SA÷1¬~ZA÷ЧЕХИЯ: Кубок МОЛ¬ZEE÷bmNStgNk¬ZB÷62¬ZY÷Чехия¬ZC÷UubYY6a3¬ZD÷p¬ZE÷8xKhzz6h¬ZF÷0¬ZO÷0¬ZG÷2¬ZH÷62_bmNStgNk¬ZJ÷2¬ZL÷/football/czech-republic/mol-cup/¬ZX÷00Чехия 005......0230000000179000Кубок МОЛ 009ок МОЛ000¬ZCC÷0¬ZAF÷Чехия¬~AA÷42rUL40i¬AD÷1525889700¬ADE÷1525889700¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Славия Прага¬ER÷Финал¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷SLA¬AE÷Славия Прага¬JA÷phjiy4Hh¬WU÷slavia-prague¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷2¬AG÷3¬BA÷2¬BC÷1¬WN÷JAB¬AF÷Яблонец¬JB÷befezOWb¬WV÷jablonec¬AH÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬AM÷Нейтральное поле.¬AW÷1¬~AA÷0rX13NZt¬AD÷1524672000¬ADE÷1524672000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Злин¬ER÷Полуфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷ZLI¬AE÷Злин¬JA÷txwvWADe¬WU÷zlin¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷JAB¬AF÷Яблонец¬JB÷KSyrVUS1¬WV÷jablonec¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷f1fZ73RP¬AD÷1523988000¬ADE÷1523988000¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Славия Прага¬ER÷Полуфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷SLA¬AE÷Славия Прага¬JA÷zuzWXWrq¬WU÷slavia-prague¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷2¬BA÷0¬BC÷2¬WN÷MLA¬AF÷Млада Болеслав¬JB÷nFwzXjbk¬WV÷mlada-boleslav¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷GSnNZ2G5¬AD÷1521043200¬ADE÷1521043200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Градец Кралове¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷HRA¬AE÷Градец Кралове¬JA÷QovHWkh7¬WU÷hradec-kralove¬AG÷0¬BA÷0¬BC÷0¬WN÷ZLI¬AF÷Злин¬JB÷4xwLV97D¬WV÷zlin¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷2¬BB÷0¬BD÷2¬AW÷1¬~AA÷AVqFyPog¬AD÷1521043200¬ADE÷1521043200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷11¬CX÷Млада Болеслав¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷OST¬AF÷Баник Острава¬JB÷zco4Zi8l¬WV÷ostrava¬AZ÷0¬AK÷1¬AH÷1¬AU÷1¬BB÷0¬BD÷1¬WM÷MLA¬AE÷Млада Болеслав¬JA÷Mgs0zYhr¬WU÷mlada-boleslav¬AS÷1¬AZ÷0¬BY÷1¬AJ÷1¬AG÷2¬AT÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷bixSYMVB¬AD÷1520438400¬ADE÷1520438400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Славия Прага¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WN÷LIB¬AF÷Слован Либерец¬JB÷UFU6gDaK¬WV÷liberec¬AH÷0¬BB÷0¬BD÷0¬WM÷SLA¬AE÷Славия Прага¬JA÷IuR2fgpE¬WU÷slavia-prague¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷2¬BA÷2¬BC÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷4hqJzq1a¬AD÷1520434800¬ADE÷1520434800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Яблонец¬ER÷Четвертьфиналы¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷JAB¬AE÷Яблонец¬JA÷UJp8YBNf¬WU÷jablonec¬AS÷1¬AZ÷1¬BY÷1¬AG÷3¬BA÷1¬BC÷2¬WN÷SLO¬AF÷Словацко¬JB÷8AqCXVx1¬WV÷slovacko¬AH÷1¬BB÷0¬BD÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷xdrUYwzQ¬AD÷1510333200¬ADE÷1510333200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷10¬CX÷Виктория Пльзень¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷PLZ¬AE÷Виктория