Сборная Уганды — представляет Уганду на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Контролируется Федерацией Футбола Уганды. Является членом ФИФА с 1960 года и КАФ — с 1959 года.
Сборная Уганды является одной из сильнейших сборных Восточной и Центральной Африки за всю историю. На начало 21-го века национальная команда представляет собой крепкого середняка африканского футбола. «Журавли» ни разу не принимали участия на ЧМ, и 5 раз участвовали в финальных стадиях Кубка Африки. Расцвет сборной пришелся на вторую половину 70-х годов, когда угандийцы трижды подряд отбирались на крупнейший континентальный форум и в 1978 году дошли до финала, уступив в нем хозяевам турнира - сборной Ганы - со счетом 0:2. «Серебро» 1978 года пока является наивысшим достижением сборной Уганды, а Кубок Африки 1978 последним крупным турниром, на который удалось отобраться "Журавлям".
Кубок Восточной и Центральной Африки
Футболисты выходившие на матч с Гвинеей-Бисау (4 июня 2011, счёт 2:0)[1][2]:
1 | Вр | Роберт Одонгкара | 2 сентября 1989 (28 лет) | 29 | 0 | ![]() |
18 | Вр | Денис Оньянго | 15 мая 1985 (33 года) | 0 | ![]() | |
19 | Вр | Джамал Салим | 27 мая 1995 (23 года) | 5 | 0 | ![]() |
2 | Защ | Джозеф Очейа | 14 декабря 1993 (24 года) | 41 | 1 | ![]() |
4 | Защ | Мурушид Джууко | 14 апреля 1994 (24 года) | 22 | 0 | ![]() |
5 | Защ | Айзек Айсинде | 16 апреля 1991 (27 лет) | 55 | 2 | ![]() |
12 | Защ | Денис Игума | 10 февраля 1994 (24 года) | 52 | 1 | ![]() |
14 | Защ | Николас Вадада | 27 июля 1994 (23 года) | 26 | 0 | ![]() |
15 | Защ | Годфри Валусимби | 3 июля 1989 (28 лет) | 80 | 3 | ![]() |
20 | Защ | Тимоти Авани | 6 августа 1996 (21 год) | 7 | 0 | ![]() |
3 | ПЗ | Джоффри Кизито | 2 февраля 1993 (25 лет) | 40 | 3 | ![]() |
6 | ПЗ | Тони Маведже | 15 декабря 1986 (31 год) | 82 | 8 | ![]() |
8 | ПЗ | Халид Аучо | 8 августа 1993 (24 года) | 31 | 2 | ![]() |
10 | ПЗ | Лувагга Кизито | 20 декабря 1993 (24 года) | 33 | 1 | ![]() |
13 | ПЗ | Мозес Олоя | 22 октября 1992 (25 лет) | 50 | 1 | ![]() |
16 | ПЗ | Хассан Вассва | 14 февраля 1988 (30 лет) | 56 | 0 | ![]() |
17 | ПЗ | Фарук Мия | 26 ноября 1997 (20 лет) | 43 | 17 | ![]() |
22 | ПЗ | Шафик Батамбузе | 14 июня 1994 (24 года) | 2 | 0 | ![]() |
23 | ПЗ | Майкл Азира | 22 августа 1987 (30 лет) | 5 | 0 | ![]() |
7 | Нап | Юнус Сентаму | 13 августа 1994 (23 года) | 18 | 4 | ![]() |
9 | Нап | Джоффри Ссерункума | 6 июля 1983 (34 года) | 38 | 9 | ![]() |
11 | Нап | Джофри Масса | 19 февраля 1986 (32 года) | 69 | 18 | ![]() |
21 | Нап | Мухаммад Шабан | 11 января 1998 (20 лет) | 6 | 0 | ![]() |
Сборная Уганды никогда не хватала звезд с неба, здесь не было известных на весь мир, игроков и тренеров. Хотя англичане в начале двадцатого века научили их игре с мячом, сборная Уганды никогда не пробивалась в финальные турниры чемпионата мира. На кубках Африки выступила пять раз, однажды дойдя до финала.
