots can be traced back to 1926, the founding of U. S. Fiumana, the two clubs used the same grounds and eight U. S. Fiumana players later played for Kvarner. During the early period in Yugoslavia, Kvarner had moderate success in various Yugoslav and they were relegated at the end of their inaugural season in the Yugoslav First League in 1946–47. Kvarner changed their name to NK Rijeka on 2 July 1954, Rijeka remained in the top tier for eleven consecutive seasons, until 1969, when they were once again relegated to the Yugoslav Second League. Despite finishing on top in four seasons in the second tier, with varying success, Rijeka remained in top tier until the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991. The clubs greatest success during this period involved back-to-back Yugoslav Cup titles in 1978 and 1979, Rijeka were also a Cup runner-up in 1987, when they lost the final after a penalty shoot-out. In the Yugoslav First League, Rijeka never finished above the fourth place, in 1984, the club came closest to their first championship title, finishing only two points behind Red Star. Rijeka were also the best placed Croatian club in the Yugoslav First League in 1965,1984 and 1987, following the breakup of Yugoslavia, in 1992, Rijeka joined the Croatian First Football League in its inaugural season. Rijeka remain one of four founding member clubs that have never been relegated. In terms of greatest successes in this period, the club won three Croatian Cups, including titles in 2005 and 2006, and in 2014. Rijeka also finished as runner-up in 1994, HNL, the club finished as runner-up on five occasions, in 1999,2006,2014,2015 and 2016. In the final round of the 1998–99 season, a refereeing error denied Rijeka their first championship title, with one match to go, Rijeka were one point ahead of Croatia Zagreb, needing a home win against Osijek to secure the title

6. Сент-Патрикс Атлетик – St Patricks Athletic F. C. is an Irish association football club based in Inchicore, Dublin, that plays in the Irish Premier Division. Founded in May 1929, they played originally in the Phoenix Park, St Patricks Athletic have won numerous trophies in Irish Club Football, including nine League Titles, the fifth most in Irish Football, as well as three FAI Cups and two League Cups. The current manager is Liam Buckley, who is in his spell in charge at the club after replacing Pete Mahon in 2011. The club graduated through the ranks of the Leinster Senior League and duly took their place in the League of Ireland in 1951, the clubs glory years came in the 1950s and 1990s when they won 7 of their 9 league titles. The club also have the record for never having been relegated from the Premier Division, the club play in red and white colours, and their nicknames include The Saints, Supersaints and Pats. The Saints also have a lot of Dublin Derby games with the likes of Shelbourne, Shamrock Rovers, during the late 1940s and 1950s St Pats played in the Leinster Senior League. During this period won the league title on six occasions. This included four successive titles between 1947–48 and 1950–51, in 1947–48 St Pats completed a treble after also winning both the FAI Intermediate Cup and Leinster Senior Cup. The 1948–49 season would see St Pats win a Leinster Senior League / FAI Intermediate Cup double, in 1950–51 a young Shay Gibbons helped St Pats win the Leinster Senior League title for a fourth time. After St Pats first team joined the League of Ireland in 1951–52, in 1951–52 the club was admitted, along with Cork side Evergreen United, to the League of Ireland. St Pats made an impact, winning the league championship at their first attempt. Two more league championship successes followed in 1954–55 and 1955–56, the club had to wait until 1959 before their first FAI Cup success, repeating the feat in 1961. and Willie Peyton are players who contributed greatly during this era. St Pats struggled throughout the late 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s with only the odd cup final or young star emerging to brighten things for long suffering Pats fans, among those players to emerge was Noel Campbell. Campbell spent a number of years with St Pats before moving to SC Fortuna Köln where he would play 8 seasons, perhaps the brightest star to play for St Pats was Paul McGrath. McGrath was signed by Saints manager Charlie Walker from junior side Dalkey United, within a year he had won the PFAI Player of the Year award and earned himself a move to Manchester United. The World cup Winning goalkeeper Gordon Banks also played one match for St Pats, the appointment of Brian Kerr as manager in 1986 was a major turning point in the fortunes of the club. Kerr worked on limited resources to create team capable of challenging the best, at the end of the 1988/89 season St Pats left Richmond Park for what the board of directors called a short time while redevelopment work was done. Playing in Harolds Cross, Kerrs blend of players and experienced campaigners disregarded by other clubs won the clubs first league championship in 34 years on Easter Monday 1990