Пльзень¬JA÷Q3BPYDh4¬WU÷plzen¬AZ÷0¬AG÷2¬AT÷2¬BA÷1¬BC÷1¬WN÷SLO¬AF÷Словацко¬JB÷6FSMXX79¬WV÷slovacko¬AS÷2¬AZ÷0¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬AU÷2¬BB÷1¬BD÷1¬AW÷1¬~AA÷tQnkUcrs¬AD÷1509550200¬ADE÷1509550200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷10¬CX÷Слован Либерец¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷LIB¬AE÷Слован Либерец¬JA÷p6RQWiNF¬WU÷liberec¬AS÷1¬AZ÷0¬BY÷1¬AG÷5¬AT÷2¬BA÷1¬BC÷1¬WN÷KAR¬AF÷Карвина¬JB÷vTQUVBxM¬WV÷mfk-karvina¬AZ÷0¬AH÷3¬AU÷2¬BB÷2¬BD÷0¬~AA÷KGogTHcm¬AD÷1508947200¬ADE÷1508947200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Высочина Йиглава¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷JIH¬AE÷Высочина Йиглава¬JA÷hWUYUViS¬WU÷jihlava¬AG÷1¬BA÷1¬BC÷0¬WN÷SLA¬AF÷Славия Прага¬JB÷bD71Qk0q¬WV÷slavia-prague¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬BB÷0¬BD÷3¬AW÷1¬~AA÷ldwAPZdC¬AD÷1508943600¬ADE÷1508943600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷11¬CX÷Спарта Прага¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷SPA¬AE÷Спарта Прага¬JA÷WMk8qV6L¬WU÷sparta-prague¬AZ÷0¬AG÷2¬AT÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬WN÷OST¬AF÷Баник Острава¬JB÷lbpDrkMR¬WV÷ostrava¬AS÷2¬AZ÷0¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬AU÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬AW÷1¬~AA÷A5v6QFs6¬AD÷1508936400¬ADE÷1508936400¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷11¬CX÷Влашим¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷VLA¬AE÷Влашим¬JA÷b9i0oix9¬WU÷vlasim¬AZ÷0¬AG÷1¬AT÷1¬BA÷0¬BC÷1¬WN÷ZLI¬AF÷Злин¬JB÷hWj4pBiF¬WV÷zlin¬AS÷2¬AZ÷0¬BZ÷1¬AH÷2¬AU÷1¬BB÷1¬BD÷0¬~AA÷EwocSyDg¬AD÷1508934600¬ADE÷1508934600¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Домазлице¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷DOM¬AE÷Домазлице¬JA÷x465P9Fk¬WU÷domazlice¬AG÷2¬BA÷1¬BC÷1¬WN÷MLA¬AF÷Млада Болеслав¬JB÷6wB9OTUe¬WV÷mlada-boleslav¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷4¬BB÷2¬BD÷2¬~AA÷Stk1ReSa¬AD÷1508860800¬ADE÷1508860800¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Теплице¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷TEP¬AE÷Теплице¬JA÷pU9DNmp2¬WU÷teplice¬AG÷2¬BA÷0¬BC÷2¬WN÷HRA¬AF÷Градец Кралове¬JB÷nZmdnXM2¬WV÷hradec-kralove¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷3¬BB÷1¬BD÷2¬~AA÷IVsEOgCI¬AD÷1508857200¬ADE÷1508857200¬AB÷3¬CR÷3¬AC÷3¬CX÷Сигма¬ER÷1/8 финала¬RW÷0¬AX÷1¬BX÷-1¬WQ÷¬WM÷SIG¬AE÷Сигма¬JA÷j7Wvv9Ur¬WU÷sigma-olomouc¬AG÷3¬BA÷2¬BC÷1¬WN÷JAB¬AF÷Яблонец¬JB÷pUVrwTqk¬WV÷jablonec¬AS÷2¬AZ÷2¬BZ÷1¬AH÷4¬BB÷1¬BD÷3¬~
Показывать Новости Материалы Записи в блогах Фото Видео
итоги сезона в Австрии, Швейцарии и Чехии - австрийская Бундеслига, Кубок Австрии, швейцарская Суперлига, Кубок Швейцарии, чешская Первая лига и Кубок Чехии
Рейтинг +3
превью финалов Кубка России, Украины, Чехии, Австрии, Италии и Франции, а также пары матчей испанской Примеры
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Настоящий олдскул из третьего дивизиона.
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Что это за клуб?
