Чемпионат Судана по футболу. Чемпионат судана по футболу

Чемпионат Судана по футболу

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Премьер лига Судана по футболу — высший футбольный дивизион Судана, контролируется футбольной ассоциацией страны


  • 1 Сезон 2012
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Сезон 2012править


1962 год


Лига чемпионов КАФ,Кубок Конфедерации КАФ,

Клубный Кубок КЕСАФА


Аль Хиляль — 26

Сезон 2012
Клуб Город Стадион Вместимость
Аль-Ахли Хартум Хартум Хартум 23 000
Аль-Ахли Шенди Шенди Шенди 5000
Аль-Ахли Вад-Медани Вад-Медани Аль-Джазира 15 000
Аль-Меррейх Омдурман Меррейх Ред Кастл 42 000
Аль-Мурада Омдурман Стад дю Омдурман 14 000
Аль-Ниль Хасахеса Хасахеса 10 000
Аль-Нсур Хартум Хартум 23 000
Аль-Хартум Хартум Аль-Хартум 33 500
Аль-Хиляль Кадугли Кадугли Кадугли 5 000
Аль-Хиляль Омдурман Омдурман Аль-Хиляль 35 000
Амаль Атбара Атбара 15 000

Турнирная таблицаправить

Место Команда И В Н П Голы ± О
1 Аль-Хиляль Омдурман 26 22 4 0 62 − 12 +50 70
2 Аль-Меррейх 26 21 2 3 73 − 15 +58 65
3 Аль-Ахли Шенди 26 11 8 7 29 − 23 +6 41
4 Аль-Хартум 26 12 4 10 33 − 36 −3 40
5 Аль-Нсур 26 10 4 12 27 − 32 −5 34
6 Аль-Ахли Хартум 26 8 9 9 31 − 36 −5 33
7 Аль-Ниль 26 7 12 7 22 − 29 −7 33
8 Амаль 26 9 6 11 20 − 28 −8 33
9 Аль-Хиляль Кабугли 26 9 5 12 26 − 30 −4 32
10 Аль-Мурада 26 8 5 13 28 − 38 −10 29
11 Аль-Ахли Вад-Медани 26 7 6 13 23 − 33 −10 27
12 Аль-Хиляль Порт-Судан 26 7 6 13 28 − 43 −15 27
13 Аль-Рабта 26 6 8 12 19 − 36 −17 26
14 Джазират Аль-Фил 26 3 5 18 19 − 49 −30 14
     Лига чемпионов      Кубок Конфедерации      Вылет в нижний дивизион

Источник данных: soccerwaycomОбновлено 11 декабря 2012 года

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Чемпионские титулыправить

Клуб Кол-во побед Последний титул
Аль Хиляль 26 2010
Аль-Меррейх 18 2011
Бари Хартум 1 1969
Аль Хиляль Порт-Судан 1 1992
Аль Мурада 1 1968


  • wwwsudanfootballsd
  • чемпионат судана на zerozerofootballcom
  • чемпионат судана на goalzzcom
Футбольные Лиги Африки КАФ

Алжир | Ангола | Бенин | Ботсвана | Буркина-Фасо | Бурунди | Габон | Гамбия | Гана | Гвинея | Гвинея-Биссау | Джибути | ДР Конго | Египет | Замбия | Занзибар | Зимбабве | Кабо-Верде | Камерун | Кения | Коморские острова | Конго | Кот-д’Ивуар | Лесото | Либерия | Ливия | Маврикий | Мавритания | Мадагаскар | Малави | Мали | Марокко | Мозамбик | Намибия | Нигер | Нигерия | Реюньон | Руанда | Сан-Томе и Принсипи | Свазиленд | Сейшелы | Сенегал | Сомали | Судан | Сьерра-Леоне | Танзания | Того | Тунис | Уганда | ЦАР | Чад | Экваториальная Гвинея | Эритрея | Эфиопия | ЮАР

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Премьер лига Судана по футболу — высший футбольный дивизион Судана, контролируется футбольной ассоциацией страны.

