Сбо́рная Вьетна́ма по футбо́лу — национальная сборная, представляющая Вьетнам на международной футбольной арене.
Руководство командой осуществляет Федерация футбола Вьетнама.В 1950-70-х годах существовала сборная Южного Вьетнама. Она участвовала в квалификационных турнирах чемпионатов мира и Азии и в 1956 и 1960 годах пробивалась в четвёрку лучших команд континента. Сборная Северного Вьетнама, дебютировавшая в 1956 году, по политическим причинам в международных турнирах не играла и участвовала лишь в товарищеских матчах с командами из других социалистических стран. Сборная объединённого Вьетнама провела свой первый матч в 1991 году, а с 1993 года она включились в борьбу за право сыграть на чемпионате мира.
В 2007 году была открыта новая страница в истории вьетнамского футбола: Вьетнам совместно с Индонезией, Малайзией и Таиландом стал организатором Кубка Азии, и сборная Вьетнама впервые приняла участие в главном футбольном турнире континента. Одержав победу в дебютном матче с командой ОАЭ и сыграв вничью с Катаром, подопечные австрийского тренера Альфреда Ридля пробились в четвертьфинал континентального первенства, где уступили только будущим чемпионам — сборной Ирака.
В декабре 2007 года Альфред Ридль покинул пост тренера сборной Вьетнама. На смену ему пришёл португалец Энрике Калишту, уже работавший со сборной в 2002 году. Под его руководством Вьетнам стал победителем чемпионата АСЕАН 2008.
Состав сборной Вьетнама на чемпионате АСЕАН 2010:
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сбо́рная Вьетна́ма по футбо́лу — национальная сборная, представляющая Вьетнам на международной футбольной арене. Руководство командой осуществляет Федерация футбола Вьетнама.
В 1950-70-х годах существовала сборная Южного Вьетнама. Она участвовала в квалификационных турнирах чемпионатов мира и Азии и в 1956 и 1960 годах пробивалась в четвёрку лучших команд континента. Сборная Северного Вьетнама, дебютировавшая в 1956 году, по политическим причинам в международных турнирах не играла и участвовала лишь в товарищеских матчах с командами из других социалистических стран. Сборная объединённого Вьетнама провела свой первый матч в 1991 году, а с 1993 года она включились в борьбу за право сыграть на чемпионате мира.
В 2007 году была открыта новая страница в истории вьетнамского футбола: Вьетнам совместно с Индонезией, Малайзией и Таиландом стал организатором Кубка Азии, и сборная Вьетнама впервые приняла участие в главном футбольном турнире континента. Одержав победу в дебютном матче с командой ОАЭ и сыграв вничью с Катаром, подопечные австрийского тренера Альфреда Ридля пробились в четвертьфинал континентального первенства, где уступили только будущим чемпионам — сборной Ирака.
В декабре 2007 года Альфред Ридль покинул пост тренера сборной Вьетнама. На смену ему пришёл португалец Энрике Калишту, уже работавший со сборной в 2002 году. Под его руководством Вьетнам стал победителем чемпионата АСЕАН 2008.
В 1950-70-х годах существовала сборная Южного Вьетнама. Она участвовала в квалификационных турнирах чемпионатов мира и Азии и в 1956 и 1960 годах пробивалась в четвёрку лучших команд континента. Сборная Северного Вьетнама, дебютировавшая в 1956 году, по политическим причинам в международных турнирах не играла и участвовала лишь в товарищеских матчах с командами из других социалистических стран. Сборная объединённого Вьетнама провела свой первый матч в 1991 году, а с 1993 года она включились в борьбу за право сыграть на чемпионате мира.
В 2007 году была открыта новая страница в истории вьетнамского футбола: Вьетнам совместно с Индонезией, Малайзией и Таиландом стал организатором Кубка Азии, и сборная Вьетнама впервые приняла участие в главном футбольном турнире континента. Одержав победу в дебютном матче с командой ОАЭ и сыграв вничью с Катаром, подопечные австрийского тренера Альфреда Ридля пробились в четвертьфинал континентального первенства, где уступили только будущим чемпионам — сборной Ирака.