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Что же сделал хорошего российский защитник в Чехии?
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Шикарный удар россиянина в чемпионате Чехии.
Рейтинг +14
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Кубок Чехии по футболу (чеш. Pohár FAČR) — главное кубковое соревнование в Чехии. С сезона 2015/16 носит название MOL Cup[1].
Розыгрыш Кубка Чехии впервые был проведен в 1961. Его победитель затем встречался с обладателем Кубка Словакии в финале Кубка Чехословакии. Последнее соревнование было прекращено в 1993 в связи с разделением Чехословакии на два независимых государства: (Чехию и Словакию).
Обладатель кубка получает путевку в Лигу Европы на следующий сезон, если же команда победитель уже имеет место в Лиге Чемпионов или в Лиге Европы по итогам чемпионата, то путёвку в еврокубки получает финалист Кубка Чехии.
Спарта Прага | (6) 1996, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014. | (4) 1994, 2001, 2002, 2012 |
Славия Прага | (3) 1997, 1999, 2002. | (0) |
Яблонец | (2) 1998, 2013 | (5) 2003, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2016 |
Слован Либерец | (2) 2000, 2015 | (2) 1999, 2008 |
Млада-Болеслав | (2) 2011, 2016 | (1) 2013 |
Виктория Жижков | (2) 1994, 2001. | (1) 1995 |
Теплице | (2) 2003, 2009. | (0) |
Баник Острава | (1) 2005 | (2) 2004, 2006. |
Сигма Оломоуц | (1) 2012 | (1) 2011 |
Виктория Пльзень | (1) 2010 | (1) 2014 |
Градец-Кралове | (1) 1995 | (0) |
Фастав Злин | (1) 2017 | (0) |
Словацко | (0) | (2) 2005, 2009. |
Дрновице | (0) | (2) 1996, 1998. |
Баник Ратишковице | (0) | (1) 2000 |
Дукла Прага | (0) | (1) 1997 |
Опава | (0) | (1) 2017 |
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Кубок Чехии по футболу (чеш. Pohár FAČR) — главное кубковое соревнование в Чехии. С сезона 2015/16 носит название MOL Cup[1].
Розыгрыш Кубка Чехии впервые был проведен в 1961. Его победитель затем встречался с обладателем Кубка Словакии в финале Кубка Чехословакии. Последнее соревнование было прекращено в 1993 в связи с разделением Чехословакии на два независимых государства: (Чехию и Словакию).
Обладатель кубка получает путевку в Лигу Европы на следующий сезон, если же команда победитель уже имеет место в Лиге Чемпионов или в Лиге Европы по итогам чемпионата, то путёвку в еврокубки получает финалист Кубка Чехии.
Спарта Прага | (6) 1996, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014. | (4) 1994, 2001, 2002, 2012 |
Славия Прага | (3) 1997, 1999, 2002. | (0) |
Яблонец | (2) 1998, 2013 | (5) 2003, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2016 |
Слован Либерец | (2) 2000, 2015 | (2) 1999, 2008 |
Млада-Болеслав | (2) 2011, 2016 | (1) 2013 |
Виктория Жижков | (2) 1994, 2001. | (1) 1995 |
Теплице | (2) 2003, 2009. | (0) |
Баник Острава | (1) 2005 | (2) 2004, 2006. |
Сигма Оломоуц | (1) 2012 | (1) 2011 |
Виктория Пльзень | (1) 2010 | (1) 2014 |
Градец-Кралове | (1) 1995 | (0) |
Словацко | (0) | (2) 2005, 2009. |
Дрновице | (0) | (2) 1996, 1998. |
Баник Ратишковице | (0) | (1) 2000 |
Дукла Прага | (0) | (1) 1997 |
Кубок Чехии по футболу (чеш. Pohár ČMFS) — главное кубковое соревнование в Чехии.
Розыгрыш Кубка Чехии впервые был проведен в 1961.
Его победитель затем встречался с обладателем Кубка Словакии в финале Кубка Чехословакии. Последнее соревнование было прекращено в 1993 в связи с разделением Чехословакии на два независимых государства: (Чехию и Словакию).Обладатель кубка получает путевку в Лигу Европы на следующий сезон, если же команда победитель уже имеет место в Лиге Чемпионов или в Лиге Европы по итогам чемпионата, то путёвку в еврокубки получает финалист Кубка Чехии.
