Сборная Самоа по футболу | |
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ОФК | |
Футбольная федерация Самоа | |
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Дезмонд Фа’аиуасо (англ.)русск. (17) | |
Дезмонд Фа’аиуасо (англ.)русск. (7) | |
Национальный футбольный стадион (Самоа) (англ.)русск. | |
193 ▼ (-4) (6 июля 2017)[1] | |
SAM | |
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Национальная сборная Американского Самоа — футбольная сборная Американского Самоа. Управляющая организация — Федерация футбола Американского Самоа. Американское Самоа вошло в ФИФА в 1998 году. Наиболее примечательными игроками сборной на 2011 год являются Хелета, Молеси, Рамин Отт и Питер Синапати.В рейтинге ФИФА на 6 июля 2017 года[1] занимает 185-е место.
Отборочный этап к чемпионату мира-2014 оказался для сборной самым успешным в истории: в первом же матча была одержана историческая победа над сборной Тонги 2:1. Эта победа стала всего лишь второй в официальных международных встречах. Во 2-м туре команда сыграла вничью с Островами Кука (1:1) и сохраняла шансы на выход во 2-й раунд. Перед матчем с Самоа у обеих команд были одинаковые показатели и до 89-й минуте всё шло к дополнительному времени, но более опытная сборная Самоа забила решающий гол на 90-й минуте и не дала сборной Американского Самоа выйти из группы. Но несмотря на это выступление сборной в 2011 году выглядит впечатляющим: они поднялись в рейтинге ФИФА с 202 на 197 место.
Главным тренером сборной Американского Самоа по футболу с 2007 являлся уроженец Англии — Дэвид Бранд. На этом посту его сменил Руббен Люву, который, в свою очередь, уступил место Авелю Лалогафуафуа.
В 2011 году перед началом отбора к ЧМ-2014 сборную возглавлял известный голландский тренер Томас Ронген.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Национальная сборная Американского Самоа — футбольная сборная Американского Самоа. Управляющая организация — . Американское Самоа вошло в ФИФА в 1998 году. Наиболее примечательными игроками сборной на 2011 год являются Хелета, Молеси, Рамин Отт и Питер Синапати.В рейтинге ФИФА на 6 июля 2017 года[1] занимает 185-е место.
Отборочный этап к чемпионату мира-2014 оказался для сборной самым успешным в истории: в первом же матча была одержана историческая победа над сборной Тонги 2:1. Эта победа стала всего лишь второй в официальных международных встречах. Во 2-м туре команда сыграла вничью с Островами Кука (1:1) и сохраняла шансы на выход во 2-й раунд. Перед матчем с Самоа у обеих команд были одинаковые показатели и до 89-й минуте всё шло к дополнительному времени, но более опытная сборная Самоа забила решающий гол на 90-й минуте и не дала сборной Американского Самоа выйти из группы. Но несмотря на это выступление сборной в 2011 году выглядит впечатляющим: они поднялись в рейтинге ФИФА с 202 на 197 место.
Главным тренером сборной Американского Самоа по футболу с 2007 являлся уроженец Англии — Дэвид Бранд. На этом посту его сменил Руббен Люву, который, в свою очередь, уступил место Авелю Лалогафуафуа.
В 2011 году перед началом отбора к ЧМ-2014 сборную возглавлял известный голландский тренер Томас Ронген.
Сбо́рная Само́а по футбо́лу (англ. Samoa national football team) представляет Самоа на международных футбольных соревнованиях. Член ОФК и ФИФА, управляется Футбольной федерацией Самоа. До 1997 года называлась сборная Западного Самоа по футболу (англ. Western Samoa national football team).В рейтинге ФИФА на 6 июля 2017 года[1] занимает 193-е место.
Несколько раз участвовала в футбольном турнире Южнотихоокеанских игр. В ноябре 2011 года команда — впервые в своей истории — прошла отбор на Кубок наций ОФК; на само́м же турнире в июне 2012 оказалась небоеспособной, потерпев три разгромных поражения. В 2016 году команда во второй раз подряд отобралась на Кубок наций, но опять проиграла все три матча, ещё и не забив ни одного гола.