Нынешняя сборная достойна выступления на кубке мира, она доказывает это своей игрой в последние 3-4 года. Тренирует команду, малоизвестный в футбольных кругах сербский тренер Милутин Средоевич, который огласит состав сборной Уганды по футболу на ЧМ по футболу 2018.
Состав сборной Уганды на ЧМ по футболу 2018 выглядит молодым, но парни уже успели закалиться на недавнем Кубке Африки, где не сумели преодолеть групповой барьер. Попробуем выделить наиболее достойных:
На этом, пожалуй, закончим, остальные игроки малоизвестны даже на родине. Многие выступают в африканских чемпионатах, но никто не играет в европейских топ лигах, возможно после чемпионата мира ситуация изменится.
Уганда прежде никогда не проходила квалификационный отбор к чемпионату мира, скажем даже больше, они ни разу не выступали в третьем отборочном раунде. Так что нынешнее выступление, в какой-то мере дебютное.
Уганда в последние годы сумела набрать много рейтинговых очков, которые позволили ей не выступать в первом раунде отборочного турнира. На втором этапе им досталась крепкая команда Того, но угандцы удивили, обыграв соперников, с общим счетом 4:0.
В настоящий момент они ведут борьбу за первую строчку, дарующую путевку на чемпионат мира 2018 года. Соперники сильны и известны на весь мир, это команды Ганы, Египта и Конго.
В стартовой игре с ганцами, болельщики не увидели голов, нулевая ничья больше на руку угандцам. В матче с аутсайдерами конголезцами, Уганда праздновала победу 1:0. До окончания отборочного цикла осталось четыре матча, и для выхода на турнир необходимо выигрывать в оставшихся встречах, в противном случае, первая строчка останется за командой Египта. Интересно будет наблюдать на реакцию египтян, которые являются самой титулованной командой Африки, в случае проигрыша команде ни разу не становившейся лучшей на континенте.
По итогам отборочного раунда, тренерский штаб огласит окончательный состав команды Уганда на ЧМ 2018.
У Уганды есть свой принципиальный соперник, это команда Судана, которая уже не попадет на чемпионат мира 2018 года. Не так давно между этими странами шла война, настроения предков передались болельщикам и футболистам. Команды всегда ведут отчаянную борьбу в этих встречах.
Всего был проведен 31 матч между соперниками. Небольшой перевес на стороне Уганды, которая выиграла в 13 матчах. Команды регулярно встречаются на кубках африканских наций и турнирах Восточной и Центральной Африки. В 1990 году, они даже встретились в финале Кубка Восточной и Центральной Африки, победу одержала Уганда со счетом 2:0.
Игроки сборной Уганды по футболу на ЧМ по футболу 2018 переплюнут суданцев уже одним своим попаданием на чемпионат мира.
Свой первый матч, футболисты из Уганды провели в 1926 году против команды Британской Восточной Африки, игра завершилась в ничью 1:1. Тогда страна находилась под властью англичан. С приходом независимости, угандцы продолжили выступать на Кубках Африки и отборочных турнирах к чемпионату мира. Пробиться на главный турнир четырехлетия ни разу не удалось, вся надежда на состав сборной Уганды по футболу 2018.
Сборная Уганды выступила на пяти финальных турнирах Кубка Африканских Наций, где сумела добиться успеха только однажды.
Финал континентального первенства так и остается наивысшим достижением национальной команды Уганды.
Сборная Уганды по футболу состав 2018 не выглядит конкурентно способным, в отличие от других африканских коллективов. Их максимум, зацепить какие-то очки во встречах с представителями Азии.
Сборная Уганды по футболу состав на на чемпионат мира 2018 будет тяжело выступать в климатических условиях России, здесь даже хорошая физическая подготовка не поможет, необходимо много времени на акклиматизацию. Но все равно, чемпионат мира такой турнир, где чудеса происходят каждые четыре года, и кто знает, может именно сборная Уганды 2018 состав станет той самой золушкой, которая влюбит в себя весь футбольный мир.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Уганды — представляет Уганду на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Контролируется Федерацией Футбола Уганды. Является членом ФИФА с 1960 года и КАФ — с 1959 года. Наивысшим достижением является выход в финал в 1978 году.