Спарта Прага | (5) 1996, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008. | (4) 1994, 2001, 2002, 2012 |
Славия Прага | (3) 1997, 1999, 2002. | (0) |
Виктория Жижков | (2) 1994, 2001. | (1) 1995 |
Теплице | (2) 2003, 2009. | (0) |
Яблонец | (1) 1998 | (3) 2003, 2007, 2010. |
Баник Острава | (1) 2005 | (2) 2004, 2006. |
Слован Либерец | (1) 2000 | (2) 1999, 2008. |
Сигма Оломоуц | (1) 2012 | (1) 2011 |
Виктория Пльзень | (1) 2010 | (0) |
Градец Кралове | (1) 1995 | (0) |
Млада Болеслав | (1) 2011 | (0) |
Словацко | (0) | (2) 2005, 2009. |
Петра Дрновице | (0) | (2) 1996, 1998. |
Баник Ратишковице | (0) | (1) 2000 |
Дукла Прага | (0) | (1) 1997 |
1. Чехия – The Czech Republic, also known as Czechia, is a nation state in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the northeast. The Czech Republic covers an area of 78,866 square kilometres with mostly temperate continental climate and it is a unitary parliamentary republic, has 10.5 million inhabitants and the capital and largest city is Prague, with over 1.2 million residents. The Czech Republic includes the territories of Bohemia, Moravia. The Czech state was formed in the late 9th century as the Duchy of Bohemia under the Great Moravian Empire, after the fall of the Empire in 907, the centre of power transferred from Moravia to Bohemia under the Přemyslid dynasty. In 1002, the duchy was formally recognized as part of the Holy Roman Empire, becoming the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1198 and reaching its greatest territorial extent in the 14th century. Following the Battle of Mohács in 1526, the whole Crown of Bohemia was gradually integrated into the Habsburg Monarchy alongside the Archduchy of Austria, the Protestant Bohemian Revolt against the Catholic Habsburgs led to the Thirty Years War. After the Battle of the White Mountain, the Habsburgs consolidated their rule, reimposed Roman Catholicism, the Czech part of Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in World War II, and was liberated in 1945 by the armies of the Soviet Union and the United States. The Czech country lost the majority of its German-speaking inhabitants after they were expelled following the war, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia won the 1946 elections. Following the 1948 coup détat, Czechoslovakia became a one-party communist state under Soviet influence, in 1968, increasing dissatisfaction with the regime culminated in a reform movement known as the Prague Spring, which ended in a Soviet-led invasion. Czechoslovakia remained occupied until the 1989 Velvet Revolution, when the communist regime collapsed, on 6 March 1990, the Czech Socialistic Republic was renamed to the Czech Republic. On 1 January 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully dissolved, with its constituent states becoming the independent states of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999 and the European Union in 2004, it is a member of the United Nations, the OECD, the OSCE, and it is a developed country with an advanced, high income economy and high living standards. The UNDP ranks the country 14th in inequality-adjusted human development, the Czech Republic also ranks as the 6th most peaceful country, while achieving strong performance in democratic governance. It has the lowest unemployment rate in the European Union, the traditional English name Bohemia derives from Latin Boiohaemum, which means home of the Boii. The current name comes from the endonym Čech, spelled Cžech until the reform in 1842. The name comes from the Slavic tribe and, according to legend, their leader Čech, the etymology of the word Čech can be traced back to the Proto-Slavic root *čel-, meaning member of the people, kinsman, thus making it cognate to the Czech word člověk. The country has traditionally divided into three lands, namely Bohemia in the west, Moravia in the southeast, and Czech Silesia in the northeast. Following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia at the end of 1992, the Czech part of the former nation found itself without a common single-word geographical name in English, the name Czechia /ˈtʃɛkiə/ was recommended by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. Славия (футбольный клуб, Прага) – SK Slavia Prague is a Czech professional football club founded in 1892 in the city of Prague. They are the second most successful club in the Czech Republic since its independence in 1993 and they play in the Czech First League, the highest competition in the Czech Republic. They play the Prague derby with Sparta Prague, an important rivalry in Czech football, Slavia has won 16 titles, several Czech cups and the Mitropa Cup in 1938. The club has won three league