Сборная Вануату по футболу. Сборная по футболу вануату

Сборная Вануату по футболу - это... Что такое Сборная Вануату по футболу?

Сборная Вануату по футболу


Конфедерация Конфедерация футбола Океании
Федерация Футбольная ассоциация Вануату
Гл. тренер Флаг Вануату Перси Авок
Капитан Мойме Пойда
Рейтинг ФИФА 149
Первая играФлаг Вануату
Вануату 1 - 4 Флаг Новой Зеландии Новая Зеландия(Порт-Вила, Вануату; 27 июня 1992)
Самая крупная победаФлаг Вануату Вануату 15 - 0 Флаг Американского Самоа Американское Самоа(Алиа,Самоа; 29 августа, 2007)
Самое крупное поражениеФлаг Вануату Вануату 0 - 8 Флаг Новой ЗеландииНовая Зеландия(Веллингтон, Новая Зеландия;12 марта , 1992)
Участие 5 (1998,2000,2002,2004,2008) (Впервые Кубок наций ОФК 1998)
Достижения Кубок наций ОФК 2000,2002,2008

Национальная сборная Вануату — футбольная сборная Вануату.

Управляется Федерацией футбола Вануату. Вануату вошла в ФИФА и ОФК в 1988 году. В рейтинге ФИФА по положению на 2 февраля 2011 года занимает 149-ю позицию.

Тренеры сборной

  • Хуан Карлос Буссетти

Известные игроки

  • Э. Рараи
  • П. Роронамахава

Участие в чемпионатах мира

  • 1930 — 2002 — Не участвовала в отборе
  • 2006 — Не прошла квалификацию

Кубок наций Океании

  • 1973 — Групповой этап
  • 1980 — Групповой этап
  • 1996 — Групповой этап
  • 2002 — Групповой этап
  • 2004 — Групповой этап
  • 2008 — Групповой этап
  • 2012 — Групповой этап

Тихоокеанские игры

  • 1987 — Четвертое место
  • 1995 — Четвертое место
  • 2003 — Третье место
  • 2007 — Третье место



Сборная Вануату по футболу — Википедия

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 9 июля 2016; проверки требуют 9 правок.Текущая версияпоказать/скрыть подробности Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 9 июля 2016; проверки требуют 9 правок. Конфедерация Федерация Гл. тренер Капитан Дом. стадион Рейтинг ФИФА Код ФИФА

Первая игра

Самая крупная победа

Самое крупное поражение

Участие Достижения
Сборная Вануату по футболу
Конфедерация футбола Океании
Федерация футбола Вануату
Флаг Вануату
Мойсе Пойда
Фенеди Масаувакало
Муниципальный стадион Порт-Вилы
194 ▼ (-15) (6 июля 2017)[1]
Флаг Вануату Вануату 1:4 Новая Зеландия Флаг Новой Зеландии(Порт-Вила, Вануату; 27 июня 1992)
Флаг Вануату Вануату 18:0 Кирибати Флаг Кирибати
(Лаутока, Фиджи; 7 июля 2003)
Флаг Вануату Вануату 0:32 КПР Флаг Англии(Сидней, Австралия; 12 марта 1992)
9 (1973, 1980, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016) (впервые Кубок наций ОФК 1998)
Кубок наций ОФК 1973, 2000, 2002, 2008

Национальная сборная Вануату — футбольная сборная Вануату. Управляющая организация — Федерация футбола Вануату. Вануату вошла в ФИФА и ОФК в 1988 году.В рейтинге ФИФА на 6 июля 2017 года[1] занимает 194-е место.

  • Хуан Карлос Буссетти
  • Э. Рараи
  • П. Роронамахава
  • 1930 — 2002 — Не участвовала в отборе
  • 2006 — 2018 — Не прошла квалификацию
  • 1973 — Групповой этап
  • 1980 — Групповой этап
  • 1996 — Групповой этап
  • 2002 — Групповой этап
  • 2004 — Групповой этап
  • 2008 — Групповой этап
  • 2012 — Групповой этап
  • 2016 — Групповой этап
  • 1963 — Первый раунд
  • 1966 — Третье место
  • 1969 — Групповой этап
  • 1971 — Второе место
  • 1975 — Групповой этап
  • 1979 — Пятое место
  • 1983 — Групповой этап
  • 1987 — Четвёртое место
  • 1991 — Четвёртое место
  • 1995 — Четвёртое место
  • 2003 — Третье место
  • 2007 — Третье место
  • 2011 — Групповой этап
  • 2015 — Групповой этап