Сборная Уганды является одной из сильнейших сборных Восточной и Центральной Африки за всю историюК:Википедия:Статьи без источников (тип: не указан)[источник не указан 800 дней]. На начало 21-го века национальная команда представляет собой крепкого середняка африканского футбола. «Журавли» ни разу не принимали участия на ЧМ, и 5 раз участвовали в финальных стадиях Кубка Африки. Расцвет сборной пришелся на вторую половину 70-х годов, когда угандийцы трижды подряд отбирались на крупнейший континентальный форум и в 1978 году дошли до финала, уступив в нем хозяевам турнира — сборной Ганы — со счетом 0:2. «Серебро» 1978 года пока является наивысшим достижением сборной Уганды, а Кубок Африки 1978 последним крупным турниром, на который удалось отобраться "Журавлям".
Кубок Восточной и Центральной Африки
по состоянию на 7 октября
Напишите отзыв о статье "Сборная Уганды по футболу"Ссылки
Вдруг всё зашевелилось, толпа заговорила, подвинулась, опять раздвинулась, и между двух расступившихся рядов, при звуках заигравшей музыки, вошел государь. За ним шли хозяин и хозяйка. Государь шел быстро, кланяясь направо и налево, как бы стараясь скорее избавиться от этой первой минуты встречи. Музыканты играли Польской, известный тогда по словам, сочиненным на него. Слова эти начинались: «Александр, Елизавета, восхищаете вы нас…» Государь прошел в гостиную, толпа хлынула к дверям; несколько лиц с изменившимися выражениями поспешно прошли туда и назад. Толпа опять отхлынула от дверей гостиной, в которой показался государь, разговаривая с хозяйкой. Какой то молодой человек с растерянным видом наступал на дам, прося их посторониться. Некоторые дамы с лицами, выражавшими совершенную забывчивость всех условий света, портя свои туалеты, теснились вперед. Мужчины стали подходить к дамам и строиться в пары Польского.
Сборная Уганды представляет Уганду на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Управляющая организация — Федерация Футбола Уганды. Является членом ФИФА с 1960 года и КАФ — с 1959 года. Наивысшим достижением является выход в финал в 1978 году.
Сборная Уганды является одной из сильнейших сборных Восточной и Центральной Африки за всю историю[источник не указан 799 дней]. На начало 21-го века национальная команда представляет собой крепкого середняка африканского футбола. «Журавли» ни разу не принимали участия на ЧМ, и 5 раз участвовали в финальных стадиях Кубка Африки. Расцвет сборной пришелся на вторую половину 70-х годов, когда угандийцы трижды подряд отбирались на крупнейший континентальный форум и в 1978 году дошли до финала, уступив в нем хозяевам турнира — сборной Ганы — со счетом 0:2. «Серебро» 1978 года пока является наивысшим достижением сборной Уганды, а Кубок Африки 1978 последним крупным турниром, на который удалось отобраться "Журавлям".
Кубок Восточной и Центральной Африки
Следующие 23 игрока были вызваны в состав сборной для участия в матчах кубка африканских наций 2017.
Матчи и голы отредактированы по состоянию на 25 января 2017 годаwww.gpedia.com
Сборная Уганды является одной из сильнейших сборных Восточной и Центральной Африки за всю историю. На начало 21-го века национальная команда представляет собой крепкого середняка африканского футбола. «Журавли» ни разу не принимали участия на ЧМ, и 5 раз участвовали в финальных стадиях Кубка Африки. Расцвет сборной пришелся на вторую половину 70-х годов, когда угандийцы трижды подряд отбирались на крупнейший континентальный форум и в 1978 году дошли до финала, уступив в нем хозяевам турнира — сборной Ганы — со счетом 0:2. «Серебро» 1978 года пока является наивысшим достижением сборной Уганды, а Кубок Африки 1978 последним крупным турниром, на который удалось отобраться "Журавлям".