titles since the foundation of the Czech league in 1993, the club reached the semi-finals of the 1995–96 UEFA Cup and qualified for the 2007–08 UEFA Champions League group stage for the first time in their history. In addition to their mens squad, Slavia Prague also has reserve, youth, womens, Slavia was founded on 2 November 1892 by medicine students in Vinohrady, Prague, as a sport club aimed at increasing sport activity among students. Initially the club focused on cycling, and expanded to football in 1896, on 25 March of that year, Slavia won their first match against AC Prague 5–0. Four days later, Slavia played against Sparta Prague, with the match finishing 0–0, in 1905, Scottish manager and former Celtic player John Madden brought new tactics and views on football from his home country to the club. He managed to set up a golden age for the club that lasted 25 years. Under Madden Slavia won 134 domestic matches out of a total of 169, in 1930, Madden retired from Slavia and professional football at the age of 66, though he remained in Prague for the rest of his life. In the 1934 FIFA World Cup, the Czechoslovak national team included eight Slavia players, the second golden period came when Slavia bought Josef Bican from Admira Vienna. Slavia with Bican won titles in 1940,1941,1942 and 1943, in 1951 Slavia finished in 11th position in the league. Poor results continued during the 1950s and 1960s when Slavia were relegated twice and they next played in the top level of football in 1965. In 1996, Slavia won their 14th title after 49 years, during this season, Slavia played in the semi-final of the UEFA Cup and four players of this team had big importance for the silver-medal winning Czech team from UEFA Euro 1996. For the group stage, Slavia were drawn in Group H along with Arsenal, Steaua București and they started with a 2–1 win at home against Steaua and a 4–2 loss to Sevilla. Next came two matches against Arsenal, Slavia lost 7–0 at the Emirates Stadium, but in the leg they managed to draw 0–0. In Bucharest came a 1–1 draw, which qualified the Czech team for the UEFA Cup round of 32, from third place in Group H, in October 2006, the construction of the new and long-awaited stadium at Eden for 21,000 spectators began. The stadium was opened on 7 May 2008 with a match against Oxford University. In the 2009–10 season the club managed only 7th place in the league, in the autumn of 2010, the club found itself in crisis due to its economic problems
3. Спарта (футбольный клуб, Прага) – AC Sparta Prague is a Czech football club based in Prague. Sparta have also successful on the international stage, winning the Pequeña Copa del Mundo de Clubes. Sparta have won 36 domestic league titles, the Czech Cup 27 times, also a record, and the Czech Supercup twice. Sparta was long the main source for the Czech Republic national football team, however lately this has ceased to be the case, Sparta play at Pragues Generali Arena, also known as Letná Stadium. At the close of 1893, a group of young people based around three brothers – Václav, Bohumil and Rudolf Rudl – had the idea of setting up a sports club. On 16 November, the meeting approved the clubs articles of association and one month later, on 17 December. Soon after that, the Athletic Club Sparta came up with its tricolour, in which blue symbolises Europe, red is the symbol of the royal city, though the reason for the yellow is not known any more. At the very beginning of the football history, the players used to wear black jerseys with a big S on the front. They then played for two years in black-and-white striped jerseys, which returned to, wearing them as a reserve strip. In 1906, club president Dr. Petřík was in England where he saw the famous Arsenal play with their red jerseys, at that time, he did not realise he was setting up one of the clubs greatest traditions. Together with the red jerseys, Sparta players wear white shorts, shortly after World War I, a team was put together that triggered off the famous period of the 1920s and 30s referred to as Iron Sparta. A football league in Czechoslovakia was established in the mid-twenties and the collected title after title. To this day, the fans still recall the names of the players of that period with admiration, Peyer, Hojer, Perner, Káďa, Kolenatý, Červený. A few years later, some no less famous names appeared, such as Hochman, Burgr, Hajný, Šíma, Silný, Čtyřoký, Košťálek and in particular Oldřich Nejedlý, the top scorer at the 1934 FIFA World Cup. Shortly before this most famous era kicked off, Vlasta Burian, the milestones of the first golden period of the clubs history are two Central European Cup titles, which in the 20 and the 30s enjoyed the same recognition as that of todays Champions League. Spartas three titles are important milestones in the cups history, after two triumphs in 1927 and 1935, the third came in 1964, at a time when the cups importance was gradually falling behind that of other European cups. In 1946, AC Sparta toured Great Britain opening with a 2–2 draw against Arsenal on 2 October, on Thursday 16 February 2017, They suffered a humiliating defeat to Russian Minnows Rostov. Golden periods alternated with years when Sparta fans only nostalgically remembered the old times