В декабре 2007 года Альфред Ридль покинул пост тренера сборной Вьетнама. На смену ему пришёл португалец Энрике Калишту, уже работавший со сборной в 2002 году. Под его руководством Вьетнам стал победителем чемпионата АСЕАН 2008.
Эдсон Тавареш | 1995 |
Карл-Хайнц Вейганг | 1995—1997 |
Колин Мёрфи | 1997 |
Альфред Ридль | 1998—2000 |
Эдсон Сильва Дидо | 2001 |
Кристиан Летард | 2002 |
Энрике Калишту | 2002 |
Альфред Ридль | 2003 |
Эдсон Тавареш | 2004 |
Альфред Ридль | 2006—2007 |
Энрике Калишту | 2008—2011 |
Фалько Гётц | 2011 |
Фан Тхань Хынг | 2012 |
Хоанг Ван Фук | 2013—2014 |
Тошия Миура | 2014—2016 |
1 Буй Куанг Хюи (в) • 2 Фунг Ван Ньен • 3 Нгуен Хюи Хоанг • 4 Доан Вьет Кыонг • 6 Фам Хунг Зунг • 7 Ву Ню Тхань • 8 Донг Хюи Тхай • 9 Ле Конг Винь • 10 Хюинь Фук Хиеп • 11 Фунг Конг Минь • 12 Нгуен Минь Фыонг • 13 Май Тиен Тхань • 14 Ле Тан Тай • 15 Нгуен Минь Тюен • 16 Хюинь Куанг Тхань • 17 Нгуен Ву Фонг • 18 Фан Тхань Бинь • 19 Фан Ван Тай Эм • 20 Чан Дык Зыонг • 21 Нгуен Ань Дык • 22 Зыонг Хонг Шон (в) • 23 Чан Дык Кыонг (в) • 29 Тяу Фонг Хоа • тренер: Альфред Ридль |
Ву Ван Ты (1991) • Нгуен Ши Хиен (1991—1994) • Чан Дыу Лонг (и. о.) (1994—1995) • Таварес (1995) • Вайганг (1995—1997) • Мёрфи (1997) • Ридль (1998—2000) • Дидо (2001) • Летар (2002) • Калишту (2002) • Ридль (2003) • Таварес (2004) • Чан Ван Кхань (и. о.) (2004) • Ридль (2005—2007) • Калишту (2008—2011) • Гётц (2011—) |
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Сбо́рная Ю́жного Вьетна́ма по футбо́лу — национальная сборная, представлявшая Южный Вьетнам на международной футбольной арене. Первый матч провела в 1949 году. В 1956 и 1960 принимала участие в финальных турнирах двух первых Кубков Азии, и оба раза заняла на них 4-е место среди четырех участников. В 1973 году единственный раз участвовала в отборочном турнире к чемпионату мира. Выбыла из борьбы на первом этапе, уступив сборным Японии и Гонконга. Прекратила существование после объединения Северного и Южного Вьетнама в 1976 году.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Сборная Вьетнама по футболу — Прозвища Ngôi Sao Vàng (Золотая звезда) Конфедераци … Википедия
Сборная Таиланда по футболу — Прозвища ช้างศึก (Боевые слоны) Конфедерация Азиатская конфедерация футбола Федерация Футбольная ассоциация Та … Википедия
Сборная Тайваня по футболу — Эта статья о сборной, представляющей футбольную ассоциацию китайского Тайбэя, располагающуюся в Китайской Республике. Статья о сборной, представляющей Китайскую футбольную ассоциацию, располагающуюся в Китайской Народной Республике … … Википедия
Сборная Лаоса по футболу — Сборная Лаоса по футболу … Википедия
Кубок Азии по футболу 1956 — Кубок Азии 1956 Asian Cup 1956 Место проведения Гонконг Время проведения 1 сентября 15 сентября Число участников 4 Победитель … Википедия
Кубок Азии по футболу 1968 — Asian Cup 1968 Место проведения Иран Время проведения 10 … Википедия
Кубок Азии по футболу — AFC Asian Cup Страна Азия (АФК) Основан 1956 Кол во команд 16 (финал) Действующий чемпион … Википедия
Кубок Азии по футболу 1960 — Asian Cup 1960 Место проведения Южная Корея Время проведения 14 октября 21 октября … Википедия
Кубок Азии по футболу 1964 — Asian Cup Israel 1964 Место проведения Израиль Время проведения 26 мая 9 июня Число участников … Википедия
Чхве Джон Мин — Общая информация … Википедия
Сбо́рная Вьетна́ма по футбо́лу — национальная сборная, представляющая Вьетнам на международной футбольной арене. Руководство командой осуществляет Федерация футбола Вьетнама.