Кубок Восточной и Центральной Африки
Сборная Уганды по футболу Информация Видео
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There are excerpts from wikipedia on this article and video
1. Африканская конфедерация футбола – The Confederation of African Football is the administrative and controlling body for African association football. CAF represents the football associations of Africa, runs continental, national, and club competitions. CAF is the biggest of six continental confederations of FIFA, CAF has been given 5 slots out of the 32 available since the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France, this increased to 6 in 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, to include the hosts. The number of places returned to 5 for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and its first headquarters was situated in Khartoum, Sudan for some months until a fire outbreak in the offices of the Sudanese Football Association when the organization moved near Cairo. Youssef Mohammad was the first General Secretary and Abdel Aziz Abdallah Salem the president, the administrative center since 2002 is located in 6th of October City, near Cairo. It was initially made up of 4 national associations, currently there are 56 associations,55 full members since the inclusion of Zanzibar in March 2017 and Réunion Island as associate. The current CAF President is Ahmad Ahmad, suketu Patel is the 1st Vice-President, Almamy Kabele Camara is the 2nd Vice-President while Essam El Dine Ahmed is the Acting Secretary General. Hayatou announced that he would seek another term as president for the 16 March 2017 election. On March 16,2017, Ahmad Ahmad from Madagascar was elected president, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total started with the Africa Cup of Nations that was held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. Reunion holds associate membership of CAF, Zanzibar held associate membership from 1980 to 2017 when it became a full member - albeit without voting rights for CAF presidency elections, the main competition for mens national teams is the Africa Cup of Nations, started in 1957. In 2009, CAF will be organising another competition for national teams. CAF also runs national competitions at Under-20 and Under-17 levels, a third competition, the CAF Cup, started in 1992 and was absorbed into the CAF Confederation Cup in 2004. The CAF Super Cup, which pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the CAF Confederation Cup, the Afro-Asian Club Championship was jointly organised with AFC between the winners of the CAF Champions League and the winners of the AFC Champions League. The last Afro-Asian Club Championship took place in 1998, * jointly organised with AFC Legend For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament are shown. Teams are sorted by number of appearances, Legend Legend The following clubs are the top 10 clubs in CAF competitions
2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
3. Сборная Кении по футболу – The Kenya national football team represents Kenya in international football. The team is known as the Harambee Stars and plays its home games primarily at the Nyayo National Stadium in the countrys capital. The team has never qualified for a FIFA World Cup finals, Kenya has appeared in five Africa Cup of Nations tournaments, never reaching second round. The team entered its first FIFA World Cup qualification in 1974, as of 2016, they have not qualified for the final tournament. FIFA suspended Kenya from all activities for three months in 2004, due to the interference of the government in football activities. The ban was reversed after the agreed to create new statutes. On October 25,2006, Kenya was suspended again from football for failing to fulfill a January 2006 agreement made to resolve recurrent problems in their football federation. FIFA announced that the suspension would be in force until the federation complies with the previously reached. Kenya are currently coached by Stanley Okumbi, Kenya has not qualified for a major international tournament since the 2004 AFCON. The current head coach Stanley Okumbi was appointed in February 2016 since his appointment Kenya has climbed back into the top 100 FIFA ranked nations, the following players have been called up to the Kenya squad within the past 12 months. Source, RSSSF Kenya at FIFA. com FoStats. com – Database of all Kenyan players and coaches Futaa. com – Kenyan Football Portal
