Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу. Сборная мадагаскара по футболу

Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу - это... Что такое Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу?

Сборная Мадагаскара — представляет Мадагаскар на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах.

Контролируется Малагасийской Федерацией Футбола. Является членом ФИФА с 1964 года и КАФ — с 1963 года.


Сборная Мадагаскара относится к аутсайдерам африканского футбола и ни разу не принимала участия ни в Чемпионате мира, ни в Кубке африканских наций. Тем не менее, начиная с 70-х годов «Зебу» более или менее регулярно участвуют в отборочных турнирах к Кубку африканских наций, а начиная с 80-х — в «отборах» к Чемпионату мира. Однако, за исключением некоторых разовых побед над такими более сильными соперниками, как Египет, Замбия, ДР Конго, сборной Мадагаскара особо похвастать нечем — в большинстве отборочных турниров островитяне выполняли роль статистов.

Чемпионат мира

  • 1930 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1974 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1982 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1986 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — не принимала участия
  • 1994 — 2010 — не прошла квалификацию

Кубок Африканских Наций

  • 1957 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1972 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1974 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1976 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1980 — 1988 не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1992 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1994 — не принимала участия
  • 1996 — снялась с соревнований по ходу квалификации
  • 1998 — дисквалифицирована за снятие с отборочных соревнований 1996 года
  • 2000 — 2012 — не прошла квалификацию


Игры Индийского Океана

  • Чемпион (1990, 1993)

Кубок КОСАФА (среди стран юга африканского континента)

Состав сборной



Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу. Состав, расписание матчей, новости сборной, голы, Футбол, болельщик сборной

Показывать  Новости Материалы Записи в блогах Фото Видео

Блог «О футбол другого уровня» представляет вашему вниманию обзор матчей с участием слабейших африканских сборных, состоявшихся в октябре в рамках первого квалификационного раунда ЧМ-2018

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Ретроспективно о последних матчах квалификационного турнира ЧМ-2018 в разных конфедерациях.

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Наш любимый Геннадий Сергеевич

Рейтинг +0

Совместный проект Sports.ru и Continental продолжает колесить по отдаленным уголкам футбольного мира в поисках выдающихся первопроходцев. В очередной серии цикла – злостные мадагаскарские саботажники, отправившие в собственные ворота полторы сотни мячей и оставившие у Михаила Калашникова больше вопросов, чем ответов.

Первый матч, в котором было забито больше ста автоголов

Продолжаем говорить о самом-самом и сегодня о футболе.

Рейтинг +3


Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу

Сборная Мадагаскара — представляет Мадагаскар на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Контролируется Малагасийской Федерацией Футбола. Является членом ФИФА с 1964 года и КАФ — с 1963 года.


  • 1 История
  • 2 Чемпионат мира
  • 3 Кубок Африканских Наций
  • 4 Достижения
  • 5 Ссылки


Сборная Мадагаскара относится к аутсайдерам африканского футбола и ни разу не принимала участия ни в Чемпионате мира, ни в Кубке африканских наций. Тем не менее, начиная с 70-х годов «Зебу» более или менее регулярно участвуют в отборочных турнирах к Кубку африканских наций, а начиная с 80-х — в «отборах» к Чемпионату мира. Однако, за исключением некоторых разовых побед над такими более сильными соперниками, как Египет, Замбия, ДР Конго, сборной Мадагаскара особо похвастать нечем — в большинстве отборочных турниров островитяне выполняли роль статистов.

Чемпионат мира

  • 1930 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1974 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1982 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1986 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — не принимала участия
  • 1994 — 2018 — не прошла квалификацию

Кубок Африканских Наций

  • 1957 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1972 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1974 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1976 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1980 — 1988 не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1992 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1994 — не принимала участия
  • 1996 — снялась с соревнований по ходу квалификации
  • 1998 — дисквалифицирована за снятие с отборочных соревнований 1996 года
  • 2000 — 2015 — не прошла квалификацию


Игры Индийского Океана

  • Чемпион (1990, 1993)

Кубок КОСАФА (среди стран юга африканского континента)


