22:25, 21 февраля, 2017
Президент Федерации футбола Таджикистана Рустам Эмомали сегодня, 21 февраля, ровно в 18:00 по душанбинскому времени в торжественной обстановке, нажав на кнопку, дал старт вещанию нового телевизионного канала «Футбол». Это первый специализированный телеканал в Таджикистане, посвященный исключительно футболу и будет вещать в современном телевизионном формате высокого разрешения HD 24 часа в сутки.
Новый телеканал «Футбол» Федерации футбола Таджикистана будет показывать не только матчи национальных сборных команд страны и игры Футбольной лиги Таджикистана – высшей и первой лиг, но и чемпионаты и турниры, которые будут проходить под эгидой Азиатской футбольной Конфедерации – Лига чемпионов и Кубок АФК, чемпионаты Азии, а также национальные чемпионаты стран азиатского континента, сообщается на сайте ФФТ.
Кроме того, телеканал «Футбол» будет радовать своих телезрителей показом матчей Лиги чемпионов УЕФА и Лиги Европы, английской премьер-лиги, испанской Ла-Лиги, итальянской серии «А», немецкой Бундеслиги, французской Лиги 1, Кубка Америки Сентенарио, а также центральных и ключевых игр других европейских чемпионатов в современном формате высокого разрешения.
В эфире нового специализированного телеканала о футболе также будут выходить программы и передачи о видных деятелей этого вида спорта, о звездах футбола, из истории отдельных клубах, чемпионов мира и всемирно известных команд и сборных.
Комментируя открытие телеканала, Рустам Эмомали отметил, что "футбол – один из самых популярных и захватывающих видов спорта, который является важным средством сохранения и укрепления здоровья населения, посланником мира, стабильности, формирования важного фактора в деле мобилизации человеческого потенциала и отражает образ народа на мировой арене".
"В связи с этим, Правительство страны считает футбол одним из основных секторов социальной политики государства и для его широкого развития и вовлечения населения страны с целью массовости, принимает решительные шаги. И не зря 2014-й год в Таджикистане был объявлен Годом массового футбола. В честь Года молодежи, который был объявлен основателем мира и национального единства – лидером нации, президентом Таджикистана уважаемым Эмомали Рахмоном, Федерация футбола Таджикистана приняла решение создать новый телевизионный канал – «Футбол». Цель создания телеканала «Футбол» состоит в представлении одаренных подростков и молодежи страны, сделать футбол массовым с целью пропаганды здорового образа жизни среди населения страны", - сказал прездент ФФТ.
Телеканал «Футбол» является первым специализированным телевизионным каналом в Таджикистане, и будет вещать в современном телевизионном формате высокого разрешения HD.
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У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Футбол (значения).«Футбол» | |
Телеканал «Футбол» | |
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Таджикистан![]() | |
Таджикистан![]() | |
круглосуточно | |
в основном таджикский, также русский | |
Душанбе, Таджикистан | |
футбольный | |
21 февраля 2017 года | |
около 20 миллионов человек | |
Федерация футбола Таджикистана и Правительство Республики Таджикистан | |
Федерация футбола Таджикистана | |
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«Футбо́л» (тадж. «Футбол») — общенациональный футбольный телеканал Таджикистана. Вещание телеканала ведётся круглосуточно с 21 февраля 2017 года на всей территории Таджикистана, в формате высокой чёткости HD. Принадлежит Федерации футбола Таджикистана.
Основной язык телеканала — таджикский, также часть трансляций ведётся на русском языке.
О создании футбольного телеканала в Таджикистане говорили еще в 2015 году[1]. В январе 2017 года в СМИ появилась информация о будущем открытии телеканала «Футбол» в формате HD[2][3][4]. Основателем телеканала стала Федерация футбола Таджикистана. Телеканал начал работу в тестовом режиме за несколько дней до официального запуска 21 февраля 2017 года президентом Федерации футбола Таджикистана — Рустамом Эмомали[5].