В 1950-70-х годах существовала сборная Южного Вьетнама. Она участвовала в квалификационных турнирах чемпионатов мира и Азии и в 1956 и 1960 годах пробивалась в четвёрку лучших команд континента. Сборная Северного Вьетнама, дебютировавшая в 1956 году, по политическим причинам в международных турнирах не играла и участвовала лишь в товарищеских матчах с командами из других социалистических стран. Сборная объединённого Вьетнама провела свой первый матч в 1991 году, а с 1993 года она включились в борьбу за право сыграть на чемпионате мира.
В 2007 году была открыта новая страница в истории вьетнамского футбола: Вьетнам совместно с Индонезией, Малайзией и Таиландом стал организатором Кубка Азии, и сборная Вьетнама впервые приняла участие в главном футбольном турнире континента. Одержав победу в дебютном матче с командой ОАЭ и сыграв вничью с Катаром, подопечные австрийского тренера Альфреда Ридля пробились в четвертьфинал континентального первенства, где уступили только будущим чемпионам — сборной Ирака.
В декабре 2007 года Альфред Ридль покинул пост тренера сборной Вьетнама. На смену ему пришёл португалец Энрике Калишту, уже работавший со сборной в 2002 году. Под его руководством Вьетнам стал победителем чемпионата АСЕАН 2008.
1. Азиатская конфедерация футбола – The Asian Football Confederation is the governing body of association football in Asia and Australia. Three other states located along the fringe of Asia – Cyprus, Armenia. Hong Kong and Macau, although not independent countries, are members of the AFC. One of FIFAs six continental confederations, the AFC was formed officially on 8 May 1954 in Manila, Philippines, the main headquarters is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The current president is Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa of Bahrain, the Asian Football Confederation was founded on 8 May 1954. Afghanistan, Burma, Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation is the section of the AFC who manage womens football in Asia. The group was founded in April 1968 in a meeting involving Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia. In 1986 the ALFC merged with the AFC, the Asian Ladies Football Confederation helped organise the AFC Womens Asian Cup, first held in 1975, as well as the AFCs AFC U-19 Womens Championship and the AFC U-17 Womens Championship. The AFC has 47 member associations split into five regions, all three competitions are held every four years. The top-ranked AFC competition is the AFC Champions League, which started in the 2002–03 season and gathers the top 1–4 teams of each country, a second, lower-ranked competition is the AFC Cup. This competition was launched by AFC in 2004, a third competition, the AFC Presidents Cup, which had started in 2005, was absorbed into the AFC Cup in 2015. The AFC also runs an annual Asian futsal club competition, the AFC Futsal Club Championship
2. Федерация футбола Вьетнама – The Vietnam Football Federation is the governing body of football in Vietnam. It is responsible for the Vietnam mens, womens, olympic, Football has been played in Vietnam since the early 20th century, however, due to the war, it had not been developed into a movement. Due to the division of Vietnam, football was played differently in the two parts of the country until 1975, in 1989, VFA was renamed to Vietnam Football Federation. Football came into Vietnam with the French in 1896 and it was first introduced in Cochinchina, and then spread to other parts of the colony - the central and northern parts. In 1960, Vietnam Football Association was established in the North and its first president Hà Đăng Ấn, head of Railway Department and a former football star. In the South under control of the Republic of Vietnam, a similar Association was also founded to administer football activities in the South, in 1989, following the Đổi mới reforms, Vietnamese sports began to return to international events. After three months of preparation, in August 1989, the First Congress of the new football federation took place in Hanoi, trịnh Ngọc Chữ, deputy minister of General Department of Sports, was elected president of VFF and Lê Thế Thọ was appointed general secretary. Despite representing Vietnamese football, the Federation has been criticized for their inefficient handling of the football team in recent years. The current president of VFF is Lê Hùng Dũng. League 1 or National League V and they also made the final rounds of the Asian Cup competition in 1956. A decline in form followed for years but in recent times
3. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