4. Чехословакия – From 1939 to 1945, following its forced division and partial incorporation into Nazi Germany, the state did not de facto exist but its government-in-exile continued to operate. From 1948 to 1990, Czechoslovakia was part of the Soviet bloc with a command economy and its economic status was formalized in membership of Comecon from 1949, and its defense status in the Warsaw Pact of May 1955. A period of liberalization in 1968, known as the Prague Spring, was forcibly ended when the Soviet Union, assisted by several other Warsaw Pact countries. In 1993, Czechoslovakia split into the two states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Form of state 1918–1938, A democratic republic, 1938–1939, After annexation of Sudetenland by Nazi Germany in 1938, the region gradually turned into a state with loosened connections among the Czech, Slovak, and Ruthenian parts. A large strip of southern Slovakia and Carpatho-Ukraine was annexed by Hungary, 1939–1945, The region was split into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the Slovak Republic. A government-in-exile continued to exist in London, supported by the United Kingdom, United States and its Allies, after the German invasion of Russia, Czechoslovakia adhered to the Declaration by United Nations and was a founding member of the United Nations. 1946–1948, The country was governed by a government with communist ministers, including the prime minister. Carpathian Ruthenia was ceded to the Soviet Union, 1948–1989, The country became a socialist state under Soviet domination with a centrally planned economy. In 1960, the country became a socialist republic, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It was a state of the Soviet Union. 1989–1990, The federal republic consisted of the Czech Socialist Republic, 1990–1992, Following the Velvet Revolution, the state was renamed the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, consisting of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Neighbours Austria 1918–1938, 1945–1992 Germany Hungary Poland Romania 1918–1938 Soviet Union 1945–1991 Ukraine 1991–1992 Topography The country was of irregular terrain. The western area was part of the north-central European uplands, the eastern region was composed of the northern reaches of the Carpathian Mountains and lands of the Danube River basin. Climate The weather is mild winters and mild summers, influenced by the Atlantic Ocean from the west, Baltic Sea from the north, and Mediterranean Sea from the south. The area was long a part of the Austro Hungarian Empire until the Empire collapsed at the end of World War I, the new state was founded by Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, who served as its first president from 14 November 1918 to 14 December 1935. He was succeeded by his ally, Edvard Beneš. The roots of Czech nationalism go back to the 19th century, nationalism became a mass movement in the last half of the 19th century
5. Словакия – Slovakia, officially the Slovak Republic, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Slovakias territory spans about 49,000 square kilometres and is mostly mountainous. The population is over 5 million and comprises mostly ethnic Slovaks, the capital and largest city is Bratislava. The Slavs arrived in the territory of present-day Slovakia in the 5th and 6th centuries, in the 7th century, they played a significant role in the creation of Samos Empire and in the 9th century established the Principality of Nitra. In the 10th century, the territory was integrated into the Kingdom of Hungary, which became part of the Habsburg Empire. After World War I and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a separate Slovak Republic existed in World War II as a client state of Nazi Germany. In 1945, Czechoslovakia was reëstablished under Communist rule as a Soviet satellite, in 1989 the Velvet Revolution ended authoritarian Communist rule in Czechoslovakia. Slovakia became an independent state on 1 January 1993 after the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. The country maintains a combination of economy with universal health care. The country joined the