Телеканал «Футбол» кроме матчей чемпионата Таджикистана, Кубка Таджикистана и других национальных футбольных турниров, матчей сборной Таджикистана, будет транслировать также в прямом эфире (некоторые матчи будут транслироваться в записи), в формате высокой чёткости матчи
1. Таджикистан – Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan, is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an estimated 8 million people in 2013, and an area of 143,100 km2. It is bordered by Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the south, the Republic of Uzbekistan to the west, the Kyrgyz Republic to the north, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan lies to the south, separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. Traditional homelands of Tajik people included present-day Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, a civil war was fought almost immediately after independence, lasting from 1992 to 1997. Since the end of the war, newly established political stability, Tajikistan is a presidential republic consisting of four provinces. Most of Tajikistans 8 million people belong to the Tajik ethnic group, many Tajiks also speak Russian as their second language. Mountains cover more than 90% of the country and it has a transition economy that is highly dependent on remittances, aluminium and cotton production. Tajikistan means the Land of the Tajiks, the suffix -stan is Persian for place of or country and Tajik is, most likely, the name of a pre-Islamic tribe. Tajikistan appeared as Tadjikistan or Tadzhikistan in English prior to 1991 and this is due to a transliteration from the Russian, Таджикистан. In Russian, there is no single letter j to represent the phoneme /ʤ/ and дж, Tadzhikistan is the most common alternate spelling and is widely used in English literature derived from Russian sources. Tadjikistan is the spelling in French and can occasionally be found in English language texts, the way of writing Tajikistan in the Perso-Arabic script is. The earliest recorded history of the dates back to about 500 BCE when much, if not all. After the regions conquest by Alexander the Great it became part of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, northern Tajikistan was part of Sogdia, a collection of city-states which was overrun by Scythians and Yuezhi nomadic tribes around 150 BCE. The Silk Road passed through the region and following the expedition of Chinese explorer Zhang Qian during the reign of Wudi commercial relations between Han China and Sogdiana flourished. Sogdians played a role in facilitating trade and also worked in other capacities, as farmers, carpetweavers, glassmakers. Later the Hephthalite Empire, a collection of tribes, moved into the region. Central Asia continued in its role as a crossroads, linking China, the steppes to the north. It was temporarily under the control of the Tibetan empire and Chinese from 650–680, the Samanid Empire,819 to 999, restored Persian control of the region and enlarged the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara which became the cultural centres of Iran and the region was known as Khorasan. The Kara-Khanid Khanate conquered Transoxania and ruled between 999–1211, during Genghis Khans invasion of Khwarezmia in the early 13th century the Mongol Empire took control over nearly all of Central Asia
2. Душанбе – Dushanbe — is the capital and largest city of Tajikistan. Dushanbe means Monday in the Tajik language and it was so named because it grew from a village that originally had a popular market on Mondays. Until 1929, the city was known in Russian as Dyushambe, as of 2014, Dushanbe had a population of 778,500. Situated at the confluence of two rivers, Varzob and Kofarnihon, Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. Although archaeological remnants dating to the 5th century BC have been discovered in the area, the first written mention of the village of Dushanbe occurred in 1676. It was at the crossroads, where a large bazaar occurred on Mondays, hence the name Dushanbe-Bazar from Dushanbe, in the village, there were more than 500 households and a population of about 8,000 people. By 1826, the town was called Dushanbe Qurghan Russified as Dyushambe, the first map showing Dyushambe was drafted in 1875. At that time, the town was a fortress on a bank on the left bank of the Varzob River with 10,000 residents. In 1920, the last Emir of Bukhara briefly took refuge in Dyushambe after being overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution and he fled to Afghanistan after the Red Army conquered the area the next year. A Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic separate from the Uzbek SSR was created in 1929, in the years that followed, the city developed at a rapid pace. The Soviets transformed the area into a centre for cotton and silk production, the population also increased with thousands of Tajiks migrating to Tajikistan following the transfer of Bukhara and Samarkand to the Uzbek SSR as part of national delimitation in Central Asia. On 10 November 1961, Stalinabad was renamed Dushanbe, the name it retains to this day, severe rioting occurred in February 1990, after it was rumored that the Soviet government planned to relocate tens of thousands of Armenian refugees to Tajikistan. In January 2017, Rustam Emomali, current President Emomali Rahmons son, was appointed Mayor of Dushanbe, a key position, Dushanbe features a Mediterranean climate, with strong continental climate influences. The summers are hot and dry and the winters are chilly, the climate is damper than other Central Asian capitals, with an average annual rainfall over 500 millimetres as moist air is funnelled by the surrounding valley during the winter and spring. Winters are not as cold as further north owing to the shielding of the city by mountains from extremely cold air from Siberia, January 2008 was particularly cold, and the temperature dropped to −22 °C. Tajik Air has its office on the grounds of Dushanbe Airport in Dushanbe. Somon Air has its office in Dushanbe. Tajikistans principal railways are in the region and connect Dushanbe with the industrial areas of the Gissar and Vakhsh valleys and with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan
3. Футбол – Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies making it the worlds most popular sport, the game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal, players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, the team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, the Laws of the Game were originally codified in England by The Football Association in 1863. Association football is governed internationally by the International Federation of Association Football, the first written reference to the inflated ball used in the game was in the mid-14th century, Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe. The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word soccer was split off in 1863, according to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford -er abbreviation of the word association. Within the English-speaking world, association football is now usually called football in the United Kingdom and mainly soccer in Canada and the United States. People in Australia, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand use either or both terms, although national associations in Australia and New Zealand now primarily use football for the formal name. According to FIFA, the Chinese competitive game cuju is the earliest form of football for which there is scientific evidence, cuju players could use any part of the body apart from hands and the intent was kicking a ball through an opening into a net. It was remarkably similar to football, though similarities to rugby occurred. During the Han Dynasty, cuju games were standardised and rules were established, phaininda and episkyros were Greek ball games. An image of an episkyros player depicted in low relief on a vase at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens appears on the UEFA European Championship Cup, athenaeus, writing in 228 AD, referenced the Roman ball game harpastum. Phaininda, episkyros and harpastum were played involving hands and violence and they all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football. As with pre-codified mob football, the antecedent of all football codes. Non-competitive games included kemari in Japan, chuk-guk in Korea and woggabaliri in Australia, Association football in itself does not have a classical history. Notwithstanding any similarities to other games played around the world FIFA have recognised that no historical connection exists with any game played in antiquity outside Europe. The modern rules of football are based on the mid-19th century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played in the public schools of England
4. Федерация футбола Таджикистана – The Tajikistan Football Federation is the governing body of football in Tajikistan. The federation was founded in 1936 in the Tajikistan SSR as a sub-federation of the Soviet Football Federation and it was not until 1994 when the Federation was accepted by the international community including the continental and global associations. Official website Tajikistan at the FIFA website
5. Сборная Таджикистана по футболу – The Tajikistan national football team represents Tajikistan in association football and is controlled by the Tajikistan Football Federation, the governing body for football in Tajikistan. Tajikistans home ground is the Pamir Stadium in Dushanbe, after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Tajikistan played its first match against Uzbekistan on 17 June 1992. It was not until 1994 that the Tajikistan National Football Federation was admitted to FIFA, Tajikistan played its first official game on 11 April 1994 in Tashkent as part of a regional tournament. They lost that game against Kazakhstan 0–1, the first official competition the team entered was qualification for the 1996 Asian Cup, when it was seeded in the three-team Group 8 with Uzbekistan and Bahrain. Bahrain later withdrew, leaving Tajikistan to a play-off against their Middle Asian neighbors, Tajikistan won the first game 4–0, but were beaten in the away game 0–5 after extra time. In a three-team qualifying section for Korea/Japan 2002, they had a record 16–0 win over Guam before losing 2–0 to Iran, the team won its first international tournament, the inaugural AFC Challenge Cup, in 2006, beating Sri Lanka 4–0 in Dhaka. Following Tajikistans disappointing 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying campaign, Mubin Ergashev, the team strip is currently sponsored by Spanish sporting apparel company Joma. The following players were named for the Friendlies vs Bahrain on 23 March 2017, caps and goals updated as of 28 March 2017. The following players have called up during the past 12 months