  • Страничка сборной на сайте ФИФА
  • Статистика сборной на РСССФ
  Национальные футбольные сборные Африки (КАФ)
Алжир · Ангола · Бенин · Ботсвана · Буркина-Фасо · Бурунди · Габон · Гамбия · Гана · Гвинея · Гвинея-Бисау · Джибути · ДР Конго · Египет · Замбия · Занзибар* · Зимбабве · Кабо-Верде · Камерун · Кения · Коморы · Конго · Кот-д’Ивуар · Лесото · Либерия · Ливия · Маврикий · Мавритания · Мадагаскар · Малави · Мали · Марокко · Мозамбик · Намибия · Нигер · Нигерия · Реюньон* · Руанда · Сан-Томе и Принсипи · Свазиленд · Сейшельские Острова · Сенегал · Сомали · Судан · Сьерра-Леоне · Танзания · Того · Тунис · Уганда · ЦАР · Чад · Экваториальная Гвинея · Эритрея · Эфиопия · ЮАР · Южный Судан

Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу Информация о

Сборная Мадагаскара по футболуСборная Мадагаскара по футболу

Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу Информация Видео

Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу Просмотр темы.

Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу что, Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу кто, Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу объяснение

There are excerpts from wikipedia on this article and video


Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу Вики

Сборная Мадагаскара представляет Мадагаскар на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Управляющая организация — Малагасийская Федерация Футбола. Является членом ФИФА с 1964 года и КАФ — с 1963 года.

История[ | код]

Сборная Мадагаскара относится к аутсайдерам африканского футбола и ни разу не принимала участия ни в Чемпионате мира, ни в Кубке африканских наций. Тем не менее, начиная с 70-х годов «Зебу» более или менее регулярно участвуют в отборочных турнирах к Кубку африканских наций, а начиная с 80-х — в «отборах» к Чемпионату мира. Однако, за исключением некоторых разовых побед над такими более сильными соперниками, как Египет, Замбия, ДР Конго, сборной Мадагаскара особо похвастать нечем — в большинстве отборочных турниров островитяне выполняли роль статистов.

Чемпионат мира[ | код]

  • 1930 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1974 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1982 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1986 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — не принимала участия
  • 1994 — 2018 — не прошла квалификацию

Кубок Африканских Наций[ | код]

  • 1957 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1972 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1974 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1976 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1980 — 1988 не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1992 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1994 — не принимала участия
  • 1996 — снялась с соревнований по ходу квалификации
  • 1998 — дисквалифицирована за снятие с отборочных соревнований 1996 года
  • 2000 — 2017 — не прошла квалификацию

Достижения[ | код]

Игры Индийского Океана

  • Чемпион (1990, 1993)

Кубок КОСАФА (среди стран юга африканского континента)

Примечания[ | код]

Ссылки[ | код]


Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу — Википедия

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 17 июня 2016; проверки требуют 8 правок.Текущая версияпоказать/скрыть подробности
Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 17 июня 2016; проверки требуют 8 правок.

Сборная Мадагаскара представляет Мадагаскар на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Управляющая организация — Малагасийская Федерация Футбола. Является членом ФИФА с 1964 года и КАФ — с 1963 года.

Сборная Мадагаскара относится к аутсайдерам африканского футбола и ни разу не принимала участия ни в Чемпионате мира, ни в Кубке африканских наций. Тем не менее, начиная с 70-х годов «Зебу» более или менее регулярно участвуют в отборочных турнирах к Кубку африканских наций, а начиная с 80-х — в «отборах» к Чемпионату мира. Однако, за исключением некоторых разовых побед над такими более сильными соперниками, как Египет, Замбия, ДР Конго, сборной Мадагаскара особо похвастать нечем — в большинстве отборочных турниров островитяне выполняли роль статистов.