European Union in 2004 and the Eurozone on 1 January 2009, Slovakia is also a member of the Schengen Area, NATO, the United Nations, the OECD, the WTO, CERN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the Visegrád Group. The Slovak economy is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe and its legal tender, the Euro, is the worlds 2nd most traded currency. Although regional income inequality is high, 90% of citizens own their homes, in 2016, Slovak citizens had visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 165 countries and territories, ranking the Slovak passport 11th in the world. Slovakia is the world’s biggest per-capita car producer with a total of 1,040,000 cars manufactured in the country in 2016 alone, the car industry represents 43 percent of Slovakia’s industrial output, and a quarter of its exports. Radiocarbon datingputs the oldest surviving archaeological artefacts from Slovakia – found near Nové Mesto nad Váhom – at 270,000 BC and these ancient tools, made by the Clactonian technique, bear witness to the ancient habitation of Slovakia. Other stone tools from the Middle Paleolithic era come from the Prévôt cave near Bojnice, the most important discovery from that era is a Neanderthal cranium, discovered near Gánovce, a village in northern Slovakia. The most well-known finds include the oldest female statue made of mammoth-bone, the statue was found in the 1940s in Moravany nad Váhom near Piešťany. Numerous necklaces made of shells from Cypraca thermophile gastropods of the Tertiary period have come from the sites of Zákovská, Podkovice, Hubina and these findings provide the most ancient evidence of commercial exchanges carried out between the Mediterranean and Central Europe. The Bronze Age in the territory of modern-day Slovakia went through three stages of development, stretching from 2000 to 800 BC
6. Лига Европы УЕФА – The UEFA Europa League, previously called the UEFA Cup, is an annual football club competition organized by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. Clubs qualify for the competition based on their performance in their national leagues, previously called the UEFA Cup, the competition has been known as the UEFA Europa League since the 2009–10 season, following a change in format. For UEFA footballing records purposes, the UEFA Cup and UEFA Europa League are considered the same competition, in 1999, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup was abolished and merged with the UEFA Cup. For the 2004–05 competition a group stage was added prior to the knockout phase, the 2009 re-branding included a merge with the UEFA Intertoto Cup, producing an enlarged competition format, with an expanded group stage and changed qualifying criteria. The winner enters at least at the round, and will enter the group stage if the berth reserved for the Champions League title holders is not used. The title has been won by 27 different clubs,12 of which have won the more than once. The UEFA Cup was preceded by the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, which was a European football competition played between 1955 and 1971, the competition grew from 11 teams during the first cup to 64 teams by the last cup which was played in 1970–71. It had become so important on the European football scene that in the end it was taken over by UEFA, the UEFA Cup was first played in the 1971–72 season, with an all-English final of Wolverhampton Wanderers versus Tottenham Hotspur, with Spurs taking the first honours. The title was retained by another English club, Liverpool in 1973, Borussia would win the competition in 1975 and 1979, and reach the final again in 1980. Liverpool won the competition for the time in 1976, beating Club Brugge in the final. During the 1980s, IFK Göteborg and Real Madrid won the competition twice each,1989 saw the commencement of the Italian clubs domination, when Maradonas Napoli beat Stuttgart. The 1990s started with two finals, and in 1992, Torino lost the final to Ajax on the away goals rule. Juventus won the competition for a time in 1993 and Internazionale kept the cup in Italy the following year. 1995 saw a third final, with Parma proving their consistency. The only final with no Italians during that decade was in 1996, Parma won the cup in 1999, which ended the Italian club era. Liverpool won the competition for the time in 2001 and Porto triumphed in the 2003 and 2011 tournaments. In 2004, the cup returned to Spain with Valencia being victorious, either side of Sevillas success, two Russian teams, CSKA Moscow in 2005 and Zenit Saint Petersburg in 2008, had their glory and yet another former Soviet club, Ukraines Shakhtar Donetsk, won in 2009. Atlético Madrid would themselves win twice in three seasons, in 2010 and 2012, the latter in another all-Spanish final, in 2013, Chelsea would become the first Champions League holders to win the UEFA Cup/Europa League the following year