4. Сборная Китая по футболу – The Chinese national football team, recognized as China PR by FIFA, is the national association football team of the Peoples Republic of China and is governed by the Chinese Football Association. The team is referred to as Team China, the National Team or Guózú. The team was founded in 1924 by the Republic of China, following the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese Football Association was reformed by the newly founded Peoples Republic of China. They remained affiliated with FIFA until 1958, when they withdrew, China has won the EAFF East Asian Cup twice in 2005 and 2010 and have been runners-up at the AFC Asian Cup twice in 1984 and 2004. He invited China to participate in the inaugural 1913 Far Eastern Championship Games held in the Philippines, which included association football within the schedule. To represent them it was decided that the winner of the football at the Chinese National Games in 1910 should have the honour to represent the country, once again South China Football Club, now known as South China Athletic Association won the right to represent the nation. This time in a two legged play-off against the Philippines, China won the first game 1–0 and then drew the second 0–0 to win their first ever tournament, the Chinese Football Association was founded in 1924 and then was first affiliated with FIFA in 1931. At the tournament China were knocked out within their first game at the Round of sixteen when they were beaten by Great Britain Olympic football team 2–0 on 6 August 1936. The tournament would be cancelled while Japan held their own tournament called the Anniversary of the Japanese Empire. None of games during the Second Sino-Japanese War are officially recgonized, on 2 August 1948 China competed in the Football at the 1948 Summer Olympics where they were once again knocked out in the last sixteen, this time by Turkey national football team in a 4–0 defeat. China, under the newly instated Peoples Republic of China reformed the Chinese Football Association before having FIFA acknowledge their 1931 membership on 14 June 1952. Finland who were one of the first nations to hold diplomatic relations with Chinas new government invited the country to take part in the 1952 Summer Olympics. China would soon enter their first Fifa competition when they entered the 1958 FIFA World Cup qualification process and were knocked out by Indonesia, on 7 June 1958 China stopped participating within any FIFA recognised football events when FIFA officially started to recognise Republic of China as a different country. This sparked an argument that had already seen China withdraw from the 1956 Summer Olympics for the same reasons. On 25 October 1971 the United Nations would recognise the country as the heir to the China name in their General Assembly Resolution 2758 act. In 1973 the team, which had been using the name Republic of China would rename themselves as Chinese Taipei and these acts would see China rejoin the international sporting community, first by becoming a member of the Asian Football Confederation in 1974 and by rejoining FIFA again in 1979. The 1974 Asian Games reintroduced the Chinese football team back into football while the 1976 AFC Asian Cup saw them have a relatively successful campaign where they came third. The Chinese national league restarted after being affected by the political turmoil
5. Сборная Филиппин по футболу – The Philippines national football team is the national football team of the Philippines and represents the country in international football. The team is controlled by the Philippine Football Federation, the body of football in the Philippines. Philippines home grounds are the Philippine Sports Stadium in Bocaue, Bulacan, and the Rizal Memorial Stadium in Manila and the current coach is Thomas Dooley. The national team has never qualified for the FIFA World Cup or the Asian Cup, the national teams best finish in a major tournament was at the 2014 AFC Challenge Cup where they finished second after losing to Palestine in the final. The Philippines participated at the Far Eastern Championship Games, which included football, the first edition was in 1913 and the last was in 1934. The games were the first regional tournament for national teams outside Britain. The national team routinely faced Japan and China and at one edition the Dutch East Indies at the games, the Philippines won over China at the inaugural tournament with the scoreline of 2–1. During the 1917 edition, the team achieved its biggest win in international football. Led by Filipino-Spanish icon Paulino Alcantara, the Philippines defeated Japan 15–2, the team finished third behind champions Japan and second placers, Manchukuo and ahead of the Republic of China. In the 1950s the Philippines hosted friendlies with international-based sides, However the national team experienced lack of funding, during that time talents