1. Конфедерация футбола Океании – The Oceania Football Confederation is one of the six continental confederations of international association football, consisting of New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, and other Pacific Island countries. It promotes the game in Oceania and allows the member nations to qualify for the FIFA World Cup, OFC is predominantly made up of island nations where association football is not the most popular sport. Consequently, the OFC has little influence in the football world. In 2006, the OFCs largest and most successful nation, Australia, left to join the Asian Football Confederation, david Chung is the current President of OFC. Rajesh Patel is the Senior Vice President, Lee Harmon is the Vice-President while Tai Nicholas is the General Secretary, OFC is made up of 11 full member associations and 3 associate members. Associate member of the OFC, but non-FIFA member.2, unincorporated territories of the United States.3. Free associated state with New Zealand.4, Australia Chinese Taipei Though Israel played in some OFC competitions in the 1970s to 1980s they were not a member of the OFC. Other sovereign states and dependencies in the Pacific Ocean that are not members of the OFC are, Chinese Taipei were an OFC member from 1975 to 1989. In 1996 FIFA confirmed the OFC as a confederation and granted it a seat on the FIFA executive. In 1998 the OFC unveiled a new logo and an official magazine, on 24 May 2004, New Caledonia became the 11th member of the OFC. On 1 January 2006, Australia left the OFC again and joined the Asian Football Confederation, in 2008 an associate member, the Northern Mariana Islands Football Association, also left the OFC and in 2009 joined the AFC as a quasi-member. In late 2009 the Palau Soccer Association also applied for the status with the AFC. Since 1996, OFC members also play for the OFC Nations Cup, which was held every second year, the OFC also organises the Oceania Club Championship, a competition that has received surprisingly high levels of media support within New Zealand in its debut season. It serves primarily to determine the Oceania representative at the FIFA Club World Cup, in 2007, the OFC replaced the current club competition with the OFC Champions League which began in 2007. From 2007, the winner has no longer gained direct entry to the FIFA Club World Cup – and it is not clear whether this is permanent, or even if it could change if the Oceania entrant were to outperform entrants from other Confederations. Of the confederations current teams, only New Zealand has ever competed in the FIFA World Cup, founding member Australia also competed in the World Cup finals, in 1974 and 2006. At the conclusion of Germany 2006, Australias exit from the OFC was finalised, the other minor exception to this has been the participation of the Solomon Islands in the 2006,2007 and 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. The winner of the OFC Cup also receives a berth in the FIFA Confederations Cup, New Zealand and Tahiti are the only current members of the OFC to have participated in this event
2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system
3. Сборная Тонга по футболу – The Tonga national football team is the national team of Tonga and is controlled by the Tonga Football Association. Tongas greatest football triumph to date was their triumph in the first ever Polynesian Cup held in 1993 over Samoa and the Cook Islands. Although local players have not yet made their mark on big leagues abroad, tongas second Goal project will develop and improve the national football academy and the associations headquarters in Atele, Tongatapu, which was built in the countrys first Goal project. This development work will ensure all of the Tonga Football Associations needs are fully satisfied. Local matches will be held at the academy, while the administrations requirements, including the needs of players, officials and spectators. The football school will be transformed into a House of Football