Сборная Вануату по футболу Википедия

Конфедерация Федерация Гл. тренер Капитан Дом. стадион Рейтинг ФИФА Код ФИФА

Первая игра

Самая крупная победа

Самое крупное поражение

Участие Достижения
Сборная Вануату по футболу
Конфедерация футбола Океании
Федерация футбола Вануату
Флаг Вануату Мойсе Пойда
Фенеди Масаувакало
Муниципальный стадион Порт-Вилы
194 ▼ (-15) (6 июля 2017)[1]
Флаг Вануату Вануату 1:4 Новая Зеландия Флаг Новой Зеландии(Порт-Вила, Вануату; 27 июня 1992)
Флаг Вануату
Вануату 18:0 Кирибати Флаг Кирибати(Лаутока, Фиджи; 7 июля 2003)
Флаг Вануату Вануату 0:32 КПР Флаг Англии(Сидней, Австралия; 12 марта 1992)
9 (1973, 1980, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016) (впервые Кубок наций ОФК 1998)
Кубок наций ОФК 1973, 2000, 2002, 2008


Сборная Вануату по футболу. Состав, расписание матчей, новости сборной, голы, Футбол, болельщик сборной

Показывать  Новости Материалы Записи в блогах Фото Видео

Сборная Эстонии по футболу одержала вторую победу подряд в своем турне по Океании. После победы над Фиджи повержена команда Вануату. Тем, кто дочитает пост до конца, бонус - фотоотчет с матча.

Рейтинг +4

Пополнение в рядах непризнанных сборных, попытки Джерси выйти на мировую арену и новости из Океании - в очередном обзоре нашего блога

Рейтинг +31

Результаты и видеообзоры матчей

Рейтинг +14

Результаты и видеообзоры матчей

Рейтинг +26

История фантастического «рекорда» сборной Микронезии по футболу

Рейтинг +13

На Тихоокеанских играх, которые являются отборочными к Олимпиаде, сборная Микронезии проиграла все три матча с общим счетом 0:114. Ее соперниками были команды Таити (0:30), Фиджи (0:38) и Вануату (0:46), выдержки из которого вы сейчас увидите.

Рейтинг +333

Футболисты из Тувалу за границей, а так же футболисты из Вануату за границей

Рейтинг +9


Сборная Вануату по футболу — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

КонфедерацияФедерацияГл. тренерКапитанРейтинг ФИФА
Сборная Вануату по футболу

Конфедерация футбола Океании

Футбольная ассоциация Вануату

Сигэёси Мотидзуки

Фенеди Масаувакало

185 (▼4) (2 июня 2016)





Первая игра


Вануату 1 - 4 Новая Зеландия (Порт-Вила, Вануату; 27 июня 1992)


Самая крупная победа


Вануату 18 - 0 Кирибати(Лаутока,Фиджи; 7 июля, 2003)


Самое крупное поражение


КПР 32 - 0 Вануату (Сидней, Австралия; 12 марта, 1992)


9 (1973, 1980, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016) (впервые Кубок наций ОФК 1998)


Кубок наций ОФК 1973, 2000, 2002, 2008 </td></tr> </table>

Национальная сборная Вануату — футбольная сборная Вануату. Управляется Федерацией футбола Вануату. Вануату вошла в ФИФА и ОФК в 1988 году. В рейтинге ФИФА по положению на 2 июня 2016 года находится на 185 строчке.

Тренеры сборной

  • Хуан Карлос Буссетти

Известные игроки

  • Э. Рараи
  • П. Роронамахава

Участие в чемпионатах мира

  • 1930 — 2002 — Не участвовала в отборе
  • 2006 — 2018 — Не прошла квалификацию

Кубок наций Океании

  • 1973 — Групповой этап
  • 1980 — Групповой этап
  • 1996 — Групповой этап
  • 2002 — Групповой этап
  • 2004 — Групповой этап
  • 2008 — Групповой этап
  • 2012 — Групповой этап
  • 2016 — Групповой этап

Тихоокеанские игры

  • 1963 — Первый раунд
  • 1966 — Третье место
  • 1969 — Групповой этап
  • 1971 — Второе место
  • 1975 — Групповой этап
  • 1979 — Пятое место
  • 1983 — Групповой этап
  • 1987 — Четвёртое место
  • 1991 — Четвёртое место
  • 1995 — Четвёртое место
  • 2003 — Третье место
  • 2007 — Третье место
  • 2011 — Групповой этап
  • 2015 — Групповой этап

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  • [www.fifa.com/associations/association=van/index.html Сборная Вануату на сайте ФИФА]  (англ.)