  • 1930 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1974 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1982 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1986 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — не принимала участия
  • 1994 — 2018 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1957 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1972 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1974 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1976 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1980 — 1988 не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1992 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1994 — не принимала участия
  • 1996 — снялась с соревнований по ходу квалификации
  • 1998 — дисквалифицирована за снятие с отборочных соревнований 1996 года
  • 2000 — 2017 — не прошла квалификацию

Игры Индийского Океана

  • Чемпион (1990, 1993)

Кубок КОСАФА (среди стран юга африканского континента)


Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Сборная Мадагаскара — представляет Мадагаскар на международных футбольных турнирах и в товарищеских матчах. Контролируется Малагасийской Федерацией Футбола. Является членом ФИФА с 1964 года и КАФ — с 1963 года. В рейтинге ФИФА на июль 2016 года занимает 131-е место.


Сборная Мадагаскара относится к аутсайдерам африканского футбола и ни разу не принимала участия ни в Чемпионате мира, ни в Кубке африканских наций. Тем не менее, начиная с 70-х годов «Зебу» более или менее регулярно участвуют в отборочных турнирах к Кубку африканских наций, а начиная с 80-х — в «отборах» к Чемпионату мира. Однако, за исключением некоторых разовых побед над такими более сильными соперниками, как Египет, Замбия, ДР Конго, сборной Мадагаскара особо похвастать нечем — в большинстве отборочных турниров островитяне выполняли роль статистов.

Чемпионат мира

  • 1930 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1974 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1982 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1986 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — не принимала участия
  • 1994 — 2018 — не прошла квалификацию

Кубок Африканских Наций

  • 1957 — 1970 — не принимала участия
  • 1972 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1974 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1976 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1978 — не принимала участия
  • 1980 — 1988 не прошла квалификацию
  • 1990 — снялась с соревнований
  • 1992 — не прошла квалификацию
  • 1994 — не принимала участия
  • 1996 — снялась с соревнований по ходу квалификации
  • 1998 — дисквалифицирована за снятие с отборочных соревнований 1996 года
  • 2000 — 2017 — не прошла квалификацию


Игры Индийского Океана

  • Чемпион (1990, 1993)

Кубок КОСАФА (среди стран юга африканского континента)

Напишите отзыв о статье "Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу"


  • [www.fifa.com/associations/association=mad/index.html Страничка сборной на сайте ФИФА]
  • [www.rsssf.com/tablesm/madag-intres.html Статистика сборной на РСССФ]

Отрывок, характеризующий Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу

Кутузов со свитой возвращался в город. Главнокомандующий дал знак, чтобы люди продолжали итти вольно, и на его лице и на всех лицах его свиты выразилось удовольствие при звуках песни, при виде пляшущего солдата и весело и бойко идущих солдат роты. Во втором ряду, с правого фланга, с которого коляска обгоняла роты, невольно бросался в глаза голубоглазый солдат, Долохов, который особенно бойко и грациозно шел в такт песни и глядел на лица проезжающих с таким выражением, как будто он жалел всех, кто не шел в это время с ротой. Гусарский корнет из свиты Кутузова, передразнивавший полкового командира, отстал от коляски и подъехал к Долохову. Гусарский корнет Жерков одно время в Петербурге принадлежал к тому буйному обществу, которым руководил Долохов. За границей Жерков встретил Долохова солдатом, но не счел нужным узнать его. Теперь, после разговора Кутузова с разжалованным, он с радостью старого друга обратился к нему: – Друг сердечный, ты как? – сказал он при звуках песни, ровняя шаг своей лошади с шагом роты. – Я как? – отвечал холодно Долохов, – как видишь. Бойкая песня придавала особенное значение тону развязной веселости, с которой говорил Жерков, и умышленной холодности ответов Долохова. – Ну, как ладишь с начальством? – спросил Жерков. – Ничего, хорошие люди. Ты как в штаб затесался? – Прикомандирован, дежурю. Они помолчали. «Выпускала сокола да из правого рукава», говорила песня, невольно возбуждая бодрое, веселое чувство. Разговор их, вероятно, был бы другой, ежели бы они говорили не при звуках песни. – Что правда, австрийцев побили? – спросил Долохов. – А чорт их знает, говорят. – Я рад, – отвечал Долохов коротко и ясно, как того требовала песня. – Что ж, приходи к нам когда вечерком, фараон заложишь, – сказал Жерков. – Или у вас денег много завелось? – Приходи. – Нельзя. Зарок дал. Не пью и не играю, пока не произведут. – Да что ж, до первого дела… – Там видно будет. Опять они помолчали. – Ты заходи, коли что нужно, все в штабе помогут… – сказал Жерков. Долохов усмехнулся. – Ты лучше не беспокойся. Мне что нужно, я просить не стану, сам возьму. – Да что ж, я так… – Ну, и я так. – Прощай. – Будь здоров… … и высоко, и далеко, На родиму сторону… Жерков тронул шпорами лошадь, которая раза три, горячась, перебила ногами, не зная, с какой начать, справилась и поскакала, обгоняя роту и догоняя коляску, тоже в такт песни.