4. Раротонга – Rarotonga is the most populous island of the Cook Islands, with a population of 10,572, out of the countrys total resident population of 14,974. Captain John Dibbs, master of the colonial brig Endeavour, is credited as the European discoverer on 25 August 1823, the Cook Islands Parliament buildings and international airport are on Rarotonga. Because it is the most populous island, Cook Islanders may often be referred to as Rarotongan, Rarotonga is a very popular tourist destination with many resorts, hotels and motels. The chief town, Avarua, on the north coast, is the capital of the Cook Islands, the volcanic island of Rarotonga stands over 14,750 feet above the ocean floor. It is 32 km in circumference and has an area of 67.19 km2, at a depth of 4,000 m the volcano is nearly 50 km in diameter. Te Manga, at 658 m above sea level, is the highest peak on the island, the island is surrounded by a lagoon, which often extends more than a hundred metres to the reef, then slopes steeply to deep water. This part of the island is the most popular with tourists for swimming, snorkelling and boating, agricultural terraces, flats and swamps surround the central mountain area. Along the southeast coast off Muri Beach are four small islets within a few hundred metres of the shore. Paved and unpaved roads allow access to valleys but the interior of the island remains largely unpopulated due to forbidding terrain and lack of infrastructure. A large tract of land has set aside in the south east as the Takitumu Conservation Area to protect native birds and plants, especially the endangered kakerori. On May 30,1965, five sounding rockets were launched from Rarotonga for studying a solar eclipse, Rarotonga is divided into three main districts or vaka. Te Au O Tonga on the side of the island, Takitumu on the eastern and southern side. On the other hand, the island is divided into five Land Districts. In 2008, the three councils of Rarotonga were abolished. It passes the Te Rua Manga, the prominent needle-shaped rock visible from the air, hikes can also be taken to the Raemaru, or flat-top mountain. Other stops should include Wigmore Falls and the ancient marae, Arai te Tonga, there are many churches open for service on Sunday, with a cappella singing. The pace of life is so relaxed that at night people congregate at the sea wall that skirts the end of the runway to be jetblasted by incoming planes. Large cruise ships have to anchor off shore, Rarotonga is encircled by a main road, Ara Tapu, that traces the coast
5. Острова Кука – The Cook Islands is a self-governing island country in the South Pacific Ocean in free association with New Zealand. It comprises 15 islands whose total area is 240 square kilometres. The Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone, however, covers 1,800,000 square kilometres of ocean, the Cook Islands defence and foreign affairs are the responsibility of New Zealand, but they are exercised in consultation with the Cook Islands. In recent times, the Cook Islands have adopted an independent foreign policy. Although Cook Islanders are citizens of New Zealand, they have the status of Cook Islands nationals, the Cook Islands main population centres are on the island of Rarotonga, where there is an international airport. There is a population of Cook Islanders in New Zealand. In the 2006 census,58,008 self-identified as being of ethnic Cook Islands Māori descent, the Cook Islands are in the South Pacific Ocean, northeast of New Zealand, between French Polynesia and American Samoa. There are 15 major islands spread over 2,200,000 km2 of ocean, the islands were formed by volcanic activity, the northern group is older and consists of six atolls, which are sunken volcanoes topped by coral growth. The climate is moderate to tropical, palmerston Island sometimes grouped with the Northern Group. Manuae Winslow Reef The Cook Islands were first settled in the 6th century by Polynesian people who migrated from Tahiti, in 1813 John Williams, a missionary on the Endeavour made the first recorded sighting of Rarotonga. The first recorded landing on Rarotonga by Europeans was in 1814 by the Cumberland, the islands saw no more Europeans until missionaries arrived from England in 1821. Christianity quickly took hold in the culture and many continue to be Christian believers today. The Cook Islands became a British protectorate in 1888, due largely to community fears that France might occupy the territory as it had Tahiti, on 6 September 1900, the leading islanders presented a petition asking that the islands should be annexed as British territory. These instruments did not include Aitutaki and it appears that, though the inhabitants regarded themselves as British subjects, the Crowns title was uncertain, and the island was formally annexed by Proclamation dated 9 October 1900. The islands were included within the boundaries of the Colony of New Zealand in 1901 by Order in Council under the Colonial Boundaries Act,1895 of the United Kingdom. The boundary change became effective on 11 June 1901 and the Cook Islands have had a relationship with New Zealand ever since. When the British Nationality and New Zealand Citizenship Act 1948 came into effect on 1 January 1949, the country remained a New Zealand dependent territory until 1965, when the New Zealand Government decided to offer self-governing status to its colony. In that year, Albert Henry of the Cook Islands Party was elected as the first Premier, Henry led the country until he was accused of vote-rigging