7. Локерен (футбольный клуб) – Koninklijke Sporting Club Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen is a Belgian professional football club based in the city of Lokeren, in the province of East Flanders. Lokeren plays in the Belgian Pro League, the club was founded in 1923 and it first reached the first division in 1974–75. Since then, it had a spell in the Second Division between 1993–94 and 1995–96. Lokeren had its most successful period in the 1980s, achieving second place in the league in 1980–81 as well as a Belgian Cup final the same year and its best European result was reaching the quarter-final of the 1980–81 UEFA Cup. In the year 2000, the merged with K Sint-Niklase SKE They are registered to the Royal Belgian Football Association with the matricule number 282. Lokerens colours are white, black and yellow and they play their home games at the Daknamstadion. In 2012, Sporting Lokeren won their first prize, after beating KV Kortrijk in the Cup Final and they won their 2nd Cup in 2014 after beating Zulte Waregem with 0–1. The matricule n°282 was given in 1920 to a club named Football Club Racing Club Lokeren, in 22 January 1923 Racing Club Lokeren was founded. Between 1945 and 1951, it had a name change. Due to financial problems, the fusion with the team from the town became necessary in 1970. The new club was then named Koninklijke Sporting Club Lokeren, in 2000, the club merged with Koninklijke Sint-Niklaas SKE to form Sporting Lokeren Sint-Niklaas Waasland. A last name change was made in 2003, as of 2 February 2017 Note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality, official website / / Lokeren at UEFA. COM Lokeren at EUFO. DE Lokeren at Weltfussball. de Lokeren at Football Squads. co. uk Lokeren at National Football Teams. com Lokeren at Football-Lineups. com

8. ВИТ Джорджия – FC WIT Georgia is a Georgian football team, playing in the capital, Tbilisi. The team is sponsored by WIT Georgia Ltd, a pet food, accessories, WIT stands for World Innovation Technologies. They play their games at Mtskheta Park at Mtskheta. In 2004 FC WIT Georgia won the Georgian Championship, qualifying them for the stages of the UEFA Champions League. In 2009 they won the championship for a second time, in 2010 the Georgian Cup was won for the first time. However, perormance of WIT Georgia was faded after 2010-11 season,1997, Founded as FC WIT Georgia Tbilisi. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality

9. Санта-Клара (футбольный клуб) – Clube Desportivo Santa Clara is a Portuguese football club from Ponta Delgada, Azores. They play in the 13, 277-seat Estádio de São Miguel that is eligible for UEFA Champions League and they are the most successful football team from the Azores islands and the only team from the archipelago to compete in one UEFA competition, the Intertoto Cup. To date, Santa Clara is the club from the Azores islands to have competed in the top division of the Portuguese Liga. They compete in the Segunda Liga, the Portuguese second level football league, Santa Claras current kit manufacturer is Adidas and their main sponsors are Banif and Açoreana Seguros. Main rivals are CD Operário from Lagoa, other major rivals are C. S. Marítimo and C. D. Nacional, from the island of Madeira, Santa Clara plays in the Estádio de São Miguel in Ponta Delgada, the largest city in the Azores. It is the team from the Azores islands to ever participate in the Portuguese Liga. The club also qualified once for UEFA Intertoto Cup in 2002, manuel Fernandes, a former Portuguese international, who took Santa Clara to the First Division the first time, is a highly acclaimed figure in Azores. While it now plays in the Segunda Liga, Santa Clara is always a favorite to get promoted, the club is known for its close connection to S. L. Benfica, having shared until recently the same crest. The club played in the old Estádio da Luz, as Benficas last official opponent before a new stadium was built in Lisbon for the UEFA Euro 2004, the attendance of that game was close to 50,000. The process of formation of the club culminates July 29,1927 with the grant by the Civil Government of Ponta Delgada the respective permit. The Clube Desportivo Santa Clara requested its inclusion on the Football Association to August 6,1927 and their first official match took place on November 20,1927. Segunda Liga Winners, 2000–01 Portuguese Second Division Winners, 1997–98 As of 1 February 2017, note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality


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