Возвратившись со смотра, Кутузов, сопутствуемый австрийским генералом, прошел в свой кабинет и, кликнув адъютанта, приказал подать себе некоторые бумаги, относившиеся до состояния приходивших войск, и письма, полученные от эрцгерцога Фердинанда, начальствовавшего передовою армией. Князь Андрей Болконский с требуемыми бумагами вошел в кабинет главнокомандующего. Перед разложенным на столе планом сидели Кутузов и австрийский член гофкригсрата. – А… – сказал Кутузов, оглядываясь на Болконского, как будто этим словом приглашая адъютанта подождать, и продолжал по французски начатый разговор. – Я только говорю одно, генерал, – говорил Кутузов с приятным изяществом выражений и интонации, заставлявшим вслушиваться в каждое неторопливо сказанное слово. Видно было, что Кутузов и сам с удовольствием слушал себя. – Я только одно говорю, генерал, что ежели бы дело зависело от моего личного желания, то воля его величества императора Франца давно была бы исполнена. Я давно уже присоединился бы к эрцгерцогу. И верьте моей чести, что для меня лично передать высшее начальство армией более меня сведущему и искусному генералу, какими так обильна Австрия, и сложить с себя всю эту тяжкую ответственность для меня лично было бы отрадой. Но обстоятельства бывают сильнее нас, генерал.


Сборная Мадагаскара по футболу - WikiVisually

1. Африканская конфедерация футбола – The Confederation of African Football is the administrative and controlling body for African association football. CAF represents the football associations of Africa, runs continental, national, and club competitions. CAF is the biggest of six continental confederations of FIFA, CAF has been given 5 slots out of the 32 available since the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France, this increased to 6 in 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, to include the hosts. The number of places returned to 5 for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and its first headquarters was situated in Khartoum, Sudan for some months until a fire outbreak in the offices of the Sudanese Football Association when the organization moved near Cairo. Youssef Mohammad was the first General Secretary and Abdel Aziz Abdallah Salem the president, the administrative center since 2002 is located in 6th of October City, near Cairo. It was initially made up of 4 national associations, currently there are 56 associations,55 full members since the inclusion of Zanzibar in March 2017 and Réunion Island as associate. The current CAF President is Ahmad Ahmad, suketu Patel is the 1st Vice-President, Almamy Kabele Camara is the 2nd Vice-President while Essam El Dine Ahmed is the Acting Secretary General. Hayatou announced that he would seek another term as president for the 16 March 2017 election. On March 16,2017, Ahmad Ahmad from Madagascar was elected president, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total started with the Africa Cup of Nations that was held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. Reunion holds associate membership of CAF, Zanzibar held associate membership from 1980 to 2017 when it became a full member - albeit without voting rights for CAF presidency elections, the main competition for mens national teams is the Africa Cup of Nations, started in 1957. In 2009, CAF will be organising another competition for national teams. CAF also runs national competitions at Under-20 and Under-17 levels, a third competition, the CAF Cup, started in 1992 and was absorbed into the CAF Confederation Cup in 2004. The CAF Super Cup, which pits the winners of the Champions League against the winners of the CAF Confederation Cup, the Afro-Asian Club Championship was jointly organised with AFC between the winners of the CAF Champions League and the winners of the AFC Champions League. The last Afro-Asian Club Championship took place in 1998, * jointly organised with AFC Legend For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament are shown. Teams are sorted by number of appearances, Legend Legend The following clubs are the top 10 clubs in CAF competitions