Отрывок, характеризующий Сборная Вануату по футболу

– Мне говорили, что это бывает и ты верно слышала, но я теперь только испытала эту любовь. Это не то, что прежде. Как только я увидала его, я почувствовала, что он мой властелин, и я раба его, и что я не могу не любить его. Да, раба! Что он мне велит, то я и сделаю. Ты не понимаешь этого. Что ж мне делать? Что ж мне делать, Соня? – говорила Наташа с счастливым и испуганным лицом. – Но ты подумай, что ты делаешь, – говорила Соня, – я не могу этого так оставить. Эти тайные письма… Как ты могла его допустить до этого? – говорила она с ужасом и с отвращением, которое она с трудом скрывала. – Я тебе говорила, – отвечала Наташа, – что у меня нет воли, как ты не понимаешь этого: я его люблю! – Так я не допущу до этого, я расскажу, – с прорвавшимися слезами вскрикнула Соня. – Что ты, ради Бога… Ежели ты расскажешь, ты мой враг, – заговорила Наташа. – Ты хочешь моего несчастия, ты хочешь, чтоб нас разлучили… Увидав этот страх Наташи, Соня заплакала слезами стыда и жалости за свою подругу. – Но что было между вами? – спросила она. – Что он говорил тебе? Зачем он не ездит в дом? Наташа не отвечала на ее вопрос. – Ради Бога, Соня, никому не говори, не мучай меня, – упрашивала Наташа. – Ты помни, что нельзя вмешиваться в такие дела. Я тебе открыла… – Но зачем эти тайны! Отчего же он не ездит в дом? – спрашивала Соня. – Отчего он прямо не ищет твоей руки? Ведь князь Андрей дал тебе полную свободу, ежели уж так; но я не верю этому. Наташа, ты подумала, какие могут быть тайные причины ? Наташа удивленными глазами смотрела на Соню. Видно, ей самой в первый раз представлялся этот вопрос и она не знала, что отвечать на него. – Какие причины, не знаю. Но стало быть есть причины! Соня вздохнула и недоверчиво покачала головой. – Ежели бы были причины… – начала она. Но Наташа угадывая ее сомнение, испуганно перебила ее. – Соня, нельзя сомневаться в нем, нельзя, нельзя, ты понимаешь ли? – прокричала она. – Любит ли он тебя? – Любит ли? – повторила Наташа с улыбкой сожаления о непонятливости своей подруги. – Ведь ты прочла письмо, ты видела его? – Но если он неблагородный человек? – Он!… неблагородный человек? Коли бы ты знала! – говорила Наташа. – Если он благородный человек, то он или должен объявить свое намерение, или перестать видеться с тобой; и ежели ты не хочешь этого сделать, то я сделаю это, я напишу ему, я скажу папа, – решительно сказала Соня. – Да я жить не могу без него! – закричала Наташа. – Наташа, я не понимаю тебя. И что ты говоришь! Вспомни об отце, о Nicolas. – Мне никого не нужно, я никого не люблю, кроме его. Как ты смеешь говорить, что он неблагороден? Ты разве не знаешь, что я его люблю? – кричала Наташа. – Соня, уйди, я не хочу с тобой ссориться, уйди, ради Бога уйди: ты видишь, как я мучаюсь, – злобно кричала Наташа сдержанно раздраженным и отчаянным голосом. Соня разрыдалась и выбежала из комнаты. Наташа подошла к столу и, не думав ни минуты, написала тот ответ княжне Марье, который она не могла написать целое утро. В письме этом она коротко писала княжне Марье, что все недоразуменья их кончены, что, пользуясь великодушием князя Андрея, который уезжая дал ей свободу, она просит ее забыть всё и простить ее ежели она перед нею виновата, но что она не может быть его женой. Всё это ей казалось так легко, просто и ясно в эту минуту.