Сезон 2012


Турнирная таблица

Место Команда И В Н П Голы ± О
1 Аль-Хиляль Омдурман 26 22 4 0 62 − 12 +50 70
2 Аль-Меррейх 26 21 2 3 73 − 15 +58 65
3 Аль-Ахли Шенди 26 11 8 7 29 − 23 +6 41
4 Аль-Хартум
12 4 10 33 − 36 −3 40
5 Аль-Нсур 26 10 4 12 27 − 32 −5 34
6 Аль-Ахли Хартум 26 8 9 9 31 − 36 −5 33
7 Аль-Ниль 26 7 12 7 22 − 29 −7 33
8 Амаль 26 9 6 11 20 − 28 −8 33
9 Аль-Хиляль Кабугли 26 9 5 12 26 − 30 −4 32
10 Аль-Мурада 26 8 5 13 28 − 38 −10 29
11 Аль-Ахли Вад-Медани 26 7 6 13 23 − 33 −10 27
12 Аль-Хиляль Порт-Судан 26 7 6 13 28 − 43 −15 27
13 Аль-Рабта 26 6
12 19 − 36 −17 26
14 Джазират Аль-Фил 26 3 5 18 19 − 49 −30 14
     Лига чемпионов      Кубок Конфедерации      Вылет в нижний дивизион

Источник данных: soccerway.comОбновлено 20 ноября 2012 года

Чемпионские титулы

Клуб Кол-во побед Последний титул
Аль Хиляль 26 2010
Аль-Меррейх 18 2011
Бари Хартум 1 1969
Аль Хиляль Порт-Судан 1 1992
Аль Мурада 1 1968



Чемпионат Судана по футболу Википедия

Место Команда И В Н П Голы ± О
1 Аль-Хиляль Омдурман 26 22 4 0 62 − 12 +50
2 Аль-Меррейх 26 21 2 3 73 − 15 +58 65
3 Аль-Ахли Шенди 26 11 8 7 29 − 23 +6 41
4 Аль-Хартум 26 12 4 10 33 − 36 −3 40
5 Аль-Нсур 26 10 4 12 27 − 32 −5 34
6 Аль-Ахли Хартум 26 8 9 9 31 − 36 −5 33
7 Аль-Ниль 26 7 12 7 22 − 29 −7 33
8 Амаль 26 9 6 11 20 − 28 −8 33
9 Аль-Хиляль Кабугли 26 9 5 12 26 − 30 −4 32
10 Аль-Мурада 26 8 5 13 28 − 38 −10 29
11 Аль-Ахли Вад-Медани 26 7 6 13 23 − 33 −10 27
12 Аль-Хиляль Порт-Судан 26 7 6 13 28 − 43 −15 27
13 Аль-Рабта 26 6 8 12 19 − 36 −17 26
14 Джазират Аль-Фил 26 3 5 18 19 − 49 −30 14
     Лига чемпионов      Кубок Конфедерации      Вылет в нижний дивизион

Источник данных: soccerway.com

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Чемпионат Судана по футболу Вики

Место Команда И В Н П Голы ± О
1 Аль-Хиляль Омдурман 26 22 4 0 62 − 12 +50 70
2 Аль-Меррейх 26 21 2 3 73 − 15 +58 65
3 Аль-Ахли Шенди 26 11 8 7 29 − 23 +6 41
4 Аль-Хартум 26 12 4 10 33 − 36 −3 40
5 Аль-Нсур 26 10 4 12 27 − 32 −5 34
6 Аль-Ахли Хартум 26 8 9 9 31 − 36 −5 33
7 Аль-Ниль 26 7 12 7 22 − 29 −7 33
8 Амаль 26 9 6 11 20 − 28 −8 33
9 Аль-Хиляль Кабугли 26 9 5 12 26 − 30 −4 32
10 Аль-Мурада 26 8 5 13 28 − 38 −10 29
11 Аль-Ахли Вад-Медани 26 7 6 13 23 − 33 −10 27
12 Аль-Хиляль Порт-Судан 26 7 6 13 28 − 43 −15 27
13 Аль-Рабта 26 6 8 12 19 − 36 −17 26
14 Джазират Аль-Фил 26 3 5 18 19 − 49 −30 14
     Лига чемпионов      Кубок Конфедерации      Вылет в нижний дивизион

Источник данных: soccerway.com

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Чемпионат Судана по футболу — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Премьер лига Судана по футболу — высший футбольный дивизион Судана, контролируется футбольной ассоциацией страны.