2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system

3. Сборная Маврикия по футболу – The Mauritius national football team, nicknamed Club M and Les Dodos, is the national team of Mauritius. They are overseen by the Mauritius Football Association and are members of FIFA, the Confederation of African Football, the head coach is Joe Tshupula. Their most significant achievements are qualification for the 1974 African Cup of Nations and they have also been a finalist in this competition in 1990 and 2011. Mauritius played its first competitive game in 1947 against Réunion. For the next 20 years, they would only play Réunion and Madagascar in friendlies and the Indian Ocean Games Triangulaire, Mauritius won the competition 10 times over that time period, were runners-up twice, and came in third once. While they have never qualified for the World Cup finals, they have qualified once for the Africa Cup of Nations, however, they were eliminated in the group stages. Mauritius did manage to win the resurrected Indian Ocean Games in 1985 and this is regarded as the point at which Mauritian football, both on the domestic and international stage, started on a downward slope. Throughout the new millennium, the teams performances progressively declined. From a high of 116 in the FIFA World Rankings in 2000, the best result since the 1974 CAN Championships has been reaching the quarterfinals of the 2004 COSAFA Cup, beating South Africa 2–0 in January 2004. Mauritius eventually lost out 3–1 to the tournaments favourites Zambia, Mauritius has also cycled through many head coaches, especially since the new millennium, but none have had true success. Mauritius did win its second IOG championship in the 2003 edition, held in Mauritius, besides that, Mauritius has lost a majority of its matches. In the past decade, they have suffered a 7–0 defeat, their biggest margin of losing, however, there have been signs of improvement recently. On top of this, players are paid for when they practice and these measures were taken in hopes of Mauritius becoming more competitive in international competitions. In August 2011 Club M competed in the 2011 IOIG football tournament, although they lost out on penalties to hosts Seychelles in the final, this tournament proved to show that Mauritian football is indeed on the rise. Mauritius had relied on local clothing manufacturers to provide their uniforms before switching to Adidas in 2009, for home matches, Mauritius has white uniforms with red trim, while for road matches, the colors are switched. Emblazoned on the front is the MFA badge on the left, on May 30,2011, the official fan club of Club M, Kop Moris, was launched. The objective of this club is to build up excitement for Mauritius games, fill up the stands as much as possible and this fan club is officially sanctioned by the MFA. Mauritius plays the majority of their games at Stade George V. Games at Stade Anjalay are reserved for higher profile matches, win Draw Loss Match Date,24 Mar 2017,28 Mar 2017. Opponent, ComorosCompetition,2019 AFCON qual

4. Мадагаскар – Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar, and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southeast Africa. The nation comprises the island of Madagascar, and numerous smaller peripheral islands, consequently, Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot, over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth. The islands diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife are threatened by the encroachment of the growing human population. The first archaeological evidence for human foraging on Madagascar dates to 2000 BC, human settlement of Madagascar occurred between 350 BC and AD550 by Austronesian peoples arriving on outrigger canoes from Borneo. These were joined around AD1000 by Bantu migrants crossing the Mozambique Channel from East Africa, other groups continued to settle on Madagascar over time, each one making lasting contributions to Malagasy cultural life. The Malagasy ethnic group is divided into 18 or more sub-groups of which the largest are the Merina of the central highlands. Until the late 18th century, the island of Madagascar was ruled by an assortment of shifting sociopolitical alliances. Beginning in the early 19th century, most of the island was united and ruled as the Kingdom of Madagascar by a series of Merina nobles, the monarchy collapsed in 1897 when the island was absorbed into the French colonial empire, from which the island gained independence in 1960. The autonomous state of Madagascar has since undergone four major constitutional periods, since 1992, the nation has officially been governed as a constitutional democracy from its capital at Antananarivo. However, in an uprising in 2009, president Marc Ravalomanana was made to resign. Constitutional governance was restored in January 2014, when Hery Rajaonarimampianina was named president following a 2013 election deemed fair, Madagascar is a member of the United Nations, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and the Southern African Development Community. Madagascar belongs to the group of least developed countries, according to the United Nations, Malagasy and French are both official languages of the state. The majority of the population adheres to traditional beliefs, Christianity, ecotourism and agriculture, paired with greater investments in education, health, and private enterprise, are key elements of Madagascars development strategy. As of 2017, the economy has been weakened by the 2009-2013 political crisis, in the Malagasy language, the island of Madagascar is called Madagasikara and its people are referred to as Malagasy. The islands appellation Madagascar is not of origin, but rather was popularized in the Middle Ages by Europeans. On St. Laurences Day in 1500, Portuguese explorer Diogo Dias landed on the island, polos name was preferred and popularized on Renaissance maps. At 592,800 square kilometres, Madagascar is the worlds 47th largest country, the country lies mostly between latitudes 12°S and 26°S, and longitudes 43°E and 51°E. Neighboring islands include the French territory of Réunion and the country of Mauritius to the east, as well as the state of Comoros, the nearest mainland state is Mozambique, located to the west