from the national team were drawn from the Manila Football League which received substantial support from the Chinese-Filipino community. The national teams decent performance at the 1958 Asian Games, hosted in Tokyo, after 1958, saw the decline of Philippine football, several key players resigned from the national team due to financial challenges for playing for the national team. National team players Ed Ocampo and Eduardo Pacheco switched to basketball, sponsors withdrew and leagues, which were mostly funded by the Chinese-Filipino community started to decline. The 60–40 rule was lifted much later during the tenure of president Johnny Romualdez of the Philippine Football Federation, the national team suffered defeats with big margins at the 1962 Asian Games in Jakarta. This includes the teams record 15–1 defeat to Malaysia, which became the worst defeat of the national team at that time. The record was broken by the 15–0 lose to Japan in 1967 at the qualifiers for the 1968 Summer Olympics. Foreigners were hired to serve as coaches for the national team in an attempt to reduce big margin loses. Englishman, Allan Rogers was hired following the defeat to Malaysia. Coaches from the United Kingdom, Alan Rogers and Brian Birch, after the two were relieved, Danny McClellan and Graham Adams continued their task
6. Филиппины – The Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, is a sovereign island country in Southeast Asia situated in the western Pacific Ocean. It consists of about 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under three main geographical divisions from north to south, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, the capital city of the Philippines is Manila and the most populous city is Quezon City, both part of Metro Manila. The Philippines has an area of 300,000 square kilometers, and it is the eighth-most populated country in Asia and the 12th most populated country in the world. As of 2013, approximately 10 million additional Filipinos lived overseas, multiple ethnicities and cultures are found throughout the islands. In prehistoric times, Negritos were some of the archipelagos earliest inhabitants and they were followed by successive waves of Austronesian peoples. Exchanges with Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Islamic nations occurred, then, various competing maritime states were established under the rule of Datus, Rajahs, Sultans or Lakans. The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan in Homonhon, Eastern Samar in 1521 marked the beginning of Hispanic colonization, in 1543, Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos named the archipelago Las Islas Filipinas in honor of Philip II of Spain. With the arrival of Miguel López de Legazpi from Mexico City, in 1565, the Philippines became part of the Spanish Empire for more than 300 years. This resulted in Roman Catholicism becoming the dominant religion, during this time, Manila became the western hub of the trans-Pacific trade connecting Asia with Acapulco in the Americas using Manila galleons. Aside from the period of Japanese occupation, the United States retained sovereignty over the islands until after World War II, since then, the Philippines has often had a tumultuous experience with democracy, which included the overthrow of a dictatorship by a non-violent revolution. It is a member of the United Nations, World Trade Organization, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. It also hosts the headquarters of the Asian Development Bank, the Philippines was named in honor of King Philip II of Spain. Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos, during his expedition in 1542, named the islands of Leyte, eventually the name Las Islas Filipinas would be used to cover all the islands of the archipelago. Before that became commonplace, other such as Islas del Poniente. The official name of the Philippines has changed several times in the course of its history, during the Philippine Revolution, the Malolos Congress proclaimed the establishment of the República Filipina or the Philippine Republic. From the 1898 Treaty of Paris, the name Philippines began to appear, since the end of World War II, the official name of the country has been the Republic of the Philippines. The metatarsal of the Callao Man, reliably dated by uranium-series dating to 67,000 years ago is the oldest human remnant found in the archipelago to date and this distinction previously belonged to the Tabon Man of Palawan, carbon-dated to around 26,500 years ago. Negritos were also among the archipelagos earliest inhabitants, but their first settlement in the Philippines has not been reliably dated, there are several opposing theories regarding the origins of ancient Filipinos