Сборная Вануату по футболу - WikiVisually

1. Конфедерация футбола Океании – The Oceania Football Confederation is one of the six continental confederations of international association football, consisting of New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, and other Pacific Island countries. It promotes the game in Oceania and allows the member nations to qualify for the FIFA World Cup, OFC is predominantly made up of island nations where association football is not the most popular sport. Consequently, the OFC has little influence in the football world. In 2006, the OFCs largest and most successful nation, Australia, left to join the Asian Football Confederation, david Chung is the current President of OFC. Rajesh Patel is the Senior Vice President, Lee Harmon is the Vice-President while Tai Nicholas is the General Secretary, OFC is made up of 11 full member associations and 3 associate members. Associate member of the OFC, but non-FIFA member.2, unincorporated territories of the United States.3. Free associated state with New Zealand.4, Australia Chinese Taipei Though Israel played in some OFC competitions in the 1970s to 1980s they were not a member of the OFC. Other sovereign states and dependencies in the Pacific Ocean that are not members of the OFC are, Chinese Taipei were an OFC member from 1975 to 1989. In 1996 FIFA confirmed the OFC as a confederation and granted it a seat on the FIFA executive. In 1998 the OFC unveiled a new logo and an official magazine, on 24 May 2004, New Caledonia became the 11th member of the OFC. On 1 January 2006, Australia left the OFC again and joined the Asian Football Confederation, in 2008 an associate member, the Northern Mariana Islands Football Association, also left the OFC and in 2009 joined the AFC as a quasi-member. In late 2009 the Palau Soccer Association also applied for the status with the AFC. Since 1996, OFC members also play for the OFC Nations Cup, which was held every second year, the OFC also organises the Oceania Club Championship, a competition that has received surprisingly high levels of media support within New Zealand in its debut season. It serves primarily to determine the Oceania representative at the FIFA Club World Cup, in 2007, the OFC replaced the current club competition with the OFC Champions League which began in 2007. From 2007, the winner has no longer gained direct entry to the FIFA Club World Cup – and it is not clear whether this is permanent, or even if it could change if the Oceania entrant were to outperform entrants from other Confederations. Of the confederations current teams, only New Zealand has ever competed in the FIFA World Cup, founding member Australia also competed in the World Cup finals, in 1974 and 2006. At the conclusion of Germany 2006, Australias exit from the OFC was finalised, the other minor exception to this has been the participation of the Solomon Islands in the 2006,2007 and 2008 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. The winner of the OFC Cup also receives a berth in the FIFA Confederations Cup, New Zealand and Tahiti are the only current members of the OFC to have participated in this event

2. Рейтинг сборных ФИФА – The rankings were introduced in December 1992, and eight teams have held the top position, of which Brazil have spent longest ranked first. A points system is used, with points being awarded based on the results of all FIFA-recognised full international matches, the ranking system was most recently revamped after the 2006 World Cup, with the first edition of the new series of rankings issued on 12 July 2006. The most significant change is that the rankings are now based on results over the four years instead of the previous eight years. Alternative systems have been devised, such as the World Football Elo Ratings, based on the Elo rating system used in chess and Go, ranking teams. In December 1992, FIFA first published a listing in order of its member associations to provide a basis for comparison of the relative strengths of these teams. From the following August, this list was more frequently updated, significant changes were implemented in January 1999 and again in July 2006, as a reaction to criticisms of the system. Membership of FIFA has expanded from 167 to 209 since the rankings began, the ranking formula used from August 1993 until December 1998 was very simplistic and quickly became noticed for its lack of supporting factors. When the rankings were introduced, a team received one point for a draw or three for a victory in FIFA-recognised matches – much the same as a traditional league scoring system. This was a simplistic approach, however, and FIFA quickly realised that there were many factors affecting international matches. In order to meet the objective of fairly and accurately comparing the strengths of various national sides. In January 1999, FIFA introduced a system of ranking calculation. For the ranking all matches, their scores and importance were all recorded, only matches for the senior mens national team were included. Separate ranking systems were used for other national sides such as womens and junior teams. The womens rankings were, and still are, based on a procedure which is a version of the Football Elo Ratings. FIFA announced that the system would be updated following the 2006 World Cup. The evaluation period was cut from eight to four years, goals scored and home or away advantage are no longer taken into account, and other aspects of the calculations, including the importance attributed to different types of match, have been revised. The first set of revised rankings and the methodology were announced on 12 July 2006. This change is rooted at least in part in widespread criticism of the ranking system

3. Сборная Новой Зеландии по футболу – The New Zealand national football team represents New Zealand in international association football. The team is controlled by the body for football in New Zealand New Zealand Football. The teams official nickname is the All Whites, being one of national team nicknames related to the All Blacks. New Zealand is a five-time OFC champion, the team represented New Zealand at the FIFA World Cup tournaments in 1982 and 2010, and the FIFA Confederations Cup tournaments in 1999,2003 and 2009. New Zealands first international match was played in Dunedin at the old Caledonian Ground on 23 July 1904 against a team representing New South Wales. New Zealand lost by the only goal, but drew with the same team 3–3 in a game at Athletic Park. Of these three matches they won one, lost one, and drew one, the results were two 3–1 wins to New Zealand and a 1–1 draw in Wellington. Since the 1990s, United States college soccer has played a significant role in the development of New Zealand players. This influence began when former Scotland international Bobby Clark returned to the U. S. after his 1994–96 stint as New Zealand head coach to take the coaching job at Stanford University. Clark began recruiting in New Zealand, and former New Zealand national players Ryan Nelsen, the trend that Clark started has continued to the present, more than two dozen New Zealanders are now playing for NCAA Division I mens programs in the U. S. S. However, Lathams speculation did not prove true, as only one MLS player made the New Zealand squad for the World Cup, New Zealand formerly competed against Australia for top honours in the OFC. However, after Australia left to join the AFC in 2006, New Zealand qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup though exited the competition after the first round despite being the only team not to lose a game during the tournament. The tournament also featured one of New Zealands most notable results, New Zealand drew their other two pool games with Slovakia and Paraguay and inevitably finished above Italy, who placed last, in the group. New Zealand drew all three games and finished third in their group, in August 2014, Anthony Hudson was appointed manager of the All Whites. Hudsons first game in charge of the team was a 3–1 defeat away to Uzbekistan in September 2014. The All Whites record since that time is 8 wins,5 draws and 4 losses and this includes defeating Oman, who were ranked 67 places higher at 92nd place in the FIFA World Rankings, in a 1–0 victory. The supporters of the New Zealand national team are known as the White Noise, New Zealands long time rivals are Trans-Tasman neighbors Australia. The two teams dates back to 1922, where they first met in both their international debuts