5. Сборная Республики Конго по футболу – The Congo national football team, nicknamed the Diables Rouges, is the national team of the Republic of the Congo and is run by the Fédération Congolaise de Football. They have never qualified for the World Cup, but did win the Africa Cup of Nations in 1972 and they also won the All-Africa Games football tournament in 1965. The Congo national football team made its first ever appearance in February 1960 in a friendly against the Ivory Coast which they lost 4–2, on 13 April they defeated Reunion 4–1 in their first game to advance to the quarter-finals. In their quarter-final on 15 April they defeated the Ivory Coast 3–2, on 17 April they lost 5–4 to Cameroon and were beaten 8–1 by the host Madagascar in the third-place play-off on 19 April. In April 1963 they entered another LAmitié competition, this time in Senegal, and were drawn in a group with Tunisia and they lost their opener 2–0 to Tunisia on 13 April but beat the Ivory Coast 3–2 the next day. On 15 April they beat their neighbour Congo Kinshasa 2–1, in July 1965 the Congo held the 1965 All-Africa Games and were drawn in a group with Mali, Uganda and Togo. They drew 1–1 with Mali on 18 July and beat Uganda 2–1 the next day, on 21 July they drew 1–1 against Togo but advanced through to the semi-finals, where they beat the Ivory Coast 1–0 on 23 July. On 25 July the Congo drew 0–0 versus Mali in the final, on 11 January 1967 the Congo played their first non-African opposition, defeating Romania 1–0 in a home friendly. On 19 February 1967 the Congo travelled to Tunisia for their first ever African Cup of Nations qualifier, on 2 August 1967 they hosted a qualifier against Cameroon, and defeated them 2–1 to top their qualifying group and advance to their first finals. The finals were held in Ethiopia in January 1968 and the Congo were drawn in a group with their neighbour Zaire, Senegal and they lost the opener to Zaire 3–0 on 12 January and two days later lost 2–1 to Senegal. On 16 January the Congo were defeated 3–1 by Ghana and were knocked out, the Congo hosted a friendly against Romania for the second successive year on 16 June 1968 and won 4–2. On 30 July 1968 they played their first ever South American opposition, in 1972, the Congo won their only African Cup of Nations title. Congo defeated host Cameroon in the semi-final 1–0 before beating Mali 3–2 to claim the championship, on that squad was arguably Congos most famous player, François MPelé, who starred for PSG in the 1970s. In qualification for the 1998 World Cup, the Congo came within a win of qualifying for the final tournament, the following players were called up in the last 12 months. Notes INJ Player withdrew from the due to an injury. RET Player has retired from international football, DEC Player refused to join the team after the call-up. SUS Suspended from the national team