Сезон 2012


Турнирная таблица

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  • [www.sudanfootball.sd/en www.sudanfootball.sd]
  • [www.zerozerofootball.com/compet.php?idpais=177 чемпионат судана на zerozerofootball.com]
  • [www.goalzz.com/main.aspx?c=7254 чемпионат судана на goalzz.com]

Отрывок, характеризующий Чемпионат Судана по футболу

Пьер шел по гостиной, не слушая Петю. Петя дернул его за руку, чтоб обратить на себя его вниманье. – Ну что мое дело, Петр Кирилыч. Ради бога! Одна надежда на вас, – говорил Петя. – Ах да, твое дело. В гусары то? Скажу, скажу. Нынче скажу все. – Ну что, mon cher, ну что, достали манифест? – спросил старый граф. – А графинюшка была у обедни у Разумовских, молитву новую слышала. Очень хорошая, говорит. – Достал, – отвечал Пьер. – Завтра государь будет… Необычайное дворянское собрание и, говорят, по десяти с тысячи набор. Да, поздравляю вас. – Да, да, слава богу. Ну, а из армии что? – Наши опять отступили. Под Смоленском уже, говорят, – отвечал Пьер. – Боже мой, боже мой! – сказал граф. – Где же манифест? – Воззвание! Ах, да! – Пьер стал в карманах искать бумаг и не мог найти их. Продолжая охлопывать карманы, он поцеловал руку у вошедшей графини и беспокойно оглядывался, очевидно, ожидая Наташу, которая не пела больше, но и не приходила в гостиную. – Ей богу, не знаю, куда я его дел, – сказал он. – Ну уж, вечно растеряет все, – сказала графиня. Наташа вошла с размягченным, взволнованным лицом и села, молча глядя на Пьера. Как только она вошла в комнату, лицо Пьера, до этого пасмурное, просияло, и он, продолжая отыскивать бумаги, несколько раз взглядывал на нее. – Ей богу, я съезжу, я дома забыл. Непременно… – Ну, к обеду опоздаете. – Ах, и кучер уехал. Но Соня, пошедшая в переднюю искать бумаги, нашла их в шляпе Пьера, куда он их старательно заложил за подкладку. Пьер было хотел читать. – Нет, после обеда, – сказал старый граф, видимо, в этом чтении предвидевший большое удовольствие. За обедом, за которым пили шампанское за здоровье нового Георгиевского кавалера, Шиншин рассказывал городские новости о болезни старой грузинской княгини, о том, что Метивье исчез из Москвы, и о том, что к Растопчину привели какого то немца и объявили ему, что это шампиньон (так рассказывал сам граф Растопчин), и как граф Растопчин велел шампиньона отпустить, сказав народу, что это не шампиньон, а просто старый гриб немец. – Хватают, хватают, – сказал граф, – я графине и то говорю, чтобы поменьше говорила по французски. Теперь не время. – А слышали? – сказал Шиншин. – Князь Голицын русского учителя взял, по русски учится – il commence a devenir dangereux de parler francais dans les rues. [становится опасным говорить по французски на улицах.]


Чемпионат Судана по футболу - WikiVisually

1. Судан – Sudan, also known as North Sudan since South Sudans independence and officially the Republic of the Sudan, is a country in Northern Africa. It is the third largest country in Africa, the River Nile divides the country into eastern and western halves. Before the Sudanese Civil War, South Sudan was part of Sudan, Sudan was home to numerous ancient civilizations, such as the Kingdom of Kush, Kerma, Nobatia, Alodia, Makuria, Meroë and others, most of which flourished along the Nile. During the pre-dynastic period Nubia and Nagadan Upper Egypt were identical, by virtue of its proximity to Egypt, the Sudan participated in the wider history of the Near East inasmuch as it was Christianized by the 6th century, and Islamized in the 15th. As a result of Christianization, the Old Nubian language stands as the oldest recorded Nilo-Saharan language, Sudan was the largest country in Africa and the Arab world until 2011, when South Sudan separated into an independent country, following an independence referendum. Sudan is now the third largest country in Africa and also the third largest country in the Arab world and its capital is Khartoum, the political, cultural and commercial centre of the nation. It is a representative democratic federal republic. The politics of Sudan are regulated by an organization called the National Assembly. The Sudanese legal system is based on Islamic law, the countrys place name Sudan is a name given to a geographical region to the south of the Sahara, stretching from Western Africa to eastern Central Africa. The name derives from the Arabic bilād as-sūdān, or the lands of the Blacks, during the fifth millennium BC migrations from the drying Sahara brought neolithic people into the Nile Valley along with agriculture. The population that resulted from this cultural and genetic mixing developed social hierarchy over the centuries become the Kingdom of Kush at 1700 BC. The Kingdom of Kush was an ancient Nubian state centered on the confluences of the Blue Nile and White Nile, and the Atbarah River and it was established after the Bronze Age collapse and the disintegration of the New Kingdom of Egypt, centered at Napata in its early phase. After King Kashta invaded Egypt in the eighth century BC, the Kushite kings ruled as pharaohs of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt for a century before being defeated and driven out by the Assyrians. At the height of their glory, the Kushites conquered an empire that stretched from what is now known as South Kordofan all the way to the Sinai, pharaoh Piye attempted to expand the empire into the Near East, but was thwarted by the Assyrian king Sargon II. Sennacheribs successor Esarhaddon went further, and invaded Egypt itself, deposing Taharqa, Taharqa fled back to his homeland where he died two years later. Egypt became an Assyrian colony, however, king Tantamani, after succeeding Taharqa, Esarhaddon died while preparing to leave the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in order to eject him. However, his successor Ashurbanipal sent an army into southern Egypt and routed Tantamani. During Classical Antiquity, the Nubian capital was at Meroë, in ancient Greek geography, the Meroitic kingdom was known as Ethiopia