4. Порт-Вила – Port Vila /ˌpɔərt ˈviːlə/ is the capital and largest city of Vanuatu and is located on the island of Efate. Its population in the last census was 44,040, an increase of 50% on the census result. In 2009, the population of Port Vila formed 18. 8% of the countrys population, situated on the south coast of the island of Efate, in Shefa Province, Port Vila is the economic and commercial centre of Vanuatu. The current mayor is Ulrich Sumptoh, of the Union of Moderate Parties, elected in January 2014, his deputy is Leimara Malachi, on March 13,2015, Port Vila bore extensive damage from Cyclone Pam. Locally the town is most commonly referred to simply as Vila, the name of the area is Efil in the native South Efate language and Ifira in neighbouring Mele-Fila language. Vila is a variant of these names, today, Ifira refers to the small island in Vila harbour where many of the areas traditional landowners reside. The area occupied by Port Vila has been inhabited by Melanesian people for thousands of years, in Autumn of 2004, an archaeological expedition known as Teouma discovered a burial site of 25 tombs containing three dozen skeletons of members of the Lapita culture. Pieces of ceramics found at the site were dated to the 13th century BC, in May 1606, the first Europeans arrived at the island, led by the Portuguese explorers Pedro Fernandes de Queirós and Luis Vaz de Torres. French citizen Ferdinand Chevillard began buying and clearing land around Port Vila to be converted into the largest French plantation on the island. Instead, it was converted into the municipality of Franceville, which declared independence on August 9,1889 and it was the first self-governing nation to practice universal suffrage without distinction of sex or race. Although the population at the time consisted of about 500 native islanders and fewer than fifty whites, one of the elected presidents was a US citizen by birth, R. D. Polk, a relative of American president James K. Polk. After 1887, the territory was administered by the French. This was formalized in 1906 as an Anglo-French Condominium, during World War II, Port Vila was an American and Australian airbase. In 1987, Cyclone Uma severely damaged the city, a powerful earthquake in January 2002 caused minor damage in the capital and surrounding areas. The city suffered damage from a category 5 cyclone named Cyclone Pam in March 2015. Port Vila is Vanuatus most important harbour and the center of the countrys trade, the international airport, Bauerfield International is also located in the city. Air Vanuatu has its office in Vanuatu House in Port Vila. Major industries in the city remain agriculture and fishing, tourism is also becoming important, especially from Australia and New Zealand

5. Вануату – Vanuatu, officially the Republic of Vanuatu, is a Pacific island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. Vanuatu was first inhabited by Melanesian people, the first Europeans to visit the islands were a Spanish expedition led by Portuguese navigator Fernandes de Queirós, who arrived on the largest island in 1606. An independence movement arose in the 1970s, and the Republic of Vanuatu was founded in 1980, Vanuatus name is derived from the word vanua, which occurs in several Austronesian languages, and the word tu. Together the two indicated the independent status of the new country. The prehistory of Vanuatu is obscure, archaeological evidence supports the theory that people speaking Austronesian languages first came to the islands about 3,300 years ago, pottery fragments have been found dating to 1300–1100 BC. The Spanish established a settlement at Big Bay on the north side of the island. The name Espiritu Santo remains to this day, Europeans did not return until 1768, when Louis Antoine de Bougainville rediscovered the islands. In 1774, Captain Cook named the islands the New Hebrides, during the 1860s, planters in Australia, Fiji, New Caledonia, and the Samoa Islands, in need of labourers, encouraged a long-term indentured labour trade called blackbirding. At the height of the trade, more than one-half the adult male population of several of the islands worked abroad. Fragmentary evidence indicates that the current population of Vanuatu is greatly reduced compared to pre-contact times, in the 19th century, Catholic and Protestant missionaries from Europe and North America went to the islands to work with the people. John Gibson Paton was a Scottish missionary who devoted his life to the region, settlers came looking for land on which to establish cotton plantations. When international cotton prices collapsed, planters switched to coffee, cocoa, bananas, initially, British subjects from Australia made up the majority of settlers, but the establishment of the Caledonian Company of the New Hebrides in 1882 attracted more French subjects. By the start of the 20th century, the French outnumbered the British two to one, the jumbling of French and British interests in the islands brought petitions for one or another of the two powers to annex the territory. In 1906, France and the United Kingdom agreed to administer the islands jointly, called the Anglo-French Condominium, it was a unique form of government. The separate governmental systems came together only in a joint court, melanesians were barred from acquiring the citizenship of either power. Challenges to this form of government began in the early 1940s, the arrival of Americans during the Second World War, with their informal habits and relative wealth, contributed to the rise of nationalism in the islands. The belief in a messianic figure named John Frum was the basis for an indigenous cargo cult promising Melanesian deliverance. Today, John Frum is both a religion and a party with a member in Parliament