6. Футбол – Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies making it the worlds most popular sport, the game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal, players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, the team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, the Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in 1863. Association football is governed internationally by the International Federation of Association Football, the first written reference to the inflated ball used in the game was in the mid-14th century, Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe. The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word soccer was split off in 1863, according to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford -er abbreviation of the word association. Within the English-speaking world, association football is now usually called football in the United Kingdom and mainly soccer in Canada and the United States. People in Australia, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand use either or both terms, although national associations in Australia and New Zealand now primarily use football for the formal name. According to FIFA, the Chinese competitive game cuju is the earliest form of football for which there is scientific evidence, cuju players could use any part of the body apart from hands and the intent was kicking a ball through an opening into a net. It was remarkably similar to football, though similarities to rugby occurred. During the Han Dynasty, cuju games were standardised and rules were established, phaininda and episkyros were Greek ball games. An image of an episkyros player depicted in low relief on a vase at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens appears on the UEFA European Championship Cup, athenaeus, writing in 228 AD, referenced the Roman ball game harpastum. Phaininda, episkyros and harpastum were played involving hands and violence and they all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football. As with pre-codified mob football, the antecedent of all football codes. Non-competitive games included kemari in Japan, chuk-guk in Korea and woggabaliri in Australia, Association football in itself does not have a classical history. Notwithstanding any similarities to other games played around the world FIFA have recognised that no historical connection exists with any game played in antiquity outside Europe. The modern rules of football are based on the mid-19th century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played in the public schools of England

7. ФИФА – The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is the international governing body of association football, futsal, and beach soccer. FIFA is responsible for the organisation of major international tournaments, notably the World Cup which commenced in 1930. FIFA was founded in 1904 to oversee international competition among the associations of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden. Headquartered in Zürich, its membership now comprises 211 national associations, although FIFA does not control the rules of football, it is responsible for both the organization of a number of tournaments and their promotion, which generate revenue from sponsorship. In 2013, FIFA had revenues of over 1.3 billion U. S. dollars, for a net profit of 72 million and those among these officials who were also indicted in the U. S. are expected to be extradited to face charges there as well. Many officials were suspended by FIFAs ethics committee including Sepp Blatter, in early 2017 reports became public about FIFA president Gianni Infantino attempting to prevent the re-elections of both chairmen of the ethics committee during the FIFA congress in May 2017. The need for a body to oversee association football became apparent at the beginning of the 20th century with the increasing popularity of international fixtures. The French name and acronym are used even outside French-speaking countries, the founding members were the national associations of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Also, that day, the German Association declared its intention of affiliating through a telegram. The first president of FIFA was Robert Guérin, Guérin was replaced in 1906 by Daniel Burley Woolfall from England, by then a member of the association. Membership of FIFA expanded beyond Europe with the application of South Africa in 1909, Argentina in 1912, Canada and Chile in 1913, and the United States in 1914. During World War I, with players sent off to war and the possibility of travel for international fixtures severely limited. Post-war, following the death of Woolfall, the organisation was run by Dutchman Carl Hirschmann and it was saved from extinction, but at the cost of the withdrawal of the Home Nations, who cited an unwillingness to participate in international competitions with their recent World War enemies. The Home Nations later resumed their membership, the FIFA collection is held by the National Football Museum at Urbis in Manchester, England. The first World Cup in the world was in 1930 in Montevideo, FIFA is headquartered in Zürich, and is an association established under the Law of Switzerland. FIFAs supreme body is the FIFA Congress, a made up of representatives from each affiliated member association. Each national football association has one vote, regardless of its size or footballing strength, the Congress assembles in ordinary session once every year, and extraordinary sessions have been held once a year since 1998. The congress makes decisions relating to FIFAs governing statutes and their method of implementation and application, only the Congress can pass changes to FIFAs statutes