6. Английская Премьер-лига – The Premier League is an English professional league for mens association football clubs. At the top of the English football league system, it is the primary football competition. Contested by 20 clubs, it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the English Football League, Welsh clubs that compete in the English football league system can also qualify. The Premier League is a corporation in which the 20 member clubs act as shareholders, seasons run from August to May. Teams play 38 matches each, totalling 380 matches in the season, most games are played on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, others during weekday evenings. It is colloquially known as the Premiership and outside the UK it is referred to as the English Premier League. The deal was worth £1 billion a year domestically as of 2013–14, with BSkyB, the league generates €2.2 billion per year in domestic and international television rights. In 2014/15, teams were apportioned revenues of £1.6 billion, the Premier League is the most-watched sports league in the world, broadcast in 212 territories to 643 million homes and a potential TV audience of 4.7 billion people. In the 2014–15 season, the average Premier League match attendance exceeded 36,000, most stadium occupancies are near capacity. The Premier League ranks third in the UEFA coefficients of leagues based on performances in European competitions over the past five seasons. While 47 clubs have competed since the inception of the Premier League in 1992, only six have won the title, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City, Blackburn Rovers, the current champions are Leicester City, who won the title in 2015–16. Despite significant European success in the 1970s and early 1980s, the late 80s marked a low point for English football, the 1988 negotiations were the first signs of a breakaway league, ten clubs threatened to leave and form a super league, but were eventually persuaded to stay. As stadiums improved and match attendance and revenues rose, the top teams again considered leaving the Football League in order to capitalise on the influx of money into the sport. At the close of the 1991 season, a proposal was tabled for the establishment of a new league that would bring money into the game overall. The Founder Members Agreement, signed on 17 July 1991 by the games top-flight clubs, the argument given at the time was that the extra income would allow English clubs to compete with teams across Europe. The managing director of London Weekend Television, Greg Dyke, met with the representatives of the big five clubs in England in 1990. The meeting was to pave the way for an away from The Football League. The FA did not enjoy a relationship with the Football League at the time
7. Чемпионат Испании по футболу – The Primera División, commonly known as La Liga and as La Liga Santander for sponsorship reasons, is the top professional association football division of the Spanish football league system. A total of 60 teams have competed in La Liga since its inception, nine teams have been crowned champions, with Real Madrid winning the title a record 32 times and Barcelona 24 times. Real Madrid dominated the championship from the 1950s through the 1980s, from the 1990s onwards, Barcelona and Real Madrid both dominated, though La Liga also saw other champions, including Atlético Madrid, Valencia, and Deportivo de La Coruña. In more recent years, Atlético Madrid has joined a coalition of now three teams dominating La Liga alongside Real Madrid and Barcelona. Its clubs have won the most UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Super Cup, and FIFA Club World Cup titles, and its players have accumulated the highest number of Ballon dOr awards. La Liga is one of the most popular sports leagues in the world. The competition format follows the usual double round-robin format, during the course of a season, which lasts from August to May, each club plays every other club twice, once at home and once away, for a total of 38 matchdays. Teams receive three points for a win, one point for a draw, and no points for a loss, teams are ranked by total points, with the highest-ranked club at the end of the season crowned champion. A system of promotion and relegation exists between the Primera División and the Segunda División, the top teams in La Liga qualify for the UEFA Champions League. The first, second, and third placed teams enter the group stage. Teams placed fifth and sixth play in the UEFA Europa League, if both teams in the cup final finish in the top six, an additional berth in the Europa League is given to the team that finishes in seventh. In April 1927, José María Acha, a director at Arenas Club de Getxo, first proposed the idea of a national league in Spain. After much debate about the size of the league and who would take part, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, Real Sociedad, Arenas Club de Getxo and Real Unión were all selected as previous winners of the Copa del Rey. Atlético Madrid, Espanyol and Europa qualified as Copa del Rey runners-up, only three of the founding clubs, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao, have never been relegated from the Primera División. They were also runners-up in 1932 and 1933, in 1935, Real Betis, then known as Betis Balompié, won their only title to date. Primera División was suspended during the Spanish Civil War, in 1937, the teams in the Republican area of Spain, with the notable exception of the two Madrid clubs, competed in the Mediterranean League and Barcelona emerged as champions. Seventy years later, on 28 September 2007, Barcelona requested the RFEF to recognise that title as a Liga title and this action was taken after RFEF was asked to recognise Levante FCs Copa de la España Libre win as equivalent to Copa del Rey trophy. Nevertheless, the body of Spanish football has not made an outright decision yet