4. Найроби – Nairobi is the capital and largest city of Kenya. It is famous for having the Nairobi National Park, the only game reserve found within a major city. The city and its surrounding area also form Nairobi County, whose current governor is Evans Kidero, the name Nairobi comes from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nairobi, which translates to cool water. The phrase is also the Maasai name of the Nairobi river, however, it is popularly known as the Green City in the Sun, and is surrounded by several expanding villa suburbs. Nairobi was founded in 1899 by the authorities in British East Africa. The town quickly grew to replace Machakos as the capital of Kenya in 1907, after independence in 1963, Nairobi became the capital of the Republic of Kenya. During Kenyas colonial period, the city became a centre for the coffee, tea. The city lies on the River Athi in the part of the country. With a population of 3.36 million in 2011, Nairobi is the second-largest city by population in the African Great Lakes region after Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. According to the 2009 census, in the area of Nairobi,3,138,295 inhabitants lived within 696 km2. Nairobi is the 14th-largest city in Africa, including the population of its suburbs, the Nairobi Securities Exchange is one of the largest in Africa and the second-oldest exchange on the continent. It is Africas fourth-largest exchange in terms of trading volume, capable of making 10 million trades a day, Nairobi is found within the Greater Nairobi Metropolitan region, which consists of 4 out of 47 counties in Kenya, which generates about 60% of the entire nations wealth. The city was named after a water hole known in Maasai as Enkare Nairobi and it was completely rebuilt in the early 1900s after an outbreak of plague and the burning of the original town. The location of the Nairobi railway camp was due to its central position between Mombasa and Kampala. It was also chosen because its network of rivers could supply the camp with water, however, malaria was a serious problem, leading to at least one attempt to have the town moved. In 1905, Nairobi replaced Mombasa as capital of the British protectorate, as the British occupiers started to explore the region, they started using Nairobi as their first port of call. This prompted the government to build several spectacular grand hotels in the city. The main occupants were British game hunters, Nairobi continued to grow under the British and many British subjects settled within the citys suburbs
5. Кения – Kenya, officially the Republic of Kenya, is a country in Africa and a founding member of the East African Community. Its capital and largest city is Nairobi and it is bordered by Tanzania to the south and southwest, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east. Kenya covers 581,309 km2, and had a population of approximately 48 million people in January 2017, Kenya has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline. The climate is cooler in the grasslands around the capital city, Nairobi, and especially closer to Mount Kenya. Further inland are highlands in Central and Rift Valley regions where tea, in the West are Nyanza and Western regions, there is an equatorial, hot and dry climate which becomes humid around Lake Victoria, the largest tropical fresh-water lake in the world. This gives way to temperate and forested areas in the neighbouring western region. The north-eastern regions along the border with Somalia and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near-desert landscapes, Kenya is known for its world class athletes in track and field and rugby. The African Great Lakes region, which Kenya is a part of, has been inhabited by humans since the Lower Paleolithic period, by the first millennium AD, the Bantu expansion had reached the area from West-Central Africa. Bantu and Nilotic populations together constitute around 97% of the nations residents, European and Arab presence in coastal Mombasa dates to the Early Modern period, European exploration of the interior began in the 19th century. The British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate in 1895, which starting in 1920 gave way to the Kenya Colony, Kenya obtained independence in December 1963. Following a referendum in August 2010 and adoption of a new constitution, Kenya is now divided into 47 semi-autonomous counties, the capital, Nairobi, is a regional commercial hub. The economy of Kenya is the largest by GDP in East, agriculture is a major employer, the country traditionally exports tea and coffee and has more recently begun to export fresh flowers to Europe. The service industry is also an economic driver. Additionally, Kenya is a member of the East African Community trading bloc, the Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. The origin of the name Kenya is not clear, but perhaps linked to the Kikuyu, Embu and Kamba words Kirinyaga, Kirenyaa, if so, then the British may not so much have mispronounced it, as misspelled it. In the 19th century, the German explorer Johann Ludwig Krapf was staying with the Bantu Kamba people when he first spotted the mountain. On asking for the name of the mountain, he was told Kĩ-Nyaa or Kĩĩma- Kĩĩnyaa probably because the pattern of black rock, the Agikuyu, who inhabit the slopes of Mt. Kenya, call it Kĩrĩma Kĩrĩnyaga in Kikuyu, which is quite similar to the Kamba name. Ludwig Krapf recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia believed by most to be a corruption of the Kamba version, others say that this was—on the contrary—a very precise notation of a correct African pronunciation /ˈkɛnjə/