7. Дрновице (футбольный клуб) – FK Drnovice was a Czech football club based in the Moravian village of Drnovice near Vyškov, founded in 1932. The club played in the top flight of Czech football, the Czech First League, because of financial trouble, the club ceased to exist in 2006. Drnovice now hosts a small club FKD currently playing regional division, until the mid-1980s, the club of this small village with a population short of 2,200 was almost unknown outside the region. In 1977 it played in the 1. B třída, being the 8th level in Czechoslovakian football pyramid, everything changed when Jan Gottvald, a Drnovice-born former player took charge of the club in 1982. In those days Gottvald worked as a washing machine repairer and car seller only to become boss of Mototechna, the club reached Divize, the fourth level, in 1986 and the 2. ČNL, the division in 1987. 1990 saw the team promoted to Second division, after the breakup of Czechoslovakia in 1993, both Slovakia and the Czech Republic established own leagues and Drnovice gained promotion to the First Division. Finally Gottvald had made his dream of First Division football in his native village come true, in their first season, a doping scandal shocked not only Drnovice but entire Czech football. In the so-called caramel affair Drnovice players Rostislav Prokop and Milan Poštulka were suspended for two years, the club itself was fined with a small amount of 50.000 Czech crowns. As was revealed some time later, manager Jindřich Dejmal had given the players caramels that contained a forbidden substance, Dejmal was sacked by Gottvald immediately, appointing Karel Brückner as new manager. In 1994 Gottvald sold the club to chemical company Chemapol for not having funds to keep the club running by himself alone. Nevertheless, he managed to keep his influence in the club, moreover, he became the second most important official in Czech football when he was elected vice-chairman of the Czech FA. He held this position till the year 2000, to promote their gas stations called Petra, the Chemapol Holding changed the clubs name to FC Petra Drnovice. Chemapol not only financed the club, but also the construction of Drnovices home ground and it met international standards and even hosted a match between the Czech Republic and Switzerland on 18 August 1999 won by the Czech 3 goals to 0. In the 1990s, Petra Drnovice finished mid-table in all seasons, in 1996 and 1998 they reached the Czech Cup Final but lost to Sparta Prague and FK Jablonec respectively. In those years, Gottvald lost more and more of his influence, only one year later Chemapol surprisingly went bankrupt and sold Drnovice for 15 Million Czech Crowns to Persport that belonged to former tennis player Tomáš Petera. Some month later Petera ceded the club to Jan Gottvald who became chairman of Drnovice again after five years, the 1999/2000 season saw the club reaching its best result in history when it finished third in the Czech First League. This success qualified them for the UEFA Cup the following season, in the preliminary round they beat FK Budućnost Banovići
Кубок Чехии по футболу (чеш. Pohár FAČR) — главное кубковое соревнование в Чехии. С сезона 2015/16 носит название MOL Cup[1].
Розыгрыш Кубка Чехии впервые был проведен в 1961. Его победитель затем встречался с обладателем Кубка Словакии в финале Кубка Чехословакии. Последнее соревнование было прекращено в 1993 в связи с разделением Чехословакии на два независимых государства: (Чехию и Словакию).
Обладатель кубка получает путевку в Лигу Европы на следующий сезон, если же команда победитель уже имеет место в Лиге Чемпионов или в Лиге Европы по итогам чемпионата, то путёвку в еврокубки получает финалист Кубка Чехии.
Спарта Прага | (6) 1996, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014. | (4) 1994, 2001, 2002, 2012 |
Славия Прага | (4) 1997, 1999, 2002, 2018 | (0) |
Яблонец | (2) 1998, 2013 | (6) 2003, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2018 |
Слован Либерец | (2) 2000, 2015 | (2) 1999, 2008 |
Млада-Болеслав | (2) 2011, 2016 | (1) 2013 |
Виктория Жижков | (2) 1994, 2001. | (1) 1995 |
Теплице | (2) 2003, 2009. | (0) |
Баник Острава | (1) 2005 | (2) 2004, 2006. |
Сигма Оломоуц | (1) 2012 | (1) 2011 |
Виктория Пльзень | (1) 2010 | (1) 2014 |
Градец-Кралове | (1) 1995 | (0) |
Фастав Злин | (1) 2017 | (0) |
Словацко | (0) | (2) 2005, 2009. |
Дрновице | (0) | (2) 1996, 1998. |
Баник Ратишковице | (0) | (1) 2000 |
Дукла Прага | (0) | (1) 1997 |
Опава | (0) | (1) 2017 |