8. Чемпионат Германии по футболу – The Bundesliga, is a professional association football league in Germany and the football league with the highest average stadium attendance worldwide. At the top of the German football league system, the Bundesliga is Germanys primary football competition, the Bundesliga is contested by 18 teams and operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the 2. Seasons run from August to May, most games are played on Saturdays and Sundays, with a few games played on weekdays. All of the Bundesliga clubs qualify for the DFB-Pokal, the winner of the Bundesliga qualifies for the DFL-Supercup. A total of 54 clubs have competed in the Bundesliga since its founding, FC Bayern Munich has won the Bundesliga the most, winning the title 25 times. However, the Bundesliga has seen other champions with Borussia Dortmund, Hamburger SV, Werder Bremen, Borussia Mönchengladbach, the Bundesliga is broadcast on television in over 200 countries. The Bundesliga was founded in 1962 in Dortmund and the first season started in 1963, the structure and organisation of the Bundesliga along with Germanys other football leagues have undergone frequent changes right up to the present day. The Bundesliga was founded by the Deutscher Fußball-Bund, but is now operated by the Deutsche Fußball Liga, the Bundesliga is composed of two divisions, the 1. Bundesliga, and, below that, the 2, Bundesliga, which has been the second tier of German football since 1974. Below the level of the 3, Liga, leagues are generally subdivided on a regional basis. For example, the Regionalligen are currently made up of Nord, Nordost, Süd, below this are thirteen parallel divisions, most of which are called Oberligen which represent federal states or large urban and geographical areas. The levels below the Oberligen differ between the local areas, the league structure has changed frequently and typically reflects the degree of participation in the sport in various parts of the country. In the early 1990s, changes were driven by the reunification of Germany, every team in the two Bundesligen must have a licence to play in the league, or else they are relegated into the regional leagues. To obtain a licence, teams must be healthy and meet certain standards of conduct as organisations. As in other leagues, there are significant benefits to being in the top division. Bundesliga teams draw significantly greater levels of fan support, average attendance in the first league is 42,673 per game — more than twice the average of the 2. Greater exposure through television and higher attendance levels helps 1, Bundesliga teams attract the most lucrative sponsorships. Bundesliga teams develop substantial financial muscle through the combination of television and gate revenues, sponsorships and this allows them to attract and retain skilled players from domestic and international sources and to construct first-class stadium facilities
9. Чемпионат Франции по футболу – Ligue 1, is a French professional league for mens association football clubs. At the top of the French football league system, it is the primary football competition. Administrated by the Ligue de Football Professionnel, Ligue 1 is contested by 20 clubs, seasons run from August to May. Teams play 38 matches each, totaling 380 matches in the season, most games are played on Saturdays and Sundays, with a few games played during weekday evenings. Play is regularly suspended the last weekend before Christmas for two weeks before returning in the week of January. The name lasted until 2002 before switching to its current name, AS Saint-Étienne is the most successful club with ten league titles in France while Olympique Lyon is the club that has won the most consecutive titles. With the presence of 67 seasons in Ligue 1, Olympique de Marseille hold the record for most seasons among the elite, the current champions are Paris Saint-Germain, who won their sixth title in the 2015–16 season. Prior to 1930, professionalism in French football was non-existent, in July 1930, the National Council of the French Football Federation voted 128–20 in support of professionalism in French football. The founding fathers of professionalism in French football are Georges Bayrou, Emmanuel Gambardella, professionalism was officially implemented in 1932. In order to create a professional football league in the country. In order to participate in the competition, clubs were subjected to three important criteria, The incoming club must have had positive results in the past, the incoming club must be able to pull in enough revenue to balance its finances. The incoming club must be able to recruit at least eight professional players. Jooris feared his league would fold and proposed it become the division of the new league. The leagues inaugural season of the league, called National, was held in 1932–1933. The 20 clubs were inserted into two groups of 10 with the three of each group suffering relegation to Division 2. The two winners of each group would face each other in a final held at a neutral venue. The first final was held on 14 May 1933 and it matched the winner of Group A, Olympique Lillois, against the runner-up of Group B, Cannes. Antibes, the winner of Group B, was supposed to take part in the final but was suspected of bribery by the French Football Federation and was forced into disqualification, in the first final, Lillois were crowned the inaugural champions following the clubs 4–3 victory
«Футбол» | |
Телеканал «Футбол» | |
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Таджикистан![]() | |
Таджикистан![]() | |
круглосуточно | |
в основном таджикский, также русский | |
Душанбе, Таджикистан | |
футбольный | |
21 февраля 2017 года | |
около 20 миллионов человек | |
Федерация футбола Таджикистана и Правительство Республики Таджикистан | |
Федерация футбола Таджикистана | |
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Основной язык телеканала — таджикский, также часть трансляций ведётся на русском языке.