6. Сборная Островов Кука по футболу – The Cook Islands national football team is the national team of the Cook Islands and is controlled by the Cook Islands Football Association. With a population of around 24,000 people it remains one of the smallest FIFA teams. 1930 to 1994 – Did not enter 1998 to 2018 – Did not qualify The Cook Islands qualified for their first Oceania Nations Cup after finishing second in the 1998 Polynesia Cup and they faced Australia and Fiji in Group B, in what proved to be a tough draw. Australia crushed the Cook Islands 16–0 in their first match, scoring eight goals either side of the interval. In their next match against Fiji, however, the Cook Islands acquitted themselves much better, losing only 3–0, in finishing 2nd at the Polynesia Cup for the second tournament running, the Cook Islands also qualified for their second successive OFC Nations Cup. They were drawn in Group A along with the Solomon Islands, after their heavy defeat at the hands of Australia in the 1998 tournament, the Cook Islands hoped to avoid a repeat performance. However, they were powerless to prevent their opponents from running rampant, the Solomon Islands were up next, and in this game the Cook Islands had the consolation of scoring their first goal at the Oceania Nations Cup–the only bright spot in an otherwise bleak 5–1 defeat. After two defeats, then, the Cooks Islands again went out at the group stage, players selected to compete in the First Round of the 2018 World Cup qualifiers against Samoa, Tonga and American Samoa. Caps and goals updated as of 5 September 2015
7. Тонга – Tonga, officially the Kingdom of Tonga, is a Polynesian sovereign state and archipelago comprising 169 islands of which 36 are inhabited. The total surface area is about 750 square kilometres scattered over 700,000 square kilometres of the southern Pacific Ocean and it has a population of 103,000 people of whom 70% reside on the main island of Tongatapu. Tonga stretches across approximately 800 kilometres in a north-south line and it is surrounded by Fiji and Wallis and Futuna to the northwest, Samoa to the northeast, Niue to the east, Kermadec to the southwest, and New Caledonia and Vanuatu to the farther west. Tonga became known in the West as the Friendly Islands because of the reception accorded to Captain James Cook on his first visit in 1773. He arrived at the time of the festival, the yearly donation of the First Fruits to the Tuʻi Tonga. According to the writer William Mariner, the wanted to kill Cook during the gathering. From 1900 to 1970, Tonga had British protected state status, the country never relinquished its sovereignty to any foreign power. In many Polynesian languages including Tongan, the word tonga means south, the name of Tonga is cognate to the Hawaiian region of Kona. In Malay, the name of Tonga is also cognate to the word Tenggara, an Austronesian-speaking group linked to the archaeological construct known as the Lapita cultural complex reached and inhabited Tonga around 1500–1000 BCE. Scholars have much debated the exact dates of the settlement of Tonga. Not much is known before European contact because of the lack of a writing system, in the 15th century and again in the 17th, civil war erupted. The Tongan people first encountered Europeans in 1616 when the Dutch vessel Eendracht, captained by Willem Schouten, later came other Dutch explorers, including Jacob Le Maire, and in 1643 Abel Tasman. In 1845, the young warrior, strategist, and orator Tāufaʻāhau united Tonga into a kingdom. He held the title of Tuʻi Kanokupolu, but had been baptised by Methodist missionaries with the name Siaosi in 1831. Tonga became a state under a Treaty of Friendship with Britain on 18 May 1900. The treaty posted no higher permanent representative on Tonga than a British Consul, under the protection of Britain, Tonga maintained its sovereignty, and remained the only Pacific nation to retain its monarchical government. The Tongan monarchy follows a succession of hereditary rulers from one family. The 1918 flu pandemic, brought to Tonga by a ship from New Zealand, killed 1,800 Tongans, the Treaty of Friendship and Tongas protection status ended in 1970 under arrangements established by Queen Salote Tupou III prior to her death in 1965