2. Лига чемпионов КАФ – The CAF Champions League is an annual international club football competition run by the Confederation of African Football. Due to sponsorship reasons, the name is Total CAF Champions League. Egypts Al Ahly is the most successful club in the competitions history, Egyptian clubs have accumulated the highest number of victories, winning the title 14 times. The reigning champions are Mamelodi Sundowns of South Africa, who secured their first win in the competition after defeating Zamalek SC in the 2016 final. Starting life as the African Champions Cup in 1964, the first team to lift the trophy was Cameroonian side Oryx Douala, who beat Stade Malien of Mali 2-1 in a one-off final. Bamako won the home leg 3-1 but it all came apart for them in the game in Abidjan as the Ivorians went on to win 4-1 to take the title 5-4 on aggregate. In 1967 when Ghanas Asante Kotoko met the DRCs TP Mazembe, CAF suggested a play-off, but the Ghanaians refused to compete and the title was handed to Mazembe, who went on to win the title again the following year. However, the Ghanaians got their revenge in 1970, when Kotoko, once again, the first game ended 1-1 but against expectation the Ghanaians ran out 2-1 winners in their away game to lift the title that had eluded them three years earlier. The 1970s saw a rise in the fortunes of Cameroonian club football. Between 1971 and 1980 Cameroonian teams won the cup four times, in between the Cameroonian victories the honor was shared with another team enjoying a golden age, Guinean side Hafia Conakry, who won it three times during this period. Particularly dominant have been the two Egyptian giants and Cairo-based arch-rivals, Al Ahly and Zamalek, apart from the introduction of the away goals rule, very little changed in this competition until 1997. In this year, CAF took the step to follow the lead established a few years earlier in UEFA by creating a league stage in the tournament. CAF also introduced prize money for participants for the first time, with a purse of US$1 million on offer to the winners and US$750,000 to the losing finalist, the new Champions League became the richest club competition in Africa. In the new format, the champions of the respective CAF member countries went through a series of preliminary rounds until a last 16 stage. The 8 winners of this round were drawn into two mini-leagues of 4 teams each, with each team playing each other on a home. At the end of the stage, the top two teams in each group meet in the semifinals, with the winners going through to contest the finals. From the 2009 season, the purse was increased to US$1.5 million. In 2010, TP Mazembe of the Democratic Republic of the Congo became the first club ever to repeat as champions on two separate occasions and their first pair of wins came in 1967 and 1968, before repeating the feat again in 2009 and 2010

3. Кубок Конфедерации КАФ – The Total CAF Confederation Cup is an international club association football competition run by the Confederation of African Football. Select club sides from Africas football leagues are invited to participate in this competition, the winner of the tournament faces the winner of the Total CAF Champions League in the following seasons Total CAF Super Cup. The competition was founded by the CAF in 2004 by merging both the African Cup Winners Cup and the CAF Cup in a single competition, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total started with the Africa Cup of Nations that was held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations, the competition is played into two phases A and B. The matches of the Preliminary, the 1/16th, the 1/8th rounds are played according to the system with ties broken via the Away goals rule. The eight teams eliminated from the 1/8th finals of the CAF Champions League will automatically qualify to play the additional 1/8th finals round of the CAF Confederation Cup. The eight teams which will qualify for the matches from the additional 1/8th finals will be divided in two groups of four each. Each team shall play six matches against the three opponents one match home and one match away and points granted upon the 3-1-0 system. The two group winners meet in the final which shall be played in two matches, home and away. The team scoring the highest aggregate number of goals in the two matches will be declared winner, in case of equality in the number of goals scored during the two matches, the team scoring the greatest number of away goals will be declared winner. If the number of goals scored on the matches is equal. The match will be played in the year to that of the concerned competition, in one match. CAF Cup CAF Champions League CAF Super Cup CAF Confederation Cup page on CAF official website CAF Confederation Cup on RSSSF