7. Хошимин – Ho Chi Minh City, formerly named and still often known as Saigon, is the largest city in Vietnam by population. It was once known as Prey Nokor prior to annexation by the Vietnamese in the 17th century, under the name Saigon, it was the capital of the French colony of Cochinchina and later of the independent republic of South Vietnam 1955–75. On 2 July 1976, Saigon merged with the surrounding Gia Định Province and was officially renamed Ho Chi Minh City after revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh, the citys population is expected to grow to 13.9 million by 2025. Ho Chi Minh City has gone by different names during its history, reflecting settlement by different ethnic. In the 1690s, Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, a Vietnamese noble, was sent by the Nguyễn rulers of Huế to establish Vietnamese administrative structures in the Mekong Delta and its surroundings. Control of the city and the passed to the Vietnamese. Immediately after the communist takeover of South Vietnam in 1975, a provisional government renamed the city after Hồ Chí Minh, even today, however, the informal name of Sài Gòn/Saigon remains in daily speech both domestically and internationally, especially among the Vietnamese diaspora. In particular, Sài Gòn is still used to refer to District 1. This name may refer to the many plants that the Khmer people had planted around Prey Nokor. It may also refer to the dense and tall forest that existed around the city. Other proposed etymologies draw parallels from Tai-Ngon, the Cantonese name of Cholon, which means embankment, and Vietnamese Sai Côn, a translation of the Khmer Prey Nokor. Prey means forest or jungle, and nokor is a Khmer word of Sanskrit origin meaning city or kingdom, the current official name, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, adopted in 1976 and abbreviated Tp. HCM, is translated as Ho Chi Minh City, abbreviated HCMC, the name commemorates Hồ Chí Minh, the first leader of North Vietnam. This name, though not his name, was one he favored throughout his later years. It combines a common Vietnamese surname with a name meaning enlightened will, in essence. Ho Chi Minh City began as a fishing village likely known as Prey Nokor, Forest City, or perhaps Preah Reach Nokor which. The area that the city now occupies was originally swampland, and was inhabited by Khmer people for centuries before the arrival of the Vietnamese. In 1623, King Chey Chettha II of Cambodia allowed Vietnamese refugees fleeing the Trịnh–Nguyễn civil war in Vietnam to settle in the area of Prey Nokor and to set up a custom house there
8. Вьетнам – Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. With an estimated 92.7 million inhabitants as of 2016, it is the worlds 14th-most-populous country, and its capital city has been Hanoi since the reunification of North and South Vietnam in 1976, with Ho Chi Minh City as a historical city as well. The northern part of Vietnam was part of Imperial China for over a millennium, an independent Vietnamese state was formed in 939, following a Vietnamese victory in the Battle of Bạch Đằng River. Following a Japanese occupation in the 1940s, the Vietnamese fought French rule in the First Indochina War, thereafter, Vietnam was divided politically into two rival states, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam. Conflict between the two sides intensified in what is known as the Vietnam War, the war ended with a North Vietnamese victory in 1975. Vietnam was then unified under a communist government but remained impoverished, in 1986, the government initiated a series of economic and political reforms which began Vietnams path towards integration into the world economy. By 2000, it had established relations with all nations. Since 2000, Vietnams economic growth rate has been among the highest in the world and its successful economic reforms resulted in its joining the World Trade Organization in 2007. It is also a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, Vietnam remains one of the worlds four remaining one-party socialist states officially espousing communism. The name Việt Nam is a variation of Nam Việt, a name that can be traced back to the Triệu Dynasty of the 2nd century BC. The word Việt originated as a form of Bách Việt. The form Vietnam is first recorded in the 16th-century oracular poem Sấm Trạng Trình, the name has also been found on 12 steles carved in the 16th and 17th centuries, including one at Bao Lam Pagoda in Haiphong that dates to 1558. Then, as recorded, rewarded Yuenan/Vietnam as their nations name, to also show that they are below the region of Baiyue/Bach Viet. Between 1804 and 1813, the name was used officially by Emperor Gia Long and it was revived in the early 