6. Сборная Джибути по футболу – The Djibouti national football team, nicknamed the Riverains de la Mer Rouge, is the national football team of Djibouti. It is controlled by the Fédération Djiboutienne de Football, and is a member of the Confederation of African Football and the Union of Arab Football Associations. Until its 1–0 defeat of Somalias national squad in the stage of the 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification. Djibouti played its first international match under the name French Somaliland, at home against neighbouring Ethiopia on 5 December 1947, the two played again in Djibouti on 1 June 1948 and Ethiopia won 2–1. On 1 May 1949, the fixture was played for the Emperor Cup in Ethiopia, in 1954, Djibouti played Ethiopia three times, a 10–1 away loss on 1 May, a 2–0 home loss on 1 June and a 2–1 home loss the day after. Djibouti did not play a match again until 1960, when it entered a tournament for French-speaking countries held in Madagascar, the team lost 9–2 in the first round to Cameroon on 13 April. This was the squads last game as French Somaliland, after gaining independence in 1977, the team played under the name Djibouti for the first time against Ethiopia in an away match on 27 March 1983 and lost 8–1. The two played again two days later with Ethiopia again victorious, by 4–2, after a third friendly against Ethiopia, a 2–0 home defeat on 23 March 1984, Djibouti entered a tournament in Ethiopia against the host and Zimbabwe. They lost 2–0 to Ethiopia on 3 June and then 3–1 to Zimbabwe on 7 June, djiboutis first appearance at the CECAFA Cup, a local competition for nations in East and Central Africa, was in Kenya in 1994. These were its first matches since defeating South Yemen in 1988, the Djibouti squad lost 4–1 to the hosts on 28 November, 2–1 to Somalia on 1 December, and 3–0 to Tanzania on 3 December. Djibouti did not advance to the next round, after the 1994 CECAFA Cup, Djibouti did not play a match until the qualification campaign for the 1998 African Cup of Nations in Burkina Faso. They were drawn in a qualifier against Kenya, and lost the first leg 3–0 away on 31 July 1998. The second leg at home was lost 9–1 on 15 August, in 1998, Djibouti became a member of the Union of Arab Football Associations. The football squad has participated in the Pan Arab Games. In July 1999, Djibouti played in its second CECAFA Cup, the team was drawn into a group against the host nation and Tanzania. It lost 4–1 to Rwanda on 24 July and 2–1 to Tanzania on 26 July, Djibouti entered its first ever World Cup qualification in an attempt to reach the 2002 FIFA World Cup in South Korea and Japan. In Pool D of the first round of African qualification, it was drawn against the DR Congo in a two-legged qualifying preliminary. Djibouti hosted the first leg at Stade du Ville in Djibouti on 7 April 2000, the squad lost the second leg 9–1 away at the Stade des Martyrs in Kinshasa and the DR Congo advanced 10–2 on aggregate
7. Кигали – Kigali, with a population of more than 1 million, is the capital and largest city of Rwanda. It is situated near the centre of the nation. The city has been the economic, cultural, and transport hub of Rwanda since it became capital at independence in 1962, the main residence and offices of the President of Rwanda are located in the city, as are the government ministries. The city is coterminous with the province of Kigali City, which was enlarged in January 2006, kigalis city limits covers the whole province, it is consolidated. The citys urban area covers about 70% of the municipal boundaries, Kigali was founded in 1907 by Dr. Richard Kandt under German colonial rule, but did not become the capital until Rwandan independence in 1962. The traditional capital was the seat of the mwami in Nyanza, while the seat of power was in Butare. Butare was initially the leading contender to be the capital of the new independent nation, since then the city has grown very quickly and is now the major political, economic and cultural centre of Rwanda. Beginning on April 6,1994, Kigali was the scene of the Rwandan Genocide – the slaughter of one million Tutsi by Hutu militias. There was fierce fighting between the army and Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front, although damaged, the