6. Сборная Кирибати по футболу – The Kiribati national football team is the national football team of Kiribati and is controlled by the Kiribati Islands Football Association. Kiribati is not a member of FIFA but is a member of the Oceania Football Confederation. It became a member of the N. F. -Board on 10 December 2005. As of April 2012, Kiribati has played ten games in its history, all at the South Pacific Games. The biggest win for Fiji was against Kiribati, 24–0, Kiribati have yet to win an international match, and have never played at home, not least because there is no adequate playing ground suitable for an international match. Bairiki National Stadium is a pitch rather than a grass field. In ten games, Kiribati has scored four goals and conceded 122, in 2012, Scotsman Kevin McGreskin became the teams coach, with the aim of improving its results and obtaining recognition from FIFA. On May 6,2016, Kiribati was formally accepted as the newest member of ConIFA, Kiribati have only ever played 10 International matches up to 28 June 2012. Kiribatis first match took place in Fiji on 22 August 1979 when they played Papua New Guinea, the side have never won a match but came very close when they lost 3–2 to fellow minnows Tuvalu on 30 June 2003 in Pool A of the South Pacific Games in Fiji. 1963 to 1975 – Did not enter 1979 – Round 11983 to 1995 – Did not enter 2003 – Round 12007 – Did not enter 2011 – Round 1 Represented by a club team, squad selected for the 2011 Pacific Games

7. Лаутока – Lautoka is the second largest city of Fiji. It is in the west of the island of Viti Levu,24 kilometres north of Nadi, lying in the heart of Fijis sugar cane growing region, it is known as the Sugar City. Covering an area of 16 square kilometres, it had a population of 52,220 at the 2007 census, Lautoka is known as the Sugar City because of its sugar cane belt areas. The main Lautoka Sugar Mill was founded in 1903, and is the citys biggest employer by far, built for the Colonial Sugar Refining Company by workers from India and the Solomon Islands between 1899 and 1903, it hires some 1,300 employees today. Other industries include timber milling, garment manufacturing, distillery, brewery, jewellery, blending, steelworks, fishing, hatchery, domestic items, paints, in 2012 Lautoka was announced as the administration capital of the western division. The name of the city is derived from two Fijian words meaning spear hit, according to an oral tradition, the name arose following a duel between two chiefs. As one speared the other, he was reported to have cried Lau-toka, the first known European sighting of the Lautoka area took place on 7 May 1789. Incorporated as a town in 1929, Lautoka was proclaimed a city on 25 February 1977 and it is governed by a 16-member city council, who elect from among themselves a Mayor. Lautoka currently does not have a Mayor but has a government-appointed Administrator like all urban centres in Fiji since the coup of 2006. The former administrator was Parveen Bala, who was mayor of Ba. A well-known past Mayor is Ratilal Patel, who was elected Mayor in 1967, Lautoka is the only city in Fijis Western Division, and is the industrial hub of Fiji which contains more than 50 percent of the nations population. It is also the headquarters of the Fiji Electricity Authority, the Fiji Pine Ltd, the headquarters and studios of Mix FM Fiji are located in Lautoka. With National coverage, MixFM is the only English station in Fiji to be based outside of Suva, since 1970, the population of Lautoka has grown rapidly, and in the last twenty years it has also changed dramatically in structure. Almost all of the present Indian inhabitants are descendants of the early girmityas, in 1986 the population was 39,000 and in 1996 almost 43,000, but it is not clear exactly how the boundaries of the urban area were defined at either of these censuses. In 2005 the population including the suburban zones was probably about 50,000, the population of Lautoka including the rural districts is around 80,000. But much of the recent growth of the city itself has been due to indigenous Fijians moving into the urban area, the city is the birthplace of PGA Tour Hall of Famer Vijay Singh and Ghazal and Tabla star Cassius Khan. Port of Lautoka is the maritime gateway for western Viti Levu and is the second largest port in Fiji. The port is used for bulk sugar, molasses, woodchips, petroleum