8. Сборная Австралии по футболу – The Australian national soccer team represents Australia in international mens soccer. The team has represented Australia at the FIFA World Cup tournament on four occasions, the team has also represented Australia at the FIFA Confederations Cup three times. The first Australia national team was constituted in 1922 for a tour of New Zealand, during the tour, Australia suffered two defeats and scraped a draw. For the next 36 years, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa became regular opponents in tour matches, during that period, Australia also competed against Canada and India during their tours of Australia in 1924 and 1938 respectively. Australia recorded their worst ever defeat on 30 June 1951 as they lost 17–0 in a match to a touring England side, Australia had a rare opportunity to compete on the worlds stage during the teams very first major international tournament as hosts of the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. However, an inexperienced squad proved to be reason for the disappointing performance. With the advent of air travel, Australia began to diversify its range of opponents. However, its isolation continued to play a role in its destiny for the next 30 years. It would prove to be the appearance for the Australian team until the World Cup tournament returned to Germany more than three decades later in 2006. The teams previously poor record in World Cup competition was not reflected in their performances against strong European. In 1988, Australia defeated reigning world champions Argentina 4–1 in the Australian Bicentennial Gold Cup, in 1997, Australia drew with reigning world champions Brazil 0–0 in the group stage and then defeated Uruguay 1–0 in the semi-finals to reach the 1997 FIFA Confederations Cup Final. Many commentators and fans, most notably soccer broadcaster and former Australian captain Johnny Warren, on 13 March, the AFC executive committee made a unanimous decision to invite Australia to join the AFC. After the OFC executive committee unanimously endorsed Australias proposed move, FIFA approved the move on 30 June 2005. Australia joined Asia, with the taking effect on 1 January 2006, though until then. After a successful campaign, the team took the first steps towards qualification for the 2006 World Cup, after coach Frank Farina stood down from the position after Australias dismal performance at the 2005 Confederations Cup, Guus Hiddink was announced as the new national coach. Australia, ranked 49th, would then have to play the 18th ranked Uruguay in a rematch of the 2001 qualification play-off for a spot in the 2006 World Cup. The second leg of the qualifying play-off was played in front of a crowd of 82,698 at Stadium Australia, Australia led Uruguay 1–0 after 90 minutes following a goal by Mark Bresciano in the first half. The aggregate was tied, and extra time was played, neither team scored after two periods of extra time, bringing the game to a penalty shootout
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Сборная Американского Самоа по футболу | |
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Флаг островов Уоллис и Футуна Уоллис и Футуна 4 - 0 Флаг Американского Самоа Американское Самоа (Самоа; 1983) | |
Флаг Американского Самоа Американское Самоа 2 - 0 Флаг островов Кука Острова Кука (Тонга; 4 сентября, 2015) | |
Флаг Австралии Австралия 31 - 0[1]Флаг Американского Самоа Американское Самоа (Кофс-Харбор, Австралия; 9 апреля, 2001) (мировой рекорд) | |
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Национальная сборная Американского Самоа — футбольная сборная Американского Самоа. Управляется Федерацией футбола Американского Самоа. Американское Самоа вошло в ФИФА в 1998 году. Наиболее примечательными игроками сборной на 2011 год являются Хелета, Молеси, Рамин Отт и Питер Синапати. На 5 июня 2014 года сборная Американского Самоа в рейтинге ФИФА делит 198 строчку со сборной Британских Виргинских островов.
Отборочный этап к чемпионату мира-2014 оказался для сборной самым успешным в истории: в первом же матча была одержана историческая победа над сборной Тонги: 2:1, она стала всего лишь второй в официальных международных встречах. Во 2-м туре команда сыграла вничью с Островами Кука (1:1) и сохраняла шансы на выход во 2-й раунд. Перед матчем с Самоа у обеих команд были одинаковые показатели и до 89-й минуте всё шло к дополнительному времени, но более опытная сборная Самоа забила решающий гол на 90-й минуте и не дала Ам. Самоа выйти из группы. Но несмотря на это выступление сборной в 2011 году выглядит впечатляющим: они поднялись в рейтинге ФИФА с 202 на 197 место.
Главным тренером сборной Американского Самоа по футболу с 2007 являлся уроженец Англии — Дэвид Бранд. На этом посту его сменил Руббен Люву, который, в свою очередь, уступил место Авелю Лалогафуафуа.