4. Аль-Меррейх – Al-Merrikh Sporting Club is a Sudanese football club based in Omdurman. Their home stadium is Al-Merrikh Stadium, which is known as The Red Castle. Founded in 1908, Al-Merrikh is one of the oldest football clubs in Africa, the club share a fierce rivalry with Al-Hilal, the games between them regularly selling out, as well as being the only other realistic challenger to the league crown. Al-Hilal are also based in Omdurman with only Al-Ardha street separating the teams, Al-Merrikh was founded under the name of Al-Masalma Sporting Club in 1908 by students from Al-Masalmah district in Omdurman of Gordon Memorial College. The club renamed as Al-Merrikh Sporting Club on 14 November 1927, in 2015 Al-Merreikh signed South Sudanese player Aluck Akech from Malakia after Aluck played with South Sudan against Mauritania for 2018 World Cup qualifications. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality, currently Gamal Alwali is the chairman. Here is a complete list of Al-Merrikh club presidents from 1927 until the present day

5. Аль-Хиляль (футбольный клуб, Омдурман) – Al Hilal Educational Club also known as Al Hilal Omdurman or Al Hilal for a short, is a Sudanese football club founded on 13 February 1930 in the city of Omdurman. The name Hilāl is the Arabic word for crescent – a name chosen on a night when the crescent of the moon was visible in Omdurman, also it is the first club in the world to be named. The only organized activities permitted were sports clubs and Scouting, at that time, sports clubs were named after neighbourhoods, cities and famous figures. Examples included Team Bori, Team Abbas and Hay Alisbtaliya, the meeting concluded that the new club should have an inclusive name, and not be named after a specific neighbourhood or person. The story goes that the founders had been unable to agree upon a name for the proposed club when the meeting was temporarily adjourned at dusk for the evening prayers at a nearby mosque. Everyone welcomed the idea, and on 4 March 1930 Al-Hilal became the name of the club and the first to hold this name in Sudan. The uniform chosen was blue and white – after the white crescent against the dark blue night skies. The first squad included many of the founders that were present at the establishing meeting, the following list includes the founding fathers of Al-Hilal and their roles. It is translated to English as God – The Nation – Al-Hilal, note, Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality

6. Хартум – Khartoum is the capital and second largest city of Sudan and the state of Khartoum. It is located at the confluence of the White Nile, flowing north from Lake Victoria, the location where the two Niles meet is known as al-Mogran. The main Nile continues to north towards Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea. The origin of the word, Khartoum, is uncertain, one theory argues that khartoum is derived from Arabic khurṭūm, probably referring to the narrow strip of land extending between the Blue and White Niles. Some scholars speculate that the word derives from the Nubian word, Agartum, other Beja scholars suggest Khartoum is derived from the Beja word, Hartoom. Additionally, the dream interpreting magicians in Genesis 41,8 are referred to as חַרְטֻמֵּ֥י, suggesting that in ancient times the word already existed. In 1821, Khartoum was established 24 kilometres north of the ancient city of Soba, by Ibrahim Pasha, the son of Egypts ruler, Muhammad Ali Pasha, who had just incorporated Sudan into his realm. Originally, Khartoum served as an outpost for the Egyptian Army and it also became a focal point for the slave trade. Later, it became the center of Sudan and official capital. On 13 March 1884, troops loyal to the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad started a siege of Khartoum, the siege ended in a massacre of the Anglo-Egyptian garrison. On 26 January 1885, the damaged city fell to the Mahdists. On 2 September 1898, Omdurman was the scene of the bloody Battle of Omdurman, in 1973, the city was the site of an anomalous hostage crisis in which members of Black September held 10 hostages at the Saudi Arabian embassy, five of them diplomats. The US ambassador, the US deputy ambassador, and the Belgian chargé daffaires were murdered, a 1973 United States Department of State document, declassified in 2006, concluded, The Khartoum operation was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval of Yasser Arafat. In 1977, the first oil pipeline between Khartoum and the Port of Sudan was completed, throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Khartoum was the destination for hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing conflicts in neighboring nations such as Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Uganda. Many Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees assimilated into society, while others settled in large slums at the outskirts of the city, since the mid-1980s, large numbers of refugees from South Sudan and Darfur fleeing the violence of the Second Sudanese Civil War and Darfur conflict have settled around Khartoum. In 1991, Osama bin Laden purchased a house in the affluent al-Riyadh neighborhood of the city and he lived there until 1996, when he was banished from the country. The destruction of the factory produced diplomatic tension between the U. S. and Sudan, the factory ruins are now a tourist attraction. The sudden death of SPLA head and vice-president of Sudan, John Garang, the riots finally died down after Southern Sudanese politicians and tribal leaders sent strong messages to the rioters