8. Фиджи – Fiji, officially the Republic of Fiji, is an island country in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean about 1,100 nautical miles northeast of New Zealands North Island. Fiji is an archipelago of more than 330 islands, of which 110 are permanently inhabited, the two major islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, account for 87% of the population of almost 860,000. The capital, Suva on Viti Levu, serves as Fijis principal cruise port, about three-quarters of Fijians live on Viti Levus coasts, either in Suva or in smaller urban centres like Nadi or Lautoka. Viti Levus interior is sparsely inhabited due to its terrain, Fiji has one of the most developed economies in the Pacific due to an abundance of forest, mineral, and fish resources. Today, the sources of foreign exchange are its tourist industry. The countrys currency is the Fijian dollar, Fijis local government, in the form of city and town councils, is supervised by the Ministry of Local Government and Urban Development. The majority of Fijis islands were formed through volcanic activity starting around 150 million years ago, today, some geothermal activity still occurs on the islands of Vanua Levu and Taveuni. Fiji has been inhabited since the second millennium BC, and was settled first by Austronesians and later by Melanesians, Europeans visited Fiji from the 17th century, and, after a brief period as an independent kingdom, the British established the Colony of Fiji in 1874. Fiji was a Crown colony until 1970, when it gained independence as a Commonwealth realm, a republic was declared in 1987, following a series of coups détat. In a coup in 2006, Commodore Frank Bainimarama seized power, later in 2009, Iloilo was replaced as President by Ratu Epeli Nailatikau. After years of delays, an election was held on 17 September 2014. Bainimaramas FijiFirst party won with 59. 2% of the vote, Fijis main island is known as Viti Levu and it is from this that the name Fiji is derived, though the common English pronunciation is based on that of their island neighbours in Tonga. Its emergence can be described as follows, Fijians first impressed themselves on European consciousness through the writings of the members of the expeditions of Cook who met them in Tonga. They were described as warriors and ferocious cannibals, builders of the finest vessels in the Pacific. They inspired awe amongst the Tongans, and all their Manufactures, especially bark cloth and clubs, were highly valued and much in demand. They called their home Viti, but the Tongans called it Fisi, and it was by this foreign pronunciation, Fiji, first promulgated by Captain James Cook, that these islands are now known. Feejee, the Anglicised spelling of the Tongan pronunciation, was used in accounts and other writings until the late 19th century, by missionaries and other travellers visiting Fiji. Pottery art from Fijian towns shows that Fiji was settled before or around 3500 to 1000 BC, the first settlements in Fiji were started by voyaging traders and settlers from the west about 5000 years ago

9. Куинз Парк Рейнджерс – Queens Park Rangers Football Club is a professional association football club based in White City, London, that plays in the Championship, the second tier of English football. Their honours include winning the League Cup in 1967, as well as finishing top of the tier in 1983 and 2011. QPR were also runners-up of the Football League First Division in 1975–76, Queens Park Rangers were founded in 1886 after the merger of Christchurch Rangers and St. Judes Institute. Owing to their proximity to other west London clubs, QPR maintain long-standing rivalries with other clubs in the area. The most notable of these are Chelsea, Fulham and Brentford, outside London, QPR also traditionally share rivalries with Watford, Luton and Cardiff, although in recent years these fixtures have become less prominent. For the current season see 2015–16 Queens Park Rangers F. C. season The club was formed in 1886, the resulting team was called Queens Park Rangers, because most of the players came from the Queens Park area of north-west London. QPR were promoted as champions of Division 3 South in the 1947–48 season, Dave Mangnall was the manager as the club participated in four seasons of the Second Division, being relegated in 1951–52. Tony Ingham was signed from Leeds United and went on to make the most ever league appearances for QPR, arguably the clubs greatest ever manager, Alec Stock, arrived prior to the start of the 1959–60 season. The 1960–61 season saw QPR achieve their biggest win to date, in time, Stock, together with Jim Gregory who arrived as chairman in the mid-1960s, helped to achieve a total transformation of the club and its surroundings. It is still the major trophy that QPR have won. It was also the first League Cup final to be held at Wembley Stadium, after winning promotion in 1968 to the top flight for the first time in their history, Rangers were relegated after just one season and spent the next four years in Division Two. Terry Venables joined from Spurs at the beginning of the 1969–70 season, during this time, new QPR heroes emerged including Phil Parkes, Don Givens, Dave Thomas and Stan Bowles. These new signings were in addition to home-grown talent such as Dave Clement, Ian Gillard, Mick Leach, after completing their 42-game season, QPR sat at the top of the league, one point ahead of Liverpool who went on to defeat Wolverhampton Wanderers to clinch the title. Wolves were relegated to the Second Division that same season, following Sextons departure in 1977 the club eventually slipped into the Second Division in 1979. In 1980 Terry Venables took over as manager and the club installed a plastic pitch, in 1982 QPR, still playing in the Second Division, reached the FA Cup Final for the only time in the clubs history, facing holders Tottenham Hotspur. Tottenham won 1–0 in a replay, the following season QPR went on to win the Second Division championship and returned to English footballs top division. After a respectable fifth-place finish, and UEFA Cup qualification, the following year, in 1988 the club had a new chairman, Richard Thompson. Who at 24 was the Premier Leagues youngest ever chairman, over the next seven years, various managers came and went from Loftus Road and the club spent many seasons finishing mid table but avoided relegation