В 2011 году перед началом отбора к ЧМ-2014 сборную возглавил известный голландский тренер Томас Ронген.
Но вот прошла ночь, и ничего не менялось. Его сущность говорила с ней, но она стояла, омертвев, ничего не слыша, лишь без конца призывая Отцов... Она всё ещё не сдавалась. Наконец, когда на дворе светало, в помещении вдруг появилось яркое золотое свечение – будто тысяча солнц засветила в нём одновременно! А в этом свечении у самого входа возникла высокая, выше обычной, человеческая фигура... Магдалина сразу же поняла – это пришёл тот, кого она так яро и упорно всю ночь призывала... – Вставай Радостный!.. – глубоким голосом произнёс пришедший. – Это уже не твой мир. Ты отжил свою жизнь в нём. Я покажу тебе твой новый путь. Вставай, Радомир!.. – Благодарю тебя, Отец... – тихо прошептала стоявшая рядом с ним Магдалина. – Благодарю, что услышал меня! Старец долго и внимательно всматривался в стоящую перед ним хрупкую женщину. Потом неожиданно светло улыбнулся и очень ласково произнёс:– Тяжко тебе, горестная!.. Боязно... Прости меня, доченька, заберу я твоего Радомира. Не судьба ему находиться здесь более. Его судьба другой будет теперь. Ты сама этого пожелала... Магдалина лишь кивнула ему, показывая, что понимает. Говорить она не могла, силы почти покидали её. Надо было как-то выдержать эти последние, самые тяжкие для неё мгновения... А потом у неё ещё будет достаточно времени, чтобы скорбеть об утерянном. Главное было то, что ОН жил. А всё остальное было не столь уж важным. Послышалось удивлённое восклицание – Радомир стоял, оглядываясь, не понимая происходящего. Он не знал ещё, что у него уже другая судьба, НЕ ЗЕМНАЯ... И не понимал, почему всё ещё жил, хотя точно помнил, что палачи великолепно выполнили свою работу...
– Прощай, Радость моя... – тихо прошептала Магдалина. – Прощай, ласковый мой. Я выполню твою волю. Ты только живи... А я всегда буду с тобой. Снова ярко вспыхнул золотистый свет, но теперь он уже почему-то находился снаружи. Следуя ему, Радомир медленно вышел за дверь... Всё вокруг было таким знакомым!.. Но даже чувствуя себя вновь абсолютно живым, Радомир почему-то знал – это был уже не его мир... И лишь одно в этом старом мире всё ещё оставалось для него настоящим – это была его жена... Его любимая Магдалина....
Национальная сборная Американского Самоа — футбольная сборная Американского Самоа. Управляющая организация — Федерация футбола Американского Самоа. Американское Самоа вошло в ФИФА в 1998 году. Наиболее примечательными игроками сборной на 2011 год являются Хелета, Молеси, Рамин Отт и Питер Синапати.В рейтинге ФИФА на 6 июля 2017 года[1] занимает 185-е место.
Отборочный этап к чемпионату мира-2014 оказался для сборной самым успешным в истории: в первом же матча была одержана историческая победа над сборной Тонги 2:1. Эта победа стала всего лишь второй в официальных международных встречах. Во 2-м туре команда сыграла вничью с Островами Кука (1:1) и сохраняла шансы на выход во 2-й раунд. Перед матчем с Самоа у обеих команд были одинаковые показатели и до 89-й минуте всё шло к дополнительному времени, но более опытная сборная Самоа забила решающий гол на 90-й минуте и не дала сборной Американского Самоа выйти из группы. Но несмотря на это выступление сборной в 2011 году выглядит впечатляющим: они поднялись в рейтинге ФИФА с 202 на 197 место.
Главным тренером сборной Американского Самоа по футболу с 2007 являлся уроженец Англии — Дэвид Бранд. На этом посту его сменил Руббен Люву, который, в свою очередь, уступил место Авелю Лалогафуафуа.
В 2011 году перед началом отбора к ЧМ-2014 сборную возглавлял известный голландский тренер Томас Ронген.