7. Шенди – Shendi or Shandi is a town in northern Sudan, situated on the east bank of the Nile River 150 km northeast of Khartoum. Shandi is also about 45 km southwest of the ancient city of Meroe, located in the River Nile wilayah, Shandi is the center of the Jaaliin tribe and an important historic trading center. Its principal suburb on the west bank is Al-Matamma, a major traditional trade route across the Bayuda Desert connects Al-Matamma to Marawi and Napata,250 km to the northwest. Very basic services and infrastructure mean that Shendi exists mainly as a center for trade in goods from nearby farms. Roads have begun to be laid cross the city, the railway station in the city is no longer used for passenger travel, although freight trains continue to use the tracks. Shendi is home to an airport, mobile telephone coverage exists within the city, neighboring towns of alMisiktab and Al Mattamah, outlying villages and the ancient Meriotic pyramids to the north. Schools exist within the town and local villages A UNESCO funded center exists within the town to promote education in foreign languages, Shendi University is a public university that was established in 1994. The university draws students from across Sudan to study there

8. Вад-Медани – Wad Madani or is the capital of the Al Jazirah state in east-central Sudan. Wad Madani lies on the west bank of the Blue Nile and it is linked by rail to Khartoum and is the center of a cotton-growing region. The city is also the center of trade in wheat, peanuts, barley. It is also headquarters of the Irrigation Service, in 2008, its population was 345,290. It is the home of the Wad Medani Ahlia College, a private university, in the early 19th century, Wad Madani was a small Turko-Egyptian outpost, and grew rapidly following the 1925 Gezira Scheme of irrigation to stimulate local economic development. Wad Madani is a centre of the Gezira agricultural district and is mostly residential. Wad Madani has lively commercial activities with good souqs, the beaches of Wad Madani are situated on the eastern river bank of the Blue Nile, which flows into Sudan from Ethiopia. The citys facilities are more modernized than most places in the Sudan, the University of al-Gezira is also located in the area. The popular Sudanese singers Abdel Aziz El Mubarak, Mohammed Al Ameen, the center of the towns areas are the souq, Al Daraga, Al Gism Al Awal, Wad Azrag and the Sudanese District

9. Омдурман – Omdurman is the largest city in Sudan and Khartoum State, lying on the western banks of the River Nile, opposite the capital, Khartoum. Omdurman has a population of 2,395,159 and is the centre of commerce. With Khartoum and Khartoum North or Bahri, it forms the cultural and industrial heart of the nation, the name Omdurman literally translates as Mother of Durmān, but who she was or might have been is not known. There are unattested legends of a known as Umm Durmān who lived in an area at the confluence of the White and Blue Niles. In 1884, Muḥammad Aḥmad, the Mahdi, made his headquarters in the village of Omdurman. The conflicts that followed over the fifteen years have become known as the Mahdist War. Following the defeat of the defenders of Khartoum in 1885. The city, now the location of the tomb of the Mahdi, however, in the Battle of Omdurman in 1898, Lord Kitchener decisively defeated the Mahdist forces and killed the Khalifa, ensuring British control over the Sudan. In the battle Omdurman, the British army faced Sudanese defenders consisting of over 52,000 poorly armed desert tribesmen dervishes, in space of five hours the battle was over. The Sudanese defenders suffered over 93 percent casualty with at least 10,000 killed, by contrast there were fewer than four hundred casualties on the British side with forty-eight British soldiers lost their life. Then, General Kitchener proceeded to order the destruction of the Mahdis tomb, Kitchener restored Khartoum as the capital and, from 1899 until 1956 Sudan was jointly governed by Great Britain and Egypt. Although most of the city was destroyed in the battle, the Mahdis tomb was restored and refurbished, on 10 May 2008 the Darfur rebel group of the Justice and Equality Movement moved into the city where they engaged in heavy fighting with Sudanese government forces. Their goal was to topple Omar Hassan al-Bashirs government, Omdurman features a hot desert climate, with only the months of July and August seeing significant precipitation. Khartoum averages a little over 155 millimetres of precipitation per year, based on annual mean temperatures, Omdurman is one of the hottest major cities in the world. Temperatures may exceed 53 °C in mid-summer. It has dry winters and its average annual high temperature is 37.1 °C, with six months of the year seeing an average monthly high temperature of at least 38 °C. Furthermore, throughout the year, none of its average high temperatures falls below 30 °C. This is something not seen in major cities with hot desert climates such as Riyadh or Baghdad or Phoenix. Although its diurnal temperature variation is fair enough temperatures cool off during the night, the city literally does not experience seasons, just like most parts of the Arabian peninsula and north-eastern Africa where its either hot or very hot all year long