citys structure has recovered. The city is built in country, sprawling across about four ridges. The city centre is located on one of these ridges, with the government area on another. The tops of the ridges have an elevation of 1,600 metres or 5,250 feet. The bigger houses and office buildings tend to be on the tops of the ridges, the city is ringed most of the way round by higher hills, with some suburban sprawl rising up these. The highest of these is Mt. Kigali, with an elevation of 1,850 metres or 6,070 feet above sea level, Kigali possesses a tropical savanna climate with a pronounced dry season, the Köppen Climate Classification subtype being Aw. Kigali houses several memorials, museums, and centers dedicated to the Rwandan Genocide, other museums include the Kandt House Museum of Natural History. Urugwiro is the residence of the President of Rwanda. It constitutes a village within the Kacyiru district of Kigali. The city has international class hotels, some played a role in history and this hotel became a refugee centre during the genocide, as famously depicted in the film Hotel Rwanda
8. Руанда – Rwanda, officially the Republic of Rwanda, is a sovereign state in central and east Africa and one of the smallest countries on the African mainland. Located a few south of the Equator, Rwanda is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi. Rwanda is in the African Great Lakes region and is elevated, its geography is dominated by mountains in the west and savanna to the east. The climate is temperate to subtropical, with two seasons and two dry seasons each year. The population is young and predominantly rural, with a density among the highest in Africa, Rwandans are drawn from just one cultural and linguistic group, the Banyarwanda, although within this group there are three subgroups, the Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. The Twa are a pygmy people descended from Rwandas earliest inhabitants. Christianity is the largest religion in the country, the language is Kinyarwanda, spoken by most Rwandans, with English. Rwanda has a system of government. The president is Paul Kagame of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, who took office in 2000, Rwanda today has low corruption compared with neighbouring countries, although human rights organisations report suppression of opposition groups, intimidation and restrictions on freedom of speech. The country has been governed by an administrative hierarchy since pre-colonial times. Rwanda is one of two countries with a female majority in the national parliament. Hunter gatherers settled the territory in the stone and iron ages, the population coalesced first into clans and then into kingdoms. The Kingdom of Rwanda dominated from the century, with the Tutsi kings conquering others militarily, centralising power. Germany colonised Rwanda in 1884 as part of German East Africa, followed by Belgium, both European nations ruled through the kings and perpetuated a pro-Tutsi policy. The Hutu population revolted in 1959 and they massacred numerous Tutsi and ultimately established an independent, Hutu-dominated state in 1962. The Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front launched a war in 1990. Social tensions erupted in the 1994 genocide, in which Hutu extremists killed an estimated 500,000 to 1.3 million Tutsi, the RPF ended the genocide with a military victory. Rwandas economy suffered heavily during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, but has since strengthened, the economy is based mostly on subsistence agriculture
9. Сборная Египта по футболу – The team plays its home games at Borg El Arab Stadium in Alexandria, and their current head coach is Héctor Cúper. Egypt has also been as high as ninth in the FIFA World Rankings, despite their continental record, Egypt has so far made only two appearances in the World Cup, failing to win a game on both occasions. The Egypt national team was the first African and Middle Eastern team to qualify for the World Cup, the first Egyptian national football team was constituted in 1920 to compete in the Summer Olympics in Belgium. The opening match of their campaign was a loss against the Italians, Egypt qualified to the FIFA world cup twice in 1934 and 1990. Egypt was the first African country to qualify to the World Cup and lost to the Hungary 4–2 in their first and they only scored one goal in the 1990 World Cup scored by Magdy AbdelGhany to give the Egyptians their first point of the tournament. Egypt first participated in the first Africa Cup of Nations tournament in 1957, in their first game, which was a semi-final, they faced Sudan, winning 2–1 with goals from Raafat Attia and Ad-Diba, enabling Egypt to play in their first final. In the final, they faced Ethiopia, in which Egypt won 4–0, with