20th century by Phan Bội Châus History of the Loss of Vietnam, and later by the Vietnamese Nationalist Party. The country was usually called Annam until 1945, when both the government in Huế and the Viet Minh government in Hanoi adopted Việt Nam. Archaeological excavations have revealed the existence of humans in what is now Vietnam as early as the Paleolithic age, Homo erectus fossils dating to around 500,000 BC have been found in caves in Lạng Sơn and Nghệ An provinces in northern Vietnam. The oldest Homo sapiens fossils from mainland Southeast Asia are of Middle Pleistocene provenance, teeth attributed to Homo sapiens from the Late Pleistocene have also been found at Dong Can, and from the Early Holocene at Mai Da Dieu, Lang Gao and Lang Cuom. The Hồng Bàng dynasty of the Hùng kings is considered the first Vietnamese state, in 257 BC, the last Hùng king was defeated by Thục Phán, who consolidated the Lạc Việt and Âu Việt tribes to form the Âu Lạc, proclaiming himself An Dương Vương
9. Сборная Зимбабве по футболу – The Zimbabwe national football team is the national team of Zimbabwe and is controlled by the Zimbabwe Football Association, formally known as the Football Association of Rhodesia. The team were known as the Southern Rhodesia national football team from 1939–1964 when they represented Southern Rhodesia and they became Zimbabwe in 1980 following the change in the countrys status from Zimbabwe Rhodesia. They have never qualified for the World Cup finals, and did not qualify for their first Africa Cup of Nations until 2004, Southern Rhodesia played their first official match against the England Amateur national football team as part of their tour of South Africa and Rhodesia. Southern Rhodesia lost their first two matches against England 4–0 and 6–1 respectively, in 1965, following Southern Rhodesias Unilateral Declaration of Independence as Rhodesia, FIFA requested that the Football Association of Rhodesia reform to be a multi-racial organisation. Prior to this only white Rhodesians were selected for the football team. In 1969, Rhodesia took part in the Confederation of African Football 1970 FIFA World Cup qualification tournament and this was their first attempt to qualify for the FIFA World Cup. Contrary to the team being viewed as the team of white Rhodesians. They were drawn against the Australia national football team, both legs were held in Lourenco Marques, Portuguese Mozambique as the Rhodesian team were unable to get Australian visas. Rhodesia drew the first leg 1–1 but lost the second leg 3–1 thus eliminating Rhodesia from qualification, in 1980, following the countrys reconstitution as Zimbabwe, they played their first FIFA World Cup qualifying match for 11 years against the Cameroon national football team. However they lost 2–1 on aggregate after a 1–0 win in the first leg in Salisbury, however, they lost their final qualifying match to Cameroon. In 2004, Zimbabwe qualified for their first Africa Cup of Nations, in 2015, the Zimbabwe national football team were banned from participating in 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying due to an unpaid debt to former coach, José Claudinei. Caps and goals updated as of 23 January 2017 after match against Tunisia, the following players have been called up for Zimbabwe in the last 12 months. Notes INJ Player withdrew from the due to an injury. RET Player has retired from international football, DEC Player has refused to join the team after the call-up. SUS Suspended from the national team, Zimbabwe Football Association official website Zimbabwe Football
Сборная Северного Вьетнама по футболу (вьетн. Đội tuyển bóng đá quốc gia Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng hòa) — бывшая сборная Демократической Республики Вьетнам в период между 1949 и 1975 годами. Команда прекратила своё существование, когда Северный и Южный регионы были объединены в Социалистическую Республику Вьетнам. Сборная Вьетнама по футболу начала проводить свои матчи только после 1991 года (в период между 1976 и 1990 годами матчи не проводились). Северный Вьетнам не входил в ФИФА, большинство матчей были сыграны против других социалистических стран[1].
Сборная Северного Вьетнама по футболу | |
АФК | |
Футбольная ассоциация Вьетнама | |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Основнаяформа | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Гостеваяформа |
Первая игра
Китай 5 - 3 Северный Вьетнам
(Китай; 4 октября, 1956)Последняя игра
Северный Вьетнам 2 - 1 Куба
(Северный Вьетнам; 20 сентября, 1970)
Самая крупная победа
Северный Вьетнам 9 - 0 Йемен
(Кхмерская Республика; 15 ноября, 1966)
Самое крупное поражение
Северный Вьетнам 0 - 5 Алжир
(Северный Вьетнам; 22 ноября, 1959)
КНДР 5 - 0 Северный Вьетнам
(КНДР; 22 октября, 1959)