10. Сидней – Sydney /ˈsɪdni/ is the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia and Oceania. Located on Australias east coast, the metropolis surrounds the worlds largest natural harbour, residents of Sydney are known as Sydneysiders. The Sydney area has been inhabited by indigenous Australians for at least 30,000 years, the first British settlers, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, arrived in 1788 to found Sydney as a penal colony, the first European settlement in Australia. Since convict transportation ended in the century, the city has transformed from a colonial outpost into a major global cultural. As at June 2016 Sydneys estimated population was 5,005,358, in the 2011 census,34 percent of the population reported having been born overseas, representing many different nationalities and making Sydney one of the most multicultural cities in the world. There are more than 250 different languages spoken in Sydney and about one-third of residents speak a language other than English at home and it is classified as an Alpha+ World City by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, indicating its influence in the region and throughout the world. Ranked eleventh in the world for economic opportunity, Sydney has a market economy with strengths in finance, manufacturing. Its gross regional product was $337 billion in 2013, the largest in Australia, there is a significant concentration of foreign banks and multinational corporations in Sydney and the city is promoted as one of Asia Pacifics leading financial hubs. Its natural features include Sydney Harbour, the Royal National Park, man-made attractions such as the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Tower and the Sydney Harbour Bridge are also well known to international visitors. The first people to inhabit the now known as Sydney were indigenous Australians having migrated from northern Australia. Radiocarbon dating suggests human activity first started to occur in the Sydney area from around 30,735 years ago, the earliest British settlers called them Eora people. Eora is the term the indigenous used to explain their origins upon first contact with the British. Its literal meaning is from this place, prior to the arrival of the British there were 4,000 to 8,000 native people in Sydney from as many as 29 different clans. Sydney Cove from Port Jackson to Petersham was inhabited by the Cadigal clan, the principal language groups were Darug, Guringai, and Dharawal. The earliest Europeans to visit the area noted that the people were conducting activities such as camping and fishing, using trees for bark and food, collecting shells. Development has destroyed much of the citys history including that of the first inhabitants, there continues to be examples of rock art and engravings located in the protected Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. The first meeting between the people and the British occurred on 29 April 1770 when Lieutenant James Cook landed at Botany Bay on the Kurnell Peninsula. He noted in his journal that they were confused and somewhat hostile towards the foreign visitors, Cook was on a mission of exploration and was not commissioned to start a settlement


Сборная Вануату по футболу Вики

Конфедерация Федерация Гл. тренер Капитан Дом. стадион Рейтинг ФИФА Код ФИФА

Первая игра

Самая крупная победа

Самое крупное поражение

Участие Достижения
Сборная Вануату по футболу
Конфедерация футбола Океании
Федерация футбола Вануату
Флаг Вануату Мойсе Пойда
Фенеди Масаувакало
Муниципальный стадион Порт-Вилы
194 ▼ (-15) (6 июля 2017)[1]
Флаг Вануату Вануату 1:4 Новая Зеландия Флаг Новой Зеландии(Порт-Вила, Вануату; 27 июня 1992)
Флаг Вануату Вануату 18:0 Кирибати Флаг Кирибати(Лаутока, Фиджи; 7 июля 2003)
Флаг Вануату Вануату 0:32 КПР Флаг Англии(Сидней, Австралия; 12 марта 1992)
9 (1973, 1980, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016) (впервые Кубок наций ОФК 1998)
Кубок наций ОФК 1973, 2000, 2002, 2008


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