goals being scored by Ad-Diba. The top scorer of tournament was Ad-Diba from Egypt with five goals. In their second participation in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1959, there were only three teams in that tournament, being Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt itself. Egypt again was undefeated in tournament, like in the previous tournament in 1957. Their fourth appearance came in 1963 in Ghana, Egypt was placed in Group B with Sudan and Nigeria, winning Nigeria with a score of 6–3, but drawing 2–2 against Sudan. Despite being undefeated in the stage, they were ranked second, behind Sudan by goal difference. Egypt, as runners-up in Group B, participated in the 3rd place match, playing against Ethiopia, for the 1965 Africa Cup of Nations, Egypt did qualify for the tournament, but they withdrew because of their diplomatic relationship with Tunisia, who were hosts of the tournament. Again, Egypt withdrew from the 1968 Africa Cup of Nations, in the 1970 Africa Cup of Nations, hosted again in Sudan, Egypt were in Group B along with Ghana, Guinea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, known as Congo-Kinshasa back then. In their opening match, Egypt defeated Guinea by a score of 4–1, in which Ali Abo Greisha scored twice, Hassan El-Shazly scored once, and Taha Basry also scored once during that game. Egypts next game was against Ghana, which ended as a 1–1 draw, with Ibrahim Sunday scoring for Ghana, in their third game in this tournament, they faced Congo-Kinshasa, in which Egypt won 1–0 by a goal from Abo Greisha. Egypt ended being in first place, thus advancing to the next round, however, in the third place match, they won Ivory Coast by a score of 3–1, making Egypt become third place again in this tournament. For the 1972 Africa Cup of Nations, Egypt failed to qualify for the first time in this tournament after being eliminated by Morocco by a score of 5–3
10. Александрия – Alexandria is the second largest city and a major economic centre in Egypt, extending about 32 km along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the north central part of the country. Its low elevation on the Nile delta makes it vulnerable to rising sea levels. Alexandria is Egypts largest seaport, serving approximately 80% of Egypts imports and exports and it is an important industrial center because of its natural gas and oil pipelines from Suez. Alexandria is also an important tourist destination, Alexandria was founded around a small Ancient Egyptian town c.331 BC by Alexander the Great. Alexandria was the second most powerful city of the ancient world after Rome, Alexandria is believed to have been founded by Alexander the Great in April 331 BC as Ἀλεξάνδρεια. Alexanders chief architect for the project was Dinocrates, Alexandria was intended to supersede Naucratis as a Hellenistic center in Egypt, and to be the link between Greece and the rich Nile valley. The city and its museum attracted many of the greatest scholars, including Greeks, Jews, the city was later plundered and lost its significance. Just east of Alexandria, there was in ancient times marshland, as early as the 7th century BC, there existed important port cities of Canopus and Heracleion. The latter was rediscovered under water. An Egyptian city, Rhakotis, already existed on the shore also and it continued to exist as the Egyptian quarter of the city. A few months after the foundation, Alexander left Egypt and never returned to his city, after Alexanders departure, his viceroy, Cleomenes, continued the expansion. Although Cleomenes was mainly in charge of overseeing Alexandrias continuous development, the Heptastadion, inheriting the trade of ruined Tyre and becoming the center of the new commerce between Europe and the Arabian and Indian East, the city grew in less than a generation to be larger than Carthage. In a century, Alexandria had become the largest city in the world and and it became Egypts main Greek city, with Greek people from diverse backgrounds. Alexandria was not only a center of Hellenism, but was home to the largest urban Jewish community in the world. The Septuagint, a Greek version of the Tanakh, was produced there, in AD115, large parts of Alexandria were destroyed during the Kitos War, which gave Hadrian and his architect, Decriannus, an opportunity to rebuild it. On 21 July 365, Alexandria was devastated by a tsunami, the Islamic prophet, Muhammads first interaction with the people of Egypt occurred in 628, during the Expedition of Zaid ibn Haritha. He sent Hatib bin Abi Baltaeh with a letter to the king of Egypt and Alexandria called Muqawqis In the letter Muhammad said, I invite you to accept Islam, Allah the sublime, shall reward you doubly. But if you refuse to do so, you bear the burden of the transgression of all the Copts