8. Чемпионат мира по футболу – The championship has been awarded every four years since the inaugural tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not held because of the Second World War. The current champion is Germany, which won its title at the 2014 tournament in Brazil. 32 teams, including the qualifying host nation, compete in the tournament phase for the title at venues within the host nation over a period of about a month. The 20 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different national teams, Brazil have won five times, and they are the only team to have played in every tournament. The worlds first international match was a challenge match played in Glasgow in 1872 between Scotland and England, which ended in a 0–0 draw. The first international tournament, the edition of the British Home Championship. After FIFA was founded in 1904, it tried to arrange an international football tournament between nations outside the Olympic framework in Switzerland in 1906 and these were very early days for international football, and the official history of FIFA describes the competition as having been a failure. At the 1908 Summer Olympics in London, football became an official competition, planned by The Football Association, Englands football governing body, the event was for amateur players only and was regarded suspiciously as a show rather than a competition. Great Britain won the gold medals and they repeated the feat in 1912 in Stockholm. With the Olympic event continuing to be contested only between teams, Sir Thomas Lipton organised the Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy tournament in Turin in 1909. The Lipton tournament was a championship between clubs from different nations, each one of which represented an entire nation. Lipton invited West Auckland, a side from County Durham. West Auckland won the tournament and returned in 1911 to successfully defend their title, in 1914, FIFA agreed to recognise the Olympic tournament as a world football championship for amateurs, and took responsibility for managing the event. This paved the way for the worlds first intercontinental football competition, at the 1920 Summer Olympics, contested by Egypt and 13 European teams, Uruguay won the next two Olympic football tournaments in 1924 and 1928. Those were also the first two world championships, as 1924 was the start of FIFAs professional era. On 28 May 1928, the FIFA Congress in Amsterdam decided to stage a championship itself. With Uruguay now two-time official football world champions and to celebrate their centenary of independence in 1930, indeed, no European country pledged to send a team until two months before the start of the competition. Rimet eventually persuaded teams from Belgium, France, Romania, in total,13 nations took part, seven from South America, four from Europe and two from North America

9. Кубок африканских наций – The Africa Cup of Nations, officially CAN, also referred to as African Cup of Nations, or AFCON, is the main international association football competition in Africa. It is sanctioned by the Confederation of African Football, and was first held in 1957, since 1968, it has been held every two years. The title holders at the time of a FIFA Confederations Cup qualify for that competition, in 1957 there were only three participating nations, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. South Africa was originally scheduled to compete, but were disqualified due to the policies of the government then in power. Since then, the tournament has grown greatly, making it necessary to hold a qualifying tournament, the current trophy was first awarded in 2002 and with Egypt winning it indefinitely after winning their unprecedented third consecutive title in 2010. As of 2013, the tournament was switched to being held in odd-numbered years so as not to clash with the FIFA World Cup, in July 2016, Total has secured an eight-year sponsorship package from the Confederation of African Football to support 10 of its principal competitions. Total will start with the Africa Cup of Nations to be held in Gabon therefore renaming it Total Africa cup of Nations. The origin of the African Nations Cup dates from June 1956, There were immediate plans for a continental tournament to be held and, in February 1957, the first African Cup of Nations was held in Khartoum, Sudan. There was no qualification for this tournament, the field being made up of the four founding nations of CAF, hence, only two matches were played, with Egypt being crowned as the first continental champion after defeating hosts Sudan in the semi-final and Ethiopia in the final. Two years later Egypt hosted the second ANC in Cairo with the participation of the three teams. Host and defending champions Egypt again won, after defeating Sudan, the field grew to include nine teams for the third ANC in 1962 in Addis Ababa, and for the first time there was a qualification round to determine which four teams would play for the title. Host Ethiopia and reigning champion Egypt received automatic berths, and were joined in the four by Nigeria and Tunisia. Egypt made its third final appearance, but it was Ethiopia that emerged as victors, after first beating Tunisia. In 1963, Ghana made its first appearance as it hosted the event and they repeated that as they became champions two years later in Tunisia—equalling Egypt as two-time winners—with a squad that included only two returning members from the 1963 team. In 1965, the CAF introduced a rule that limit the number of players in each team to two. The 1968 competitions final tournament format expanded to eight of the 22 teams entered in the preliminary rounds. The Democratic Republic of Congo won its first title, beating Ghana in the final, starting with the 1968 tournament, the competition has been regularly held every two years in even numbered years. Côte dIvoire forward Laurent Pokou led the 1968 and 1970 tournaments in scoring, with six and eight goals respectively, and his total of 14 goals remained the all-time record until 2008


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