О создании футбольного телеканала в Таджикистане говорили еще в 2015 году[1]. В январе 2017 года в СМИ появилась информация о будущем открытии телеканала «Футбол» в формате HD[2][3][4]. Основателем телеканала стала Федерация футбола Таджикистана. Телеканал начал работу в тестовом режиме за несколько дней до официального запуска 21 февраля 2017 года президентом Федерации футбола Таджикистана — Рустамом Эмомали[5].
Телеканал «Футбол» кроме матчей чемпионата Таджикистана, Кубка Таджикистана и других национальных футбольных турниров, матчей сборной Таджикистана, будет транслировать также в прямом эфире (некоторые матчи будут транслироваться в записи), в формате высокой чёткости матчи английской Премьер-лиги, испанской Примеры, немецкой Бундеслиги, итальянской А серии, французской Лиги 1, Лиги чемпионов УЕФА, Лиги Европы УЕФА. Также на телеканале будут транслироваться различные передачи и программы, посвящённые известным футболистам и тренерам мира и Таджикистана, о различных футбольных клубах и сборных[6][7][8].
Автор [email protected] | 26.03.2018
Матч заключительного тура отборочного раунда Кубка Азии-2019 в группе «F» между национальными сборными Филиппин и Таджикистана, который состоится во вторник, 27 марта, будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на телеканалах «Варзиш» и «Футбол».
Встреча пройдет на Мемориальном стадионе имени Хосе Рисаля в Маниле и начнется в 16:30 часов по душанбинскому времени.
Перед заключительным туром отборочного раунда Кубка Азии-2019 расклад таков, что турнирную таблицу в группе «F» возглавляет сборная Филиппин, в активе которой 9 очков. Сборные Йемена и Таджикистана, набрав по 7 очков, расположились соответственно на второй и третьей строчках. Для выхода в финальную часть Кубка Азии, которая в январе следующего года пройдет в ОАЭ, нашу национальную сборную устраивает только победа в поединке против сборной Филиппин.
Кубок Азии-2019
Отборочный турнир. Группа «F». 6-й тур
27 марта (вторник)
Начало – в 16:30 по душанбинскому
Манила, Мемориальный стадион имени Хосе Рисаля
Йемен – Непал
И | В | Н | П | М | О | ||
1 | Филиппины | 5 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 11-7 | 9 |
2 | Йемен | 5 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 5-4 | 7 |
3 | ТАДЖИКИСТАН | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 9-7 | 7 |
4 | Непал | 5 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 2-9 | 2 |
«Футбол» | |
Телеканал «Футбол» | |
![]() | |
Таджикистан![]() | |
Таджикистан![]() | |
круглосуточно | |
в основном таджикский, также русский | |
Душанбе, Таджикистан | |
футбольный | |
21 февраля 2017 года | |
около 20 миллионов человек | |
Федерация футбола Таджикистана и Правительство Республики Таджикистан | |
Федерация футбола Таджикистана | |
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«Футбо́л» (тадж. «Футбол») — общенациональный футбольный телеканал Таджикистана. Вещание телеканала ведётся круглосуточно с 21 февраля 2017 года на всей территории Таджикистана, в формате высокой чёткости HD. Принадлежит Федерации футбола Таджикистана.
Основной язык телеканала — таджикский, также часть трансляций ведётся на русском языке.
О создании футбольного телеканала в Таджикистане говорили еще в 2015 году[1]. В январе 2017 года в СМИ появилась информация о будущем открытии телеканала «Футбол» в формате HD[2][3][4]. Основателем телеканала стала Федерация футбола Таджикистана. Телеканал начал работу в тестовом режиме за несколько дней до официального запуска 21 февраля 2017 года президентом Федерации футбола Таджикистана — Рустамом Эмомали[5].
Телеканал «Футбол» кроме матчей чемпионата Таджикистана, Кубка Таджикистана и других национальных футбольных турниров, матчей сборной Таджикистана, будет транслировать также в прямом эфире (некоторые матчи будут транслироваться в записи), в формате высокой чёткости матчи английской Премьер-лиги,