Чемпионат Судана по футболу — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

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Sudan Premier League

Флаг Судана Судан

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1962 год

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Лига чемпионов КАФ,Кубок Конфедерации КАФ,

Клубный Кубок КЕСАФА


Аль Хиляль — 26

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Премьер лига Судана по футболу — высший футбольный дивизион Судана, контролируется футбольной ассоциацией страны.

Сезон 2012


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  • [http://www.sudanfootball.sd/en www.sudanfootball.sd]
  • [http://www.zerozerofootball.com/compet.php?idpais=177 чемпионат судана на zerozerofootball.com]
  • [http://www.goalzz.com/main.aspx?c=7254 чемпионат судана на goalzz.com]

Отрывок, характеризующий Чемпионат Судана по футболу

Меня изнутри взорвало! Я даже на мгновение забыла, что очень скоро стану одной из них... Вся моя бушующая сила вдруг выплеснулась наружу, и... пыточная комната перестала существовать... Остались только голые, залитые кровью стены и страшные, леденящие душу «инструменты» пыток... Все находившиеся там люди – и палачи и их жертвы – бесследно исчезли. Караффа стоял бледный, как сама смерть, и смотрел на меня, не отрываясь, пронизывая своими жуткими чёрными глазами, в которых плескалась злоба, осуждение, удивление, и даже какой-то странный, необъяснимый восторг... Он хранил гробовое молчание. И всю его внутреннюю борьбу отражало только лицо. Сам он был неподвижным, точно статуя... Он что-то решал. Мне было искренне жаль, ушедших в «другую жизнь», так зверски замученных, и наверняка невиновных, людей. Но я была абсолютно уверена в том, что для них моё неожиданное вмешательство явилось избавлением от всех ужасающих, бесчеловечных мук. Я видела, как уходили в другую жизнь их чистые, светлые души, и в моём застывшем сердце плакала печаль... Это был первый раз за долгие годы моей сложной «ведьминой практики», когда я отняла драгоценную человеческую жизнь... И оставалось только надеяться, что там, в том другом, чистом и ласковом мире, они обретут покой. Караффа болезненно всматривался в моё лицо, будто желая узнать, что побудило меня так поступить, зная, что, по малейшему мановению его «светлейшей» руки, я тут же займу место «ушедших», и возможно, буду очень жестоко за это платить. Но я не раскаивалась... Я ликовала! Что хотя бы кому-то с моей помощью удалось спастись из его грязных лап. И наверняка моё лицо ему что-то сказало, так как в следующее мгновение Караффа судорожно схватил меня за руку и потащил к другой двери... – Что ж, надеюсь Вам это понравиться, мадонна! – и резко втолкнул меня внутрь... А там... подвешенный на стене, как на распятии, висел мой любимый Джироламо... Мой ласковый и добрый муж... Не было такой боли, и такого ужаса, который не полоснул бы в этот миг моё истерзанное сердце!.. Я не могла поверить в увиденное. Моя душа отказывалась это принимать, и я беспомощно закрыла глаза. – Ну что Вы, милая Изидора! Вам придётся смотреть наш маленький спектакль! – угрожающе-ласково произнёс Караффа. – И боюсь, что придётся смотреть до конца!..


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